Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2920: Full of heroism


"Du Shaofu stop moaning, let's do it! You people, no one wants to leave this space alive today, all die here for me!"

Dongli Scarlet Phoenix looked at Du Shaofu, the light of hatred shot out in his eyes!

He yelled loudly, and then his figure rose into the air in an instant, and rushed towards Du Shaofu directly.

The demons have a huge advantage, far stronger than those of the thirty-three days, so there is no need to say anything, just go to war!

It's not too late, and things will change if they are late!

"The three demon generals will first clear all the three-three-three days of sitting and forgetting, and then help the army to fight! Du Shaofu will give it to the two of us, and see what kind of waves he can turn out! This time, I want them to fight like this!" Millions of people have come and gone! Once these people die, most of their combat strength will be lost in the thirty-three days, so how can they fight against my demons!"

Shen Yan's gaze was cold, and he said to the Blood God General, Ming Luo Demon General, and Desolate Demon General beside him.

Afterwards, he also rushed out, and together with Dongli Chihuang, he killed the general towards Du Shaofu.

Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan are both moving with all their strength. They have been in the 18th floor of hell for many years, and their strength has already recovered a lot. It is almost equivalent to the strength of the third realm of sitting and forgetting. It can't be said that they are not powerful!

So in these two people's opinion, no matter how strong Du Shaofu is now, it is impossible to reach his own situation!

But for the sake of safety, the two decided to fight together, no matter what, they must first take down Du Shaofu's confidant!

"Kill, wipe out the thirty-three intruders and make them pay the price!"

"Kill them all, strengthen my power of the demon clan!"


Following the actions of Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan, all the demons also moved at the same time!

But I saw a large black shadow oppressing the void, covering the sky and covering the ground, all rushing towards the direction of the millions of people in the thirty-three days.

For a moment, the entire twelfth floor of hell was shaking, and endless demonic energy entangled and intertwined together, forming a large black cloud, moving across the world!

This scene was truly frightening. Amidst the majesty and majesty, the aura of killing and violence pervaded the air, even more terrifying than when the Thirty-Three-Three-Three-Three Powerhouse first entered!

The other demon races in this space, at this time, are all full of hot blood, and their bodies are spurting, and they also move accordingly, killing Du Shaofu and others!

"Jie jie jie... With my army of demons here, these thirty-three days of creatures will die without a place to bury them!"

"You dare to come to my 18th floor of hell to be presumptuous, just don't be too reckless!"

"Kill them, leave them all behind, and let the blood of these creatures flow through the eighteen layers of hell!"

Originally, the strong demons in the twelfth level of hell also set off a storm, with a fierce momentum!

At the same time as many people flitted out, there were unconcealable smirks on their faces!

For these people, there is no time when they feel more satisfied than at this moment. Before, it was a scene of being slaughtered by others. Who would have thought that the situation would be reversed so quickly in just a short period of time!

The original hunter became the prey, which is the most exciting thing for these demons!

"We are surrounded!"

Beside Du Shaofu, a strong man said with a serious face.

Looking at the demons in all directions, they were all moving, and everyone else felt as if they were carrying a mountain.

They are not afraid of a battle, but when the opponent's strength is much higher than the millions of people in the thirty-three days, a head-on confrontation will only cause unnecessary sacrifices and will not achieve any effect!

Even if you die, you can't die here in vain!

"Shenhuang Yuqing, shall we fight or leave?"

Another strong man stepped forward and asked hurriedly.

In the eighteen layers of hell, everything is based on what Du Shaofu said.

Right now there is no better choice, they suddenly fell into a tight siege, and it seems that there is only one battle to face, with the presence of those three great demon generals, it is very difficult to escape even if they escape!

Now I can only see if Du Shaofu has any way to leave with everyone. In short, it is not realistic to fight forcibly, unless he is forced to a desperate situation!

"Stay in the realm of forgetfulness, join forces and break through the defense line! Everyone else enters the ancient space and evacuates the 18th floor of hell!"

