Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 102: Section 102


Under the ring in the Outer Imperial City, Su Xiao and Bai Lian glanced at each other and looked at each other.

Su Xiao saw that Bai Lian had a beautiful figure, with a slim waist, and her delicate body was wrapped in the wide eunuch's robe, which was close to the clothes to outline a charming and charming look. He had a small snow-white face and delicate facial features, especially a pair of naturally charming big eyes, which could stick to people's eyeballs, so that people couldn't even turn their eyes at a glance. Su Xiao snorted and thought to himself: Why are the eyes so big? It's like it will hook people, I hate it to death! You can tell it's a fox at a glance! Foxy!

Bai Lian looked at Su Xiao and felt that the person in front of him gave off a foggy feeling. This man has narrow shoulders, a thin snow back, and a slender crane neck with a slightly exposed snow skin, which seems to be able to be twisted with a little force. The legs are slender, the waist is thin, and the figure is exquisite. It can be said that an increase is too much, and a decrease is too little. On a beautiful and delicate face of melon seeds. If it wasn't for wearing men's clothes, I would have thought she was a beautiful woman.

Bai Lianxin said: This is still a man! You are more like a woman than the eunuchs in the palace, you are a fairy!

The two looked at it a few times, and the more they looked, the less pleasing they looked, the atmosphere was tense, and the war was about to break out.

Bai Lian saw that Su Xiao was still hugging Ming Feizhen, and Ming Feizhen didn't realize it. For some reason, there was a burst of fire in his heart: "Ming Feizhen, come here, we have something to tell you."

"Don't come here, don't come here! You curse people fiercely every day." Su Xiao hugged Ming Feizhen's left arm tightly and waved at Bai Lian as if casting out a ghost: "Look at Brother Ming, you are all frightened by you. !"

Ming Feizhen didn't speak the whole time, just kept silent.

Bai Lian was even more angry, but there was a shocking smile on her pretty face: "Just because you dare to speak to our family like this? Who is your last name? Sign up!" Bai Lian naturally knew Su Xiao's life for a long time. , but Miss Bai is thin-skinned and refuses to let anyone know that she remembers Su Xiao. This work is still needed.

Su Xiao made a face: "Hmph, I'm Su Xiao."

"What a good Su Xiao, I don't know what your identity is, how dare you say that our family is murderous?" Bai Lianxing's eyes widened and she sneered: "Do you think this is your six-door yamen! Shen Yiren is just being favored, here Inside the palace wall, this director wants to fight a small catcher who guards the door, can't he really fight!"

Bai Lian looked around and was about to call someone over.

"Hit me? You'd better take a look."

However, Su Xiao suddenly took out a bronze medal from his arms. Bai Lian looked at the bronze medal and said in surprise, "Hundred households? You were banned from a hundred households?"

Su Xiao was triumphant and smiled brightly: "I'm also an official! You can't beat me!"

If Su Xiao is still just a small catcher, even if the lineage is different, if Bai Lian wants to beat him, he will just find any reason to fight. No matter how authoritative and favored by the emperor Shen Yiren was, it was impossible for Shen Yiren to come into the palace for a quick arrest to raise a bar with the director of supervisor Sli. It's not a question of whether you want to do it or not, but a question of whether you can do it. Shen Yiren would never do such a reckless thing to have a revenge with the palace for the sake of a quick capture. Therefore, Su Xiao could not have escaped after being beaten.

But Su Xiao's official status is different. Even if a court-appointed official is detained for a crime, if it is not proven, he cannot even stab him with a chopstick. Not to mention just quarreling with her manager. Supervisor Sili is a fifth-rank official, which is several levels higher than Su Xiao.

But for example, officials quarreled, and lower-level officials did not dare to quarrel with their superiors, mostly because they were afraid of the power of the other party and the impact on their career. However, there is no express provision that Pin Yi cannot talk back if there is a gap. Among them, the most obvious is the official of the censor, the chief inspector of the censor, who hears the news. It is often seen in the DPRK that a seventh-rank censor pointed at the second-rank officer's nose and spat like a curse at the third grandson. This is an example.

At this time, Su Xiao was not afraid of Bai Lian at all, and he was suddenly promoted, and he didn't care about his career at all. Therefore, although Su Xiao is only a rank seven, if he just wants to quarrel with Bai Lian, Bai Lian really can't do anything about him.

Bai Lian looked at the token inexplicably and thought to himself: What's going on with the six doors, even a child can be promoted.

Looking at the hand holding the token, the fair-skinned Sai Xue bullying frost, just wanted to say: The skin is so white... This man is disgusting!

"The skin of a big man is whiter than that of a woman. Are you really a man?"

"Who is whiter than a woman!" Little do they know that this is Su Xiao's taboo. Su Xiao opened his eyes wide, pointed at Bai Lian's little nose and said, "You are, your nose is so short, can you breathe!"

