Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2963: Gather in Daluotian



Xiaolong took Xuelu, nodded, and said to Lu Shaoyou.

"Don't worry, Shaoyou, leave the matter here to us!"

Next to him, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xintong also spoke up to reassure Lu Shaoyou.

Then under their gazes, Lu Shaoyou stretched out his hand lightly, and called the light cocoon that Du Shaofu transformed to his side.

"Brother, brother, you must hold on! If you want to kill the demon ancestor, you can only rely on you, don't let senior brother's years of hard work go to waste!"

Lu Shaoyou murmured softly, and then disappeared with Du Shaofu in a flash, and left here.

"Let's go too. In the remaining layers of hell, I don't know how many ancient strong men can be rescued!"

Watching Lu Shaoyou leave with Du Shaofu, Xiaolong said.


Immediately, all the remaining people flitted, flitted quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the original place, only the shattered energy whistling and dancing all over the sky is still slightly stirring, shattered and turned into a chaotic space, which shows that this place has experienced an unimaginable great battle, and the original 17th and 18th floors of hell Everything is destroyed, erased from the world!

Time passed by slowly, and the scene of more than a hundred years went by in a flash!

And in these years, the creatures in each of the thirty-three worlds have been looking forward to it, waiting for the countless strong men who entered the battle between gods and demons to return in triumph!

Everyone pinned their hopes on Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, and Du Shaofu, the Supreme Ever-Rongtian Yuqing Emperor, and hoped that they could completely kill the Demon Ancestor and let many living beings come down safely!

Outside of the Gods and Demons Battle Realm, I don't know how many creatures have gathered, could it be with ardent expectations!

However, only on one day, a blade of light directly broke the seal outside the Gods and Demons War. The strong people saw it all, and all of those people had serious faces, and some of them even showed a bit of decadence!

"What's the matter?"

Outside the battle of gods and demons, Zihong God General He Mengchang, Emperor Martial God General Huo Yuankun, Yunling God General Duan Baichuan and others from Yuqing Divine Kingdom are all here. In addition, Yu Yuqian, Du Xiaoba, Du Xiaohuang, Du Xiaolin , Ouyang Shuang and the others also waited quietly.

When seeing Zhu Qiang appear, each of these people felt an extremely weird atmosphere spreading!

"Shaojing, Xiaoyao, Xiaoxingxing, Qingqing..."

Ouyang Shuang glanced over and saw Du Shaojing, Du Xiaoyao, Xiao Xingxing, Dongli Qingqing from the crowd, rushed over and asked, "Where is Shaofu?"

Seeing Du Xiaoyao's dejected look, Du Shaojing, Xiao Xingxing, and Dongli Qingqing also had red eyes, and Ouyang Shuang's pretty face showed no expression!

It's just that there is some ominous premonition faintly in my heart!

Intuition told her that this ominousness came from Du Shaofu!

"Xiaolong, Yang Guo, Xintong, where's Shaoyou? Where's Shaofu?"

Yu Yuqian seemed to realize something in an instant, and couldn't help asking.

Thirty-three days and countless powerhouses from the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds have entered the realm of the gods and demons, and Lu Shaoyou has set up a terrifying seal to isolate them all from the outside, so no one can know what's going on inside!

It's just that when so many strong men appeared, they didn't see the leaders Lu Shaoyou and Du Shaofu. This is really the most unreasonable thing!

The old face in front of Yuyu began to tremble a little, her lips trembled unconsciously, her old eyes stared straight at Xiaolong and the others, really afraid of hearing some bad news from their mouths.

"Boss is fine, it's just that Shaofu..."

Xiaolong lowered his face and spoke sadly, but he didn't finish his words.

"What happened to Shaofu?"

Yu Yuqian stepped forward immediately, grabbed Xiaolong's arm, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and asked loudly.


When Ouyang Shuang at the side heard Xiaolong's words, he suddenly felt like five thunders were hitting his head, his delicate body shook, and he was about to fall down, but was supported by Du Xiaoba beside him!

