Martial God Asura

Chapter 78: Talent test


At this moment, Chu Feng had a bright smile on his face, very warm, warm enough to melt people's hearts.

But the most eye-catching thing at the moment was Chu Feng's right hand, where he was holding a bouquet of flowers, which was very beautiful, because this flower had seven petals, and each petal had a different color.

Under the sunlight, it is very beautiful, as if covered with a layer of light colorful brilliance, and there are a few butterflies fluttering around, showing how fragrant this flower is.

The colorful flowers are extremely rare, and the colorful flowers that can only be encountered by chance are now in Chu Feng's hands.

"Spiritual medicine is of course important to me, but these colorful flowers are even more important. Because you want to see them, I have to pick them for you." Chu Feng smiled and sent the large bouquet of colorful flowers to Su Mei.

"I..." Su Mei took the colorful flowers, but she didn't know what to do. She only felt her heart beating rapidly, her heart was sour and warm, and her eyes were already moist.

"I won't be moved to cry." Seeing this, Chu Feng laughed.

"Fuck off, who's crying."

Su Mei glared at Chu Feng, actually holding back her tears, then put her nose to the colorful flower, took a deep breath, and felt the fragrance of the nose, she smiled happily.

The smile was very sweet and very beautiful. It was really Yiren's smile, which was touching and fascinated everyone present, even Chu Feng was no exception.

But few people knew that the reason why Su Mei smiled so happily was not only because of the colorful flowers in her hand, but because of the flower-picker who was willing to pick flowers for her.

"Let's go quickly, we will all fail in the next two hours." Su Mei reminded with a smile while rejoicing.

"Then what should they do? The injuries are so serious, if they are not treated in time, they won't die, right?" Some people worry that although they were beaten not too lightly, most of them are only skin injuries, and those from the World Alliance and Kendo Alliance on the ground are worried. People just can't compare.

"Don't worry, my subordinates are serious, they won't die." Chu Feng explained.

"Well, don't worry about them, when the assessment time is up, my sister and the others will enter this Qinglong Garden, and they will naturally heal when they see it."

"The other thing is that they were wrong in the first place, and my sister won't hold us accountable. It's more important to get out of this Qinglong Garden as soon as possible," Su Mei said.

"I know where the exit is, come with me." Chu Feng smiled and led the way for everyone.

"This is your first time here, how do you know where the exit is?" Su Mei followed, a little dubious.

"In order to help you pick these flowers, I have traveled all over the entire Qinglong Garden. Now I am no longer familiar with this place. Don't say where the exit is. I also picked up all the elixir here by the way." Chu Feng smiled and patted his Qiankun bag.

"You guy."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Su Mei was both shocked and moved. She was shocked by the speed of Chu Feng. The Azure Dragon Garden was so big that it might not be possible to finish it in just one day. After walking around, how fast is he

As for being moved, it was naturally because Chu Feng walked around the Qinglong Garden so desperately to help her pick colorful flowers, so at this moment, for the innocent girl Su Mei, she was obviously moved more than shocked.

Sure enough, under the leadership of Chu Feng, Chu Feng and the others soon came to a magnificent palace, and this was the exit of the Azure Dragon Garden, the entrance to the core area.

Entering the palace, what emerges in front of you is a main hall. In the center of the main hall is a stone platform. On the stone platform is a triangular stone. The stone is one meter high and divided into green, yellow and red from bottom to top. A color, very beautiful.

The most important thing is that there are six old people sitting on both sides of the stone, each with white hair and wrinkles on their faces, one can tell they are nearly a hundred years old at a glance.

Despite the fact that the six old people are very old, the aura on their bodies is extremely strong. With Chu Feng's mental power, it is impossible to detect their strength. It can be seen that they are all extraordinary people.

At this moment, they were all closing their eyes and resting. After hearing the movement, they slowly opened their eyes, but after seeing Chu Feng and the others, there was a hint of surprise in their old eyes.

After all, Situyu and others, the scars on their bodies and faces are so obvious, they are definitely not caused by organs, but obviously man-made, but these old men did not ask any more questions. After all, they have seen too many fights between disciples. .

"That's the colorful flowers, there are so many. Did you light all the colorful flowers in the entire Qinglong Garden?" It was an old woman who was very surprised when she saw the colorful flowers in Su Mei's hands.

As for the old woman's question, Su Mei could only laugh back, because she didn't know how to answer, and her heart was full of happiness.

"Okay, come and test it." Another old man said.

Seeing this, Chu Feng and the others did not hesitate, and they stepped forward one after another and came to the strange three-color stone.

In fact, the so-called test is to test a talent value of them. This talent value will be announced in the core area and will be known by all the core elders and core disciples. The level of talent value is closely related to the training obtained in the future.

As for the test method, it is to instill a spiritual energy into the three-colored stones. As long as the concentration of the spiritual energy is high enough, they will be activated and dazzling light will bloom.

Green represents inferior talent, yellow represents medium talent, and red represents superior talent.

Most of the core disciples are inferior talents. Only a few people can activate the yellow part and obtain medium talents. As for the high talents in the red part, only two people have activated it so far.

One was the first disciple of that year, Zhang Tianyi. The other is the current first disciple, Gong Luyun.

"I'll come first."

As the leader of the Yimeng, Situ Yu took the lead. He was very confident in his talent, so he felt that there should be no problem in activating the yellow part. After all, before Chu Feng, he was also the first among the inner disciples. people.

Seeing Situ Yu put his hand on the test stone, the others became nervous, even Su Mei. After all, this test will represent their future achievements and affect their future.


With the infusion of aura, the test stone produced energy fluctuations, followed by the green part at the bottom, which burst into green light. (To be continued)