Martial God Asura

Chapter 433: It's called Lingzhu


Chu Feng straddling the blue dragon transformed by martial arts, carrying a peerless little beauty, shuttled between the white clouds, blowing a cool breeze, that is called a comfortable, that is called a cool.

Since then, Chu Feng couldn't help but spun around in the air a few more times, because the feeling of being held by Zi Ling's prospective daughter-in-law was really comfortable, and he couldn't bear to lose this feeling.

It wasn't until Zi Ling was so hungry that she yelled, "If you don't bring this girl to dinner, this girl will starve to death." Only then did Chu Feng hurriedly speed up and head towards the crowded place.

"Damn, damn Chu Feng, stinky Chu Feng, you dare to play with this girl, saying that you are taking this girl to eat delicious food, but the result is flying around in the air, the sun is about to set, and I haven't seen you find a city. , this girl is really going to starve to death."

Who is Zi Ling? She comes from a standard eldest lady, so she has a problem. When she is hungry, the eldest lady gets angry.

At this moment, that white and delicate jade hand no longer hugged Chu Feng honestly, but like two small pincers, all kinds of madly pinched all over Chu Feng's body to vent his anger.

"Ah~~~~~~ daughter-in-law, forgive me!!!"

"I'm just looking at the wind and the sun, the weather is good, and I want to be with you..."

"You said that."


"Okay, daughter-in-law, you see that there is a village in front of you, why don't we go there and have a light meal."

"Whatever, I'll just have something to eat now, because I'm already hungry and don't want to move."

He really couldn't bear the torture of Zi Ling, and Chu Feng couldn't even look for a decent restaurant in the city.

At this time, a fairly good village appeared below. Although it is not rich, it must have chickens, ducks and geese in this village.

So, after Chu Feng took a circle, he landed outside the village, and then, with the mysterious mask, his face changed, and he walked into the village with Zi Ling.


However, as soon as he entered the village, Chu Feng felt strange. The village road in this village seemed very quiet, with only a group of children playing.

Even if he occasionally walked past a few old people, he was still depressed and his face was sullen. Most importantly, with his keen insight, Chu Feng could hear bursts of cries coming from some houses. These cries were not old people. It is a woman, very miserable.

"Chu Feng, something must have happened here." Suddenly, Zi Ling said, obviously her mental strength is more sensitive, she has also sensed something wrong with this village.

"Wow, Big Sister is so beautiful." At this moment, the group of children found Chu Feng and Zi Ling, and they surrounded them.

Zi Ling is so beautiful, her face is as if she shouldn't appear in the world, so anyone who sees her will be attracted by her beautiful face, and these innocent children are even more difficult to resist .

"Hey, snot boy, don't touch it."

Chu Feng saw that a little girl with a big snot on her face, a big snot in her hands, and a big snot in her mouth was reaching out her hand full of snot, and wanted to touch Zi Ling's purple dress.

This Chu Feng was so angry, even he did not dare to touch Zi Ling so recklessly, but this dirty child dared, how could Chu Feng bear it.

"Ah! How fierce!" However, when Chu Feng shouted, he regretted it, because his voice was so loud that it frightened the group of children.

"Chu Feng, it's alright, the clothes are dirty, just wash them. You must not scare these children." Zi Ling smiled sweetly, and then she took the initiative to pick up the snotty little boy. The girl asked, "Little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Erya." The snotty little girl wiped the big snot on her face and said with a smile, showing that she was very happy.

"Big sister, my name is Gou Zuo." At this moment, a little boy who was dirtier than the snot-snot girl ran over, and opened his arms shamelessly, wanting Zi Ling to hug him.

"Big sister didn't ask you, what did you say?" A fat kid glanced at the dirty little boy, apparently even his companion couldn't bear the shameless behavior of the other party.

"Ask me or not, I'm also called Gou Zuo, and I want to hug Big Sister." The dirty little boy glared back at the little fat man before shamelessly pounced on Zi Ling.

"Hold a fart, go home and find your mother to carry it." Chu Feng kicked the little boy's ass and kicked him directly to a meter away. Taking advantage of it, for Chu Feng, never think about it.

"Chu Feng, these children are really cute." Zi Ling really liked these five- or six-year-old children, and she actually enjoyed playing with these filthy children. Forget about being hungry.

"Like children? I like it too!" Chu Feng smiled evilly, and then said to Zi Ling, "Daughter-in-law, when will the two of us have a child?"

"Okay, if you want to die, you can try it?" Zi Ling's eyes flashed purple, and Chu Feng took a step back in fright. I'm still young, so it's not too late to talk about having children."

"Humph." Zi Ling pouted and snorted coldly. She has become accustomed to Chu Feng's shamelessness these days.

"Er Ya, the dog left, what do you think this is?" Suddenly, Chu Feng had an idea and took out ten spirit beads from the Qiankun bag.

There were countless such things in the Vulcan cemetery of the Vulcan Gate that day, but the spiritual energy contained in Nai He was too low, and it had no effect on Chu Feng at all.

But this thing, although not very helpful to cultivation, is the most widely circulated currency among the people. A spiritual pearl is enough for a commoner to live a few lives without worry about food and clothing, wealth and wealth.

So at that time, Chu Feng also charged some at will, in order to avoid having no money to pay others when he was eating and drinking.

After all, this kind of embarrassing thing has indeed happened to Chu Feng. Besides, for the common people, they may not know Chu Feng's profound beads or Yuan beads, but this spirit beads are the most effective.

"Wow, big brother, your yo is so beautiful, can you give it to Erya?"

"I want me too. Big brother, give it to the dog, and the dog will exchange my yo with you."

Seeing the radiant Lingzhu, the children's eyes suddenly appeared small stars, and they even thought that the Lingzhu was a little yoyo they played with.

But the most shameless is the little dirty boy named Gouzu, who actually took out a dozen of them from the crotch of his trousers. They were tattered, and they were made of stones. Yo, come and exchange for Chu Feng's Spirit Orb.

"I don't know, let me tell you, this is not a yo-yo, it is called Lingzhu, it is a treasure, and it is very valuable." Chu Feng explained. (To be continued)