Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 110: Section 110


Now that Yan Shisan is no longer there, the Orange King is not so easy to fall.

But although no conclusive evidence has yet been found, the penetrating power of the king's side is also well-known. The Orange King must not sit still and wait for the people who captured him to have surrounded the Orange Palace before thinking about countermeasures. That is what a fool did.

Although it was a little early, the Orange King made up his mind to strike first.

If the emperor wants to be himself, it is better to be the emperor himself!

The Orange King was walking down the palace corridor at the moment, and he was on his way to meet the man he was about to replace, full of joy.

He was in a good mood, rarely good.

He has a smile on his face, like enjoying the spring breeze, like drinking fine wine, and it seems that he can sing when he is in a tune.

The eunuch Gong'e who followed him didn't quite understand why the usually fierce Orange Prince was in such a good mood today. There were also some little palace maids who looked at his handsome face and couldn't help feeling emotional, thinking: When he doesn't keep his face straight, he doesn't seem to be so afraid of people. Also very handsome.

No one knows that at this moment, the Orange King is thinking: When the old man is finished, I will be the honor of Wancheng. Hahahahaha! My dream is about to come true!

The Orange King was different from other princes since he was a child. He was not convinced by anyone, even the emperor's biological father. He was not reconciled, he accumulated strength, and he kept a low profile and tried his best. Quietly accumulates the power that can launch a thunder strike.

This kind of painstaking effort is all because the Orange King had a dream since he was a child.

When the Orange King was young, because he was the eldest son of the queen, he was deeply loved, and he could do whatever he wanted.

He likes his mother best. The mother was very gentle to him and never yelled at him. The Orange King remembered one time when he was mischievous and pushed a little palace maid into the pond in the imperial garden, nearly drowning her. The Orange King knew that he had made a big disaster, so he hid under the bed and did not dare to come out.

It was his mother, the Empress, who coaxed the Orange King out of the bed like a small animal, and gave him a lot of delicious food, and the Orange King burst into tears.

But it's the same day.

The queen coaxed the little orange king into happiness. After a while, the emperor arrived. When the emperor saw the orange king who was having a good time eating his snacks, his heart aroused, and he locked the orange king in the study for three whole days, punished him for copying the "Analects" every day, and was not allowed to go out one step. For dinner, you can only eat white noodles and steamed buns with some pickles.

Such a huge humiliation, the Orange King is still vivid in his mind. The flame of hatred burns in my heart.

Since then, the Orange King has had a dream.

The orange king's dream is hot and bright, positive and great. It's pure, it's real, it's elegant, it's out of vulgarity.

Our Orange Prince has looked at his father since he was a child, the emperor of the dynasty, with one thing in his mind: I want the old man to call me Brother Orange! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's cool!

If he succeeds in seeking the country today, then his old man can call him Brother Orange! The thought made him ecstatic, as if every pore on his body was radiating joy.

If his subordinates had the ability to read minds, they would definitely hang him up, beat him, and throw him into the river.

But the world is bizarre, who can judge. It is such a second-hand man who came out of the queen's belly, but he is Longzi, one of the possible heirs of this country.

The prophecy of the six dragons locking the country seems to be more and more true at this time.

In order to make his father call him Brother Orange's great ideal, the Orange King is now rushing towards the Bright Avenue.

He is now ready to use all the strength he has accumulated over the years on this blow.

His people had infiltrated the palace, and his plans were being carried out as he expected.

If successful, the country will be transformed today.

If the six dragons can really lock the country, Li Chengzhi will become the first dragon.

An orange dragon that will imprison the walls of the palace.

And the competition in front of the royal will be the best pedal!

Chapter 6 The beautiful girl on Feiyuping

"Prince Yasukuni is here! Lord Yu of the Ministry of Rites is here! Lord Qi is here!"

Following a clear introduction, the court officials filed in one by one. His face was beaming with joy, as if he was not here to watch the competition but to drink a wedding wine.

That is of course, it is also the final of the imperial competition, and officials who are not qualified to go to court are not even qualified to come here to take a look. For many first-time officials, it is a great honor for them to walk into the viewing platform.

This large square called 'Flying Fish Ping' is a place specially used by members of the royal family to enjoy some shows involving martial arts and the like.

The word "Flying Fish" is the nickname given by Emperor Taizu of the founder of Six Gates, the founder of the mountain.

Emperor Taizu, the founder of this dynasty, bravely won the three armies, and his martial arts cultivation was extremely high, and he was very proud.

At that time, there were three top masters under Taizu who were awarded the title of Taizu, namely, Feiyu, Yinglong, and Qinglin. These three were the founders of the Three Divisions. Famous for later generations. It was also from the three of them that the imperial court had the tradition of the Three Peaks.

