Martial God Asura

Chapter 407: Give a great gift


Above the sky, among the white clouds, a green dragon flew past.

Chu Feng was carrying Qinglong on his shoulders, carrying the disciple of Yuangang Sect in his left hand, and was rushing in the direction that the disciple said.

The disciple was terrified. He could never have imagined that Chu Feng, a young man in the Profound Martial Realm, could not only fly in the sky, but also had such a perverted speed. Fly faster.

He really couldn't fathom Chu Feng, and felt that this young man was too scary to be boundless, and the more he was like this, the more uneasy he became, because Chu Feng's strength made him feel that he was too insignificant, too insignificant to be vulnerable to a single blow.

"Chu Feng, you kid wouldn't really plan to deal with Tang Yixiu and the others, would they? There are only four of them, and since they are the first disciples of the four forces, they are known as outstanding geniuses of the younger generation of the Kyushu Continent. no means."

"You are only at the fifth level of Xuanwu now. Even if you use the power of Shenlei, you are only at seventh level of Xuanwu. It's fine to deal with the ordinary Tianwu realm, but it may be dangerous to deal with the four of them." Dandan had already sensed Chu Feng's intention and secretly advised him. road.

"Yuangang Sect, Vulcan Sect, Baizang Sect, Xiaoyao Valley, these four forces are now wanting me with huge sums of money. The whole world knows that I, Chu Feng, have been tricked by them to hide in Tibet."

"At this time, if I kill their first disciple, I don't know how they would feel."

"What's more, the four Tang Yixiu and I have already had grudges for a long time. Even if their forces do not want me, I will definitely seek their old accounts sooner or later."

"Now, the four of them are gathered together. This is a rare opportunity. As for my current cultivation, whether I can deal with them, I don't know, but I have to give it a try."

"Let's not talk about it, I can escape if I can't beat it, they will never catch up with me, and besides, don't forget that I still have a few attacking charms on my body, with my speed and the power of the attacking charms, they They are definitely not my opponents, this time they are sure to die." Chu Feng was full of confidence and vowed to take down the heads of Tang Yixiu and the other four.

"I really can't do anything about you, but that's fine. Anyway, it's already in the same situation. It's appropriate to make those forces pay some price." Eggy shook her head helplessly, but in the sweet There was an expectant smile on his face.

Qinzhou is very big, and there are many powerful forces here, and even many second-rate forces are much stronger than Qingzhou's Lingyun Sect, not to mention those first-class forces.

Among the many first-class forces in Qinzhou, there is one that is very special. Most of the first-class forces are powerful, but because of the existence of the Supreme Villa and the Dimang Palace, they are only famous in Qinzhou.

However, there is such a power that is different. He is not only famous in Qinzhou, but also in other prosperous strong states, and is widely loved by male powerhouses from all walks of life, and this power has an interesting name. , that is "drunk life and dream death".

The head of Zuishengmengdie is a mysterious person, no one knows who he is, and the members of Zuishengmengdie are all very beautiful and beautiful women with extremely high cultivation bases. They open their doors to entertain guests from all over Services in exchange for corresponding remuneration.

Speaking of this, many people already have guesses in their hearts. This so-called drunken life and dreaming of death is actually a land of love and happiness. To put it in a bad way, it is a high-end brothel that entertains big people from the Kyushu continent.

"Ah, Young Master Tang, you are too bad to play with others like this."

"My son likes it, you can play as you want, shout to me, shout to me louder, say it quickly, and say it as I teach you!!!"

"Ah, it's so refreshing, so comfortable, Mr. Tang is so good, Zi Ling loves Mr. Tang to death, then Chu Feng can't compare to Mr. Tang at all, ah~~~"

"Haha, go on, go on, shout louder."

In a hall with a pink tone, Tang Yixiu and a coquettish woman with a naked body were doing indecent things. The two were naked and had a lot of fun.

"Hey, Brother Tang still misses Zi Ling, but it's a pity, that Zi Ling may have gone to find Chu Feng, maybe the two of them are already lingering together."

"Hmph, then Chu Feng is really lucky to let Zi Ling die on him. It's best not to let me see him again, otherwise I will castrate him and feed his dick to the dog."

In the center of this hall, there is an exquisite wine table. Bai Yunfei and Song Qingfeng are sitting cross-legged on the ground, drinking from each other. Gorgeous beauty.

Moreover, around them, there were many women with disheveled clothes circling around the two of them. Some of these women poured wine for the two, some served food for the two, some pinched their legs, and some served for the two. People beat their backs, and they served extremely thoughtfully.

"Tang Yixiu, can you still make a little progress? Zi Ling is just a young girl. Apart from having a good face, what's better? In terms of technology, how can you compare to the girls here?"

There was a big red bed in the hall, the bed was covered with gauze around it, and Liu Xiaoyao was naked, holding two women in his arms, sticking out his head, and shouting at Tang Yixiu who was not far away.

"Liu Gongzi, you open Zi Ling and shut Zi Ling, is Zi Ling really that good? Let the four of you all miss her?" A naked woman in Liu Xiaoyao's arms asked delicately. road.

"Haha, that girl is not good at all, she can't compare to you two little goblins." Liu Xiaoyao laughed, turned over, and pressed the two women under him.

"Boom" But at this moment, there was a sudden roar from the closed door, and at the same time, the characteristic door turned into smashes.


Immediately after that, several men were thrown in, all with pale faces and covered in blood, and they were all fellow disciples of Tang Yixiu and others, who were responsible for helping them guard the hall.

"Who is it?" The sudden change made the four people in the hall startled, and they all turned their fierce eyes towards the door of the hall.

"Yo, it's just been a while, you don't know me anymore?" A faint laughter sounded, and Chu Feng had already entered the hall.

"Chu Feng?!!" Seeing Chu Feng, the expressions of the four of them changed, and the murderous intent in their eyes suddenly became a little richer, and they shouted coldly, "Chu Feng, you are really courageous, knowing that we are looking for you. , even dared to deliver it to the door."

"Actually, I came to you to give you a great gift."

"Oh? What kind of gift?"

"Send you to death!" (To be continued)