Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2961: Shocking change


This ball of light is the soul of the blood ancestor, which was snatched out by him and bound in the palm of his hand, unable to escape!

Du Shaofu's eyes burst into coldness, with a deep hatred look!

To some extent, the Blood Ancestor is even more hateful than the Demon Ancestor!

It itself is a creature of the Pangu world, derived from the Dao innately. It was originally an existence equal to the three of Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin. It has the ability to become the ancestor of all creatures and obtain the supreme status!

However, the Blood Ancestor was born bloodthirsty. Instead of helping the Pangu world in the ancient demon war, he became a disaster, leading all the creatures of the future generations to join forces with the demon clan to start a bloody slaughter!

For such a person, Du Shaofu has no half-hearted kindness, he can only kill them quickly!

"You should really suppress your primordial spirit for all generations, burn it with the fire of the Nine Heavens, and let you suffer the pain of burning your body in purgatory!"

Du Shaofu raised the light ball in his hand to his eyes, and said softly.

There was a small blood phoenix in hell struggling in the light group, trying to break free from his control!

As Du Shaofu said, he really wanted to put the Blood Ancestor to death, making him suffer the most miserable punishment in the world!

But at this moment, senior brother Lu Shaoyou was fighting fiercely with the Demon Ancestor, and the real battle had already begun, so he didn't have time to arrange more methods to deal with the Blood Ancestor!

"Let you die so quickly, it's really cheap for you!"

Du Shaofu said with a bit of Xiao Suo, and immediately the power in his hand shot wildly, as if boiling!

All this terrifying power poured out on the soul of the body ancestor, causing it to let out a series of screams, extremely painful!


The Blood Ancestor's roar pierced the world, it was unbearably horrific!

And finally under Du Shaofu's palm of the hand, all the sounds came to an abrupt end!

The blood-colored primordial spirit turned into ashes, dissipated between the heaven and the earth, and has ceased to exist since then!

"The nine great demon generals, the two major demon servants, the blood ancestor, and countless demon clans are all dead! The blood-killing killers of all beings in ancient times, now only the demon ancestor is left!"

Du Shaofu let out a long sigh of relief, muttering to himself.

The death of the nine great demon generals, the two major demon servants, the blood ancestor and other powerhouses can be regarded as a consolation for the eighteen Taoist powerhouses who fell in the ancient battle and sealed the eighteen hells!

And as long as everything goes well, the Demon Ancestor will not live long!

Thinking in Du Shaofu's mind, he turned his sights to the deepest part of the eighteenth floor of hell, spying on the battle between Senior Brother Lu Shaoyou and the generals.

Under his perception, the most terrifying collision occurred between the two!

Although most of the energy has been isolated, Du Shaofu can still feel the intensity of the battle!

Both Lu Shaoyou and Demon Ancestor are the strongest existences in the world today, and the fight between them is especially terrifying!

Vaguely, slices of special Dao power are revealed, which is daunting!

"Lu Shaoyou, you can't beat me! You can't resist the means of my ancestor! Even if you arrange it through the ages, it will never change the final killing of my ancestor! Whether it is thirty-three days or three thousand great thousand The world will eventually turn into a demon realm!"

The general's voice sounded, followed by another loud and dull sound, obviously a new round of collision occurred!

"Really? Then why have you been hiding here, go out and fight with me!"

Lu Shaoyou snorted coldly, and said loudly: "Don't think that if you stay in the place where you once transformed into Tao, I will have nothing to do with you!"

Accompanied by these words, only listening to the sword glow piercing through the air, attacking and killing wildly!

In an instant, the whole space, which is composed of the 17th and 18th hells, trembled!

The universe is turning, the earth is overturning, the sky is exploding, the void is collapsing, and the chaos is boiling!

Everything is a scene of doomsday, extremely terrifying!

The battle between Lu Shaoyou and the general finally completely affected this space!

Seeing such a terrible scene, Du Shaofu couldn't help retreating again and again, rushing directly to the edge!

Those screaming and howling powers were so terrifying that he didn't dare to be contaminated in the slightest!


