Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2935: Father and daughter reunite


"Since he wants to court death, how can we not fulfill him!"

Seizing You Demon General smiled sadly and said.

He and the fierce locust demon general did not resist the power of the dragon god at all, but followed the direction of the head's strength and forced them directly towards the golden-clothed youth!


The little dragon roared, mixed with a high-pitched dragon chant, earth-shattering!

With both feet stepping hard, as if stepping on the veins of the avenue, an inexplicable charm stirred up his whole body.

In this turn, his whole person looks extremely stalwart and tall, as if representing the supreme existence in this world, which makes people feel awe!

A large number of immortal realms of the demon race in the distance, under this power and influence, suddenly felt their legs go weak, and they wanted to kneel down and worship!

"Xiaolong's stronger again!"

Seeing such a scene, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xintong all tensed up and murmured in their hearts.

For these few people, they can clearly perceive things that ordinary people cannot pry into.

As the strongest Xiao Sheren in the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, they are all very aware of Xiaolong's specific strength.

In the early days, Donghuang Taixuan and Di Batian were both at the same level as Xiaolong, and there was still a distance from the realm of carrying Tao.

But now, it is obvious that Xiaolong has thrown them away, and is more in line with the Dao, approaching the truth!

I'm afraid that at this time, Xiaolong is within reach of the real realm of carrying the Tao, and maybe it's just that the slightest opportunity is missing, and he can fully step into it!

"In this case, the three demons will be handed over to him to deal with, and I think he can indeed deal with it!"

Yang Guo spoke softly, saying so.

Immediately, the four of them stopped talking, and each fought with a demon general with all their strength, and started a crazy fight and collision!


The Desolate Demon General yelled, and raised the huge ax in his hand to the sky, and then with the gathering of endless power, he transformed into a scene like a mountain, smashed down with force, and headed towards the little dragon!

"With this little strength, you dare to be so ostentatious!"

Xiaolong snorted coldly, his figure went up against the sky, flickered for a short time, re-formed the green dragon body, and appeared under the giant axe of the Demon General of Desolate Sha!

Then, seeing him sweeping the dragon's tail, carrying a mighty force, he suddenly lashed down!

With a sound of "Boom", before the shadow of the ax was fully formed by the Desolate Demon, it was directly crushed by the tail of the little dragon, and turned into a raging wave of energy flying all over the sky, with endless avenue patterns swirling continuously.

But at this time, on the other side, the Fierce Locust Demon changed his body and turned into a huge locust. His whole body was pitch black and gleaming, as if cast from iron armor.

As the Fierce Locust Demon vibrated his hands at high speed, a large piece of small black shadow rushed out of his body, like a group of gnats, and rushed fiercely at the little dragon.

This large black shadow is also a black locust the size of a fist, each of which has the power of the general immortal realm, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sun, it is extremely terrifying.


Facing this scene, Xiaolong didn't have any extra nonsense, and let out a terrifying roar.

Then a large piece of golden flame spurted out from his dragon's mouth, like a boundless sea of flames, burning everything that exists!

The migratory locusts in the sky were burned in large areas in the golden flames, and they fell from the void, but in just a moment, they all turned into pieces of pitch-black ashes. Can't bully Xiaolong's body!


Suddenly, the ghost general's body changed, like a ghost, elusive, and appeared next to Xiaolong in an instant, with a palm print, he went straight to his dragon's head!

For normal creatures, they all fight with the help of the avenue between heaven and earth or the power of the law, and every move they make will carry the rhyme of the Tao, or the invisible power of the law that can be hooked, and there are traces to be found!

But the Ghost Demon General is different. His movements are extremely ghostly, and it is difficult to catch the traces of stealth.

"Playing such a small trick in front of Lao Tzu is just courting death!"

Xiaolong opened his mouth wide and let out a sharp shout.

Immediately after seeing it, he suddenly stretched out a pair of dragon claws and tore them off!

Strangely, the endless void around him seemed to freeze in an instant, the avenue stopped flowing, the law stopped rotating, and the body of the Demon Lord Seizing You was temporarily restrained.

Under Xiaolong's year of the dragon, a force surged out, directly tearing the frozen void into pieces, as if he wanted to tear himself into pieces along with the seductor demon!



However, the Demon Lord Seizing You is not an idler. Just before his body shattered, he once again displayed his housekeeping skills, and he escaped in an instant, and fled to a distant place!

"This kid is so strong, don't be careless!"

The Desolate Demon turned his face stern, and said solemnly.

In one round, the three demon generals attacked at the same time, but they were all so easily broken by the opponent!

Obviously, the strength of this dragon god is very terrifying, and it is infinitely close to the realm of carrying the Tao. Even if they attack and kill in their heyday, they can barely compete!


How could the three major demon generals give up on this? They all brewed up greater power to carry out a new round of attack, and launched an even more terrifying impact on the little dragon!

"Come on, let me teach you how to be human!"

Horrific roars came out from Xiaolong's mouth, and he fought with the three great demon generals, colliding and fighting wildly!