"What's wrong with my nose!" Bai Lian's nose was as smooth as Xin Li, but she had never heard anyone's evaluation of her appearance, and she didn't know how beautiful she was. She saw that Su Xiao's nose was tall and straight, very beautiful. I think this nose looks good. His whole body trembled when he was hit by this sentence.

Bai Lian grew up in the palace, there were many rules in the palace, and she didn't interact much with other people. After she was promoted, the eunuchs and maids in the palace were only afraid to see her. When did she quarrel? But she was smart and smart, and she immediately found out the way to attack from Su Xiao's words.

Bai Lian gritted his teeth: "Your ears look like, like a caterpillar that fell to death! It's ugly and dead." She didn't know if she was right or not, but she knew it was the ugly expression on Su Xiao's face. Done right, can't help but be satisfied. His cheeks were flushed, and he was happier than winning a bet with Ming Feizhen.

Su Xiao's ears are as crystal clear as jade, and the earlobe is like a fleshy jade pendant. But Su Xiao always thought it was not good-looking, who knew that Bai Lian, the dead eunuch, would pick it up when he came up. Su Xiao grew up in the folk. Although his mind is simple, his ability to quarrel is much better than Bai Lian. Don't think about it, the next sentence is ready.

Su Xiao pursed the thin ice-like lip line and showed off: "My mouth is better than yours."

When it comes to the mouth, this is the cover of the big white girl. It was this mouth that was entangled with Ming Fei just now. At this moment, when she mentioned it in front of Ming Feizhen, Bai Lian felt that her two cherry lips seemed to be numb and numb, and they began to congested and turned red.

Bai Lian unconsciously flushed her cheeks, as if she was slightly drunk from drinking.

"You, you..." Bai Lian felt guilty for a while, she never regarded herself as a woman, and she was a little confused when she suddenly asked her to compare her appearance with others. But her natural intuition makes her feel that if she loses here, she will be completely denied as a real woman. It is not forbidden to cover her peony-like lips and Xiaoyao's nose slightly with her sleeves, and her palm-sized face only shows the upper half, which is more delicate and charming.

"But, our eyes are bigger than yours! Hmph..." Bai Lian covered his mouth with his sleeves and let out a sneer: "You have only a little bit of eyes, can you see?"

Su Xiao couldn't accept this sentence at all. In fact, Su Xiao's eyes are not only not small, but also similar to Bai Lian. It's just that Bai Lian's eyes drooped down slightly, slightly crying, looking charming and pitiful, looking blurred and moving.

Su Xiao has always felt that Bai Lian's eyes are charming and charming, how could he be comparable.

This sentence made Su Xiao annoyed.

"Dwarf!!" Su Xiao, "You are short! I'm only sixteen years old, and I'm taller than you!"

Bai Lian couldn't believe that this man was even taller than him! The old lady is a real woman!

"Our family is not as tall as you... You, you have a flat chest!"

Su Xiao was stunned as if struck by lightning, opened his mouth and closed it again, "I, I'm a man! What do you want a chest for! I have a flat chest, don't you have it!"

However, Bai Lian showed a very arrogant and mocking smile: "That's right, our family is a father-in-law and also has a flat chest. So it's not really worth talking about." Raised, the fabric naturally spreads to both sides. Judging from the outline of the clothes, it seems that I can imagine a pile of fat and tender snow, white and soft, crowding that small space full.

Su Xiaoru glared at the smug Bai Lian as if looking at the enemy who killed his father, and Bai Lian also gave Su Xiao a white look.

"Brother Ming, why don't you help me. Look at this dead eunuch!"

"What are you scolding me!" Bai Lian said angrily, "Ming Feizhen, if you don't care about this dead child, I want you to guard the knife room and let you watch others clean up every day!"

"Brother Ming!"

"Ming is not true!"

"You said! Who are you helping!"

"You said! Do you dare to help me?"

The firepower of the two turned to the silent Ming Feizhen together, but the only response was Jingjing.


Ming Fei really stared blankly at the three pears on the ground, as well as these two guys.

"You two... it's better to apologize to me before I go crazy!!"

Chapter 48 On the Self-cultivation of Actors

Both of them were stunned, Ming Feizhen is this crazy


But Ming Fei really just repeated this sentence.

"You two, apologize to me!"

Ming Feizhen's eyes are solemn and his tone is serious, like a righteous servant who maintains the law and discipline after years of catching the all-evil thief Jiang Yang, full of just expressions of justice for heaven.

"Brother Ming, what's the matter with you... Brother Ming, are you angry?" Su Xiao's heart was pounding, and Ming Fei, who he didn't intend to provoke, was really unhappy. But Ming Feizhen has always been generous, but today he didn't know where he stepped on the thunder.

Mingfei's eyes sank.