Only under Du Shaofu's perception, the terrifying demonic energy and scarlet light in the deepest part of the space suddenly exploded, and two figures rushed out of it!

One of them was dressed in Tsing Yi, and held a blood-gold long knife in his hand, which was radiant and fierce!

The other one is the body of a beast, covered with blood-red hair, covered from head to toe, only the face and sharp claws are exposed!

This person, besides the blood-killing ancient Demon Ancestor, who else could it be!

"Lu Shaoyou, you forced me out, I hope you don't regret it!"

The Demon Ancestor's face was extremely ferocious, and his bloody hair fluttered all over his body, like tentacles swaying in the void!

Around him, the sky and the earth collapsed, chaos surrounded, the light of destruction burst out, the scarlet energy surged, and the power of killing surged!

"Is this the real demon body of the Demon Ancestor..."

Seeing Senior Brother Lu Shaoyou and Demon Ancestor appearing, Du Shaofu, who was standing far away, couldn't help but speak softly, with a sense of shock.

Luohu, the ancestor of the demon, walked out of the chaos. He is an ancient god and demon with the body of a real demon!

From its appearance, Du Shaofu can still see some shadows of generals back then, but there are still some differences with generals!

On the Demon Ancestor, the killing and bloody aura is stronger, and the momentum is more fierce, the horror is boundless!

At the same time, the hair color on its body is more dazzling, and its sharp claws are also sharper!

"It's good if you're willing to come out! Fighting here today will end everything!"

Listening to what Mozu said, Lu Shaoyou's expression was not as solemn as before, but a little relaxed.

The Demon Ancestor had been avoiding it before, but it was in the place where he transformed into the Dao. It was the place where the Demon Ancestor opened up the Demon Race World in ancient times. It contains extremely terrifying power, which can play a huge role in the recovery of the Demon Ancestor!

It is precisely because of this that he has been hiding in it, even if Du Shaofu killed the three major demon generals, the two major demon attendants and the blood ancestor in front of him, he has been reluctant to come out!

However, under the influence of Lu Shaoyou's shot, Mo Zu was finally forced out to fight against him!

"Lu Shaoyou, since the ancestor is released today, he must take someone's life!"

The Demon Ancestor spoke sharply, saying so!

He is an ancient demon ancestor, and when he is born, he will bring a rain of scarlet blood all over the sky, and take away the lives of countless living beings!

But Lu Shaoyou obviously didn't believe in this evil, he just snorted coldly and launched an attack brazenly!

"Blood slaughter, fight with me!"

He let out a long howl, and threw the blood in his hand high into the sky, the long knife rose in the wind, and in an instant it turned into a size of tens of thousands of feet, and it fell down brazenly!

At the same time, Lu Shaoyou's black hair danced wildly, his figure rushed, and his hands continued to form strange marks, which turned into bright "卍" symbols, fiercely suppressing!


The Demon Ancestor also stopped talking nonsense and roared directly. A pair of sharp claws tore the sky and the ground, scratching the entire space, and launched a fierce collision with Lu Shaoyou!

"Keng Keng..."

When the claws of the Demon Ancestor collided with Lu Shaoyou's sword light, there was a detonation sound, as if Thor hammered through the sky, making the world tremble!

The sword light was blocked by him, and then the claws were violently torn out again, tearing the "卍" mark that Lu Shaoyou made into pieces!

"God Thunder Cauldron!"

Lu Shaoyou took a long drink, stretched out his hand and made a move in the void!

"Hula la..."

The nine Purple Thunder Profound Cauldrons on Du Shaofu's body drew nine terrifying lines, plowed the world into a mess, and blatantly smashed towards the Demon Ancestor!

The Nine Cauldrons belonged to Lu Shaoyou, and they had been with him for many years. Even though they are under Du Shaofu's control now, when Lu Shaoyou mobilized them, he was still as fierce as his arms!

"What a terrible fight..."

At this time, Du Shaofu became a little sluggish, watching the battle in the distance, shocked to the extreme!

Whether it is senior brother Lu Shaoyou or Mozu, they all showed his unimaginable strength!

If the battle between these two people is done deliberately, it will definitely make the big world collapse into nothingness and return to chaos!

