Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 26: A blessing in disguise


Arranging his thoughts, Du Shaofu immediately discovered an astonishing fact, besides not dying, he also got the cultivation method of the Golden Winged Peng Clan.

The golden-winged roc, the most top-level existence among the monster clan, can only be encountered in legends. It is said that any golden-winged roc is a terrifying existence, which makes countless strong people frightened.

"It's a pity that human fighters can't practice the cultivation method of the beast clan."

Du Shaofu secretly regretted that from the comprehension of the golden-winged roc's cultivation method, Du Shaofu felt that the golden-winged roc's cultivation method is extremely powerful, and it is also very similar to those of the human race, but it has More than that, especially the body-cultivating method and the innate animal ability, which are not comparable to ordinary human skills.

It's just that human fighters can't practice the skills of the beast race at all. They are two races with completely different blood and physique. How can they practice the skills of the beast race? It is difficult for a terrifying warrior to comprehend and cultivate the beast power of the beast race, and it is difficult to compare with the real beast race.

"Not good, the profound energy is going to explode"

Suddenly, Du Shaofu's complexion changed greatly, the original full of profound energy in his body has reached the point of being irresistible at this moment, for some reason, countless profound energy surged out of his body at this moment, this kind of profound energy in the acupuncture points in his body There is nowhere to go, and there are more and more of them, as if they want to burst their bodies.

Du Shaofu's expression became serious now, feeling the changes in his body, the terrifying profound energy gushing out came from the broken bone in his chest, making his chest look like a hot golden fireball Usually, a large amount of profound energy gushes out continuously, and it seems that the internal organs and meridians are about to burst directly.

"Stupid boy, hurry up and activate the exercises to transform the profound energy in the secret bone of the golden-winged roc into your own profound energy, or you will die."

At this moment, a Sanskrit-like voice appeared in Du Shaofu's ears, and he didn't know where it came from. This voice made Du Shaofu feel familiar, as if he had heard this voice somewhere.

"How to transform, I haven't practiced any exercises before."

At the moment of crisis, Du Shaofu didn't wonder who the person who made the noise was. What's important is that he has never practiced any exercises at all, so he doesn't know what to do now. If he had known earlier, he hadn't found Zi For Qi Chaoyang Jing, it is better to practice the Xuanyang Hao Qi Jue, at least now the situation will not be so helpless.

"How can you have profound energy in your body if you haven't practiced kung fu? It's over now, don't you have a set of kung fu?"

The Sanskrit female voice continued to pass into Du Shaofu's ears, and the voice was dignified and worried. I am afraid that no one has encountered this situation.

The golden awn above the broken bone in the void released, and the talisman secret lines gushed out continuously, accompanied by the billowing profound energy gushing out, making Du Shaofu's body more and more unbearable, the whole body has swelled up like a balloon, ready to burst at any time , The huge pain also made Du Shaofu scream.

"Practice exercises, exercises, Golden Winged Roc's practice exercises...try it..."

In the severe pain, Du Shaofu's eyes suddenly lit up, and his profound energy was about to explode. Now he only knows how to practice the golden-winged roc, and he can't sit still, although it is impossible for human warriors to practice the cultivation methods of monsters , especially the cultivation method of Garuda Dapeng, the top existence among monsters, but at least try it.

Resisting the severe pain in his body that was about to explode, Du Shaofu's handprints condensed, and he immediately practiced according to the practice method of the golden-winged roc.

The blood and physique of monsters are completely different from human beings. Originally, it was impossible for human beings to be able to cultivate the skills of monsters, but at this moment, following Du Shaofu's operation of the cultivation skills of the golden-winged roc bird, it was immediately effective. Effect.

The practice of the Golden Winged Roc is running, and it is connected to the broken bone in the chest, making Du Shaofu also have a feeling of being connected invisibly. Du Shaofu feels that he is like a Golden Winged Peng at this time, This method of cultivation is not difficult for him, it is even connected with the blood, this method seems to be naturally suitable for his cultivation, the degree of connection makes Du Shaofu himself shocked and unbelievable.

But everything actually happened, as Du Shaofu operated the cultivation method of the Golden Winged Peng Clan, the profound energy gushing out from within the broken bone directly began to become Du Shaofu's own profound energy.

The martial artist's cultivation level is divided into acquired realm and congenital realm. Acquired realm is divided into nine levels. Only after the nine levels are completed can one step into the congenital realm.

It turns out that although Du Shaofu has profound energy on his body, he has not cultivated any kung fu techniques, nor does he have any realm at all. He just relies on his moves and the forceful support of profound energy to defeat his opponent.

"The first day after tomorrow, the second day after tomorrow, and the third day after tomorrow"

At this moment, as Du Shaofu practiced the cultivation method of the golden-winged roc family, the profound energy in his body and the profound energy gushing out from the broken bone immediately returned to their place, and in the body with the exercises, they flowed into the divine tower in his abdomen , and then reincarnated directly to the acupoints and meridians of the whole body, the level of realm also soared directly like a rocket, from the original no realm, at an extremely fast speed, it kept breaking through the layers of invisible barriers.

I don't know how long it took, but Du Shaofu's inflated body has long since returned to normal, surrounded by circles of golden light, shining golden light on the cave, and a domineering and fierce breath spread out.

Immediately afterwards, in the golden light that wrapped Du Shaofu, there were countless talisman secret patterns flashing out. This kind of talisman secret pattern carried the terrifying momentum of the golden-winged rocs, enough to make all animals tremble.

When finally those dense talisman secret patterns were arranged directly behind Du Shaofu and condensed into a phantom of a golden-winged roc bird, the terrifying power reached the extreme. Those who are domineering and fierce to the point of terror.

During this process, Du Shaofu also entered a wonderful state along with the practice of the golden-winged roc.

In that wonderful state, Du Shaofu felt that he was like a human-shaped golden-winged roc, the light golden blood was flowing in his body, his body was sublimating, all internal organs, muscles, bones, muscles, etc. The metamorphosis is getting stronger, as if it has been washed away, and it is approaching the powerful physique of the golden-winged roc. I don't know how terrible it is to regret the most.

In the wonderful state, Du Shaofu is immersed in it, just like petrification, only the whole body is wrapped in golden light, and the breath is also soaring, and the phantom of the golden-winged roc behind him is unpredictable. , and then turned into talisman secret patterns, and then arranged and condensed again.

(end of this chapter)