Martial God Asura

Chapter 93: gift


Chu Yuan, vividly describing the scene of that year, still had a startling look on his face, as if the scene of that year had once again appeared in front of his eyes.

And Chu Feng could also see that the events of that day had indeed had a great impact on Chu Yuan, at least in the depths of his heart, leaving an indelible shadow.

Looking at Chu Yuan like this, Chu Feng also fell into contemplation, he knew that what Chu Yuan said was right, that crazy man should not be his father, otherwise it would be impossible to say those strange crazy words.

But anyone who is a little wise in everything can tell from it that the mad man who handed Chu Feng to Chu Yuan should have been entrusted by others, or even forced by others, and he was very afraid of the man who was coercing him. People, and that person is likely to be Chu Feng's family.

However, that man was already terrifyingly strong, so what kind of power would he be who could coerce him and make him so fearful

"Where do I come from? Who are my parents? Why do they entrust me to others?" This was the biggest question in Chu Feng's heart at this moment, because the more he understood, the more he realized that his background was so special. And there must be something hidden behind it.

"Father, what happened later? Did that person say anything to you?" Chu Feng asked eagerly.

"Then he disappeared. I didn't see how he left. If it wasn't for you still in my arms, I would really doubt that he never showed up. But the facts tell me that it's all true. "

"And I took you back to the Chu family. Because the goods were burned and all my men died, I couldn't tell the truth, so I could only lie and say that you picked up on the road."

"But after learning what happened, my family didn't agree with me for adopting you, thinking you were unlucky."

"But to this day, I believe that everyone will not think you are unlucky, because you saved the entire Chu family, but now I tell you the truth, I don't know if that person will..." said Here, the worried look on Chu Yuan's face became more intense.

After all, that person's strength is too terrifying, Chu Yuan doesn't even know, when he said this, whether that person can hear, always feels that he is in danger, that person may appear at any time, but faced with Chu Feng's questioning, he is still Can't bear to tell the truth, can't bear to hide from Chu Feng.

Because now that he knew the truth, he knew very well that Chu Feng's terrifying talent was definitely born with it. After all, his background was already full of legends.

"Father, don't worry. I think that person has lost his mind. I'm afraid he has forgotten what he entrusted to you and won't come to trouble you again."

"What's more, even if he comes back and I'm still here, since he entrusts me to you, it will definitely not be detrimental to me."

Chu Feng couldn't help but think of the scene in the ancient town of the wilderness. He really felt that that person had gone insane. Because of this, Chu Feng became more and more curious. What had he experienced? Who drove him crazy? Could it be his own? parents

In short, all kinds of questions were lingering in Chu Feng's heart at this moment, which made him a little unclear, but these questions made Chu Feng more and more want to know the truth of the matter.

Where did you come from? Who are the parents? Most importantly, why did the parents entrust him to others? What happened then? This is the answer that Chu Feng most wants to know.

"Oh, I hope, but Feng'er, no matter what happens in the future, you are my pride."

"Although I know that such an excellent you has nothing to do with me, and your excellence is entirely inherited from your parents, but in my heart, Chu Yuan, you are my son."

Suddenly, Chu Yuan's face was relieved, and he seemed to have underestimated life and death. For him, it was enough to have the son of Chu Feng in this life.

"Father, don't say that. Without you, I might have starved to death long ago. How could I be today? No matter what others think, but in my heart, Chu Feng, you are my father, a qualified father."

What Chu Feng said was the truth. If it wasn't for Chu Yuan who adopted him back then, someone else might not have been so dedicated. Even if he followed that crazy man, he might have been impulsive and beat him to death.

Therefore, Chu Feng is grateful to Chu Yuan, and also has real feelings, although now he has a longing for his biological parents.

But the relationship for more than ten years made Chu Feng feel that Chu Yuan was his biological father, because so far, it was Chu Yuan who made him experience family affection, and made him feel fatherly love.

However, Chu Feng no longer blamed his biological parents, because he felt that most of them had something to hide, otherwise they would not trust someone to take care of him, or even threaten.

At this moment, Chu Yuan was so excited that he was speechless, and there were tears in his eyes. He was indeed moved by Chu Feng's words.

Because he felt that as a father over the years, he had not done his duty, and he had indeed caused Chu Feng to suffer a lot of grievances, and, if it weren't for the threat of the crazy man back then, maybe he would not have brought up Chu Feng.

"Father, I have a gift for you." Chu Feng took out a handful of spirit beads from the Qiankun bag and handed it to Chu Yuan. There were nearly a hundred of them.

"Feng'er, this is too precious, I can't ask for it."

Seeing the golden glittering spirit bead, Chu Yuan was greatly surprised and stunned. Although he had already discovered Chu Feng's Qiankun bag, he could not have imagined that there were so many spirit beads in Chu Feng's Qiankun bag.

You must know that so many spirit beads are considered a great asset for the entire Chu family, and Chu Feng wants to give them all, which naturally makes him unacceptable.

"Feng'er, you are now in the critical period of martial cultivation. With your talent, these Spirit Orbs can completely help you break through to the Primordial Martial Realm. You should keep it for yourself." Chu Yuan began to shirk with all his might.

And Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Father, I still have the Lingzhu, you can accept these. In two days, all the forces in the backer territory will be invited, and there will be a storm at that time."

"Now that Grandpa is seriously injured, all the burdens must be placed on your head, so you must break through to the Primordial Martial Realm within these two days, otherwise it will be difficult for those forces to surrender."

"In two days, break through to Yuanwu?" Chu Yuan's heart tightened. Although he shied away, his heart was still very eager to enter Yuanwu. It can really make him succeed.

"Take it."

And at Chu Feng's repeated requests, Chu Yuan had to accept it, and with Chu Feng's help, he began to refine these spiritual beads, hoping to rely on this huge spiritual energy to break through the dream of Yuanwu realm in one fell swoop.

At the same time, in the core area of the Azure Dragon Sect, another scene is taking place.

Leng Wugui, standing in a dim underground palace, his face was very ugly, and in front of him, Liu Bing stood there, his face was full of panic.

Looking at Liu Bing like this, Leng Wugui frowned slightly and asked solemnly, "You mean that someone is protecting Chu Feng secretly, and at least he is a master of the Xuanwu realm?" (To be continued)