"What happened to my father?"

Du Xiaohuang and Du Xiaolin also asked questions quickly, wanting to hear Xiaolong's answer.

"Du Shaofu was raided by the Demon Ancestor, the situation is not good, Shaoyou has taken him away first! This matter is a bit complicated to say, let's talk while walking!"

After all, Di Batian is an old man who has lived for countless years, and he has calmed down a lot when things happen. Seeing the worried expressions of everyone, he can't help but grab the conversation and speak out.

He didn't want everyone to worry too much, so he had to avoid the important ones, and didn't directly state Du Shaofu's situation at this time.

Hearing such words, Ouyang Shuang's eyes lit up a little soon as expected.

"Where did Shaoyou take Shaofu?"

Yu Yuqian questioned him again, feeling extremely worried.

"Shaofu was seriously injured. There are three places where the boss will take him most likely. One is the Three Thousand Great Thousand World, the second is a world called Earth, and the third is the world of Shenwu. But in these three places Among them, the most likely one should be the world of martial arts!"

Xiaolong looked at Yu Yuqian and replied like this.

He and Lu Shaoyou are the closest brothers, and they know each other very well.

If you want to save Du Shaofu, the Three Thousand Great Thousand World is a good choice, because it is the place where Lu Shaoyou rose, and you can mobilize massive resources and manpower.

In addition, located in the boundless starry sky, the only world where life exists, the place called the earth, has an inseparable relationship with the great god Pan Gu, and there may be some ultimate opportunity hidden in it, which will help resolve the chaos of the demon ancestor in Du Shaofu The source can play the most effective role.

Moreover, Lu Shaoyou's own soul also came from that place!

As for the third possible choice, it is the world of martial arts!

The world of Shenwu, also known as Da Luotian, is the world opened up by the ancient Da Luo Tianzun, and later controlled by Du Shaofu, and the rules and order in it are closely related to him!

There, Du Shaofu is more in line with the nature of the world, and can resonate with everything in the world!

The most important thing is that Du Shaofu has been seriously injured this time, it may not be too easy for outsiders to treat him, and the one who really needs to rely on is himself!

It is precisely because of this that Xiaolong felt that the world of Shenwu would be the most likely choice for the old mainland Shaoyou!

"Let's go, go to Shenwu World!"

Hearing Xiaolong's words, Yu Yuqian made a decisive decision and rushed out instantly!

Behind him, Ouyang Shuang, Du Xiaoba, Du Xiaolin, Du Xiaohuang, Xiao Xingxing, Du Xiaoyao, Du Shaojing, Dongli Qingqing and others followed suit, and soon left!

They were worried and wanted to go back to the world of Shenwu to see the specific situation.

"Let's leave later, these strong men who have been rescued from the 18th floor of hell have to help them, so that they can finally stabilize!"

Xiaolong said to Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xintong who were beside him.

Except for the seventeenth and eighteenth hells, which were destroyed in the battle between Lu Shaoyou and Mozu, they broke through the remaining sixteen hells one by one!

And there are only five ancient Zaidao powerhouses rescued from it!

This number can't help but make people feel heartbroken. The remaining thirteen strong men all exhausted everything to suppress the Demon Ancestor, and finally turned into a piece of loess, dead and dao disappeared!

As for the five people who survived, the situation is not too good. They are also exhausted to the point where they are about to run out of energy, and they need the help of the strong, so that they can hope to truly dominate the world again!

Xiaolong's plan is to give them medical treatment, and when the situation is stable, send them back to their respective inheritance places in the thirty-three days to recuperate quietly!

"Xuelu stay here to seal the god-devil battle environment and keep people guarding it. If there is any more movement from the demon ancestor, he will report it as soon as possible!"

With a wave of Xiaolong's arm, he threw out the blood in his palm!

The blood-golden light shot up into the sky, filling the gap that was just opened!

As many strong men responded, Xiaolong, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xintong suddenly rose into the air and quickly disappeared into the distance.

