Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 2986: Eternal Situation


When Demon Ancestor Luohu was fighting with Lu Shaoyou earlier, he sensed Du Shaofu's movement from Shenwu World and knew that he hadn't died yet, so he began to have a bad feeling in his heart.

Therefore, he immediately wanted to get rid of Lu Shaoyou, went to attack and kill Du Shaofu, and killed him with the absolute suppression of the Wuxiang Realm before his opponent's strength recovered!

It's just that Lu Shaoyou held him back, almost desperately, tightly confining the Demon Ancestor in this huge empty space.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Hu had to release his hole card in advance, which is such a brand new demon world!

Luo Hu feels that even if Du Shaofu recovers his strength and finally breaks through to the Realm of Carrying the Dao, it is absolutely impossible to fight two with one!

Under the suppression of the two demons Zaidao, the purple-robed youth had only one end to die in the end!

But it seems that Mo Zu also miscalculated a little bit, that is Du Shaofu controls everything in the world of Shenwu, after he really breaks through the realm of Zaidao, he can mobilize all the power of the world of Shenwu to fight against the enemy!

Therefore, although the two Demon Race Carriers are powerful, they were quickly suppressed by Du Shaofu!

And after a long time, Xiaolong, Di Batian, and Donghuang Taixuan also recovered some strength after a short breath adjustment, and helped Du Shaofu from the side!

As a result, those two demons have already endured Du Shaofu's countless sword lights!

"The two of you should go on the road first, get ready to meet your Lord Demon Ancestor!"

The sword light in Du Shaofu's hand flashed across, and he picked it up lightly!

With a "chi la", a terrifying horse streaked across, directly killing the demon with bone spurs on his back!

But facing such a sword, the demon clan seemed to have no way to avoid it, he hastily blocked it, and then the whole person was shocked back!

On his body, another scar was added, and there was devil blood floating in the void.

At this moment, Du Shaofu's eyes did not move, but his mind turned to the other side in an instant.

With a wave of his arm, the nine purple thunder cauldrons came out brazenly, crushing the void with a "rumble", and surrounded the demon clan covered with pitch-black scales!

Jiuding was like huge mountain peaks, crashing down, pushing the demons into a desperate situation step by step!

Du Shaofu controls the power of the world of Shenwu World, and the power he can mobilize is not comparable to that of the general Dao Realm!

The World of Divine Martial Arts was developed by Da Luo Tianzun, and now it is completely controlled by Du Shaofu, which means that Du Shaofu can borrow part of Da Luo Tianzun's power!

Part of the power of a Realm of No Image, exerted by a Realm of Dao, is absolutely terrifying!

As a result, under Du Shaofu's repeated charge and kill, the two demons Zaidao were soaked in blood, and their aura was rapidly decaying and weakening!

And with the rapid passage of time, at the end, he finally pierced through the body of the demon with bone spurs, and poured terrifying energy into the opponent's body, crazily rushing and strangling!

"Puff puff… "

In just a few breaths, the demon's body burst out with sharp rays of light, as if being cut directly from the inside out by a sharp blade, all in pieces!

"go to hell!"

Du Shaofu snorted softly, his figure disappeared in a flash, and disappeared from the same place.

In the next moment, he was seen appearing behind the strong demon again!

Holding a ball of red light in his hand, it was beating tremblingly.

This is the primordial spirit of the demon powerhouse, under the suppression of Du Shaofu's terrifying power, he is still resisting.

It's just that after the terrifying world power is suppressed, no amount of resistance will help!

Du Shaofu snorted softly in his throat, and then the power in his palm burst out, and his ten fingers suddenly clenched!

"嗤啦" A muffled sound resounded, and this primordial spirit was instantly crushed and turned into ashes!


Seeing this scene, Zaidao, another demon, suddenly felt his heart shattered!

Du Shaofu's strength has greatly exceeded his expectations, it is really too terrifying, even the Realm of Carrying Dao seems to be so vulnerable in front of this purple robe youth!

Without even thinking about it, the man of the demon clan covered with pitch-black scales immediately began to flee into the distance.

