Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 11: Section 11


Master, I swear, I am definitely not cursing you old man!

I clenched my fists and said reverently: "Before he died, he said that he would not see his aunt dying, so my aunt was going to go back to the funeral, at least three times before the grave to express her feelings."

"Dead? How old can her eldest nephew be, and how did she die?"

I said indifferently: "Flower willow."

"Hey!" Shen Yiren took a step back and said with disgust, "Stay away from me."

Ahem, Master, I definitely didn't curse you.

But in just a split second, Shen Yiren came to his senses.

"You think I'm stupid, are you still here to apply for jobs today when someone is dead?"

"We just received a message from flying pigeons."

"Where's the pigeon?"

"Bake and eat."

"What about the letter?"

"The pigeon ate it."

"You're pretending to be stupid with me to the end, aren't you!" Shen Yiren's big watery eyes bulged, and murderous aura overflowed from the eyes that were supposed to be soft and pleasant. I don't know why the examiners suddenly took a step back and covered the ** with their hands. What's happening here…

"I don't believe that there are so many coincidences. You have passed two hurdles, and leaving now will disrupt our arrangement. We can't let it go!"

"Anyway, my aunt is going to go to the funeral. She must leave. You can decide what to do."

The 'sister' of the Shen family suddenly laughed innocently after hearing this. The surrounding air seemed to be dyed with a fresh breath. Those beast examiners took a deep breath, for fear of letting go of the air exhaled by the beautiful girl... Hey! Enough is enough!

The 'sister' of the Shen family smiled and said, "Sister, listen, this girl is in a hurry. Miss Ming, you should go back to finish the white affairs first, and then come back soon. My sister's guaranteed treatment will definitely be effective."

"Crazy, don't make trouble." Shen Yiren looked at his 'sister' a little embarrassedly, and seemed to be a bit square. This kind of lame excuse could not deceive her, but it deceived her innocent girl. By the way, what's the name of the sister of the Shen family? mad? frame? mine? I'm also kind of...

"My aunt won't participate in the next selection test. Who is her opponent, I will continue!" I patted my chest, full of confidence.

"It's just you?!" Before he finished speaking, a cyan figure flashed out, it turned out to be Young Master Liu. "You scum are so bold, how dare you be so rude to the deputy governor, I, Liu Yuan, as a member of the Six Sect, I'm here to teach you a lesson to speak up for her old man!"

... You are trying to kill someone.

Chapter 11 Let's Fight

Shen Yiren looked at Liu Gongziqiang, and blinked her big soft eyes that didn't match her domineering image, and then said, "Who is this person? Why do you pretend to be familiar with me?"

Pfft hahaha! ! Your boss doesn't know you!

Liu Gongzijun blushed, and said loudly, "You scum, you will be captured!" He clapped his hands, and his palms were numerous. Stepping on the seven stars, advancing and retreating like the wind, it is comparable to the old man selling Wuwang on the street... Ahem, I'm a little too addicted to explain. In the future, I will go to the teahouse less to listen to books, and there will be jokes.

Well, I'll have a serious fight with him too.

But it's true that he hasn't competed with anyone for a long time.

First look at his flaws.


What should I do, I don't seem to understand his tricks a bit...

It seems that Young Master Liu's palm technique is not from Qianliu Villa, nor is Lao Liu good at it. I remember that Lao Liu and I practiced his Liu family's Qian Liu Boxing. How did Young Master Liu come up with this kind of palm technique that makes Qian Liuquan so weak

Which one is this.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it.

Do it.

In martial arts, martial arts are respected, but few people know Ming Feizhen.

Because in the eyes of many people, he does not know martial arts at all.

In today's martial arts, when it comes to practicing martial arts, most of them refer to outer martial arts. And there are not no people who practice internal skills, but very few people can practice it to a very high level.

Everyone knows that the inner function is light and strong. But that was only the first few years, and the further it went, the slower the entry.