On the outskirts of the Gods and Demons Battlefield, most of the creatures stayed behind!

However, judging from the current situation, fearing that it would be difficult to start the war for a while, many people naturally left, looking for a place to heal their injuries, and waiting for the call in the future.

"The Demon Ancestor is still alive, but Du Shaofu, the Divine Emperor Yuqing, was taken advantage of by him and suffered severe injuries. Life and death are unpredictable!"

Not long after, this disappearance swept through like a storm, blowing through every world in the thirty-three days, and became known to all living beings.

After the return of many creatures in the battle between gods and demons, everyone gradually understood what happened in these years.

"It's a pity that Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, has arranged for many years, and finally there are such variables. It is really hateful!"

"The demons are ancient gods and demons, and it is reasonable to have extraordinary means! The only thing to blame is the current world. In the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds, no one in the Wuxiang realm can stand up!"

"It is said that if you want to kill the Demon Ancestor, the Emperor Yuqing, Du Shaofu, is the most important thing! He has been injured this time, and he doesn't know that he can survive it safely!"

"I hope he can do it. That guy has already created many miracles. I hope that after this time, he will bring a huge shock and surprise to the world!"

"Countless powerhouses of the Demon Race were killed, but the powerhouses of the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds did not suffer too much loss. This is good news!"

"Yes, this is indeed something that can make people feel gratified!"

"In addition, in ancient times, there were actually 18 strong Taoists who sealed the 18th floor of hell, but now, there are still five people who are still alive and were rescued by Dragon God and others!"

All kinds of discussions spread everywhere in the thirty-three days.

All living beings are shocked by the power of the demons, and the situation in the 18th floor of hell has changed several times. To them, it is full of unimaginable thrills!

But fortunately, in the end, all the powerhouses of the demon clan were killed. The Yuqing Emperor Du Shaofu alone killed the nine demon generals, the two demon servants, the blood ancestor and other powerhouses. Can and!

While everyone was amazed by him, there were also many sighs.

That detached and domineering young man encountered a catastrophe under the surprise attack of the demon ancestor, and his life and death were unpredictable!

The power displayed by the Demon Ancestor has greatly exceeded the estimation of Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, and many people can see that there may be some huge secret hidden in it, and the Demon Race may have a chance to make a comeback!

The Demon Ancestor was not dead, but the only person who could kill him was seriously injured. This is a huge bad news!

The heavy feeling in the hearts of the thirty-three days of creatures, with the end of the protracted war, not only did not weaken, but it became stronger!

Everyone is looking forward to it in their hearts, hoping that Yuqing God Emperor Du Shaofu can wake up, fight side by side with Lu Shaoyou, and completely kill the Demon Ancestor!

Apart from the bad news, the rescue of the five ancient Taoists was the most gratifying thing!

It's just that most of the living beings don't know which five forces those five Zaidao come from!

"That Yuqing Divine Emperor Du Shaofu came from the world of Shenwu. There is a very special existence there. It should be the same existence as the Pangu world, the demon world, and the three thousand great worlds. The world pioneer Da Luo Tianzun was disturbed, and then joined hands with Pan Gu to suppress the Demon Ancestor!"

About the world of Shenwu and things, it was also spread during the thirty-three days.

Everyone was amazed at the specialness of that world and sighed extremely.

This is not because of the ancient magic war, how powerful the current world of Shenwu, that is, Da Luotian, should be!

"The God Emperor of the Yuqing Divine Kingdom, the Dapeng Emperor of the Divine Martial World, Du Shaofu is such a hero, he fought bravely for the thirty-three days of life, and he has made great achievements in battle! No matter what the reason is, we should go to visit it. Don't worry!"

Some strong men of the older generation spoke up and made such a decision!

"Of course!"

Such a decision has won the approval of countless people.

And there are so many people who have the same idea!

"Take out the eternal spiritual roots in the family, and the ancestor will go to the world of Shenwu to visit Emperor Yuqing!"

