Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 105: Section 105


The emperor came to urge impatiently, and Lai Jingzhen handed over and said that it would only take another day to know the result. However, it was not until the seventh day that Lai Jingzhen finally came out. Immediately, the book was sent to the emperor's imperial case in four big characters.

In the imperial study, above the imperial case, there is a piece of white paper with four black characters. The book says - Six dragons lock the country.

The emperor was furious when he saw it, and scolded: "What kind of mess is this madman! Fortune-telling for the country, this is also a joke!" Angrily tore the white paper to shreds, and ordered the three people from the six-fan Shenji Ranking Juefeng. I took out the mirror.

The emperor's anger is also justified. The four words "six dragons lock the country" can be said to be extremely rebellious.

Since the founding of this dynasty, Yuan Shengdi has been the fifth generation monarch.

The mountains and rivers laid down by Emperor Taizu are even more stable in the hands of future generations, and they have also expanded a lot. After the Taizu established the country, the country was not stable. There are small countries in the southern border who refuse to accept Wang Hua and repeatedly violate the borders. Several great powers in the Western Regions are eyeing them, and foreigners in the northern Xinjiang have coveted the Central Plains for a long time.

After that, the previous emperors of all dynasties took it as their duty to relieve foreign aggression. Emperor Guanghai, the grandfather of Yuan Shengdi, devoted himself to the frontier defense and made the three borders into an impregnable wall. To the first emperor, Emperor Yuzong, the father of Yuan Shengdi, was even more illustrious in martial arts and shook the world. He made a non-aggression pact with the alien races in the northern Xinjiang, repelled the coalition forces in the western regions, and swallowed nearly half of the southern Xinjiang. From then on, there was no dissent in the southern border.

Yuan Sheng Tianzi was a young man who became emperor. It can be said that he is a young and promising emperor.

In recent years, there have been constant wars between the Western Regions and Northern Xinjiang, but no one has dared to invade half of our territory. It can be seen that under the rule of the emperors of this dynasty, the foreign tribes surrendered, and the Weijia all over the world. In terms of national military affairs, since the founding of this dynasty, the troops and horses have been strong. There are countless masters in Sansi Yamen, and although there are Xiaoxiao in the rivers and lakes, they can't make waves.

In Yuan Sheng Tianzi's heart, although his martial arts are not as prominent as the two emperors, his culture is commendable. Under his rule, the young were cared for, the old was depended on, and the country was peaceful and peaceful, but it was much more peaceful than in the days of the two previous emperors. Occasionally, when I look at myself in the middle of the night, I can't help but smile, glad that my efforts have not been in vain.

However, in the real fortune-telling of the mirror, the words "Six Dragons Locking the Country" appeared.

Dragon naturally refers to the real dragon emperor, and since Emperor Taizu, he is the fifth real dragon. Come to the mirror and really criticize the sentence that the six dragons lock the country. Does it mean that the fortunes of this dynasty will end in the next generation. Isn't this not only Yuan Shengdi, but even the previous emperors who have been scolded in it, it is really unreasonable!

Laijing was really a master at the time, but it was only a tie with one of Juefeng's three, let alone against the three of them. Therefore, there was no resistance, and he was captured.

He angered Longyan, but when he came to the emperor, he was not shocked and without fear, and it was natural.

The emperor said angrily: "I respect the real person who is a master of Taoism, I named you as a national teacher, and assigned Taoism in the world to be your commander. The treatment of the Takamoto Dynasty is the same. Why did you curse such a lowly thing and insult the previous emperors? , curse to reduce our country, and fabricate rumors that the six dragons lock the country."

Lai Jingzhen replied indifferently: "The minister just divination out such a few words, the emperor loves to believe it or not."

The emperor was so angry that he licked his teeth and Hanako. At that time, Emperor Yuansheng was only in his twenties, and he was full of energy. After listening to this sentence, he almost ignored the difference in martial arts and drew his sword to cut off the bull's nose!

It was Yan Shisan who had the best way to offer a plan: "The emperor calms down his anger, although the half-immortals are wise men, but there is not necessarily only one half-immortal who can predict the fortune of the country. The emperor may wish to issue a royal order and invite three people to come. Look at the method of the demigods' calculations, if there are any mistakes, the three people should be able to point them out. Naturally, the demigods will not be wronged. If the emperor does not believe these three people, I am afraid that no one in the world can be trusted."

Emperor Yuansheng thought carefully about Lai Jingzhen's status and status, and he really couldn't easily kill him just because of four words. Therefore, according to Yan Shisan's suggestion, when the four princes were full moon, they sent invitation letters to the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, the three major factions of the Master of Righteous Path, Shaolin, Wudang, and Daluoshan, inviting the three factions to the front. Come to watch the ceremony. It is called watching the ceremony, but in fact it is another calculation of national luck.

On the full moon day of the Sixth Prince, the Shaolin Abbot, Wudang Sect Master, and Daluoshan Shenzhou heroes came together.

After observing the ceremony, he went straight to the Qin Tianjian to observe the process of divination in the mirror.

The three contemporary masters stayed in Qintian Prison for half a month, which was even longer than it took Jingzhen alone. The differences in what the three have learned are naturally calculated separately, and only on the last day will they converge to confirm what they have seen.

But the conclusion that the three people came to made everyone dumbfounded.

The emperor was puzzled: "All three are characters I have always admired, why are they exactly the same as that lunatic? And why did it take twice as long."

