Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2973: Become nothingness


Lu Shaoyou crossed his knees and closed his eyes, layers of vast aura rolled around his body, churning endlessly!

The yin-yang fish figure rotated crazily, sending out terrifying invisible fluctuations. If any living beings approached, they would probably die unexpectedly and be killed invisibly!

Under Lu Shaoyou's continuous compression, the Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish is still shrinking, and its mighty power is bursting out!

In the boundless chaotic qi surge, all of them split apart, turned into yin-yang qi, and became part of the power of the yin-yang fish!

Suddenly, at a certain moment, a dull and loud "boom" spread, and when the yin-yang fish was compressed to an extreme, it exploded instantly!


The terrifying power burst out crazily, rushing out of Lu Shaoyou's body, venting endlessly, frenziedly shocking the world!

The torrential rays of light shot out, enveloping countless miles of star fields. Under the action of this force, the withered stars turned into pieces of smoke and dust without even the slightest resistance!

In the boundless space, everything is dust, only the power released by Lu Shaoyou is boiling!

He sits cross-legged at the center of this power, like a god, the ruler of everything!

At this time, a pale color appeared on Lu Shaoyou's face.

He squeezed out all his strength, and all the chaotic sources in his body were separated, condensed and compressed into yin and yang, and then quickly spread out!

"The power of the world, condense it for me!"

While closing his eyes, Lu Shaoyou spoke in a deep voice, making complicated and obscure handprints with his hands.

Accompanied by that, the surrounding terrifying forces began to boil and roar violently!

These layers of power are constantly intertwined, changing combinations, and strands of vitality emerge.

Soon there were scenes of wonders, but in the huge space, the endless land was spreading and forming, with mountains and rivers rising from the ground, and rivers running across the east and west...

On the periphery of the space, there are special forces generated, intertwined and derived from each other, vibrating out a terrifying power of law, making this space completely independent!

Thick clouds appeared on the sky, and the terrifying thunder and lightning danced like a dragon and snake, raging and rampaging, and the atmosphere of destruction filled the air!


Suddenly, a terrifying roar sounded, as if flowing down from ancient time and space, coming into this life!

As the roar fell, one could see an infinitely long dragon body dragging upwards, cruising around in Lu Shaoyou's space, carrying endless divine power!


Then, another sound like a bird's song was heard.

Immediately following, boundless flames rose up and appeared, burning in all directions, as if it could burn the entire world!

This is a huge firebird with spread wings and long tail, very similar to the Phoenix family in the thirty-three days!

The giant dragon and the red phoenix in front of each other are very scary!

These two are very different from the dragon clan, phoenix clan, and blue dragon clan in the Thirty-Three Heavens and Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, but from the perspective of appearance, they are very similar!

A dragon and a phoenix are extremely terrifying, like the supreme beings, suddenly born between the heaven and the earth!

This is the creature born in the world evolved by Lu Shaoyou, just like the ancestor dragon and Yuanfeng in the thirty-three days, they are innate creatures, infinitely powerful!

Only after these two appeared, everything did not end there!

As time goes by, it can be seen that more creatures emerge, jumping with joy in this world!

A gigantic black tiger emerged from the heaven and the earth, wandering through the mountains and jungles; a small island appeared above the sea, engraved with brand marks like a chessboard, and then the small island suddenly protruded from one end One head turned out to be a huge turtle; in a certain deep mountain, a strange creature was born, shaped like a snake, but with eight heads, which could spew out different powers...

Creatures appear in this world one by one, conceived under the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, and when they first appear, they have very terrifying power!

However, these creatures are still growing rapidly. They seized the power of creation between heaven and earth, and their cultivation strength increased rapidly.

In the entire space, there is a strong power of law floating, which is constructed by Lu Shaoyou, forming a powerful rule between heaven and earth, and condensing a vast and boundless order!


In the entire world form, there are constantly innate creatures appearing.

In the process of the world's evolution, these creatures comprehend the world's legal principles and comprehend the mysteries of the Dao, and become more and more powerful!

And only at a certain moment, with the birth of the first acquired creature of the dragon race, some invisible force in the world seemed to be touched, and it stopped abruptly!

From then on, all creatures conceived and born are acquired...

At the same time, the rules and order of the world are also taking shape, and suddenly solidified, as if they have evolved to an extreme!

The era of innate creatures is over!

But the wonderful evolution of the whole world has not stopped there!

In this space, countless acquired creatures appeared, compared to the number of innate creatures, I don't know how many times it is huge!

"The embryonic form of the world has been condensed..."

Lu Shaoyou, who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the world, muttered in his mouth, he exhaled lightly, and said to himself: "Continue!"

With the fall of his slight words, but hearing a loud "bang" spread, it was like a thunderbolt striking in this space, causing the whole world to collapse!


