Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 175: Self-defeating practice


"Yang Hong, come over and fight the young master for 300 rounds!" Han Yu roared. He didn't expect Yang Hong to be such a ruthless, despicable and shameless villain that he even threatened him with Han Shuang!

"Ha...haha..." Yang Hong laughed, his laughter was extremely gloomy, and said: "Since ancient times, only heroes can be judged by success or failure. Han Yu, if you don't want your relatives to die tragically, give me self-abolished cultivation!"

Han Yu's body trembled, and his fists creaked!

Yang Hong laughed even more arrogantly, pointed his sword slowly into Han Shuang's neck, and said solemnly: "Give you time to consider the three breaths, either self-destruct your cultivation base, or collect the corpses for your relatives!"

"Xiaoyu, leave, leave us alone!" Han Tian's confused consciousness suddenly woke up and shouted at Han Yu.

"Second brother, stay with the green mountains, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, Yang Hong dares to kill us, you will destroy his whole family!" Sun Dayou also shouted, and now only the two of them are still awake, if Han Yu is self-defeating Cultivation, there is no doubt that they all have to die.

"Time is up!" Yang Hong snorted coldly, and when he moved his finger, the sword would cut Han Shuang's neck.

"Stop!" Han Yu was shocked, he couldn't watch Han Shuang die in front of him.

The corners of Yang Hong's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a cruel smile, his fingers stopped, and he asked, "Have you made up your mind?"

Han Yu took a deep breath and said solemnly, "If I abandon my cultivation base, can you promise not to hurt their lives?"

"Xiaoyu don't!"

"Come on!"

Han Tian and Sun Dayou were taken aback, and Yang Hong motioned to two of them to knock Han Tian and Sun Dayou unconscious.

"As long as you abandon your cultivation, I can promise not to kill them!" Yang Hong said.

"Okay, I hope you're a man, and you can keep your word!" Han Yu finally gave Yang Hong a cold look and closed his eyes, only to see his body shuddered suddenly. He was bubbling with vitality, and it didn't take long for Yang Hong and the others to feel the breath of a cultivator in Han Yu. Han Yu's face instantly became extremely pale, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Hahaha… "

Yang Hong laughed loudly, removed his finger sword from Han Shuang's neck, winked at the others, and strode towards Han Yu together.

"Brothers, torture me to death and avenge the dead brothers!"

A group of people rushed towards Han Yu like hungry wolves, as if they were going to tear Han Yusheng apart.

"Han Yu..."

After Shilin, there was a heart-piercing scream, and a girl in red rushed over like crazy. This person is none other than Narcissus.

She had previously agreed with Han Yu that Han Yu would attract the attention of Yang Hong and others from the front, and she took a red-crowned crane to touch it up from the back and rescued Han Tian and others when Yang Hong and others were unprepared. Who would have thought that Yang Hong was so weak that he didn't even have the courage to fight Han Yu, so he immediately threatened Han Shuang, so that Narcissus never had a chance to do it.

Of course, according to Han Yu's plan, Han Yu would not show his strength in the first place. He first attracted Yang Hong and others to besiege him, and then annihilated him in one fell swoop. However, Li Xiaoyun's tragic death touched Han Yu's heart. Heartstrings made him instantly furious.

The red-crowned crane flew up, its wings fanned wildly, and the wind suddenly roared, flying sand and rocks. Yang Hong and the others were stunned for a moment, but they were relieved when they sensed that Shuixian'er was not at the first level of Lingwu.

Yang Hong casually instructed the two people: "Go and block them!" He personally brought the remaining eight people towards Han Yu with a cruel look.

Suddenly, Han Yu, who was lying on the ground, stood up straight, and it was obvious that a mass of gas rushed from his stomach to his throat.

"not good!"

Yang Hong and the others were shocked. This situation was not unfamiliar to them at all. But when they reacted, it was already too late, and the sound of the dragon's roar that shook the sky and the earth suddenly rushed towards them like a flood.

Even if they held up the infuriating shield immediately, the infuriating shield would be as vulnerable as paper to the attack of Han Yu's sound waves. Eleven people let out a scream, flew out, and smashed to the ground screaming again and again.

Narcissus froze in place, why did Han Yu, who had already abandoned his cultivation, suddenly be alive again? After being stunned for a while, she almost jumped up in surprise, and the pear flower flew into Han Yu's arms with rain, which really scared her just now.

"Xian'er, you heal them first." Han Yu patted Shuixian'er on the shoulder and walked towards Yang Hong with a gloomy face.

Yang Hong's face was as pale as paper, and when he saw Han Yu coming, his face was full of horror. Han Yu had obviously left his hand just now, otherwise he would have to die, and Han Yu's purpose of keeping his hand was obviously very simple. To let him live rather than die.

"How is that possible, you obviously abandoned your cultivation base!" Yang Hong couldn't believe what he saw. There was no trace of a cultivator's breath on Han Yu's body before. generally

What he didn't know was that Han Yu just created a little disorder of the leakage of zhenqi, and then used Qi Tianjia to hide his breath, causing Yang Hong and others to mistakenly think that Han Yu had abolished his cultivation.

Han Yu didn't say a word. In the past, he stepped on all four of his feet, and directly broke Yang Hong's limbs. Although Yang Hong was a fifth-level Lingwu practitioner, in front of Han Yu, he couldn't get up at all. Han Yu grabbed Yang Hong's hair and lifted him up, walking towards Li Xiaoyun step by step.

"Stop the thief!" At this moment, a loud shout came, and the ground trembled three times by the terrifying sound.

"Hey!" Han Yu moved his finger and immediately cut off Yang Hong's head. You don't have to think about it to know that the person who came here must be Yang Hong's master, and Han Yu will not give him a chance to save Yang Hong.

An old man jumped out, looking at Han Yu holding the bloody head in his hands, and screaming up to the sky, his eyes suddenly stared like the eyes of a dead fish. This person is none other than the law enforcement dean old Ge Tai.

"Little thief, are you deaf?" Ge Tai glared at Han Yu, his chest heaving up and down, one could see how angry he was.

"Humph!" Han Yu snorted coldly, looking at Ge Tai with murderous intent. As the law enforcement elder of Floating Cloud Sect, Ge Tai actually allows his disciples to do whatever they want, knowing the law and breaking the law!

"Well, you arrogant, kill my apprentice, behead my disciples in the court, and treat the sect's laws as a child's play. Today, I won't rectify your law on the spot, and it will be difficult to convince the public!" Ge Tai roared righteously.

"It's a joke, you should condone the same crime if you condone your disciples to kill your fellow students!" Han Yu was not timid.

"Looking for death!" A stern killing light flashed in Ge Tai's eyes. The figure flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of Han Yu, and slapped Han Yu's chest with an unbelievable speed.