Martial God Asura

Chapter 477: Four Seas Academy


"I'm really interested. After all, this inheritance bloodline is a very special power that ordinary people don't have at all. As a martial artist, I'm naturally curious." Zi Ling blinked her innocent big eyes. , replied quite calmly.

Seeing Zi Ling like this, Jiang Wushang put away his previous alert, hehe smiled, and said, "The talent of martial arts possessed by the emperor-level bloodline person is far beyond ordinary people, and they can be regarded as geniuses."

"And the emperor-level bloodline is several times more terrifying than the emperor-level bloodline. Those who have the emperor-level bloodline are geniuses among geniuses, so the emperor-level bloodline is a legendary existence."

"If there is a bloodline that is more powerful than the emperor-level bloodline, what kind of talent will it have? What kind of power will it have? What kind of person can have that kind of bloodline?"

"This..." Hearing Jiang Wushang's words, the three of Chu Feng fell into deep thought. The three of them coincidentally remembered what happened in the Sword God Valley that day.

At that time, the power that Chu Feng burst out was indeed terrifying, otherwise it would not have been classified as a natural disaster by the Jiang Dynasty, and he never thought that it was man-made.

So, that kind of power is something they don't understand now, so they can't be sure what kind of power Chu Fengsuo has mastered, and the high-level blood power is a possibility they guessed. .

Just when the three of Chu Feng fell into deep thought, Jiang Wushang suddenly opened his mouth and said with a sigh: "However, I heard my ancestors say that there is indeed a kind of power of blood, and it must be used in the power of the emperor's blood. superior."

"Really?" At this moment, Chu Feng, Zi Ling, and Zhang Tianyi all changed their expressions.

"My ancestors did say this, but even the emperor-level bloodline is a legend, so isn't this bloodline above the emperor-level bloodline a legend? Does this kind of thing exist? Who can confirm it? Maybe When we arrive at that land in the future, someone will give us this answer.”

Jiang Wushang smiled slightly, and then said to the three of them, "Big Brother Chu Feng, Big Brother Tianyi, Miss Ziling, I believe that with the talents of the three of you, you will not stay in this Kyushu Continent for long, right?"

"Why don't we go to the Four Seas Academy to practice together after a while?!"

"Sihai Academy?" Hearing the four characters of Sihai Academy, Chu Feng and Zhang Tianyi both had question marks on their faces.

On the other hand, Zi Ling said quite well, "Sihai Academy is one of the strongest forces in the Eastern Sea Region."

"This academy has a wide range of people from all over the world, regardless of age, origin, or even monsters or humans. As long as you pass the assessment test, you can join this academy."

"It is precisely because of this special way of recruiting disciples that it is called Sihai Academy."

"However, although the Four Seas Academy has very few restrictions, the assessment is very difficult, so anyone who can enter the Four Seas Academy can be regarded as a genius. Even the people from the Eastern Sea Region feel that they can become the disciples of the Four Seas Academy. Pride and pride, not to mention people from all continents."

"And the cultivation method of this Four Seas Academy is also very special. They will arrange special training for the disciples, provide special training venues, and even provide a lot of training resources. However, each disciple can only practice in the academy for four years."

"Four years later, Sihai Academy will hold a graduation ceremony. On top of this graduation ceremony, the new graduates will participate in a special assessment collectively, and according to the results of the assessment, they will receive different levels of academy orders. Card."

"Those who get the token, even if they leave the Sihai Academy, are considered to be the disciples of the Sihai Academy. In the future, they can get the help of the Sihai Academy to varying degrees. Of course, if there is something wrong with the Sihai Academy, these disciples should also return to the academy to help. "

"But in general, this token will be a sign of identity and status, and it will be of great help to the development of forces and individuals in the future." Zi Ling said in detail.

After hearing what Zi Ling said, Chu Feng and Zhang Tianyi looked at each other, and both of them were obviously very interested in this Sihai Academy.

Because they are all top geniuses in this Kyushu continent, but not necessarily in other continents, and the Eastern Sea is full of unknowns.

Since this Four Seas Academy is a gathering place for the top geniuses of countless continents, they naturally want to go to meet for a while. What kind of skills do those geniuses from other continents have

"Yes, what Miss Ziling said is very true. My sister Jiang Yini's talent is actually not the most outstanding among her peers."

"But only because she ran away due to some trivial matters a few years ago, and then entered the Four Seas Academy due to fate, this will bring about an earth-shaking change."

"When my sister, after cultivating in Sihai Academy for four years, returned to the dynasty, she was far beyond her peers in terms of cultivation and strength, so she became the number one among the younger generation of Jiang's royal family. people."

"Since then, my Jiang family has sent a group of outstanding juniors every year to the Four Seas Academy for further studies. In that sea area, there will be countless top juniors from continents gathered, and there are many things we have not seen before. "

"Anyway, being there, not only will it be of great help in terms of cultivation, but it will also have a significant effect in the tempering of survival."

"That's why I want to invite the three of you to join me in the Sihai Academy. After all, it's no better than the Kyushu Continent. To put it mildly, the background behind many disciples will be far higher than mine."

"There, there is no one to rely on, and the only one who can test is yourself. However, if the four of us are together, even if we go to the Sihai Academy where the strong gather, we will be able to take care of ourselves to some extent."

"And, I believe that with the potential of the four of us, we will be like a duck to water there. One day, we will all become dragons among people and step into that legendary land."

At this moment, Jiang Wushang seemed very excited, and his immature face showed infinite yearning. It turned out that the place he longed for was the same as Chu Feng, Zi Ling and Zhang Tianyi, not this continent of Kyushu, nor that eastern sea area. , but the legendary land.

"Okay, anyway, sooner or later, Zhang Tianyi will also go to the Eastern Sea Region. It is better to leave early than early. I will join the Four Seas Academy together with Brother Wushang." Zhang Tianyi replied, also full of anticipation.

At this moment, Chu Feng turned his attention to Zi Ling, only to realize that Zi Ling was also looking at him. The two of them could see each other's answers from their special eyes, so they nodded together and said: " Okay, then the four of us will agree." (To be continued)