Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 126: Two killers


The city of Liujin has been in turmoil recently. When it gets dark, there are no people on the streets, and even at home, they go to bed early. So that it was not too late at this time, the doors on both sides of the street were closed, and the room was dark.

When the dark clouds cover the moon, it can be said that there are five fingers out of sight on the street. Han Yu, who was not in a hurry, suddenly increased his speed and disappeared after flashing through a few alleys.

"Damn it, is this Han Yu transformed from a rabbit? How can he run so fast?"

"He must have found out that we were following him, and that's why he ran so fast to get rid of us."

"Now that he's gone, what should we do?"

The He family, who were following Han Yu at the back, suddenly became confused. After some discussion, the two went home to report the situation here, and the rest searched for Han Yu's trace.

As for Han Yu, he had already traveled from the south of the city to the east of the city. It was a fool's errand for the He family to find him.

After turning into an alley, Han Yu suddenly stopped and turned around abruptly, only to see a man in black staring at him not far behind. The man was wearing a mask, with only one pair of eyes sticking out.

Although Han Yu couldn't see who this person was, he knew that the visitor was not good. To Han Yu's slight surprise, this person turned out to be a master of the fifth level of Xuanwu. Against such a person, Han Yu was not sure of winning, and his first thought was to run.

However, at this moment, another man in black appeared on the other end, also exuding the powerful aura of the fifth level of Lingwu, blocking Han Yu in the narrow alley one after another.

Han Yu's palms suddenly overflowed with cold sweat. One 5th-level Xuanwu master was already too difficult to deal with. Now there are two, and they are blocking the way on both sides. Even escaping has become an extravagant hope!

Han Yu's soul power radiated out, looking for an opportunity to break through the siege. He observed it carefully, and soon found something wrong.

The first man in black had a token hanging from his waist. Although it was blocked by his clothes, Han Yu's soul power could be seen through his clothes. The token is triangular in shape with a sword-shaped logo inscribed in the center. The people from the Sword God Valley that I met at the Liujinhe first-class tomb that day all had such tokens on their bodies, and this person was obviously a person from the Sword God Valley.

Han Yu couldn't understand why the people from Sword God Valley came to assassinate him. Could it be that Sword God Valley already knew that he and Narcissus were the ones who escaped from the first-class tomb? Mistaken the death of the people in Sword God Valley for him and Narcissus

As for the second man in black, there was no such token hanging around his waist, but a cloud pattern was embroidered on the chest of his clothes. This is a unique sign of the service of Floating Cloud Sect disciples, this person is obviously the core disciple of Floating Cloud Sect.

Han Yu's soul power saw their faces through the other's masks. They didn't cultivate the power of the soul, and they didn't realize it at all. They could be said to be superfluous in front of Han Yu.

"Sword God Valley and the core disciples, the core disciples should be sent by Yang Hong, it seems that Yang Hong can't sit still!" Han Yu sighed, did not expect Yang Hong to have such great ability. But it is both unexpected and reasonable.

It is not surprising that Yang Hong has already entered the door of an elder, and with the energy of the elder of the Floating Cloud Sect, he sent a fifth-level Lingwu killer.

Han Yu suppressed his thoughts and stopped thinking about it. The most urgent thing now is to escape. Turning his eyes, he suddenly had an idea and shouted, "Kill him!"

After speaking, Han Yu jumped up, stepped on the roof, performed Fengxingyunbu, and left quickly. The two men in black were stunned, you looked at me, I looked at you, and didn't chase after Han Yu immediately.

Because Han Yu's words made them mistaken for the other party and came to help Han Yu, the first thought was not to chase Han Yu, but to be alert to the other party's attack on him. But the two of them were not stupid, and they quickly realized that they had become Han Yu's thief, and they all used their movements to chase after them.

However, although Han Yu's strength was not as good as theirs, his speed after taking a step in Fengxing far surpassed the two of them, so that the two chased after him for a while and then lost Han Yu.

"I'm so fucking witty!" Han Yu changed several streets one after another and ran wildly in the dark. Although he had thrown the two away, Han Yu did not take it lightly, and was still constantly changing his direction and position.

"I didn't expect that there are such two terrifying killers waiting for me in Jinjin City. It seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. He family, you are lucky this time!"

Han Yu left the Golden City that night and came to the mountain where Li Qingling was rescued before. Not long after he returned from Liu Yunzong, the Chasing Cloud Crane found him, and Han Yu rode the Chasing Cloud Crane back to Han's house overnight.

After returning to the Han family, Han Yu suggested that the whole family start work and build a temporary wooden house in the passage of the cemetery. Han Yu solemnly asked the people of the Han family to live in the passage of the cemetery from now on. After that, Han Yu handed over a Qiankun bag to Han Zhan. The Qiankun bag contained a lot of food, enough for the Han family to spend half a month, and there were 10,000 low-grade spirit beads in it. The people of the Han family don't have to do anything now, as long as they can cultivate in peace in the passage of the cemetery, without worrying about eating and worrying about the cultivation materials.

After the disaster a few days ago, the Han family also realized the importance of strength, so no one objected to Han Yu's approach, and they were extremely excited, because the 10,000 low-grade spirit beads were enough for the Han family. After cultivating for several years, I will never worry about not having any training materials available in the future.

Han Zhan and others are even more persistent, moving important things into the passage of the cemetery. Fortunately, the passage of the Han family's cemetery is very spacious. Martial arts field, for ordinary practice of martial arts, competitions and so on.

With the protection of the cemetery array, the people of the Han family have special jade pendants and can live freely inside. And other people, as long as they are not Qi Tianshi, no matter how powerful people enter the cemetery, it will be difficult, and they will not pose any threat to the people of the Han family. Han Yu made such a plan when he encountered two fifth-level Lingwu killers. The enemy was so strong that even Han Yu himself could not resist it, not to mention the rest of the Han family, so the best way now is to Hide first, shut up, and practice well.

Han Tian, Han Hao, and others also stayed at home for the time being. Han Tian wanted to sprint hard during this time, hoping to cultivate to the eighth level of Xuanwu when the core disciple assessment came, and participate in the core disciple assessment.

After settling everyone down, Han Yu took the chasing cloud crane to leave. Now that there is still more than half a month before the core disciple assessment, he wanted to walk around to see if he could find the colorful magnolias.

Time passed quietly, and soon it was time for Liu Yunzong's annual core disciple assessment. Many of the inner disciples who went out to practice or retreated, all showed up to sign up three days before the assessment day.

And this year, there are dozens more people who signed up than in previous years, which can be said to be unprecedented. The reason why this happens is not because this year's assessment has become easier, on the contrary, this year's assessment will be the most difficult one in history.

It is because this year's assessment method is very novel, and the reward for the first place is very attractive, so it has attracted so many people.