Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 207: Three roommates


The dormitory is a separate small courtyard, and each separate small courtyard has four rooms.

When Du Shaofu arrived at the dormitory, he learned from Jin Yanbing that the other three rooms had been filled with registered students. The three were named Wu Qingfeng, Zhang Wei, and Sun Zhi, and they happened to meet in a small hall in the dormitory. There are three people.

"I met Senior Jin."

Seeing Jin Yanbing, the three teenagers hurriedly saluted, their gazes also fell on Du Shaofu with some curiosity.

"You don't need to be too polite, this is Du Shaofu, Junior Du, you guys get to know each other better in the future."

Jin Yanbing stood with his hands behind his back and finished speaking to the three of them, then enthusiastically introduced the other three to Du Shaofu, and said: "Junior Lu, let me introduce you, this is Wu Qingfeng, the one in the middle is Zhang Wei, and the one at the end is Sun Zhi, from now on you will be roommates in a dormitory, you can take care of each other."

Du Shaofu followed his gaze, the three teenagers were all about sixteen or seventeen years old, their auras were at two Innate Realm perfection levels, and one Innate Realm peak level, Wu Qingfeng seemed a little more mature, quite tall, tall and straight, with a straight face Quite handsome, with a heavy aura feeling all over his body.

Sun Zhi looks the smallest, his face is bright and his eyes are bright, and he looks quite clever, but his cultivation level is the lowest, only the level of the other side of the innate realm.

Although Zhang Wei is not tall, he has a very strong and strong figure. His hair is slightly curly on his forehead, and his eyes are black and bright under his thick eyebrows.

"Du Xuedi, this is the badge and the point card of the academy. They can be opened after bleeding each other. The badge is the symbol of Tianwu Academy, which proves that you are a member of Tianwu Academy and can follow you for the rest of your life. The point card is the savings point. If you don’t understand, just ask Wu Qingfeng and the three of them, and the four of you should also get to know each other better, and come to the miscellaneous office tomorrow morning, and there will be some miscellaneous things for you to do.” Jin Yanbing handed over Du Shaofu turned around and left the courtyard after a badge and a jade tablet made of not just any material.

"Senior Jin, walk slowly."

Wu Qingfeng, Zhang Wei, and Sun Zhi bowed and greeted each other courteously. They had just arrived at Tianwu Academy and were under the jurisdiction of the Office of Miscellaneous Affairs, so naturally they did not dare to offend Jin Yanbing.


Looking at the back of Jin Yanbing going away, Du Shaofu took a deep breath, counting, he has officially entered the Tianwu Academy.

"Our dormitory is full of people. The four of us will probably stay in Tianwu Academy for a few years in the future. This can be regarded as fate."

After seeing Jin Yanbing walking away, Sun Zhi looked up, looked at Du Shaofu, and asked: "The three of us are already familiar with each other, Wu Qingfeng is the oldest, just eighteen years old this year, Zhang Wei is seventeen, and I am the youngest. Fifteen years and four months old, how about you, Brother Du?"

"I'm sixteen." Du Shaofu smiled lightly.

"I've already seen it. You should be older than me. You're right."

Hearing this, Sun Zhi raised his eyebrows with a smile, and then continued to say to Du Shaofu: "But you are younger than the two of them. From now on, you will be the third child in our dormitory, I will be the fourth child, and they will be the eldest and the eldest." Two, I hope that the four of us can all become regular students of Tianwu Academy in the future."

"Yes, I hope that the four of us can become regular students of Tianwu Academy in the future." Zhang Wei nodded.

"I didn't expect that I would be the fourth eldest at home. In our dormitory, I would be the number one. But I'm sorry to take advantage of you." Wu Qingfeng was tall and straight, and looked quite handsome, but there was a hint of innocence in his speech. With a simple and honest vigor, he touched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed.

"You are the oldest, so of course you are the boss of our dormitory. Being the boss may not be an advantage, but you have to protect us in the future." Sun Zhi laughed.


Wu Qingfeng smiled honestly and said, "Of course there is no problem, we will be brothers from now on."

"Yes, we will be brothers from now on." Zhang Wei nodded, his eyes were extremely black and bright.

Du Shaofu smiled, and also nodded for Wei Wei, the four of them were about the same age, but there was no embarrassment, and they became acquainted very quickly.

Afterwards, Wu Qingfeng, Zhang Wei, and Sun Zhi enthusiastically took Du Shaofu to the last room that belonged to Du Shaofu. There was only a bed and a square table in the room, and there was a small window. The layout was simple, but it was extremely clean. Clean and tidy is pretty good.

But Du Shaofu didn't stay in his room for a long time, he was pulled out by Sun Zhi, Zhang Wei and Wu Qingfeng to chat, and after they got acquainted, they chatted all over the place.

