Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2978: Chaos Goddess


The star field array was destroyed, the invisible rules of order were broken in the hands of the Demon Ancestor, and the terrifying fluctuations swept wildly, forming a terrifying wave form in the starry sky and spreading away!

The huge stars completely deviated from the established trajectory, like beasts breaking out of their cages one by one, becoming extremely ferocious and powerful!

The stars collided with each other, bursting out unimaginable destructive energy, making the entire starry sky into a mess and annihilated one after another!

All of this spread very quickly, and it didn't take too long to reach the only place where life existed in the starry sky, that is, the earth world!

The creatures in this world are completely different from the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds. They don't have the ability to cultivate, or they don't have enough cultivation environment!

However, the human race here took a different approach and developed a method called "technology". Over the years, they have spared no effort to detect the entire starry universe and pursue some secrets in this world!

When the starry sky was full of chaos, due to the extremely slow passage of time, many things in the outside world were observed, causing panic on a large scale!

Especially at night, even with the naked eye, one can clearly see the colorful lights flickering on the sky, and carrying a terrifying sense of detonation, coming from outside the sky!

Such a scene is even more splendid than the annual New Year's Eve of a certain nation!

Such movement and stillness is something that no creature in this world has ever experienced before, it seems like a miracle!

The entire earth world is boiling because of such changes, and endless ancient legends have been spread, and there is a lot of excitement!

And those who can really observe all this are in constant fear!

They realize something extremely serious - the end is coming!

Just wait for that terrifying energy to sweep over, how can such a small place in the earth world survive!

The creatures here, the many human races here, are simply irresistible!

Just when these people were almost desperate, suddenly some ground equipment observed an even more unbelievable thing!

Some blurry images show that outside the earth world, there is an invisible protective cover!

Under the impact of huge stars one after another, the earth world sent out a terrifying earthquake, but none of the stars could break through and cause damage!

The terrible chaos in the universe is completely blocked, making this the only pure land in the boundless starry sky!

"The earth world is indeed guarded by gods..."

Such a conclusion quickly spread among the human race.

By this time, no one questioned the existence of the gods, even though they still didn't know what the gods were like!

However, everything they detect through means is definitely not fake!

The universe is really going through destruction, but the earth world seems to be guarded by a mysterious force, and it is completely unavoidable to be completely destroyed in this terrifying storm!

All these changes are constantly being staged, as if they will continue forever.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

No one can feel that some imperceptible changes are taking place in the earth world at this time.

Bursts of majestic spiritual energy began to grow from the invisible, spreading between the heaven and the earth.

Only the human race here has spiritual intelligence, but they can't perceive this with their frail bodies, but many people gradually feel that some kind of secret change has taken place in the world.

Many human races feel that their bodies seem to become lighter, their eyes are brighter, their bodies are stronger, their breathing is easier, and their movements are more free...

Such changes are only happening subtly.

It may take a long time to really have a huge impact on the creatures of the earth world!

In an extremely distant place outside the earth world, the cloud of chaotic air with colorful rays of light is surging, and terrifying power is coming out. It seems that a terrifying existence that penetrates heaven and earth is being bred in that chaotic air!

Outside the chaotic atmosphere, the Demon Ancestor's burly and towering body stood, with scarlet hair all over his body moving without wind, and the fierce aura surged!

"As expected of Lu Shaoyou, this ancestor should have thought a long time ago that since you can break through the Tao with the body of the inborn spirit, the realm of no image will not be too difficult for you! It's just that if you If this ancestor really wants to kill you, I'm afraid it will take some extra effort, but it's a pity that it's too late now! Jie Jie Jie... "

Standing in front of the Qi of Primal Chaos, Demon Ancestor said in a dark voice, and couldn't help but sneer at the end.

He could clearly feel that it was Lu Shaoyou who was conceived in this chaotic atmosphere!

Mozu walked out of the chaos, broke through the chaos together with Pangu, Da Luo Tianzun and others, and then opened up several huge worlds!

Of course he knows that chaos comes from nothingness, and chaos creatures are conceived from chaos!

In other words, Lu Shaoyou only needs to break through this chaotic atmosphere, and then he will step into the realm of nothingness, no different from himself, no different from chaotic creatures!

The only difference is that the chaos that gave birth to Pangu, Luohu, Da Luo Tianzun and others was born naturally from "nothingness", while Lu Shaoyou's chaos was obtained by his own power!

There is no difference between the two. If Lu Shaoyou broke through the chaos, his combat power would not be much different from that of the Demon Ancestor!

"Lu Shaoyou, this ancestor is here to take your life!"

Rahu's demon body stood there for a while, then his gaze suddenly narrowed, and with a deep shout, he flew up and plunged headfirst into the chaotic atmosphere!

Not long after he entered, Xiaolong, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xintong rushed over.

"The power of chaos, this must be the evolution of the boss! The demon ancestor is gone at this time, he must have entered it, and we want to attack the boss! Let's go in quickly and help him!"

Xiaolong said eagerly, and then led the other four people to walk quickly, and also quickly got into the chaotic light.