That is to say, when everyone was anxious, Du Shaofu had already made a decision.

He quickly yelled this sentence, and then quickly opened the ancient space, with a huge entrance entrenched in the void, trying to let the strong man of thirty-three days to enter!


Lu Jingyun also shouted loudly, and gathered together with a group of sitting and forgetting realms, guarding Du Shaofu's side, blocking the attack of Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan!

Wherever the people in the thirty-three days dared to delay, they all rushed in in an instant, and quickly entered the ancient space in waves.

"Jie Jie Jie... Du Shaofu, do you want to run away? It's not your style to run away without a fight!"

At this moment, Dongli Scarlet Phoenix had already struck, and a demonic sword appeared in his hand, and the light burst out, punishing Xiao Su, and blatantly hitting Lu Jingyun and others.

This sword is extremely terrifying, it seems to strike out from the depths of the nether world, it will punish the sky and kill the earth, if it wants to make the sun and the moon sink, and the mountains and rivers collapse!

However, Lu Jingyun and the others had already made preparations. The auras of more than a hundred sitting and forgetting powerhouses were entangled together to form a solid protective mask, releasing a bright light!

When Dongli Chihuang's sword hit the mask, there was a huge roar, but it couldn't be shaken at all!

"It's useless to hide in it, you will definitely die today!"

Shen Yan also shouted coldly, his stature skyrocketed as he walked forward, his body swayed straight up, no less than a majestic majesty!

After growing in size, Shen Yan's appearance also changed drastically, becoming ferocious and ugly, with thick fangs!

It's just that the aura on his body also rapidly expanded with this change, boundless and majestic, shaking the world with panic!

He slapped across the air, slapped down suddenly, and directly attacked Du Shaofu and others!

At this moment, Lu Jingyun and the others only wanted to defend, they didn't attack at all, and let Shen Yan's palm strike!


The monstrous loud noise shook the sky, shattered the sky, and shook the world!

"Hmph, just relying on these two people to try to break through our defenses, it's simply beyond our control!"

A strong man of thirty-three days sneered, and said softly to himself.

Shen Yan's attack failed to cause much impact on them. Under the joint support of more than a hundred people, their defensive masks were only shaken and could not be shaken at all!

"Even if you can hide for a while, it won't change your fate, so why bother doing such useless work!"

Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan both snorted coldly, their eyes became a little bit colder when they saw their blows come back in vain.

"It's just a bunch of chickens and dogs, let Ben deal with them in the future!"

At this moment, the three great demon generals came step by step, appearing extremely leisurely.

Among them, the Desolate Demon General buzzed and said something like this.

Immediately, Dan saw the blood-colored giant ax in his hand suddenly soared into the air, releasing scarlet light, covering thousands of miles!

Everywhere in the twelfth level of hell is shrouded in blood. Even on the ground, there is blood-red liquid oozing out, which makes people's hair stand on end!

"Zai Dao strong one blow, invincible, retreat quickly!"

And this time, the millions of powerhouses in the thirty-three days have completely entered Du Shaofu's ancient space.

He immediately stopped shouting, and retreated together with Lu Jingyun, Lu Youshao, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng, Long Fault, Long Xu and more than a hundred people who had been in the state of forgetfulness for thirty-three days, wanting to escape!

In the process of moving forward, Du Shaofu didn't even think about it, and directly released the void gossip method.

And Lu Jingyun and the others don't need to remind them anymore, they went to the eight directions of the Eight Diagrams, and together with Du Shaofu, they formed a new round of formation!

Everyone is already familiar with this method, and it is completed in an instant, and the vigorous power is continuously injected into Du Shaofu's body.


Du Shaofu's feet shattered the void, and two huge chaotic black holes appeared, and his figure shot out a million miles away in the blink of an eye!

He tried his best, and he didn't dare to stay under the attack of a magic general!

Those strong men in the Immortal Realm have been hidden. As long as I and others successfully retreat, the combat power of the thirty-three days will still be preserved!