The Desolate Demon will strike with one ax after another, as if opening the sky, each blow carries the most terrifying force.

And the Fiendish Locust Demon will no longer attack fearlessly, and put away all the small locusts, but he keeps attacking himself, and between the vibrations of the pitch-black wings, a sharp blade cuts the sky!

The Youmo General is still using his best method, his figure is elusive, and he keeps killing, intending to cause harm to the little dragon.

It has to be said that the three major demon generals are very powerful, and Xiaolong can't form absolute suppression with one enemy and three!

Under the continuous charge of the three, scars began to appear on his dragon body, and blood flowed out.

However, the situation of the three major demon generals was even worse. Xiaolong's strength was extremely strong. Although he couldn't take down the three of them in a short period of time, he still firmly held the upper hand.

The three great demon generals were attacked and killed from time to time.

The Desolate Demon will be swept by the dragon's tail, and his chest will be sunken; the Fierce Locust Demon will be burned by the terrifying flames, and black smoke will rise from its body; A pitch-black wound appeared on the body, and black blood flowed out...

This battle is the key battle in the entire battlefield, and everyone's attention is paid attention to here from time to time.

Seeing Xiaolong fighting against the three great demon generals, instead of being directly suppressed, he took advantage of the situation, making Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xintong all heave a long sigh of relief.

They were finally relieved a lot. If they want to retreat this time, it is no longer a problem.

Under Xiaolong's attack, they can block the attack of the seven demon generals. As for those demons in the state of forgetfulness, it is no problem for Du Shaofu, Lu Jingyun and others to deal with them.

"Damn Long Xuan, if it wasn't for him, Du Shaofu would have died right now!"

In the distance, Dongli Chihuang squeezed her hands "clicking", and she was already extremely angry.

He wished he could cut Long Xuan into thousands of swords in order to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

That guy is really too hateful, their Demon Race clearly has the absolute upper hand, seeing that Du Shaofu is about to die in the hands of the Desolate Demon General, but who would have expected that Long Xuan would appear suddenly and change the situation.

And at this time, he was able to resist the three demon generals with his own strength, which really had to make the two demon servants feel astonished!

"It's okay! Let them go, the task assigned to us by the lord has been completed, if they really want to retreat, we can't stop it! As for Du Shaofu, after the lord fully recovers, let him handle it himself! "

On the side, Shen Yan spoke softly, and said to Dongli Scarlet Phoenix.

Just like what he said, before Lord Demon Ancestor enters the seventeenth floor of hell, the purpose of sending the two of them to lead the strong to stop Du Shaofu and others is not to kill the kid, but to delay time and fight for the recovery of the Lord. time so as not to be disturbed.

Now that such a long time has passed, my lord has successfully entered the eighteenth level of hell, and he must have begun to come into contact with the eighteenth primordial spirit, and it will not be long before he recovers.

As for the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, at this time, for some reason, they felt the intention to retreat, so they didn't have to worry about these people's influence on adults.

And with the arrival of Long Xuan, it is already difficult for the Demon Race to prevent these people from leaving. If it is impossible, it is better to simply let them retreat. In short, the lord's confession has been achieved!

As for Du Shaofu...

Although Shen Yan said it lightly, he still had worries in his heart that could not be concealed.

That kid is so evil that he can't be judged by common sense.

It is really hard to imagine, if he has stepped into the realm of carrying the Tao before the adult recovers, how can he face it at that time.

This is a huge threat that can affect the fate of the entire Demon Race!

But Shen Yan wasn't worried at all, after all, the adults knew these things very well, since he dared to confess like that, he must have his own confidence!

Both Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan stopped talking, and they both watched the situation on the battlefield with burning eyes.


Over there, a series of confrontations were still going on between Long Xuan and the three great demon generals.

The terrifying attack descended like a tsunami, carrying terrifying original power and releasing it with a unique flavor of the avenue.

This kind of avenue is different from the power of the eighteen levels of hell, but something they have realized by themselves. Although it is not complete, it has already taken shape.

The heavens and the earth were thrown into pieces of chaotic form, and the four figures were flying around in it, fighting each other!

Demon General Desolate Shade, Demon General Fierce Locust, and Demon General Duoyou have already suffered some deep wounds at this time. Although the impact on combat power is not too great, they should not be underestimated!

The same is true for Long Xuan, there are scars on his dragon body, all of which were injured by the three great demon generals.

But relatively speaking, Xiaolong's injury is not enough to affect his performance.

"Xiaolong, we should retreat!"

On the other side, Di Batian greeted and said to the other four through voice transmission while facing a demon general.

The Thirty-Three Heavens and the many Immortal Realms of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds have rushed to a very far place at this time, and they were chased and killed by the powerful demons, but they could not form a siege.

And Du Shaofu, Lu Jingyun, Long Que and other hundreds of powerhouses who have forgotten to sit and forget are also facing the encirclement of the demons. The power of the strong moves at such a high speed that it is difficult for those sitting and forgetting demons to catch up!