I heard that the three of them fought a fierce battle for three days and three nights in order to compete for the title of No. 1 in the world, and the location was in this Feiyuping. Just before the victory or defeat, Feiyuping is not called Feiyuping. When the name of this big square that carried a world-shattering and fierce battle is settled, in addition to one more flying fish, the world's best martial arts master of the Gedai Dynasty, there are also two more Qilinwei and the king's side and the six gates. organization.

And this Feiyuping, which silently recorded the world-shattering battle, was also favored by the royal family. After that, all the battles in the palace were chosen here.

The monarchs of this dynasty inherited the martial style of Emperor Taizu, and were very fond of martial arts. In addition to the ones that you love to watch, there are even those who are leisurely and leisurely to play with both hands. It is said that when the current saint was young, he also liked a legendary troublemaker who likes to roam the arena and is addicted to fighting in the ring. Now that he is older and has a more stable temperament, his interest in ring competition is still the same. From time to time, court warriors or court warriors are required to show their skills in Feiyuping.

The emperor took the princess and the princess to sit on the high platform to watch the tea. There were about 20 seats below for the invited ministers of cultural relics to sit, and there was a small eunuch who was articulate on the side to act as a commentator for the emperor. Hot atmosphere.

There was still a bet on the market, and the ministers were betting on their favorite samurai. Although you can't really gamble with money, at least there must be something as a lucky draw. Those who can be invited to watch the fight in the imperial city are not high officials of the imperial court, but at least relatives of the royal family, so the stakes are not small. The key point is that no one dares to lower it, for fear that it will spoil the emperor's interest.

The emperor's gambling is very good. The ministers are not allowed to mess around, and the warriors who are in the ring are not allowed to stay strong.

This kind of small-scale competition may happen once a month.

I heard from the eunuch on duty that once Long Zaitian was instructed to learn martial arts with a Class A warrior. The emperor happily directly used the token of love that the queen had given him back then—a priceless white jade crown wrapped with eight treasures wrapped in pearls, and used it to hold the dragon to lose in the sky. As a result, as soon as it was put on the table, Long Zaitian didn't know what to do. He thought that the emperor was highly regarded, and went all out to punch the opponent down. The whole place was silent...

The queen gave it, especially the crown. If you win, you dare to take it? Fortunately, the queen paid the money to redeem the white jade crown, otherwise the cheap minister who won the white jade crown and Long Zaitian might have been worried for the rest of their lives. I just heard that the emperor was fined for seven days and not allowed to enter the harem, which is also a good talk...

In short, there are people competing in this place, and it is normal for people to drink tea and watch.

Therefore, this Feiyuping can also be said to be the ultimate evolutionary form of Tianqiao Teahouse!

But today is different, you can tell just by looking at the scale.

Each of the four rings standing before us now is larger than the two rings combined in the primaries. I counted it carefully. It is based on ninety-eighty-one giant trees, supplemented by high-quality stone materials. It is thick and stable, and it is not afraid of shaking or stepping on it by those with strong internal strength. Layers of planks are laid on top of the giant wood, and the nanwood that has been covered with a layer of tar is still used, and its hardness is comparable to that of gold and iron. It is conceivable that even if it is a master with extreme internal strength, fighting in such an arena, the strength will be transmitted to the nearby people. And the dragons and phoenixes carved on the nanmu are very delicate. I am afraid that if you accidentally touch a piece, it will break a former celadon.

I have only seen this kind of thick arena that can block the fighter's power twice in total. Once when my master took me to the Western Regions to open my eyes, the people of the Western Regions are rich in minerals and love to use gold and iron. The other time was when I was in Shaosi Mountain with Shaolin Abbot and another evil sect master playing dagger. There is a pure stone meditation platform in the Shaolin Temple. The three of us slapped each other ten times on it. I threw my palms around, the empty abbot smiled and smiled, and the evil sect master slapped his fart when he slapped the third—the people in the audience still had nothing to do.

So you know there's a reason why the ring is so complicated.

First, the masters who entered the finals must cultivate both inside and outside. Second, since the martial arts are high, the fists and palms can go far, and they are afraid of hurting the audience. These audience seats are all delicate and expensive officials, and no one wants to take responsibility. Still be careful.

The third is the most important point, the finals can be used. You only need to hand over the weapons you use to the father-in-law in the palace for inspection beforehand, and then go through the heavy city gates and check them once on each floor before sending them to the arena.

The number of people in the rematch is large, and if swords are used, there may be accidents. But the finals add up to thirty-two people, and there are only thirty-two weapons in the final. In this case, the impact can be minimized.

Look at it, there are more than 100 people guarding the king's side and the unicorn guards at the scene. If the other thirty-one people had different intentions, they would be cut into meat-filled dumplings before the emperor, and they would be served hot.

What? Why thirty one

Because I am also among the thirty-two people in the competition. If I were to join, the emperor would not be thirty-one bowls of dumplings, but two hundred elbows.