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Just when Du Shaofu was stunned, a few lights and shadows flashed around him, Xiaolong, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xintong five people suddenly appeared and came to his side!

After these people arrived, they all felt extremely horrified by what they saw in front of them!

I saw that the entire space was overturned, and the light of chaos flowed down from the sky, which was extremely magnificent and gorgeous, and it seemed to be a beautiful scene!

But in such a beautiful scenery, it contains the most terrifying power of destruction in the world!

Xiaolong, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xintong, and Du Shaofu didn't speak, they looked at the battle over there with horrified eyes!

They gathered here under the arrangement of Lu Shaoyou, just to deal with the Demon Ancestor together with him!

Once Lu Shaoyou consumes the Demon Ancestor to the extreme, it's time for Xiaolong and five to continue to suppress him!

As for Du Shaofu, it is necessary to contribute at the last moment, and finally completely kill the Demon Ancestor!

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The battle between Lu Shaoyou and Demon Ancestor continued, and when the two fought fiercely, how can it be described as "the sky and the earth lose color, the sun and the moon have no light"!

In the end, the terrible collision between the two no longer made a huge roar, but the sound of flowing water, it was the sound of chaos flowing!

Large expanses of energy raged against the sky and the ground, and the space was destroyed to the brink of collapse, and it was about to collapse completely!


Lu Shaoyou continued to drink for a long time, and when a terrible shout came down, he suddenly shook his hand and played a round of terrible gossip graphics!

In this gossip graph, there is a world that is presented, just like the real world, in which the rules of the great way and the legal order are sound!

The power of this world is added to the gossip graph, turning it into a huge millstone, and suppressing the demon ancestor!


There were bursts of screaming sounds from Mo Zu's throat, piercing the sky and cracking the earth, even though it was far away, it still made Du Shaofu and Xiaolong feel trembling, wanting to fall!

How dare they neglect, they immediately sealed their sense of hearing, obediently hid in the edge of the space, and at the same time, the power in their bodies kept circulating, eliminating the terrifying intention of attacking and killing!

"The method of gossip in the void, in the hands of senior brother, is so powerful!"

Du Shaofu couldn't calm down in his heart, watching his brothers attack and kill again and again, with deep shock.

He himself is also able to display void gossip, and under his own comprehension, he has carried out a further fusion.

But obviously compared with the method of the senior brother at this time, it is still too weak!

It is not difficult for Du Shaofu to feel that there is a strong original power of chaos in it, and under the way of the overlord of senior brother Lu Shaoyou, the most terrifying power has been derived!

"Mastering the origin of chaos is the greatest feature of the realm of carrying the Tao! If you want to break through nothingness, you need to comprehend the complete origin of chaos, that is, to complete your own way!"

Watching the battle, while Du Shaofu was stunned, he was also constantly thinking about comprehending something.

For example, the Great God Pangu, the Great Luo Tianzun, the Demon Ancestor, and the people who opened up the three thousand worlds are all creatures of chaos. Power!

But for the innate and acquired creatures, all these can only be obtained by practicing step by step on their own!

This can only be achieved by engraving one's own way!

"Carve out your own way..."

Du Shaofu carefully comprehended that through the battle in front of him, he could more and more perceive the existence of the origin of chaos!

Under such circumstances, he fell into deep thought and began to focus on two tasks. While watching the terrifying duel between his senior brother Lu Shaoyou and the Demon Ancestor, he mobilized the power in his body and wanted to engrave his own Dao pattern again. !

In the body, every tiny bit of energy was transferred by him, and finally gathered together, and entered the Niwan Palace in his mind!

When he first comprehended and broke through half a step to carry the Tao, he only successfully carved a point between the eyebrows of the Chijiri Horse Monkey Yuanshen, and this point can also be regarded as his own Dao pattern, which has immense power!

But obviously like this, Du Shaofu still feels that it is far from enough, he wants to go to perfection, the only way is to continue to work hard!


On the side, Xiaolong, who was concentrating on watching the battle, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Du Shaofu beside him, a look of astonishment appeared in his pupils.

"I'm still comprehending at this moment, this kid..."