For example, if a person's internal strength is 1 when he is ten years old, and he starts to cultivate first-class internal strength, his internal strength will be about 100 by the age of twenty. But even if you practice hard, you will only be 120 by the age of 30. And it gets slower and slower as you go back, and it may only be 150 by the age of sixty.

In other words, a young man who has practiced internal power for ten years and an old man who has practiced internal power for a lifetime may have a difference of less than 50% in the level of internal power.

Everyone knows that no matter what kind of internal power it is, it is impossible to cultivate the internal power to be much stronger than others. Manpower is sometimes exhausted, and you want to improve your inner strength endlessly, unless you have endless lifespan. The slow progress of internal power is the reason why most people in martial arts attach great importance to external martial arts.

Under the condition of similar internal strength, the more martial arts they know and the more strange the tricks, the more they are regarded as masters.

For example, according to old legends in martial arts, the Shaolin Temple Yi Jin Jing is the most amazing classic in the world, and it can be said to be the crown of the decent internal power classics. But Shaolin Abbot's internal strength is probably only twice as high as that of a young man like Shen Yiren. It can be seen that it is almost impossible to make a name for yourself by relying on internal strength.

Therefore, in today's martial arts, no one takes this young man whose internal strength is too much higher than others, but is not very good at martial arts.

Liu Yuan's palm shadows flew, suddenly empty and then real. Make sure to dazzle the enemy.

The Qianliuquan that was passed down from his family was always about change. Later, he entered the Six Doors and added the elements of Qianliuquan to the Wuxingzhang, which is the entry-level kung fu of the Six Doors. However, the Five Elements Palm is only a martial art used to strengthen the body under the six doors, and it is not very practical. Liu Yuan's addition has literally turned a martial art into a beautiful kung fu that only talks about fancy things.

It's just that he has a good foundation in martial arts, and ordinary people are not his opponents. So there is even a place in the six doors.

Liu Yuan saw that Ming Feizhen was motionless, his flaws were exposed, and he slapped him on the chest. There were many voices in the hall, and many people who were familiar with Liu Yuan knew that his palm technique was flamboyant and practical, but he was famous, with a solid foundation, and his palm strength was really not small. This palm hits the key point, I am afraid that even the internal organs will be shattered. The man surnamed Ming didn't know if he was a fool, but he was beaten and remained motionless.

Just when everyone thought the victory and defeat had been decided, a sneer appeared on Liu Yuan's mouth, and he slapped Mingfei Zhentianling with another palm without any sympathy at all!

This palm is no joke. The Baihui Point on the top of the head is the most deadly. Even a child who doesn't know martial arts at all may cause a lot of damage to the head of an adult strong man, not to mention that his palm is going all out. Rao Shiming Fei really has the ability to reach the sky, and he will be seriously injured if he is hit by this palm.

At this time, Ming Feizhen finally moved, and everyone felt that this guy was always a normal person. He tilted his head slightly to avoid the deadly slap. Liu Yuan seemed to have known that he would dodge this way. He would hide his legs in his palms, two moves in a row, and a roundabout kick in the middle of Mingfeizhen's back.

Ming Feizhen was kicked so much that he was about to fall backwards. At this time, Liu Yuan took a step forward and slapped him on the top of his head with the same palm.

Even Shen Yiren felt that Liu Yuan had done a little too much, and couldn't help but scold him.

Ming Feizhen stood up straight again without shaking, looking very annoyed.

"Hey! Why do you have to touch my head with your hand! I don't even want to think about what your hand has touched. Can you stop patting it?"

Liu Yuan was stunned, still dancing palms in his hands, shouting, "Have you practiced the golden bell hood?!"

Ming Feizhen replied, "You only sell martial arts."

He swung out his palm, gently and skillfully, hitting Liu Yuan in the face.

This palm seemed to be weak and light, but Liu Yuan's palm suddenly recovered to one, and the person fell down with it.