"Next time, I must beat you like dead dogs!"

Xiaolong snorted coldly, put aside the three great generals in an instant, and started to walk away.


Yang Guo, Lu Xintong, Di Batian, and Donghuang Taixuan didn't delay at all, they retreated at full speed and rushed towards the distance.

"Do you want to go? It's not that easy!"

The seven demon generals all narrowed their eyes and said in a low voice.

They launched an attack, not wanting to let these strong men go.

The hands of the seven people all made fierce attacks one after another, trying to cause trouble to the five people in front.

However, with the presence of Xiaolong, these attacks were all blocked one by one, and they did not stop the footsteps of the five people at all.

"Take all those realms of sitting and forgetting and the realm of immortality into an independent space!"

While walking forward, Xiaolong opened his mouth and said so.

The speed of the five of them was extremely fast, but within a short while, they had already caught up with Du Shaofu and others.

But Di Batian and Lu Xintong shot in an instant, launching a ferocious attack on those demons who were chasing towards Du Shaofu and others!


How dare these demons resist, they all want to escape.

Between several half-step Zai Dao shots, even if each of them has a hundred lives, it is not enough for the other party to slap in the face!

However, the ideas of these demons are very good, but their actions are far behind their thoughts. Many people were hit into fly ash in one encounter, and died unexpectedly!

"Let's go!"

With a big wave of Xiaolong's hand, he directly took hundreds of Siobang powerhouses from the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds into his side, and then collected them into an independent space, leaving only a few people such as Du Shaofu and Lu Jingyun, Take it with you.

Everyone walked all the way, using all their strength, and the speed was extremely fast!

And with the rapid passage of time, the scene ahead soon appeared in their sight.

There were figures of many demon races, but among them, at this moment, a fierce fighting broke out!

"It's Little Demon and Little Xingxing!"

"There are also Uncle Qu, Uncle Long, and Uncle Ling!"

Du Shaofu and Lu Jingyun and the others quickly saw the figures clearly, they were Du Xiaoyao, Xiao Xingxing, Qu Daojue, Long San, Ling Feng and other immortal powerhouses.

These people didn't seem to go together with the millions of powerful people, but fell into the encirclement of the demons. Facing the horrific encirclement and fighting, everyone was terribly wounded.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is Little Xingxing. Her dress has been stained red with blood, but her face is covered with tears.

Those earnest gazes looked over here from time to time through the demon crowd.

The moment Xiaolong's eyes met hers, his body shook suddenly, as if he froze for a moment.

"daughter… "

All of a sudden, the dragon gods who are famous in all the worlds suddenly had red eyes, and hot tears came out of them!

This person with extraordinary cultivation, a rare existence in the world, was completely numb for a moment.

But then, Xiaolong suddenly soared into the sky, his whole body surged, and he rushed towards the distance at full speed.

At the same time, a yell came out of his mouth, murderous intent soared to the sky, domineering and peerless: "People of the demon clan, get out of here!"

As soon as the little dragon landed, he appeared surrounded by endless demon powerhouses.


A violent dragon chant soared into the sky, carrying immeasurable murderous aura!

The dragon's body immediately manifested, and launched a frenzied attack!

This scene looked like a terrifying mountain range lying between the demon group, moving at high speed, under the vertical and horizontal rush, a dragon's tail swept away, and exploded with a muffled sound!

Countless immortal strongmen of the demon race, under such circumstances, directly turned into blood mist, lingering in the void!

That area turned into chaos, and I don't know how many demons' lives were buried!

At this moment, Xiaolong seemed to be crazy, and launched a terrible massacre on the Immortal Realm of the Demon Race!

With his strength, killing these people is no different from cutting melons and vegetables!


Behind Du Shaofu and others, the Seven Great Demon Generals and the Two Great Demon Attendants saw such a scene, they stepped on their feet and began to curse.

It's okay, if Long Xuan is allowed to kill like this, the millions of Immortals of the Demon Race can't survive how many times he rushes back and forth!

If that's the case, during the thirty-three days of conquests in the future, would they want to be polished commanders and kill all by themselves

"Block him! Go and stop him!"

Dongli Chihuang and Shen Yan's faces were deformed, and they roared loudly.

The Seven Great Demon Generals also moved, no matter what, it was impossible for them to watch each other slaughter the demons so recklessly!

"Little father and daughter are finally reunited!"

Among all the people, Du Shaofu showed a knowing smile.

Even though he saw the current situation of Little Xingxing, he was extremely angry, but when the Dragon God came out, Du Shaofu was relieved.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart, with joy, but there was also a bit of sourness in his eyes.

Little Xingxing was brought up by him alone, no different from blood relatives.

Today, seeing her reunion with the Dragon God, it is also a matter of little Xing Xing's heart.

In this regard, Du Shaofu felt extremely happy and excited.

After thousands of years of changes in the world, Xiao Xingxing finally reunited with his biological father on this day!

(end of this chapter)