Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2982: The hidden second demon world


"The Emperor Dapeng is back, that's great!"

"Thousands of years later, the Dapeng Emperor finally woke up, and his cultivation base has greatly improved, and he is on his way to the top!"

"The creatures in our Shenwu world have finally waited for such a day!"

Many people were shouting in their hearts, extremely excited!

And the happiest ones, of course, belong to Huanguo and the Du family!



"elder brother!"

Suddenly, Yi Wuming, Murong Youruo, Du Tingxuan, Xiao Xingxing, Du Xiaohuang, Du Shaojing, Du Xiaoqing and so on all rushed forward, and all of them came to Du Shaofu's side, looking at him excitedly.

There is endless joy on everyone's face, and Du Shaofu's awakening is great news.

"Young master, I am apprentice!"

Yu Yuqian was already in tears, looking at the purple-robed youth in front of her, her lips were trembling.

He has waited for this day for too long, for other powerhouses, these thousands of years can still be spent in retreat.

However, with Yu Yuqian's talent, cultivation can no longer play a big role, only suffering and worrying day by day.


Seeing the old man's old and haggard face, Du Shaofu also felt sore in his heart, and said: "This apprentice is not filial, let your old man worry!"

As he spoke, he knelt down and bowed, his eyes flushed.

"Get up, get up! Just wake up! Just wake up!"

Yu Yuqian hurriedly helped Du Shaofu up, a smile bloomed on his old face, and he couldn't stop talking.

As if in an instant, Yu Yuqian looked younger by several decades, and the emotions that had been suppressed for thousands of years were suddenly released.

"Shenwu world and the creatures here, have they changed so much?"

Du Shaofu slightly sensed the emotions of everyone around him, and everything was under control.

When he discovered the existence of nearly a hundred Zuo Wang and countless immortal powerhouses, he was also inexplicably shocked.

In addition, the scale of Shenwu World has once again been greatly expanded, which is also amazing!

Du Shaofu couldn't help sighing in his heart, this world has really risen, and it is no longer weaker than the thirty-three days as a whole!

"Emperor Dapeng, the Demon Ancestor may have recovered at this time. The Three Thousand Great Thousand World and the Thirty-Three Heavens and the strong have already gathered at the God and Demon Battlefield to prepare for a battle! This time, the strength of our Shenwu World has greatly increased. It's worth using, so lead me to fight!"

At this moment, among the crowd, a creature shouted loudly, and the sound shook the sky.

And as these words fell, everyone boiled instantly, everyone was full of excitement and excitement.

"That's right! It is said that the Lord of the Three Thousand Worlds retreated to attack the realm of nothingness, but he has not yet returned. With the thirty-three days and other people in the Three Thousand Worlds, he can't stop the Demon Ancestor at all. Why don't you lead me to wait?" Attack, fight to the end with Mo Zu!"

"Emperor Dapeng, the world of martial arts has risen, and we won't hold you back any longer. Let's lead us to a battle!"

"Emperor Dapeng, please lead us to a battle!"

In an instant, countless people in the arena made their voices, all asking Du Shaofu to fight!

For the creatures in this world, they have been aggrieved for too long.

Since the catastrophe of the Demon Cult, the existence of the Thirty-Three Three Days came into view, revealing their great inadequacy in strength.

The Dapeng Emperor left and quickly rose in the thirty-three days, but they couldn't help anything!

Later, the demon clan was born, chaos reappeared, and all the worlds were facing a great crisis. Could it be that the creatures of the thirty-three and three thousand worlds came out of the world to fight against the demon clan!

But the world of Shenwu is still the same, its strength is too limited, and it is impossible to do anything at all.

So in these years, they have worked hard to practice, just to be able to represent the world of Shenwu in the end!

It's just that the great battle broke out later, under the arrangement of Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Three Thousand Worlds, and under the leadership of the Great Peng Emperor Du Shaofu, Thirty Three Days united with the powerhouses of the Three Thousand Worlds, and defeated the Demon Ancestor Defeated and finally wiped out, only Demon Ancestor Luohu remained!

All of this, the creatures in the world of Shenwu can only watch helplessly, but can't do anything.