His companion had already died, if he didn't leave now, he himself wouldn't live for long!

"Can you still run away?"

Seeing such a situation, Du Shaofu chuckled lightly.

Then, he rushed out, and the Zijin Tianque in his hand slashed away again!

Before that, the nine Purple Thunder Profound Cauldrons had already followed closely, and their speed was not slower than that of the fleeing demon strongman, and they were tightly attached behind him!

But at this time, Du Shaofu raised his sword and killed again!

When the unparalleled sword light passed by, there was a sound like the clanging of gold and iron, and there was a sharp friction sound between the sword light of Zijin Tianque and the body of the demons!

But soon, the friction sound suddenly changed, turning into a muffled "poof".

Then I saw that the body of the demon clan was chopped off at the waist, and was immediately annihilated by the nine purple thunder tripods!

"It's solved!"

Seeing such a scene, Xiaolong, Di Batian, and Donghuang Taixuan stood far away, their hearts relaxed.

The two powerhouses of the Demon Race could have formed a state of crushing the Thirty-Three Heavens and the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds!

It's a pity that they met Du Shaofu who had just recovered and rushed to this place!

In the hands of this purple-robed youth, although the two of them endured for a long time, they could not escape the fate of death in the end!

The eyes of Xiaolong and others flickered, they saw that the nine Zilei Xuandings had returned to Du Shaofu's side, but the second Demon Race Carrying Dao powerhouse no longer existed!

"Damn it! Du Shaofu, this ancestor swears to kill you!"

In the Demon World, the Demon Ancestor yelled frantically!

He desperately wanted to rush out and deal with Du Shaofu himself, but was held back by Lu Shaoyou!

The clone of the Demon Ancestor also fought crazily with Chuangling, and couldn't get rid of it at all!

During the battle, all of them showed their full strength!

Including Lu Shaoyou and Chuang Ling, they all know a truth!

If the demons are not forced to a desperate situation, the opponent is likely to form a terrible counterattack!

Once the demon ancestor is allowed to let go of his hands and feet to charge and kill, the creatures of the thirty-three days and the three thousand great worlds will suffer heavy casualties, and the two of them will be hard to stop!

If that's the case, even if the Demon Ancestor is desperately killed in the end, what's the point

Just like this, Lu Shaoyou and Chuang Ling entangled the body and body of the Demon Ancestor respectively!

Especially between Lu Shaoyou and the main body of the demon ancestor, the fight is extremely terrifying!

The two of them had already fought to a certain extent, and each of them was seriously injured. At this time, the fighting became even more frenzied!


The four figures are fighting ferociously in the vast world of demons. Such a world is shaking endlessly under the sweeping force of terrifying power, turning the world upside down!

Every move and every move of several people not only destroys the material form here, but also cuts off the invisible rules and order!


Suddenly, there was a slight sound, like the sound of porcelain breaking.

Then, there were more and more similar sounds, and after a short time, there were no less than a dozen of them.


Only at a certain moment, after a terrifying shock, this demon world was directly shattered into dozens of huge fragments, and there were countless small fragments disintegrated and shot!

Such a shattered world is extremely terrifying, causing countless demon creatures here to die violently, without the slightest resistance!

Under the coming of the strongest apocalypse in the world, most creatures are completely unable to escape!

What's more, those powerful demons in the realm of forgetfulness and immortality are fighting against the powerhouses of the thirty-three and three thousand worlds outside at this time!


Such a situation did not have the slightest impact on Lu Shaoyou, Chuang Ling, Luo Hu and their avatars, and a terrifying battle was still going on between them!

One after another silhouettes shuttled back and forth among the fragments in the sky, colliding vertically and horizontally, fighting frantically!

"Mazu, this day has finally come!"

At this time, Du Shaofu solved the two demon race Zaidao powerhouses, then rushed into the broken world, watching the terrifying battle carried out by several parties, he couldn't help murmuring.

He didn't take any direct action to participate in the others, because he knew that his current strength in the Dao Realm couldn't play a big role in this fight.

