Martial God Asura

Chapter 438: Inseparable between good and evil (3 more)


"Please, don't kill me, don't kill me."

"No, ah~~~~~~~~~"

Facing the situation where there was nowhere to escape, many people in the hall began to kneel on the ground, snot and tears, kowtow to Chu Feng and Zi Ling for mercy, but in return they were all merciless slaughter.

For this kind of person, Chu Feng and Zi Ling will not have the slightest pity, because Chu Feng and Zi Ling know their essence, even if they beg for mercy at this moment, but after leaving here, they will definitely continue to do evil and evil, this kind of person must kill.

Chu Feng and Zi Ling slaughtered with thunderous means, killing most of the villains in the hall in the blink of an eye.

However, Chu Feng left Yan Yangtian to the end. After beheading all of Yan Yangtian's subordinates in the hall, Chu Feng came to Yan Yangtian and asked:

"In the beginning, when you dealt with me, did you think that today would come?"

"Hahaha..." Yan Yangtian didn't answer, but suddenly burst out laughing.

His smile told Chu Feng that he was no longer afraid of death, nor was he afraid that Chu Feng would torture him, and he was telling Chu Feng that he had already made all his senses.

Therefore, he put away all his humbleness, and even the fear in his eyes has restrained a lot, trying his best to maintain the demeanor of a generation of kings, and said to Chu Feng:

"Think of me, Yan Yangtian, who has been in Qingzhou for dozens of years. What a scenery. Back then, I really never thought that there would be today."

"I would never have thought that I would be planted in the hands of a teenager."

"But there is no excuse for winning and losing."

"You, Chu Feng, are stronger than me, and more ruthless than me. I, Yan Yangtian, admit it."

"But I don't feel ashamed. Even the Kyushu Continent, so many top powers and big figures with a long history, have nothing to do with you, what can I do?"

"If you want to ask me, do I regret what I did, I can tell you, I regret it, I regret it very much, I regret that I shouldn't provoke you..."

"If I can choose again, I will definitely try to win you over and please you."

"But what has happened, what's the use of my remorse, I can only envy, envy the Sect Master of the Azure Dragon Sect, his unique vision, his vision is better than mine, and he is smarter than me, because he has pinned you down."

"Now I am in front of you. Although my cultivation base is still above you, my strength is far below you."

"You want to kill or cut, I have no complaints, you can do it. If I, Yan Yangtian, beg for mercy today, I will be your son in the next life."

Seeing Yan Yangtian like this, Chu Feng first closed his eyes, vividly remembering the past, and then he laughed suddenly, as if he had figured out something, and then said to Yan Yangtian:

"You can see clearly, but don't worry, I won't kill you, and I won't torture you, but I will deprive you of your strength, so that you will no longer harm the common people and oppress the weak." Chu Feng smiled indifferently. Then he reached out with one hand, like a sharp blade, and pierced directly into Yan Yangtian's dantian.

"Wuah~~~~~~" And along with a stream of blood, gushing out from his dantian, Yan Yangtian couldn't help but let out a scream, and then fell to the ground with a pale face, his body twitching.

Chu Feng didn't kill Yan Yangtian. He was not soft-hearted, nor did he want to give him a chance to reform, but he suddenly didn't want to kill him.

If Yan Yangtian's strength was still higher than that of Chu Feng, or if he could still pose a huge threat to Chu Feng, Chu Feng would definitely kill him without hesitation to avoid future troubles.

But in the face of a person who no longer had any threat, Chu Feng felt that it was meaningless to kill him or not.

Anyway, the Sect Master of Lingyun Sect, who was chasing him running around and shooting him to death with a gesture, has now lost to him and can no longer threaten him.

His existence may also remind Chu Feng and let him know that the hardships he has experienced have not been in vain.

Because he was struggling in the ordeal, he has grown very fast, and has stepped on countless people who once threatened his life, making them unable to turn over in this life.

Afterwards, Chu Feng and Zi Ling did not start a killing spree, but drove away all the martial artists here, and then dismissed the coolies here.

After questioning, the girl who was almost raped was really Erya's sister.

So Chu Feng and Zi Ling, relying on the technique of enchantment, helped her recover her broken arm, and used medicinal pills to heal her injuries, and even soothed her injured mind, so that she quickly got rid of the shadows and recovered her health.

After doing this, Chu Feng and Zi Ling took Erya's sister and walked to the village where Erya lived.

"Without cultivation, what's the point of my life?"

However, just after Chu Feng and Zi Ling left, Yan Yangtian, who had been completely deprived of his cultivation, came to the top of a mountain.

His face has long since lost the arrogance of the day, and his demeanor has long ceased to resemble a suzerain-level big man, not like a former overlord, a generation of kings, but more like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes of life.

"Whoosh" Finally, he was empty and fell from the cliff.

Without his cultivation base, he without the power of heaven in his body, his physical body is like a commoner, vulnerable.

Since the cliff of several hundred meters fell to the ground, it fell directly into the mud.

"Chu Feng, we have done a good deed today, right?"

"In the world, nothing is absolutely good, and nothing is absolutely bad. As long as you think it's right, it's a good thing."

Above the sky, among the white clouds, Chu Feng is urging Longyou to travel nine days, carrying Zi Ling, walking in the sky, and returning to the place where he lives.

"嘁." Hearing Chu Feng's words, Zi Ling glanced at her mouth, and then smiled slightly: "It's not unreasonable, everything has two sides, we kill people to save people, even if we kill The wicked, and the people we saved, think we are good people."

"But in fact, we are not good people anymore, because the family of the wicked are not necessarily wicked, but in the eyes of the family of the wicked, we killed their relatives, so we are the wicked."

"Daughter-in-law, how are you feeling today, are you happy?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"Happy, I'm really happy to see Erya's family being able to be together happily. Maybe the simple life of ordinary people is the most difficult happiness for people like us." Zi Ling smiled sweetly road.

"Just be happy." Chu Feng also smiled indifferently.

It was not the first time for Chu Feng to do something like saving Sister Erya. Chu Feng couldn't bear to see a humble commoner being oppressed by a powerful person, so when he encountered this kind of thing, he would mostly complain.

But he was also oppressed. At the beginning, Ling Yunzong oppressed him, and now the six major forces oppress him. Even the Jiang Dynasty has dispatched troops to oppress him.

In the face of the oppression, Chu Feng rose up to resist, but he was the one who was oppressed, but he became a villain in the eyes of people, and those behemoths who oppressed him became the righteous side. (To be continued)