They sigh in vain, the starting point of this world is too low, and it cannot be compared with the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds at all!

But it is different now. Only after the Demon Ancestor attacked and killed the Dapeng Emperor in the final battle of the year, causing him severe damage, everyone in the world of Shenwu was waiting for this day, waiting for their own strength to be able to serve Dapeng. Huang, Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds and others will share some!

Therefore, their fighting spirit has accumulated to the peak, and they can no longer hold back, they just want to fight!

Now the situation of Lu Shaoyou, the Lord of the Three Thousand Worlds is unknown. Thirty-three days and the powerhouses of the Three Thousand Worlds face the Demon Ancestor alone.

At this moment, everyone looked at Du Shaofu and the purple-robed youth standing in mid-air with expectant eyes, hoping that they would agree!

Du Shaofu fell into a brief silence, and after thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth and said loudly: "Go to the world of martial arts immediately, follow me to fight against the Demon Ancestor!"


The creatures in the entire Shenwu world suddenly boiled up, and everyone's minds were agitated, as if they had been given a booster, a huge noise broke out!

Looking at this scene, Du Shaofu felt boundless in his heart.

This world has really risen, and it is strong enough to face extremely strong challenges!

As for himself, the primordial spirit has already been covered with densely packed Dao notches, which belong to Du Shaofu's own Dao, which is very different from Pan Gu Great God, Da Luo Tianzun and others.

If it is said that mastering the heavenly way of the world of divine martial arts back then, Du Shaofu had a close connection with this world, making him the master of this world!

So now, Du Shaofu has re-opened up a magnificent scene, completely carved by himself!

The former depends on the world of martial arts left by Da Luo Tianzun, while the latter is Du Shaofu's own achievement.

He believes that in time, all these things will eventually go to a higher place, which will allow him to open up a whole new world, just like those ancient gods and demons who came out of the chaos!

Brother Lu Shaoyou has such a spirit, Du Shaofu naturally also has it!

"Follow me!"

The line of sight turned from countless creatures, and the power of Du Shaofu's primordial spirit also investigated the situation of the thirty-three days.

Then, with a deep shout, he directly led countless strong men to rise into the sky and kill them outside Da Luotian!

In the void space where the earth world is located, the fight between Lu Shaoyou and Luo Hu went crazy!

Both of them were seriously injured, and blood shot out!

Demon Ancestor Luohu, with scarlet hair as if scratched by a monkey, is bald in many places, and there are knife marks criss-crossing, and the blood of the devil is winding!

And Lu Shaoyou's Tsing Yi was already broken, his whole body was covered with claw marks, and he was still radiating a strong devilish aura!

The two fought unreservedly, this space has begun to disintegrate, and a terrifying chaotic vortex appears, devouring everything!

It is conceivable that if the battle continues, this place will cease to exist, return to chaos, and even turn into nothingness!

"Lu Shaoyou, this ancestor will surely tear you to pieces!"

Rahu roared loudly, shaking the heavens and the earth, smashing through the endless void!

In his plan, he wanted to kill Du Shaofu first, and then fight Lu Shaoyou in the final battle!

However, it's not that he didn't want to leave, and rushed directly into the world of martial arts, it's just that Lu Shaoyou was too crazy, it was a life-threatening style of play, dragging him tightly!

This made Luo Hu so angry that he couldn't add more, but he felt helpless.

Once the wounds are too heavy here, even if Lu Shaoyou is killed in the end, if Du Shaofu arrives at that time, he will not be able to escape the fate of death in the end!

Mozu has already seen all this clearly, and just wants to get rid of the battle here as soon as possible!

But obviously, Lu Shaoyou will not let him go!

Although the opponent's strength is slightly inferior to his own, but if he plays with his life, even Luo Hu will be afraid of three points!

"I'm afraid I can't make your wish come true. In this world, it's still not your turn to run wild! I, Lu Shaoyou, are not afraid of death, but you dare not fight me to the death! So it's still the same sentence, the last person to die must be you! "

Lu Shaoyou's face had already become serious, and he said in a deep voice.

The long knife in his hand slashed and killed again and again, the horror was boundless!