In an instant, the earth, mountains, rivers, forests, rivers and swamps all further expanded wildly, and the whole world continued to grow, and the overall scale increased exponentially in a short period of time!

This scene is too terrifying, it seems that this side of the world wants to expand to an infinite point within a limited time!

In fact, Lu Shaoyou knew in his heart that when people such as Pangu, Daluo Tianzun, and the demon Luohu opened up the world, they would never forcibly interfere with the growth of the world in such a short period of time to make it grow rapidly.

For those chaotic gods and demons, opening up the world is like shaping their own beloved things, or it is a process of blossoming and bearing fruit, and there is no need to do it deliberately!

Only after the embryonic form of the world is stable, they will let go of it and let the whole world grow slowly by itself, transitioning naturally, until it finally matures, just like the Pangu world and the demon world in ancient times!

But Lu Shaoyou is different. He only wanted to comprehend the concept of "nothingness" this time, and wanted to comprehend a trace of that power and break through the realm of carrying the Tao!

During this process, he must always participate in the changes of the world, and the shape of the entire world must be maintained by his full strength in order to survive!

The biggest difference between the Realm of Containing Dao and the Realm of Wuxiang, from this aspect, lies in whether they need to instill it with their own power after they evolve the world!

Once Lu Shaoyou withdraws his power at this time, the entire world formed will soon dissipate, return to nothingness, and cease to exist!

After Pan Gu, Da Luo Tianzun and others opened up the world, they would put it aside and let it evolve naturally!

This is the huge difference between the two!

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Under Lu Shaoyou's control, this world is growing rapidly.

In a short time, the whole world became extremely prosperous, in which the four original laws of time, space, matter, and life were all available, and endless derivative laws appeared, weaving the rules and order between heaven and earth.

In the world, the life is towering, and countless creatures appear here, almost reaching the peak of the world!

This is Lu Shaoyou's purpose. What he wants is to evolve this world to the most prosperous level, just like picking up stones and piling them up into mountains!

And on the day this mountain was formed, it was suddenly pushed down!

Next, what Lu Shaoyou has to do is to push that lightly!


He let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes were no longer closed, but he took a look at his own work.

It has to be said that this world is very prosperous, and because of his full force, all creatures in it have reached their peak in a short period of time, which is very terrifying!

In the form of the world, many innate beings have reached the cultivation base close to the realm of Zaidao. If these creatures are given enough time, I am afraid that it will not be a problem for them to break into the Tao of Zaidao!

But Lu Shaoyou knew in his heart that all of this was just an illusion!

As long as he can't realize "nothingness", then all these things are rootless duckweeds, which cannot last for a long time, until the day when his own strength is exhausted, he will eventually be unable to escape the fate of extinction!

"This gamble, if it succeeds, nothing can be expected, and if it fails, everything will be nothing!"

Lu Shaoyou spoke lightly, speaking in a voice that only he could hear.

Sitting for a while, but it seemed like sitting for countless years.

Finally, his expression became extremely calm, he slowly raised one palm, and said a word from his lips: "Let's go!"

As the word "go" falls, it seems that the most supreme power in the world rises mightily!


In the world he evolved, the giant wheel of time is rolling and spinning very fast!

If someone can stand outside this world and watch at this time, they will find a horrifying scene!

But in the entire world, everything is running at an extremely exaggerated speed. The time and space change here is more than ten million times faster than the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds. !

The creatures grow vigorously, but grow old quickly, decaying into mud!

Mountains and mountains stretched across, but under the erosion of the power of time, they collapsed again!

Rivers and rivers criss-cross each other, but after all, they can't resist the invasion of the years, and the pieces dry up and turn into deserts!

Situations like this are happening everywhere in the entire space, and they are swaying rapidly!

Lu Shaoyou used all his strength to make this world rotate.

He is the god here, with the constitution in his mouth and the law in his words, everything is under his control!

When things are extreme, they must be reversed, and when prosperity is extreme, they must decline. When the whole world has developed to an extreme place, and then evolved with Lu Shaoyou's instilled power, it began to slowly go downhill!

With the rapid passage of time, everything began to change in a different way.


I don't know when, a tiny sound floated between the sky and the earth.

The sound was very slight and hard to detect, just like a silk thread was broken in the rope lifting the heavy load, it could be described as insignificant!

However, the fact is that, not long after, a powerful and incomparable acquired soul naturally aged, collapsed, and disappeared from the world!

This is extremely incredible, unimaginable!

In the normal world, even the existence of the realm of immortality deserves the saying "immortality through the ages and immortality through the ages".

However, in Lu Shaoyou's world, such a strange scene unexpectedly appeared, the realm of sitting and forgetting withered and fell into the world, it is unimaginable!

"The order is broken, the law is broken, and the end of the world is coming..."

In the form of the world, those innate creatures discovered such a situation.