Of course, in the case of controlling the power of the Shenwu world, if you fight your life, you can still bring a little trouble to the demon ancestor, but it is only a trouble!

So Du Shaofu is waiting, waiting for the demons and senior brothers to fight to the extreme, and then, is the best time to make a move!

"Du Shaofu, take your life!"

Seeing Du Shaofu coming nearby, Demon Ancestor let out a deep drink, and rushed towards him.

With a flash of Du Shaofu's figure, he evaded in another direction, and the Demon Ancestor was stopped by Lu Shaoyou again.

He is not stupid, how could he stand still and let the Demon Ancestor attack

After having the experience of being attacked last time, Du Shaofu is completely avoiding the Demon Ancestor at this time, and will change his position from time to time, not giving him any chance to get close!

Coupled with the restraint of Lu Shaoyou and Chuang Ling, even if the Demon Ancestor's cultivation base exceeds Du Shaofu's big realm, there is still nothing to do with him!

"Today, let's end here!"

During the battle, Lu Shaoyou's aura suddenly changed, and his whole body was like a terrifying long knife, exuding a sharp and sharp aura!

A large swath of multicolored rays of light surged from his body, all wrapped up towards the Demon Ancestor, entwining it tightly in it!

In this colorful glow, there is an unimaginable profound power, which is moving!

As pieces of qi flowed, there was the power of the avenue transpiring, and the qi of chaos shot out, turning into a force capable of strangling everything, tearing apart the body of the Demon Ancestor frantically!


A terrifying roar erupted from the Demon Ancestor's throat.

His scarlet hair danced wildly, driven by Lu Shaoyou's strength, he came out of his body one after another, and there were large bloodstains on his body surface!

"Lu Shaoyou, this ancestor is going to tear you apart!"

The Demon Ancestor yelled, and rushed straight at Lu Shaoyou, swiping his claws swiftly!

With a "chi la", Lu Shaoyou's chest was torn apart by this claw, and he didn't dodge at all!

At the same time, the long knife in his hand was directly inserted into the heart of the Demon Ancestor!

This blow between the two was actually a way of exchanging lives for lives!


After Lu Shaoyou received the blow from the Demon Ancestor, and he succeeded in the blow, he swung another punch, and once again attacked the Demon Ancestor!

He had no intention of avoiding it at all, he actually wanted to take this opportunity and fight the opponent again!

In an instant, the Demon Ancestor roared again and again, shaking the heavens and the earth!

This side of the world has been beaten to pieces, and the battle between the Wuxiang Realm is also terrifying, and they are terribly consuming each other!

Demon Ancestor obviously didn't want to be forcibly consumed by Lu Shaoyou in this way, but it's hard to change everything because of his will!

This battle will never be avoided, and it is difficult to change the strength of the two sides.

Therefore, even if the Demon Ancestor chooses to avoid the battle at this time, he still cannot escape the final result he will face!

What he needs to fight for now is to kill one of Lu Shaoyou and Chuang Ling first, if he can grasp a stronger real chance of winning!

If not, he will only be followed by Du Shaofu Huang Que!

Therefore, the demon ancestor himself is also fighting with all his strength, constantly looking for opportunities, just wanting to bring serious damage to Lu Shaoyou's creation spirit!

"Hoo hoo..."

Du Shaofu has been watching all this not far away.

His figure is erratic, changing to another place from time to time.

In his hand, he kept holding the Zijin Tianque, and his whole body was always brewing. It seemed that he planned to make a move at any time, and deal a certain killing blow to the Demon Ancestor!

As time flies by, the terrible battle goes on for a long, long time!

And in the end, Lu Shaoyou and Mozu fought to a very terrible point. Both of them were severely wounded, their bodies were destroyed, and their souls were terribly deformed!

Lu Shaoyou's situation was even more miserable because his cultivation base was a little worse than that of the Demon Ancestor.

He has been exhausted to the limit, and he is no longer able to continue fighting, and needs time to recover!

"It's my turn!"

Seeing such a scene, Du Shaofu couldn't help tightening the broad sword in his hand, and then stepped out of the air, going straight to the Demon Ancestor.