The terrifying power of the Dao is released from him, it can really destroy the world!

As an existence in the realm of nothingness, it has the power to open up the world, and in battle, every move has a terrifying lethality!

He kept forcing the Demon Ancestor, dragging the other party to fight with him!

All this seems to have returned to the last battle back then, where Lu Shaoyou planned to fight the Demon Ancestor to the extreme, and then suppressed by Xiaolong, Di Batian and others, and finally relied on Du Shaofu to completely kill the Demon Ancestor!

And now it's the same, he just needs to fight to the end with the Demon Ancestor with Wuxiang's body, when his younger brother Du Shaofu arrives here, maybe he can clean up the Demon Ancestor just in time!

There are extremely similarities between the past and the present, which no one expected!

But for Lu Shaoyou, it was just executing according to the established ideas!


A terrifying shout came out of his mouth, Lu Shaoyou struck the sky with a long sword, and the light of his sword shocked the world, and the light of chaos shot out, like giant dragons, attacking and killing the demon ancestors!

In an instant, the two fought together again, and an unimaginable collision broke out!

The earth world in the distance, under the protection of the hazy mask, is like a dead leaf in the wind and rain, swaying and undulating, nowhere to settle!

Luo Hu was held back by Lu Shaoyou, and fell into a fierce battle, and it was difficult to get out!

The injuries on the two of them became more and more serious, but seeing a bright knife light kill, it directly cut open the demon ancestor's chest, revealing the five viscera that were stepping on!

And Lu Shaoyou was not easy, he was grabbed deeply into his chest by the demon ancestor's claws, his skin was torn apart, and his heart was caught in the claws of the other party!

However, he was unmoved, and raised his saber again, smashing the throat of the Demon Ancestor amidst the screams of blood slaughter!

Although such an injury is extremely terrifying, it will not be fatal to the two existences of the Wuxiang Realm!

The two strong men are fighting with this kind of tactic of injuring the enemy by a thousand and injuring themselves by 800!

"Lu Shaoyou, you really think you can stop this ancestor! Du Shaofu must die, no one in this world can stop him!"

In the end, the Demon Ancestor almost went crazy!

Roaring and roaring, he retreated violently, creating an extremely long distance from Lu Shaoyou.

Then, his demonic body trembled suddenly, and the radiance in his lower abdomen was radiant, and the radiance of blood was tens of thousands of times brighter than the scorching sun!

A vast and fierce aura erupted from the lower abdomen, and an ancient and mysterious aura shot out, as if there was life!

"This is… "

Lu Shaoyou's eyes froze suddenly, his lips parted slightly, and he looked at Mo Zu in disbelief!

"Jie, Jie, Jie... Lu Shaoyou, you forced me to do this! Do you think that the Thirty-Three Heavens can really be peaceful after killing the countless demon ancestors of this ancestor? I'm afraid I never thought that this ancestor still has a world , has already been developed successfully!"

Mozu suddenly laughed ferociously, looked at Lu Shaoyou and said.

The light in his lower abdomen became more and more dazzling. Even with Lu Shaoyou's strength, he felt a burning pain in Yuanshen.

It was as if a raging fire was being bred there, and the vitality of life was vigorous!

It's just that this kind of vitality is the same as the demon ancestors in the past, and it all contains a strong bloody and violent aura!

Under Lu Shaoyou's gaze, the radiance on Mozu's body finally reached an extreme quickly, like boiling!


In the next moment, a powerful force surged instantly, directly filling this infinite space.

Mountains, rivers, trees, earth and rivers appear in front of your eyes like illusions!

A creature with fleshy wings on its back flitted across the sky, exuding a terrifying sense of power, extremely powerful!

Between the mountains and forests, there were beast-like beings, with thick fangs and a mouth full of blood, and the bloody wind swept through the nine heavens!

There are also creatures with arms like knives, haunting the world. Could it be that each one has a deep cultivation base, as if waving its arms, it can split the world and cut off the avenue!

Seeing all of this, Lu Shaoyou was shocked!

This is a brand new world, which is different from the thirty-three days, the three thousand great thousand worlds, and the original demon world!