They knew that that slight sound was the breaking of the rules and order of the avenue between heaven and earth, but they were powerless to change anything.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Time passed by quickly, more and more sounds were made, and they became more and more intensive.

Under Lu Shaoyou's full urging, the world not only no longer continued to evolve and grow, but showed a state of withering.

More powerful creatures died and fell in the world, turning into dust!

Pieces of law and order are disintegrating, the avenues are collapsing, and the mountains, rivers, rivers, rivers, jungles and trees between the sky and the earth are all beginning to crack, collapse, dry up, and rot!

Scene after scene, showing the meaning of depression.

The creatures died in pieces, and when the rules and order between the heaven and the earth disappeared, they themselves suffered a huge impact and couldn't resist at all.

Even those innate beings with unrivaled cultivation have withered their physical bodies, and their primordial spirits began to become muddy.


In the world, the terrifying humming sound was mighty, dull and desolate, as if playing a mournful song, making the whole space mournful!

Lu Shaoyou sat cross-legged in the center, neither happy nor sad!

His own body also began to differentiate. The originally young and handsome face was now full of grooves and wrinkles, and the jet-black hair at the back of his head had long since become pale and dull!

His aura is also weakening, and his breathing is no longer as symmetrical as before. It seems that he is an ordinary human being, and he is beginning to decline, and the end is approaching!

As the pioneer and controller of the entire world, Lu Shaoyou's own power is also dissipating while this space is dying.

It is foreseeable that when this world completely disappears, he himself will also completely fall into nothingness, erased from the world without leaving a trace!

"Probably, this is 'nothing'!"

Lu Shaoyou whispered, he opened his eyes, feeling everything, and the process of his own demise.

The functions in his body were scattered crazily and drained rapidly.

On the face and body, pieces of skin dried up and then fell off; the flesh and blood turned into powder and rustled down; every inch of bone made a sound of shattering, and then they failed to escape the fate of decay.

This is the path Lu Shaoyou chose himself. He experienced this process without joy or sorrow, and never had any negative emotions because of the loss of his own strength and the demise of his physical body.

He had expected everything, and the facts were almost the same as what he had imagined.

Pushing one world to its peak, and then dissipating with it, this process is very miraculous and mysterious, and it gave rise to many emotions in his heart that he had never felt before.

What kind of concept is "nothing", Lu Shaoyou has never been able to understand it in the past, and even now he has not really grasped that wonderful feeling.

However, after these actions, now he feels that he is getting closer and closer to the end point he wants to achieve.

Nothing, that is, nothing, that is, empty, that is, does not exist, that is, there is no trace of it!

This is very different from the derivative evolution of all things in the normal world, and has very different places.

Whether it is in the thirty-three days, or in the three thousand great thousand worlds, or in the eighteen levels of hell, everything will change.

Huge mountains and rivers are annihilated, turned into dust, blown by strong winds, and flowed to all parts of the world; creatures turned into dry bones, flesh and blood into mud, nourishing the endless forest...

Fundamentally speaking, the changes within the world itself are all within the control of the law and order.

When substances are transformed into each other, they will exist in another form in the world. It is not a real annihilation and disappearance. Just like Lu Shaoyou's practice when he was young, the power of the five elements rotates with each other, mutual generation and mutual restraint!

But all of this is very different today, he will disappear together with the world he evolved, and become the real "nothing"!

"One thought is there, one thought is not, but I don't know whether I will return to the world in the end!"

Time passed quickly, and Lu Shaoyou's physical body had all withered and disappeared.

At the center of the world, there is only a dim and weak light still shining.

Surrounded by a devastated world, the creatures in it have long since died, and all the matter has dissipated and turned into the air of chaos. The space collapsed and turned into fragments, leaving only the giant wheel of time still rolling crazily.

At this time, Lu Shaoyou felt a little emotional in his heart.

He knows that he is about to become a real "nothing" with all these things and cease to exist, but he doesn't know whether he can finally wake up!

No image, no image, no form, no image, this is the ultimate state. Everything comes from nothingness and goes to nothingness.

If Lu Shaoyou wants to break through to the final level, he must break through and stand up, transform into "nothing", and then come from "nothing"!

At that time, it will be the real body of no image, standing at the top of the world!

However, no one can be sure, as the first person in all the worlds to forcibly spy on that realm with the identity of a postnatal spirit, whether he will succeed in the end!

If you succeed, you will have no image, if you fail, you will perish!

You must know that throughout the ages, only the four known gods and demons, Pangu, Daluo Tianzun, Demon Ancestor Luohu, and Chuangling, can break through nothingness, and they are all creatures of chaos, even those who have more advantages than Lu Shaoyou Innate creatures, no one has ever done it!

"wait for me!"

Lu Shaoyou's Yuanshen sent out such a wave of fluctuations, and he didn't know who he said it to.

(end of this chapter)