He looked at the tall demon body motionlessly. At this time, the other party's body was covered in blood and flesh, and it was so miserable. It was as miserable as it was, like a monkey boy in distress!

But Du Shaofu did not take it lightly at all, the person in front of him is the Demon Ancestor, even if he was heavily wounded, he still has an immortal body, so he cannot be careless at all!

"Junior brother, I will leave it to you!"

Lu Shaoyou's physical body was broken, and his soul was almost on the verge of extinction.

As he began to adjust his breath, he said to Du Shaofu.

He has tried his best, and dragged the Demon Ancestor to the current situation, and then he can only look at Du Shaofu!

"Don't worry, brother!"

Du Shaofu nodded, not in a hurry to attack Mozu directly, while he was stepping in the void, he was observing Mozu, and at the same time he was still asking Lu Shaoyou: "Senior brother, I really want to know something, I should be able to tell you now Me?"

While speaking, Du Shaofu didn't look at Lu Shaoyou, he still stared at Mo Zu motionlessly.

Hearing his question, Lu Shaoyou gently opened his eyes.

He knew what Du Shaofu was asking, and understood that the other party didn't want to understand those secrets at this time, but because of the invisible confrontation with the Demon Ancestor, he was nervous, so he asked it naturally.

Even though he knew this was the case, Lu Shaoyou didn't intend to continue to hide some things, he only heard him say to Du Shaofu: "What do you want to know, just ask, senior brother will no longer hide anything from you today!"

He exhaled lightly, and his eyes were fixed on Mozu's body.

"Why am I the only one in this world who can kill Demon Ancestor Rahu?"

Du Shaofu opened his mouth softly, walked with steps, and asked.

This is the doubt in his heart, and he has never got an answer, and Lu Shaoyou never told him.

Although Du Shaofu had some guesses in his heart, he couldn't really prove anything, so he still wanted to ask.

"Because you are the master of the Shenwu world, and half of Luo Hu should be regarded as a living creature in the Shenwu world now! So his indestructible body is nothing in front of you!"

Lu Shaoyou didn't hide anything, he just said so.

And hearing this sentence, Du Shaofu's surface didn't even move, very calm, this statement was completely in his imagination.

The demon ancestor's physical body was suppressed in Daluotian for countless years, and he was not revived until he developed a brand-new spiritual wisdom later, that is, the later general!

Spiritual wisdom was born in Da Luotian, which was naturally derived from Da Luotian's Dao rules and order, and was added with the unique attributes of that world!

Even after the Demon Ancestor has fused all the eighteen layers of primordial spirits, it is still impossible to get rid of this attribute!

From a certain level, he is already half of Da Luo Tian's creature, so naturally he must be restricted by Du Shaofu!

So, if the Demon Ancestor stood there and asked Du Shaofu to kill him, he would definitely die, even the Immortal Body couldn't save him!

This point, Du Shaofu has already guessed, now with Lu Shaoyou's affirmation, let him put down a doubt!

It's just that he can't figure it out, but there are more things!

"Could it be that all of this was the arrangement of Da Luo Tianzun and Pan Gu in ancient times? The purpose was to make the Demon Ancestor become Da Luo Tian's creature, so that he could be killed in the end and lose his greatest advantage?"

Du Shaofu couldn't help saying this, and asked Lu Shaoyou again.

He has reason to speculate like this, just because this fact is too coincidental, if it is not deliberately arranged by someone, Du Shaofu will only think that there will never be such an unbelievable thing in this world!

If that's the case, such a terrible layout would be even more terrifying than dividing and suppressing the demon ancestors in ancient times, and the impact would be far-reaching!

"I'm afraid I can't talk about the layout. As far as I know, all of this may be just an idea. The terrifying Pan Gu and the senior Da Luo Tianzun have never thought that such an idea will really come true!"

Lu Shaoyou opened his mouth softly, watching Du Shaofu standing in front of the heavily injured Luo Hu.

His heart suddenly rose, and he looked nervously at the field.

(end of this chapter)