They were very anxious. Lu Shaoyou had just made a breakthrough, and he probably hadn't stabilized his realm yet. If the Demon Ancestor took advantage of it, the consequences would be disastrous!

They didn't need any thinking at all, they just threw themselves into it, and everyone was wrapped in chaos.

This is a grotesque scene, with a feeling of being plunged into the mud, but the difference is that the "mud" here contains terrifying energy fluctuations, accompanied by colorful lights!


While the power of chaos is bursting out, it is also constantly dividing, producing a deep yin and yang energy, which is extremely terrifying!

It was very difficult to walk through the chaos, but fortunately, the ancestor of the devil walked ahead and opened up a path, which greatly relieved the pressure on the five Xiaolongs!

After Xiaolong and others went deep into it, they saw the demon ancestor standing in front of a strange light, like a cloud bag.

On the cloud sac, bursts of fluctuations are transmitted, and it is from here that pieces of multicolored rays of light shine out, reflecting the entire chaos incomparably magnificent!

"Chaos fetus!"

Looking at the cloud sac, Demon Ancestor spoke softly.

The chaotic fetus is the place where a new life is bred. Just like before ancient times, three thousand gods and demons were conceived from such a chaotic fetus, including Pangu, Luohu, and Daluo Tianzun!

Apart from Lu Shaoyou, who else was conceived in a chaotic fetus here

"Falling into the hands of the ancestor, Lu Shaoyou, you deserved to die! This chaotic embryo is useful to the ancestor, and you probably didn't expect that it will fulfill me in the end, right? Jie Jie Jie..."

The Demon Ancestor smiled coldly, and his words were extremely creepy.

He didn't intend to break open this chaotic embryo directly, but wanted to erase the consciousness of Lu Shaoyou bred in it.

Luo Hu also has other plans of his own, and getting this Chaos God Embryo can play a big role for him.

He glanced at Xiaolong and the others behind him, then ignored it, stretched out a claw, and poked towards the cloud bag!

"Do it!"

Xiaolong and the other five immediately felt extremely nervous. They absolutely dare not imagine what the consequences would be if the Demon Ancestor's claw fell!

Without even thinking about it, the five of them rushed out, trying to stop the Demon Ancestor's movement.

However, with the strength of these five people, they couldn't beat the claws of the Demon Ancestor!

They almost felt hopeless, watching the demon ancestor approaching the chaotic embryo little by little, the speed of the few of them seemed to be slowed down thousands of times!

Originally, their strength was far inferior to the Demon Ancestor, so the scene looked even more weird!

When the demon ancestor's claws were about to touch the chaotic embryo, Xiaolong and the five seemed to have just moved!


Xiaolong's heart sank, knowing that this was the trick of the Demon Ancestor!

An existence in the realm of no image can control time and space with ease, even if they are five strong men in the realm of half-step Taoism, they can't break through the invisible shackles!

Seeing that the Demon Ancestor was about to touch the place where Lu Shaoyou was, Xiaolong and the others almost jumped out of their hearts.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a loud knife cry, which shook the sky and the earth, and appeared out of thin air!


Only at the moment when the sword sound appeared, but seeing that the Demon Ancestor was about to touch the claws of the chaotic sword embryo, he was directly attacked and killed by a terrifying and boundless sword light, and slashed fiercely on the clump of scarlet hair. middle!


The palm of Mo Zu shook, and there was a sound of metal trembling!

He backed away slightly, as if surprised.

In just a split second, a long knife manifested from nothingness, its whole body glowed with blood-golden light, and it was also surrounded by a strong aura of chaos!


Xiaolong, Di Batian, Yang Guo and others are all too familiar with this long knife, but it is Lu Shaoyou's destiny - blood killing!

It seems that because of the impact of Lu Shaoyou's breakthrough, the power exuded by Xuelu at this time is much more powerful than before!

After a touch with the Demon Ancestor, it was only shaken away, and it was not damaged!

"Have you got the Yuanshi Treasure? Not bad!"

Seeing this long knife, Mo Zu not only didn't have the slightest worry, on the contrary, he felt a bit of unexpected joy.

Listening to his words, the shock in Xiaolong's and others' hearts was huge!

"Boss really succeeded in breaking through, and even the level of blood killing has been improved, becoming a Yuanshi treasure!"

Xiaolong murmured, extremely astonished.

Blood Slaughter has always been placed in the Gods and Demons Battlefield, guarding the gap left when the thirty-three and three thousand world creatures retreated.

But now all the formations have been broken by the Demon Ancestor, so it is necessary to protect it any longer!

However, under the influence of Lu Shaoyou's breakthrough, his natal long sword Xuesha also underwent a terrifying transformation. It turned from an earlier chaotic Taoist tool to a Yuanshi treasure tool!

If there is a huge change, how can we not make Xiaolong and others feel astonished!

You know, Yuanshi Treasure, that is something that only those gods and demons who came out of the ancient chaos can have!

It is said that the giant ax used by the great god Pan Gu to open up the world is a treasure of Yuanshi!

But all of this originally only existed in legends. No one has ever seen such a terrifying thing among all acquired creatures!