But undoubtedly such a process is very difficult, and Du Shaofu hardly has any confidence to retreat under the hands of the three magic generals!

Sure enough, just as Du Shaofu flew back, the desolate demon general let out another cold snort, hitting Du Shaofu's heart like a heavy hammer, making him feel extremely bored!

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

As soon as the desolate devil finished speaking, the bloody giant ax also slashed down at the same time, blatantly striking in the void!


This blow dominates the heavens and destroys the world, as if breaking open the big world, it is extremely terrifying!

And Du Shaofu and the others who were fleeing with all their strength, could it be that they felt a terrifying force of restraint coming down, tightly restraining his footsteps, and his speed dropped suddenly, as if he had fallen into a quagmire, it was difficult to struggle!


Then, the giant ax fell, directly chopping on Du Shaofu's gossip figure!

The majestic Void Gossip disintegrated in an instant, collapsed, and all energy was destroyed!


Du Shaofu was the first to bear the brunt, and a mouthful of blood spewed out directly, his face dimmed instantly.

"Puff puff… "

Lu Jingyun and other more than a hundred sitting and forgetting powerhouses were also in a very bad situation, and they were injured one after another.

Everyone is like a dead leaf in a storm, rolled up to the sky, trampled and destroyed wantonly!

Fortunately, God General Desolate seems to look down on them at all, he just treats Du Shaofu and others as ants, and doesn't do his best!

Otherwise, the one blow just now might have killed half of the people!

"I will be trapped in the 18th floor of hell for countless years, and I seem to have forgotten the taste of killing! Let me recollect it here today, and it will be of great benefit to my injury!"

Desolate God opened his eyes and spoke softly.

While he was speaking, he suddenly stretched out a hand, and gently grabbed it in the void!

"Chi Chi Chi..."

Only heard the sound of a tearing silk, and then Du Shaofu and others saw a terrifying scene!

"Ancient space..."

Du Shaofu, who was severely injured, had no strength to struggle, and smashed hard on the ground!

And at this time, the Desolate Demon will attack again. When he saw his ancient space, he was torn apart, like a cloth bag!

Among them, the millions of immortal powerhouses showed a look of astonishment, and they haven't figured out what happened for a while!

In the torn ancient space, large pieces of space laws and time laws surged, and they exploded like gorgeous fireworks, burning up in the void!

"The Realm of Containing Dao is too powerful. Under his hands, there is nothing to hide from the ancient space refined by the ancestor sacrifice. It is even easier to destroy it! This time, it is really troublesome!"

Lu Jingyun's face changed a long time ago, and he felt extremely annoyed.

At the same time, he also has an inexhaustible sense of helplessness in his heart!

Du Shaofu's barren ancient space, from the hand of his ancestor, the Supreme Sage Emperor, was originally a rare treasure!

But in the eyes of Zaidao, such a treasure is no different from a child's toy!

He easily smashed it with one blow!

The desolate ancient space, which obviously exists without form, is like a real substance in the hands of the desolate demon general. After tearing it apart, he grabbed one corner, as if carrying a rag bag, and shook it lightly!

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The millions of 33-day-old powerhouses in the ancient space suddenly felt their worlds spinning, and all of them spilled out of the broken gap like beans!

Those figures, with no self-control at all, slipped from the sky and fell to the ground!

"Jie Jie Jie... You can hide from the first day of the junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day! Everyone in the thirty-three days will die today!"

Seeing the desolate monster attack, Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan couldn't help but sneered.

"Let's kill here today! I, son of the demon clan, fight with me! Let the blood of these people in the thirty-three days flow over every inch of my eighteenth floor of hell!"

In addition to the Desolate Demon General, the Blood God Demon General and Ming Luo Demon General also moved soon!

They led many strong men of the Demon Race, and quickly killed them in the direction of Du Shaofu and others!

"I can't escape!"