"This Huangquan Blood Bamboo has grown in my mountain gate for many years, and it's time to cut it today!"

"The Remnant Temple of the Great Desolation is my most cherished thing, and I have gained inexhaustible benefits from it for countless years, but I still can't fully understand its magic! Why don't I bring it to Da Luotian, or I can help the Great Penghuang!"

Soon, the entire thirty-three days of creatures started to move again, especially those big forces and big race inheritances, and many strong people came out!

Everyone's goal is the same, that is to move towards the world of martial arts!

Thousands of years ago, when the world of Shenwu was fully exposed to the Thirty-Three Heavens for the first time, it caused a huge commotion.

At that time, many forces went there with covetous intentions, wanting to benefit from it, but under the suppression of the head of the Tianwu Academy, the Supreme Emperor, there was no big disturbance!

But this time it was completely different. Countless people had deep expectations, and there was also a sense of pilgrimage, bringing countless treasures of heaven and earth!

For the juniors of the Divine Emperor Yuqing, the Great Luotian Dapeng Emperor, and Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, even on weekdays, ordinary treasures are naturally looked down upon, not to mention that his situation is not good at this time. In the thirteenth day, countless forces and beings wanted to do their best to help him recover!

Therefore, the treasures brought by everyone, none of which are ordinary, are unique in the world!

Their thoughts are very simple, even if they can help Du Shaofu a little bit, it must be a great comfort!

The Demon Ancestor is still alive, to the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, it is like a knife hanging above the head at all times, and it is unknown when it will finally fall!

And as long as Du Shaofu can survive, it will become a sharp blade hanging on the head of the Demon Ancestor, forming the most powerful threat to him!

In other words, at this time, the final hope of the 33-day-old creatures is still pinned on Du Shaofu, how could they feel the slightest heartache for the consumption of some treasures!

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Throughout the thirty-three days, many creatures in the great powers were moving, and one after another figures all rushed out of the world, aiming directly at Da Luotian.

In addition, many strong men who came out of the world of martial arts back then, such as Fu Yibai, the old lunatic, and others, also went there!

The ancient emperor of the human race who stayed behind in the Yuqing Kingdom, the ancient ancestor of Bifang's divine bird clan, Dai Xingyu and Qingluan Xiaoqing who practiced with Dongxian, Beigong Yingruo, Beigong Ningshuang, Beigong Tianhuan, Beigong Changqing, and many strong men from the three thousand great worlds are also heading towards the location of Da Luotian one by one!

In the cracks of the boundless world, the mighty crowd moved quickly, like a swarm of bees returning to their nest, flocking towards the direction of the world of martial arts.

The speed of these people has been displayed to the extreme, very fast, and many of them are led by Zuo Wang ancestor-level powerhouses, and it didn't take long for them to descend into the world of Shenwu!

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

A figure pierced through the void, and a majestic aura swayed, shaking the entire world of martial arts!

And this is the result of their deliberate suppression!

Otherwise, if so many strong men's auras are entwined and come together, I'm afraid it will set off a stormy sea, causing the earth to crack, the sky to shatter, and the mountains and rivers to be destroyed!

"Shenwu world... Da Luotian..."

The vast majority of people came to this place for the first time, and as soon as they arrived, they felt the majestic and boundless aura, as well as the complicated and vast rules and order!

The prosperity of this world has surpassed that of any other world in the thirty-three days!

And it was Du Shaofu, the great roc emperor respected by these creatures, who brought this change!

"Du Shaofu is the great roc emperor of the barren country, when we find the location of the barren country, we should be able to see him!"

A strong man exerted the power of the primordial spirit and began to spy, and within a short time, he found out the direction of the barren country.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of figures moved again, all flocking to the deserted country!

But at the same time as the action, everyone restrained their aura, and did not act in a big way. They all suppressed themselves and acted as low-key as possible!

Du Shaofu was brought here by Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds. With his current state, no one dares to be too ostentatious. If he caused disturbance and brewed bad results, he might become the common enemy of all living beings!

(end of this chapter)