Martial God Asura

Chapter 428: Inherit the bloodline


"Because your desire for cultivation resources betrayed you. Before you escaped from the Supreme Villa, you didn't deceive anything, but you only deceived Xuanzhu, and you deceived a huge amount."

"In a few days after being cheated away, your cultivation level has improved, which is very unreasonable."

"So if I guessed correctly, your cultivation method requires huge resources, so I know that you are not a god-given divine body, and the special power you master is probably a kind of bloodline, a very strong bloodline. " Zi Ling said.

"Bloodline?" Hearing these words, Chu Feng was shocked, because he had never thought that the divine thunder in his body might be a kind of bloodline.

After all, this thing suddenly got into his body when he was ten years old, so before Chu Feng, he always felt that he was also a god-given divine body.

"Yeah, in this world, in addition to the special divine power of the divine body, those who have inherited blood also have special powers."

"Just like the Jiang Dynasty, they have a special inheritance bloodline, so their clansmen need a lot of cultivation resources to improve their cultivation."

"It's just that you are different from them." Zi Ling said.

"Different? What's the difference?" Chu Feng asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, all of your one million profound beads have been refined by you, but after refining so many profound beads, you have only broken through from the third level of the Xuanwu to the sixth level of the Xuanwu. What resources do you need? The amount is very terrifying, this is the clan of the Jiang Dynasty, which is far incomparable."

"Besides, you are a continuous breakthrough cultivation base, which shows two points."

"One, the cultivation resources you need are extremely huge, and two, your breakthrough is unfettered, at least in a small realm, there is no limit, as long as you have enough cultivation resources, you can easily break through."

"Am I right?" Zi Ling asked.

"This, how do you know?" Chu Feng frowned. He could not imagine that this little girl Zi Ling would have seen him so thoroughly, and even understood the way he cultivated and the rules of breaking through.

"Really? What I said is right?" However, Zi Ling was suddenly ecstatic, and asked Chu Feng instead.

"You girl, are you testing me?" Chu Feng saw Zi Ling's intentions, and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Actually, I'm just guessing, because after I fought with you at the White Tiger Villa, I asked my grandfather when I went back, what kind of person, apart from God's gift, can also possess extremely strong special power."

"My grandfather said that there are two kinds of people, one is a person who is born with a bloodline of inheritance, and the other is a person who cultivates forbidden profound arts."

"Cultivation of forbidden profound arts is a cultivation method that imitates the god-given divine body. They can obtain special powers comparable to the god-given divine body by means of the forbidden profound arts, and the cultivation method only needs to study the profound arts, and does not require a lot of practice. resource."

"It's just that this kind of cultivation method is accompanied by huge dangers, and often suffers from the torment of mysterious arts during special cultivation periods. This is called heavenly punishment."

"The punishment will appear regularly. If they can bear it, they can continue to practice. If they can't bear it, they will die, and you obviously don't have this situation."

"So you should be someone who has inherited blood, but you are obviously different from the people of the Jiang Dynasty, so you can't be a person of the Jiang Dynasty, and my grandfather also said..."

"What else did your grandfather say?" Chu Feng asked impatiently.

"My grandfather also said that the bloodline is different from the divine body. The divine body is the blessing of the gods and the power bestowed by the gods, but the bloodline is the strength that the cultivator has won by himself, and it is the result of the cultivator's hard work."

"Bloodlines can evolve. When a person's bloodlines evolve, his descendants will also enjoy the same benefits. Therefore, bloodlines are divided into levels."

"Classification? What kind of grades?" Chu Feng continued to ask, because he knew something that he didn't know at all, and these things were very consistent with him now.

"Even my grandfather doesn't know about this level. My grandfather said that he has only seen it in some ancient books. As for whether it is true, he is not sure."

"But Grandpa said that the lowest bloodline should be the royal bloodline."

"For example, the Jiang Dynasty, the people of the Jiang Royal Family, inherit the royal bloodline, so they are called the Jiang Dynasty Royal Family."

"My grandfather also said that there are actually many families with royal bloodline in the Eastern Sea Region.

"That's why the Jiang Dynasty came to a place like the Kyushu Continent to be king and hegemony, because in the Eastern Sea, they are really nothing. On the contrary, here, they can dominate one side and develop steadily."

"As for the races that are stronger than the Jiang Dynasty, there are also many races, but they are actually royal bloodlines. It's just that the bloodlines in their bodies are stronger, so they are stronger than other royal families, so they can take a place in the Eastern Sea Region."

"In short, at least in the Eastern Sea, my grandfather has never seen a race above the royal family, that is to say, in the Eastern Sea, there is no bloodline stronger than the royal bloodline."

"But that's not the point. The point is that your bloodline characteristics are different from those of the Jiang family. My grandfather said that the higher the bloodline level, the more training resources he needs."

"Because people with tyrannical bloodlines tend to climb higher on the way to martial arts, so the resources they need to feed their bloodlines are also greater."

"This is the so-called price, because the blood is not a god-given body, and it will not be favored by the gods."

"So those who have inherited blood, if they want to gain power, they have to pay a higher price, and they must rely on themselves to win."

"Also, the higher the bloodline level, the less bound he is, which means that as long as he has enough resources, he can break through to the cultivation base without limit."

"This is the most obvious manifestation of people with high bloodline levels. Their cultivation base breaks through quickly, as it should be, because their bloodline power is so powerful that it can free them from many constraints."

"For example, if ordinary people want to break through the first level of cultivation, after they have accumulated enough strength, they need to comprehend and comprehend that new realm, but people with high bloodline levels do not need to comprehend."

"Because their talent is so high and so strong, they don't need to comprehend the small realm, because from the time they broke through that big realm, they have already understood everything in this realm."

"Of course, this kind of talent will always be limited. For example, in the Tianwu realm, even people with a high bloodline level need to comprehend when they reach this realm, and the difficulty of this comprehension will also increase with the improvement of the realm in the future. , and it's getting harder and harder." Zi Ling said. (To be continued)