From the chat between the three, Du Shaofu learned that the three of them were all passed the freshman assessment of Tianwu Academy a few days ago.

There were many dangers in the assessment, there were barriers of talismans, and there were monsters fighting. Both Wu Qingfeng and Zhang Wei were able to enter the top 3,000 freshmen, but they were unlucky and were brushed down at the last moment, so Among the registered students, the treatment is also slightly better. Among all the dormitory groups, this dormitory is considered to be better, otherwise it would be impossible to live here.

Sun Zhi was dismissed very early, and he was also the first person to come to this dormitory. According to what Sun Zhi secretly said, it seemed that Jin Yanbing was given special care to benefit him. Familiarize yourself with the situation here.

Sun Zhi is a chatterbox, he seems to have endless things to say, and he even talked to Wu Qingfeng, Zhang Wei, and Du Shaofu about a lot of inquired news, such as giving Jin Yanbing and some mentors benefits, so that he can do chores It is easier to assign them when they are in the hospital. If they have the opportunity to be recommended to plant spiritual herbs in the medicine field and take care of the elixir, it is an easy and prestigious job, which is much better than some formal disciples of the academy.

"Let me tell you, what I'm most afraid of is not chopping firewood and picking dung, but going to the Xuanshi Cave to mine Xuanshi. I heard that is the hardest job."

Sun Zhi whispered to the three of them: "I heard some news. It is said that mining black stones will exhaust people to death."

The four of them chatted all over the place, but Du Shaofu listened more and talked less in the middle, playing with the Tianwu Academy badge and point card that Jin Yanbing gave just now.

"Badge...did the alcoholic father have it back then?"

After hesitating for a while, Du Shaofu took out a dagger from the Qiankun bag, then cut a small hole on his index finger, dripped a drop of pale golden blood on the badge, and suddenly a dazzling light spread on the badge out, and then fell silent for an instant.

"It's quite abstruse, study it when you have time."

As the blood dripped into the badge, Du Shaofu also immediately felt that he could have a little connection with the badge invisibly, if the distance was closer, he could feel the badge's existence.

But at this moment, Du Shaofu was able to feel the three auras of Wu Qingfeng, Zhang Wei, and Sun Zhi around him through the badge, as if they were connected with his badge.

"Third brother, this badge actually has a lot of wonderful uses, such as being able to feel the breath of your companions, as long as you are a student of Tianwu Academy, you can feel each other within a certain range."

Sun Zhi saw Du Shaofu dripping blood on the badge, and then reminded Du Shaofu: "Your point card should also drip blood immediately to recognize the owner. This point card is very important. All Tianwu Academy students, regardless of whether they are registered students or official students. Students will have it."

When Du Shaofu heard this, he dripped a drop of blood on the point card again with great interest.


As the blood dripped, runes overflowed from the point card, shining brightly, and then a series of numbers appeared on it.

"We are registered students. There are only ten points in this point card. It's not like their official students. There are one hundred points in the point card from the beginning. Hey..."

Looking at the numbers on Du Shaofu's point card, Zhang Wei sighed slightly.

"No way, our registered students are naturally unable to compare with those official students. If we have the opportunity to become official students, we will be the same as them." Wu Qingfeng said, mentioning official students, his eyes are full of longing.

When Du Shaofu heard this, he asked the three of them rather puzzled: "What is the use of these points?"

Hearing Du Shaofu's words, Sun Zhi looked at Du Shaofu suspiciously, and then said: "Points have a huge effect in Tianwu Academy, without points, it can be said that it is difficult to move an inch in Tianwu Academy."

"Third son, let me tell you this, the points in the academy can be exchanged for equivalent pills, exercises, martial arts, formations, spiritual weapons, elixir, and all other cultivation items, even eating. Points. In the academy, black coins are useless, everything depends on points."

Zhang Wei looked at Du Shaofu and said in one breath: "As registered students, we will have ten points when the point card is opened for the first time, and there will be a basic five points every month in the future, but official students are ten times higher than us , and formal students will have different basic points every month according to their own cultivation level, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the points."

"I see."

Du Shaofu nodded, one point is enough, the points in Tianwu Academy are the same as the use of Xuan coins outside, you can buy anything, then after looking slightly, he raised his head and asked the three people: "I don't know ten points What level of martial arts and pills can I buy?"

"A set of martial arts at the first level of the moving product, or a pill of the first level of the moving product." Wu Qingfeng said to Du Shaofu.

"Ten points are not enough."

Du Shaofu murmured softly when he heard the words, according to what Wu Qingfeng said, those ten points are not enough at all in Tianwu Academy, he frowned and asked: "Is there any way to earn points?"

"Of course there is. Every student of Tianwu Academy will earn points for cultivation every day."

(end of this chapter)