Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2972: The so-called nothing


Earth world!

The actions of the Demon Ancestor have not affected this place for a while. Under the isolation of the boundless starry sky, all the terrifying powers are blocked in a distant place, making it difficult to reach here!

The existence of this world is very different from other worlds!

Here, time flows very slowly!

Thirty-three days passed by in a flash, thousands of years passed by in a hurry, but the world of the earth was only dangling in less than a year!

Therefore, compared with the early years when Lu Shaoyou brought Xiaolong to this world, the situation here has not changed much.

But this earth world has a completely different style from the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds. Even those two mighty great world powerhouses, once they come here, they will be in a daze. Circle, just because everything here is too different!

In the earth world, the living beings are extremely weak, and the aura is so thin that it is outrageous!

Whether it is human race or other creatures, there are very few cultivators. Even in some hidden mountains and rivers, you can only find a few weak people who are not much better than ordinary people. , not to mention being compared with the people of the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds!

In addition, only the human race stands out here, standing at the top of all living beings, with extremely high wisdom!

In this world, human beings gather and live together, and towering buildings rise into the sky, row upon row.

Under the transformation of the human race, the earth world has obtained extremely powerful abilities in an extremely strange way!

"The human race in this world can't cultivate and change themselves, so they seek many mysteries in this world, start from the subtleties, and obtain means that we cultivators don't care about at all! They live, travel, produce, etc. , all involve something called technology!"

Back then, Lu Shaoyou once said this to Xiaolong.

His soul came from this world and was reborn in the three thousand great thousand worlds, so he knows everything here very well.

The human race in the earth world is different from the Three Thousand Great Thousand World and the Thirty-Three Three Days. They rely on "cars", "airplanes", "trains" and other tools to travel, and they communicate with each other by means of "telephones", "Internet" and other means. , similar to these things, too numerous to mention!

At the beginning, Xiaolong was very new and curious about these things.

He has to admire the human race in this world, who can obtain so many strange means by observing the mysteries of the elements in the world!

Even though, in the eyes of these powerhouses, these methods are not so mysterious at all!

If a cultivator is willing to explore these things, it will definitely be much easier than the human race in the earth world!

But having said that, on the premise that they do not have enough strength, these means are the most suitable way of survival for the human race on earth!

Xiaolong understands this truth very well!

"Although the creatures in this world are very weak, the weapons they make are very terrifying. Even if it is a small world of thirty-three days, if you really fight them to the death, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive!"

Lu Shaoyou also said such words to Xiaolong, and he even took his brother to a place.

The human beings there carried out a terrifying explosion in a desert, and the terrifying energy went straight to the sky, almost opening the sky!

What surprised Xiaolong the most was that there was also a strange power in it, which seemed to have a super penetrating ability, which could cause terrible damage to biological functions and kill people invisible!

Lu Shaoyou told him that it was a so-called "nuclear explosion experiment" that only showed a small part of its power.

If the most terrible war comes, if it is used by any means, the whole world of the earth will be overturned, and all living beings will not be able to escape and will die!

"The human race in this world is really extraordinary! However, even though their methods are weird, they are not enough to make this world disappear completely. After all, this place is related to the Great God Pan Gu!"

Hearing what Lu Shaoyou said, Xiaolong also sighed.

They have traveled to many places in this world, and Xiaolong has also seen many novel things.

Just from the perspective of war, if the creatures of the earth world are fighting to the death with one of the small worlds in the thirty-three or three thousand worlds, it is estimated that the difference will not be too much!

Of course, the premise is that they can't get rid of the shackles of this world at all, and they can't bring the methods here to those worlds.

Coupled with the many means possessed by the cultivator, it is even more extraordinary in comparison. If it is only about winning or losing, there is no need to think about it at all.

In addition to these, Xiaolong also knows that there are some differences in the earth world!

Here, there is a close connection with Pan Gu, but even Lu Shaoyou cannot be too specific about what kind of relationship exists.

But he knew one thing, the Great God Pan Gu was here!

It is precisely because of this that Lu Shaoyou chose to retreat here to attack the ultimate realm of nothingness!


When the neon lights all over the sky illuminate the whole city, rows of shiny street lamps criss-cross and cut the city into pieces.

The traffic on the road is like a shuttle, coming and going like the wind.

"The Dao transforms Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang develop ten thousand dharmas, and ten thousand dharmas weave the great thousand... At the end of the road of cultivation, it is a process of harmony! The Dao comes from chaos, but where does chaos come from?"

In the night sky thousands of miles away, a huge iron bird was flying with a terrifying roar, flying across the sky at an extremely fast speed.

This is what is called an airplane in the earth world, and it is easy to travel thousands of miles a day!

At this time, there was a figure sitting cross-legged on the upper part of the plane. Its specific appearance could not be seen clearly under the night, only a hazy outline appeared.

