Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 66: Stone Dragon Empire


The sunset glow has collected the last smear of afterglow, the sky and the earth are dimmed, and night falls, and the blue sky is dotted with countless small stars.

After Du Shaofu returned to the courtyard, he had just taken a bath when he saw the head of the backyard, saying that it was Patriarch and Second Master who asked him to go.

"Uncle, Uncle, are you looking for me?"

When Du Shaofu arrived at the uncle's study room, the uncle Du Zhenwu and the second uncle Du Zhixiong were already sitting upright in the study room, they were talking in a low voice, their expressions slightly concentrated.

Seeing Du Shaofu coming, Du Zhixiong signaled Du Shaofu to sit down and talk, and then asked: "Shaofu, you have been living in seclusion these days, and you often don't see anyone, are you busy with cultivation? This body seems to be getting stronger and stronger .”

Du Shaofu sat on the seat next to Du Zhixiong, nodded slightly, and said: "Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I am practicing in the back mountain. I don't know what the uncle and uncle asked me to do?"

"Did you forget that after three days, it will be the time for the younger generation of the five big families to compete." A smile appeared on Du Zhenwu's slightly condensed face, and he looked at Du Shaofu and asked softly: "How are you preparing?" ?”

"Is it in three days?"

Du Shaofu really forgot, recently in the practice of forgetting to eat and sleep, the competition of the younger generation of the five major families in Shicheng has been left behind, thinking of the Lei Chi of the Ye family, he wiped his face with a smile, and said: "I have been preparing. "

Du Zhenwu looked at Du Shaofu's gaze, he couldn't see any tension in that sharp and deep gaze, but it was full of anticipation, which made him a little doubtful, could it be that this kid really has absolute certainty.

Frowning slightly, Du Zhenwu said: "Anhu from the Yan family, Bai Ming from the Bai family, and Qin Xiaolu from the Qin family are no match for you. I know that your cultivation is not weak, but this time there have been some minor changes. You have to pay attention."

Du Shaofu heard the words, asked immediately: "Is there any special situation?"

Du Zhixiong said: "There are some special circumstances. This time, you are the only contestant from the Du family, and you represent the Du family."

"Why is it only me?"

Du Shaofu suddenly looked puzzled, in previous years Du Shaofu had also heard of the competition of the younger generation of the five major families, the number of participants from each major family was limited to fifteen, and it could be less but not more.

Every time the younger generation of the major families is full of fifteen people, there will definitely be no shortage. Even if they have no hope of winning the championship, it can be regarded as a test, and it will be of great benefit to future cultivation.

Du Zhenwu helplessly smiled wryly at Du Shaofu, and said: "You still have the nerve to say, Du Yan, Du Chong, Du Hao, they were all injured by you, and they have only recovered 50% or 60% up to now, and they can't go up at all.

Du Yu and Du Xue have good potential, but if they participate this time, they will not be able to participate in the next contest among the younger generations of the five major families. You also know that everyone can only participate once. Du Yu and Du Xue are the hope of the Du family to win the championship next time. It is really a loss for them to participate this time.

So after I discussed with your second uncle, you might as well let you represent the Du family in the competition alone, but this will also put you under a lot of pressure at that time, judging from the fact that you have offended the Bai family, the An family, and even the Qin family , it is very likely that they will be besieged by people from other families. "

Du Shaofu's face was slightly pensive, and he knew a little bit about the rules of the competition among the younger generation of the five major families. Apart from not being able to deliberately injure people's lives and use power and means that do not belong to him, there are no other rules. It is completely a melee. Who can Whoever stands on the stage at the end is the winner, and only the final winner can enter the Thunder Pool to practice.

Under this kind of rules, it is extremely important for the contestants of a family to join forces. It is said that two fists are hard to fight with four hands, and the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

"Why, are you not sure? If it's really not possible, let Du Yu and Du Xue go, at least they can block the pressure for you." Du Zhixiong looked at Du Shaofu's pensive expression, thinking that Du Shaofu was not sure. He is also very clear that once he is besieged, the consequences can be imagined.

"No need, I'll do it alone, it's more relaxed."

Du Shaofu raised his head, with a smile on his face, as if he didn't have too much worry.

"Shaofu, this matter is not a joke, even if the Ye family can stop one family for you, I believe that people from the remaining two families will besiege you." Du Zhenwu reminded Du Shaofu.

"Uncle, I will try my best. If you want to besiege me, then you have to see if they have the ability." Du Shaofu smiled lightly.

"Well, even if you feel confident, then I, as an uncle, will naturally believe in you."

Du Zhenwu looked at the sharp and deep clear eyes, then nodded, and continued to say to Du Shaofu: "In addition, you should pay attention to Cao Qitai from the Qin family. This Cao Qitai may be your strongest opponent."

"How could someone in the Qin family have the surname Cao?" Du Shaofu was puzzled.

"This Cao Qitai is the fiancé of Qin Xiaolu from the Qin family. He is half of the Qin family, and he is not very old, so he is also eligible to participate. You must not only pay attention to this person's strength, but also pay attention to this person's identity."

Du Zhixiong explained: "We have received news that this Cao Qitai is young, but his strength is extremely strong. In addition, this person is also the son of Cao Tianmang, the owner of Liuyun County."

"Liuyun County." Du Shaofu's eyes moved slightly, Liuyun County is a county outside of Shicheng, including a dozen cities that are bigger than Shicheng.

In the empire, above a city is a county, above a county is a mansion, and above a mansion is directly controlled by the empire.

In Du Shaofu's impression, Shicheng seems to have always been a strange existence. It is said that since the founding of the empire, although Shicheng was a small frontier city, it was not under the jurisdiction of the county or the government. After a long time, no one knew the reason. I only know that although Shicheng is an imperial city, no one can control it. Only the five major families in the city stand.

"The empire we are in is called the Stone Dragon Empire. Liuyun County is close to our Stone City. Over the years, Liuyun County has always had the intention of closing in on our Stone City, but it is also jealous of the existence of the Ye family's thunder demon lion. This time Liuyun County intervened in the competition of the younger generation of the five major families, and married the Qin family. I suspect that there is another purpose. The Ye family's thunder and demon lions have changed. Not only are other families ready to move, but other forces can't sit still. , hey" Du Zhenwu couldn't help sighing softly after finishing his sentence.

After chatting with Uncle and Uncle for a while, Du Shaofu left the study and went back. When he returned to the courtyard, he rarely saw his old drunkard at home, just as usual, lying on the wicker chair with his old wine jug drunk on, snoring evenly.

Du Shaofu took out a thin blanket from the room and covered the alcoholic old man, then wiped his face gently with a hot towel, and then returned to his room.

(end of this chapter)