He has rarely seen the creatures here. Apart from being extremely powerful, they also have a common characteristic, that is, they all carry the power of killing!

Lu Shaoyou never imagined that the Demon Ancestor would open up another world and give birth to such creatures!

What surprised him the most was that after a brief investigation with the power of his primordial spirit, he discovered the existence of two Dao-carrying realms!

In an instant, Lu Shaoyou's heart tightened!

All this happened so suddenly, he was completely unprepared!

If he alone can contain the Demon Ancestor, then these endless creatures can directly kill thirty-three days, and even pose a threat to his junior brother Du Shaofu!

"Kill me, wipe out thirty-three days, and kill Du Shaofu!"

The figure of the Demon Ancestor reappeared, he stood in the void, and issued an order.

Immediately afterwards, I saw countless figures soaring into the sky, making continuous sounds of sly laughter.

After a simple glance, Lu Shaoyou grasped the general strength and number of these creatures.

"At least six hundred Zuo Wang, absolutely immortal! In addition, there are two other statues carrying the Tao! These... are the newly born demons!"

Some cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and Lu Shaoyou whispered softly.

These newly born demons are very different from the previous nine demon generals and two demon servants, but the same thing is that they are all extremely powerful.

Just looking at the realm of Zaowang and Immortality, thirty-three days plus the three thousand great worlds are not impossible to fight!

However, among these demons, there are two strong Taoists!

If they were allowed to reach thirty-three days, the situation would be extremely bad!

Lu Shaoyou already knew that his junior brother Du Shaofu had become awakened, and his cultivation base should have completely stepped into the realm of Zaidao!

But with him alone, how can he stop the two Zaidao

This made Lu Shaoyou feel unprecedented solemnity in his heart. The changes brought about by Luo Hu were too unexpected!


Lu Shaoyou thought for a while, and after a while, his figure shot out, rushing towards the two dao-carrying realms!

At least one must be beheaded, so that the younger brother Du Shaofu can truly worry-free!

However, the Demon Ancestor was in front, so how could he be given this chance!

I saw the tall and majestic demon body catching up head-on, trying to kill with one claw, and directly grabbed a mass of flesh and blood from Lu Shaoyou's waist, exposing his spine!

"Jie jie jie jie... Lu Shaoyou, you have always been against this ancestor, so today, this ancestor will accompany you to have fun!"

Luo Hu smiled strangely and dragged Lu Shaoyou back with all his strength.

A terrifying battle broke out between the two again. Lu Shaoyou wanted to get rid of the demon ancestor's entanglement several times, and went to kill a strong Taoist, but was held back tightly!

This time, the situation of the two of them changed. Luo Hu, who had been held back by Lu Shaoyou, wanted to confine Lu Shaoyou to this world!

His purpose is very simple, that is to use the brand-new demon power bred in this world to go to thirty-three days to kill fiercely!

Under the leadership of the two Dao-carrying powerhouses, even if Du Shaofu appears, it is impossible to resist these people!

In this way, he still has the chance to win in the end!

"Resign yourself to fate, Lu Shaoyou, you can't beat this ancestor!"

The Demon Ancestor sneered, and struck the void with his claws, almost tearing the world apart. The land, mountains and rivers exploded in pieces, and the scene was terrifying!

But he didn't care about these at all, he just wanted to keep Lu Shaoyou here!

Faced with such a situation, Lu Shaoyou's face was extremely serious, and he didn't speak.

He just kept fighting against the Demon Ancestor, attacking and killing him again and again, bursting out with mighty power that reaches heaven and earth!

In the end, the newly created world was really broken into six pieces in the hands of these two Wuxiang powerhouses. I don't know how many of these weak creatures died!

This scene is too terrifying, like ancient times!

Under the great war at that time, the Pangu world and the demon world were all shattered, turning into thirty-three days and eighteen levels of hell respectively!

At the same time as these two strong men were fighting, the innumerable demon race strong men born from this world rose to the sky in a mighty way, quickly smashed out of this world, and headed towards the thirty Three days away!

The figure that covered the sky and the sun moved in the sky, like locusts flying, and soon entered the boundless void!

(end of this chapter)