He discovered that Du Shaofu had fallen into comprehension and cultivation unexpectedly, so he couldn't help but be amazed.

Under his observation, the young man in purple robe soon stopped paying attention to the battle in the arena, all his attention was withdrawn, and he began to engrave the Dao pattern with all his strength!

Du Shaofu is working hard, and the thin sword is condensed in his mind again, wanting to continue to portray on the Chijima Monkey Primordial Spirit!

"What a wonderful boy!"

Di Batian sighed with emotion, saying so.

Several people around also turned their heads and looked at Du Shaofu for a while, the feeling in their hearts was indescribable!

"Let him comprehend it, every time this kid's strength increases, our chances of winning will become even greater!"

Yang Guo said softly, saying so.

When the rest heard the words, they nodded in agreement.

If you want to kill the Demon Ancestor, you have to rely on Du Shaofu in the end. The strength of this kid may affect the final success or failure!

"Boss should be able to win the battle with the Demon Ancestor!"

Xiaolong turned his head, looked at the terrifying battle in the distance again, and said with worry.

The strength Lu Shaoyou showed at this time was almost the same as that of the Demon Ancestor. The two of them killed so much that time and space overturned, and the world collapsed!

However, Xiaolong is still very worried. After all, he is the Demon Ancestor, an ancient god and demon whose strength reaches heaven and earth!

Relatively speaking, compared with the old Dalu Shaoyou in terms of cultivation level, it is still much worse!

Fortunately, the Demon Ancestor had not healed from his severe injuries, which gave them hope to finally defeat him!

"My brother is sure to be fine!"

Lu Xintong said with beautiful eyes.

She seems to have the most confidence in Lu Shaoyou, and firmly believes that her brother can finally suppress the Demon Ancestor!

"I'm ready to make a move. Once Shaoyou needs help, we must attack immediately to suppress the Demon Ancestor!"

Di Batian opened his mouth and said to the people around him.

Lu Shaoyou alone is not enough to completely suppress the Demon Ancestor, and they still need their help.

At this time, the battle over there is extremely fierce, and it has reached a fever pitch, and the most terrifying collision consumption may occur at any time, and at that time, it is time for them, half-step Dao practitioners, to enter the field!

The five people stopped talking, and no longer paid attention to Du Shaofu's state, each of them cheered up and stared carefully at the terrifying duel in the field!

"Lu Shaoyou, my ancestor said that I will definitely make you regret it!"

Faced with the attack of Lu Shaoyou's Daomang, the Demon Ancestor opened his mouth, and suddenly shot out immeasurable force, smashing it to pieces!

Then, I heard him roaring loudly, as if he was going to run away!

Lu Shaoyou's eyes were deep and he didn't answer.

But what happened next made his heart sink suddenly!

But seeing the land where the Demon Ancestor roared and landed, his body of a real demon rushed rapidly, those sharp and unstoppable claws suddenly tore open Lu Shaoyou's attack blockade, directly towards Du Shaofu, Xiaolong, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo and Lu Xintong left where the five of them were!

Such a move made Lu Shaoyou feel a little dignified!

The Demon Ancestor actually abandoned him, and turned his target to several half-step Daoists, obviously wanting to crush them with absolute strength!

But Lu Shaoyou dared not be a vegetarian, he moved immediately and quickly chased up, ready to stop him!

But in the next moment, something shocking happened!

"Go away!"

But when the Demon Ancestor uttered a sharp shout, a pair of sharp claws suddenly grasped in the void, as if turning into billions of feet in length, directly reaching into the deepest part of this space!

In the next blink, a bloody light was brought out by his claws, and he threw it at Lu Shaoyou viciously!

As soon as this light group appeared, Lu Shaoyou's heart suddenly sank, and he felt an extremely dangerous atmosphere!

"This is… "

Lu Shaoyou couldn't help but blurt out, his whole body was extremely dignified!

This was a huge change that caught him off guard, without any expectation at all!

The bloody light caught by Mozu appeared too abruptly, it was unexpected, and it was caught off guard, and it bumped into Lu Shaoyou!

Faced with such a blow, even in his heyday, he would not dare to take the lead easily!

(end of this chapter)