It can be vaguely seen that this is a man with long hair tied behind his head, which is completely different from the dress in this world.

He sat cross-legged on the back of the plane like this, with the strong wind blowing by his side, but he couldn't even lift a single strand of hair.

"The Realm of Slashing Truth begins to comprehend the power of law, the Realm of Immortality traces back to the origin of law, and the realm of Sit and Forgetfulness condenses the origin of the Dao. When carrying the Tao, one realizes the power of chaos! However, this last step seems to be still elusive..."

The man spoke softly, his voice was so small that no outsider could hear him at all.

This man is exactly Lu Shaoyou who came to the earth world to seek a breakthrough.

He has been away for thirty-three days for more than a thousand years, but he has only been in this world for a few short months.

Lu Shaoyou knew in his heart that the reason why the flow of time here is so different is because of Pan Gu.

"The Taoists in ancient China say that the world comes from chaos, but chaos starts from nothing..."

Lu Shaoyou murmured softly, and then asked himself: "Then, what is nothing?"

He frowned slightly, with some confusion.

These principles are very simple to understand, and perhaps a human from the Huaxia race can explain a thing or two.

According to the records in some ancient books, it can be known that the heaven and the earth evolved from chaos, and eventually thousands of creatures and colorful worlds were born, and the avenues and boundless rules were built!

But chaos starts from "nothing"!

To put it simply, nothing means nothing, it means it doesn't exist!

Since it does not exist, how does chaos appear

Lu Shaoyou didn't understand, he couldn't understand the real mystery here.

Stepping into Zai Dao and being at the peak for many years, he has already mastered the original power of chaos to a perfect state.

But to be honest, after many years of comprehension, he still hasn't been able to comprehend that ray of mystery.

"What kind of place is the place where Senior Chuangling went?"

Lu Shaoyou couldn't help but thought of another thing. When Du Shaofu led people into the 18th floor of hell, he and Xiaolong went to a special place.

There, both of them gained some new insights.

If you really want to talk about what they saw, you can sum it up in one sentence: everything is there, but there is nothing!

This feeling is extremely mysterious and contradictory, but it is a real thing.

All the magnificent and splendid scenes, under careful scrutiny, are like dreams and bubbles, just like life is alive, the floating world is changing, true and false, elusive!

It was also at that place that Lu Shaoyou gained a great understanding, and there were faint signs of a breakthrough, which delayed a lot of time and almost caused a huge change in the actions in the 18th floor of hell.

Fortunately, he got out of the state in time and rushed back to Thirty-Three Days, which prevented the situation from deteriorating further.

However, that magical feeling that was vaguely about to be grasped was also disconnected at that time, and it seemed extremely difficult to continue at this moment!

"Existence is created out of nothing, existence is chaos, existence is myriad things, everything comes from nothing..."

Lu Shaoyou sat on the back of the plane, whispering like this.

He cast his eyes into the distance, saw the endless bright lights, and could perceive the mountains, rivers, land and rivers that stretched for thousands of miles!

Everything that exists in the world is real and illusory. In the world of a person, if you think about it from the subtleties, is it true or false

Lu Shaoyou couldn't understand this question at this time.

But he knows one fact, that is, everything in the world, even if it dissipates into a cloud of smoke, will leave corresponding traces, and will not truly disappear!

Just like that big tree in the sky, it may be devoured by the fierce fire and turn into dust, or it may rot into mud and flow with the water.

But it is undeniable that this big tree existed, and continued to exist in another way after it died. The only difference is that it is no longer a tree!

From this level of understanding, what is the real nothingness

Chaos transforms into life, makes all things good, everything annihilates, and returns to chaos, so where will chaos return to

Lu Shaoyou knows the answer, that is nothing...

But the problem has come full circle and returned to the original starting point again.

What is really nothing

"There is no image, there is no image, I am afraid that what we are looking for is the ultimate secret!"

Lu Shaoyou sighed softly, and he stood up gently on the back of the machine.

At this time, the flight has reached the terminal and landed slowly!

Lu Shaoyou took a step forward, stepping out layer by layer, as if walking on a ladder, slowly ascending into the sky until reaching the clouds.

He let go of the protective power outside his body, let the bitter wind in the sky blow on his face, felt the power from nature, wrapped his hair and flew back.

"The realm of no image can open up the world, create spirits, and control all living beings. The essence lies in obtaining the most powerful principle, and it is possible to do the act of creating something out of nothing..."

Lu Shaoyou thought of Pan Gu, the Great Luo Tianzun, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, and Senior Chuang Ling...

This is Wuxiang's ability. Mastering the origin of chaos and gaining the power of "nothing", you can create something out of nothing, open up a huge world, and give birth to all living beings!

The gods and demons who came out of the chaos have inherent advantages. They have grasped the origin of chaos very early, and are closer to the existence of "nothing", so they save a lot of effort in this step compared to Lu Shaoyou.