In the distance, Du Shaofu was seriously injured, and the whole person almost collapsed on the ground, and he got up after a lot of struggle!

There was a slight flash of light in his hand, and Zijin Tianque appeared, leaning on him as a crutch!

Just now, the blow from the Demon General of Desolate Shade made his Qi and blood churn endlessly, and the Qi mechanism in his body was disordered, ready to burst!

In addition, the ancient space was broken, and he himself was implicated a lot invisibly, and the injury was added!

Now seeing the demon army coming again, Du Shaofu frowned, and for a moment he didn't know what to do!

"Shenhuang Yuqing, let's fight!"

"If you can't escape, then you should really fight against the demons!"

"Even if you die, you have to pull a few backs!"

Many strong men in the thirty-three days spoke out one by one, saying so, everyone was full of fighting spirit!

Everyone looked at Du Shaofu, wanting to fight!

Listening to the words of the people around him, Du Shaofu felt even more powerless!

The extreme disparity in strength between the two sides made them disqualified for a real battle with the demons!

Even if everyone's life is exhausted, they can only be ravaged by the other party in the end, not to mention that none of them can escape from the 18th floor of hell, but the result is almost the same!

Before entering the 18th floor of hell, senior brother Lu Shaoyou had told him that he must focus on saving his life!

Because these millions of people are already more than half of the combat power of the thirty-three days, if all of them are lost here, when facing the attack of the demons in the future, the situation will become one-sided again!

No one wants to see such a result!

However, what makes Du Shaofu most powerless is that they really have no way to escape at this time. In such a situation, it seems that there is no second way to go except to fight!

"In that case, let's have a good fight! No matter how powerful the demons are, we will never let them have a good time!"

Gradually, a determined expression appeared in Du Shaofu's eyes, and he no longer hesitated too much!

With difficulty, he straightened his body, grabbed a large handful of precious medicine from the Qiankun bag, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to chew it!

"Dongli Scarlet Phoenix, Shen Yan, come to fight!"

After swallowing all the precious medicines in one gulp, Du Shaofu roared suddenly, and the sound spread through the sky, piercing the sky!

He raised Zijin Tianzhu, pointed his sword at Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan, and soon fought with them.

"kill… … "

All the strong men of the thirty-three days also moved immediately, and one after another, they shot out, rushing towards the lineup of the demons!

At this moment, everyone's faces were filled with the look of resignation to death!

In just a moment, there was a huge collision between the two parties, and the tragic fight started!

Lu Jingyun, Lu Youshao, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng, Long Fault, Long Xu, etc. and the other 33-three-year-old Si Wang experts rushed out at the same time, facing the three major demon generals who were directly killing them!

Everyone entangled their qi machines together, and they could beat the three great demon generals without expecting anything, but they could still hold on for a while longer!


The earth-shattering roar spread in this space, the heavens and the earth were shaken, the universe was turned upside down, and the void was annihilated!

In the thirty-three days, there was a terrifying collision between millions of people and millions of people from the Demon Race!

This is the condensed majority of the Pan Gu world and the eighteen hells, killing and shaking the world, it really has the ability to destroy the world!

As for the Thirty-Three Heavenly Powers, everyone used their full strength to fight against the demons!

They tried everything, just wanted to kill a few more people from the Demon Race, so that they would not fall here in vain!

Everyone aroused their blood and fought hard. Everyone was full of heroism, pouring out all the strength in their bodies, fighting in anger!

"Jie Jie Jie... Let's kill! Once these people die, the thirty-three days of attack will be like picking something out of a bag!"

Dongli Chihuang, Shen Yan and others were all smiling, could it be that they were very happy.

They knew very well in their hearts that their biggest advantage was that they had three more magic generals.

With such a gap, it is absolutely easy to take down these powerhouses in the thirty-three days!

And after killing all these people who have entered the 18th floor of hell, attack again for 33 days, and the resistance encountered will be reduced by more than half!

This is a great thing for the demons!

(end of this chapter)