The head of Wudang said: "Go back to the sage, the half-immortal came to the mirror is really the nephew of the poor Taoist, and the Taoist method was taught by the younger brother of the poor Taoism, and it has been fully passed down. The profound knowledge is not inferior to that of the poor Taoism. I tried the divination method once, and it took seven days. Then I calculated it by my own method, it took another seven days, and then I confirmed it with Ming Daxia and the abbot, and it took 15 days."

After hearing this, the emperor's anger was relieved a lot, but his curiosity was high.

Lai Jingzhen was born in Wudang Mountain, which the emperor has always known. The head of Wudang, the godfather, is indeed his uncle. Even so, the similarity between the real calculation and the divine method is certain. Whether it is accurate or not can be discussed separately, at least these four words are not the game that the madman wants to insult the emperor and curse Guozuo.

After all, Laijing is really an important minister of the country, and he is a little relieved that he can be innocent of the emperor.

But the words of a family are not enough after all. The emperor asked the abbot of Shaolin Kong Void again.

Abbot Kong Kong said: "Amitabha, please tell the Holy One. My Buddhist school doesn't believe in numerology, but only talks about karma. Lao Na didn't measure the country's fortunes, but looked at physical appearance. It took time and 14 days to study. The two confirmed that they also felt that these four words were the most suitable."

The emperor still doesn't understand what this has to do with the physical appearance. But the people in Buddhism used to play the front, and the emperor didn't think much about it, and then looked at the hero of Shenzhou.

The heroes of Shenzhou are leisurely, with the demeanor of a grandmaster, their eyes are slightly closed, as if an old monk is in meditation, silent.

"Master Ming? Hero Ming?" The emperor urged twice, but the hero of Shenzhou still didn't speak. The emperor was afraid that he had offended people because of his poor manners, so he did not dare to continue urging.

Who knew that the head of Wudang said at this time: "Go back to the Holy One, Ming Daxia is asleep."

Emperor: "..."

"Senior Ming, the emperor has something to ask you."

The voice of the head of Wudang was soft, but he used pure inner strength. The sound was silent, but it shook all the instruments in Qintian prison. The emperor was also amazed in his heart: in the end, it is the uncle, whose internal strength is much deeper than that of the lunatic.

But the head of the divine law still called the hero of Shenzhou several times, and he woke up leisurely, his eyes were chaotic, and he didn't even know where he was looking.

"What, what's the matter?"

"Senior Ming, the emperor has something to ask you."

"Yes, I would like to ask Master Ming, what have you discovered in these fifteen days?"

"Oh! Report to the emperor!" But when he woke up, the hero of Shenzhou was very respectful. He first bowed respectfully, called Caomin, and clasped his fists and cupped his hands and said: "Caomin discussed with the abbot of the empty and the head of the gods on the last day. , but also to come up with these four words, there is no difference."

"Oh?" The emperor's eyes lit up, "but I don't know what research the hero has done in the past fourteen days to get this insight. Maybe you can listen to me and solve your doubts?"

When the hero of Shenzhou raised his head, his eyes were bright. Two wicker-like long white whiskers vibrated, and they were automatic when there was no wind. The old man is already old, but his words are full of energy. Dantian stroked his beard solemnly and said: "... Caomin slept for fourteen days!"

Emperor: Damn mental retardation!

Chapter 2 Chronicle of Six Dragons Locking the Country (Part 2)

This is out of tune!

Yuan Shengdi cursed in his heart, but this hero of Shenzhou was over a hundred years old. Legend has it that he fought side by side with Emperor Taizu, and they were brothers and sisters, and they laid down iron buckets. Because of this, the Daluo Mountain lineage became a major sect of the Right Way.

If it was calculated according to the seniority, Yuan Shengdi called him even his ancestors, and he dared to show a rude attitude.

In desperation, I asked Yu Shaolin Wudang two.

The Taoist priest replied: "Although this matter is of great importance, the emperor does not need to feel that the nephew is rude. It is because of the six dragons that lock the country, and it does not refer to the previous emperors."

"What! Why did the Taoist say this!" The young emperor managed to suppress the fire and said patiently: "Okay, I listen, what does the Taoist say?"

If it wasn't for Yan Shisan pulling by the side, the emperor's fire really wouldn't be able to come down.

What do you mean

It's enough for your nephew to say that the six dragons lock the country, but you also want to ridicule the emperors of the past dynasties for not being the real son of the dragon? You Wudang faction are going crazy!

The Taoist priest calmly explained: "Pin Dao does not mean that the previous emperors were not real dragons, but that the six dragons in the Six Dragons Locked Kingdom are not the previous emperors. If the emperor can feel more comfortable, Pin Dao can say, Most of these six dragons are not real dragons."

"What six dragons are not real dragons, and real dragons are not six dragons! What are you talking about!" The emperor's anger was about to reach a critical point, and he forced himself to suppress: "The head is not for the sake of your nephew, but you are fooling me. ?"

"Amitabha." Abbot Kong Kong announced the Buddha's name, and his ears were clear, and the emperor's hostility was relieved a lot. Only then did the abbot Kong Kong put his hands together and said: "Your Majesty, please calm down. This conclusion was reached by me and the three of us together, not by God. The head of the law saw it alone. These six dragons are indeed dragon bodies, but they are not the Son of Heaven."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, thinking of something in his heart, and suddenly became a little scared. He couldn't help but say, "Master, please speak bluntly."

"Besides the real dragon and the emperor, there are other dragons in this world. For example... the dragon child."