It's also hard for them to imagine that with the improvement of Lu Shaoyou's cultivation base, Xuelu can break through to such a level one day, and appear out of thin air, defend against the enemy independently, and block the palm of the demon ancestor!

"Why resist, everything you have done is in vain!"

Looking at the mighty long knife and blood slaughter in front of him, Mozu spoke softly, saying so.

While speaking, he also glanced at the chaotic embryo that was already close at hand!

After the words were finished, Luo Hu once again brewed a terrifying and monstrous power, and pieces of scarlet energy took shape in his hands.

Fierce fluctuations filled the air, entangled towards Xuesha!

But the other palm reached out to the chaotic fetus that gave birth to Lu Shaoyou!

He actually wanted to block the bloodshed and at the same time wipe out Lu Shaoyou's consciousness!

"Xuelu, you must block him!"

Xiaolong and the others were extremely nervous. The five of them seemed to be bound by some kind of invisible shackles, and they couldn't break free at all.

Now all hope is pinned on blood slaughter!

As long as this knife can block the demon ancestor for a certain period of time, it will be much easier when Lu Shaoyou breaks through the chaotic embryo and comes out!


Under everyone's expectant gaze, Xuelu suddenly let out a terrifying hum.

Then, instead of taking the attack of the Demon Ancestor, it deflected the edge of the blade, stirring up a sky-penetrating blade light, and slashed directly at Lu Shaoyou's Chaos God Embryo!


Chaos artifact, invincible, can break chaos, and has the ability to open up the world!

With the sharpness of the blade, the surrounding chaos seemed to be about to burst under the blade, and endless yin and yang qi derivatives appeared!

However, the entire huge chaos was maintained after all, and it was not really shattered!

However, the Chaos Divine Embryo, which was right in front of my eyes, was slashed by this knife, and burst open suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew out of it, shaking the sky straight up, like a god rising to the sky, and the terrifying power was released crazily, as if it was going to explode the entire chaos!

At the same time, something strange and inexplicable happened!

Not only was the entire chaos not burst, but bursts of bubbles turned up, as if boiling, and all of them rolled away like that figure, being absorbed by it all!

"chi chi..."

In just a short while, all the power disappeared, and the entire space was clear.

Everyone present immediately returned to the boundless starry sky, but at this time it can no longer be called a starry sky, because many stars collided with each other and shattered one by one, leaving only smoke and dust floating in the sky!


Seeing such a scene, Xiaolong, Di Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xintong were very happy and cheered excitedly.

Their eyes were all focused on the figure that came out of the chaotic fetus. Seeing Lu Shaoyou's appearance made the five of them extremely excited!

"Success! Success! Shaoyou successfully took that step, broke through the chaotic embryo, walked out of the chaos, and achieved the body of Wuxiang!"

"What only ancient gods and demons can do, but he can do it, it's unbelievable!"

The two powerhouses, Di Batian and Donghuang Taixuan, were all very excited, and they didn't have the calm expression of the old powerhouses in the past.

As the earliest powerhouses of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, they are actually innate beings.

It's just that due to some special features of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, the two of them have not reached the realm of Zaidao, and until now they are still trapped on the threshold of half a step of Zaidao, and it is difficult to advance an inch!

But who would have thought that after Lu Shaoyou surpassed them many years ago, he would accomplish this unprecedented feat today!

The realm of no image, that is the realm of no image!

Looking at the distant ancient times, apart from the few gods and demons who broke through the chaos, Lu Shaoyou was the first to reach this step!

Most importantly, he is an acquired soul!

"Let's go back a little bit, the boss has successfully broken through, and he should be able to compete with the Demon Ancestor!"

Xiaolong suddenly pulled up the four people around him, and quickly flew towards the distance.

He just wanted to stay far away, so as not to become a burden to the boss.

In the battle between the two Wuxiang Realms, I am afraid that people like them dare not even touch the aftermath!

Now that Lu Shaoyou has achieved Wuxiang, he is on the same level as the Demon Ancestor. Even though there is still some gap in cultivation, it is definitely not as exaggerated as before!

Things have developed to this point today. I dare not say that the thirty-three days and the three thousand great thousand worlds have been completely preserved, but at least they will not face the bloody crushing of the demon ancestors!

They already have enough power to resist!

"Lu Shaoyou!"

After Xue Lu broke through the chaotic embryo, Luo Hu withdrew his attack.

He looked at the man in Tsing Yi in front of him, and finally some seriousness appeared in his eyes.

This Lu Shaoyou is indeed extraordinary, and he has done too many things beyond his expectations. It can be said that the other strong men in the entire demon clan died because of Lu Shaoyou!

If it hadn't been for his arrangement over the years, I'm afraid that the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds would have already been reduced to demon domains and turned into their domains, so how could so many troubles arise!

In Mozu's heart, there was an unimaginable hatred for Lu Shaoyou, but because his strength was far higher than that of the opponent before, it was not particularly obvious.

Right now, the man in Tsing Yi successfully took that crucial step, and did not die in his own hands, which made the hatred in Luo Hu's heart explode instantly!

(end of this chapter)