But Lu Shaoyou feels in his heart that this is not a fundamental difference. Gods and demons are also creatures, and they are also members of "nothingness", and there is no essential difference between them and all things in the world.

Since they can comprehend the existence of "nothingness", why can't they themselves

"How about...try this way?"

Suddenly, Lu Shaoyou raised his eyebrows, thinking of a possibility.

His heart began to beat violently, almost crazy for what he imagined.

Since everything comes from nothing, what is the end of the world? Is it also nothing

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that I can try it along this line of thought

He quickly thought of the whole process, first using his own power of chaos to evolve all things, and then let all things continue to evolve until the vicissitudes of life, the great world is broken, and go to the end of time and space, to feel what is the most real annihilation, and what is the most real annihilation. True none!

Naturally, Lu Shaoyou's current evolutionary world is no different from the real world, and can open up a huge space, giving birth to everything in the world and countless creatures.

But there is a huge difference from the real world, that is, the world he evolved needs to be sustained by his own strength, otherwise it will soon dissipate and cannot last!

The biggest shortcoming is that he has not grasped the concept of "nothing".

Maybe through this method, you can really feel the ultimate way!

It's just that Lu Shaoyou has some drums in his heart. Will the consequences of doing so make him disappear into the invisible together, and will he be able to wake up in the end

At this moment, he was weighing some things in his mind.

If there were not many entanglements, I would definitely try it out, but now the Demon Ancestor is still alive, and the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds are still in peace.

In addition, junior brother Du Shaofu is still in silence, not knowing whether he is alive or dead.

If he really can't wake up again, can't leave even a speck of dust, and truly becomes nothingness, then who can do all this

Lu Shaoyou thought, it's not that he doesn't dare to do this, but there are really many things that cannot be let go.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

A gust of wind blew past, cutting Lu Shaoyou's body like a knife, but it didn't cause any harm to him.

He just stood quietly above the sky, and a round of bright moon moved across, illuminating his body.

The figure in the green robe just stood there, motionless, like a statue standing above the sky.

He has always maintained such a posture, it seems that this stop has been a long time.

"This knot can't be untied, and the demon ancestor can't be killed. After all, it can't protect the three thousand great thousand worlds and the thirty-three days. I'm afraid that even this small earth world won't be able to survive in the end! If so, then Take a gamble!"

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Shaoyou suddenly made a sound, looking at the sky, there was still no change.

There was a bright light in his eyes, more dazzling than the brightest star in the night sky.

Everything still needs him to arrange and change, whether it is Mozu or Du Shaofu, maybe he needs to do something.

If he can't successfully break through Wuxiang, he won't have enough strength to change more things, and both the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds will become demon realms.

Instead of that, why not take a gamble and fight for the best possibility with the courage of breaking the boat!

"let's start… "

Lu Shaoyou spoke softly, and in a blink of an eye, he left the earth world.

He didn't intend to try in this world, but found a lonely star nearby and sat cross-legged.

Lu Shaoyou gently closed his eyes, like an old monk in meditation.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious aura surged out of him and quickly spread around him.

This energy mechanism is extremely vast and extremely tyrannical, but it encompasses the entire star in an instant, and it continues to spread and expand rapidly.

With Lu Shaoyou's current strength, with all his strength, under the cover of energy, he doesn't know how many stars he can hold!

Under such circumstances, a unique aura suddenly appeared in the starry sky, as if shrouded in a mysterious halo.


In Lu Shaoyou's body, waves of chaotic power boiled and rolled, like boiling porridge!

These chaotic forces were compressed by him, and finally gathered under the navel to form a light cluster. Layers of rolling forces were changing in the light cluster, and a dazzling light bloomed.

One can faintly see through these rays of light that the chaos inside began to transform into Yin and Yang, and in the end, it turned into a Yin and Yang fish.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

This yin-yang fish figure rotates and releases mighty power. It seems to be a terrifying amulet capable of obliterating all existence in the world. It is extremely fierce and wants to break free from his body!

But the yin-yang fish was suppressed by Lu Shaoyou and settled down, but it still jumped a few times from time to time, trying to break away from his restraint.

At this time, Lu Shaoyou did his best and mobilized all his strength. The power he displayed was extremely terrifying, almost beyond his control!

However, what he wanted was not this kind of result. He continued to infuse the energy of chaos into the yin-yang fish figure, but wanted to squeeze out all the power in his body, leaving nothing behind!

At the same time, it is necessary to control the movements of the yin-yang fish and suppress them so as not to exceed one's control.

The purpose of Lu Shaoyou's doing this is to seek the final eruption, and he wants to see what kind of state the world evolved with all his efforts will achieve.

And in the end, it is to control the growth and evolution of this world, from weak to strong, then from prosperity to exhaustion, until it perishes and ceases to exist!

(end of this chapter)