Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 46: Section 46


Lan Jun Zhukong's three people only felt that a large unimaginable Vajra supernatural power suddenly overturned their power. The process was short-lived as if a man of supernatural power was wrestling with a child, and there was no need to think about the mystery at all. The bones of the three people's hands were easily broken like dead branches by this force. They fell to the ground like three groups of defeated grass, and they did not see the state of having a peerless energy just with their gestures.

The three of them trembled uncontrollably. Their breath was disordered now, and they could no longer control the true qi in their bodies. Blood was spurting all over their bodies. Plug burst.

Tian Wen made a decisive decision, slashed six swords on his body with a sword, opened a gap in the meridians to release the infuriating energy that could not be channeled, and began to disperse at the same time.

This is a smart approach. If you want to minimize the deadly side effects of no one without me, the only way is to use up and disperse your own skills. At least save your life. But people in all corners of the world value martial arts more than life. Few of the demon sect disciples choose this path.

But these three people lived in seclusion for a few years, and they valued their lives more. They all started to dissipate.

Ming Feizhen checked Tie Hanyi and Ye Luo in the courtyard. Tie Hanyi was in a state of fainting after his acupoints were sealed. I just cried out when I felt uncomfortable. This is actually quite obvious, otherwise, a tough guy like Tie Hanyi shouldn't have called out when he fainted in pain.

Ye Luo was still sleeping, but the clothes she had just covered over her body were blown to the ground by the strong wind. Under the moonlight, the girl's body was as white as jade, and the breeze was blowing gently, and even the only remaining cloth was in danger of falling. This looks really good enough.

Ming Feizhen covered Ye Luo with the coat that had been blown to the ground, thinking back on the battle just now, he not only sighed.

"... It's still far worse than Shaolin Abbot."

There was a deep loneliness in his tone.

When Ming Feizhen walked to the center of the courtyard again, he saw that the three of them had finished their work, and the three strong men who were looking at their 30s and 40s were all gray-haired, wrinkled, and all of a sudden. Looks like a few decades old.

"Are you going to disperse your practice? This is the only way to save your life. I can't believe that you can't get rid of the habit of the Shenyue Sect in trivial matters, but this aspect has changed very quickly. The disciples of the Shenyue Sect would rather die than lose their gong."

Tian Wen was the first to dissipate his energy, and his recovery was quicker. He asked sadly: "We... have no injustice with you in the past. Even if we kill Cha Yuan, it is still our own educational affairs, and it is none of your business. Magical skills, but why are we so little people who are so hard on us! Can't we even ask about the rivers and lakes?"

"Success, of course." Ming Feizhen aggravated his tone: "But after seclusion and doing evil in the local area, it doesn't work."

Ming Fei really set his eyes on the beggar: "Lan Jun Zhu Kong Zhao Qi, in the past five years, you have been a local woman, and you have also killed any villagers who have learned the secret and thrown them into the lake. The lake drowned in the autumn. Man, hey, you really know how to choose a day to start."

Tian Wen looked at the beggar Zhao Qi in disbelief, his eyes spitting fire: "You went to Peach Blossom Village to do these things?!"

Zhao Qi didn't know how to be known about these things, and was speechless for a while.

Ming Feizhen looked at the peasant man: "Lanjun Zhukong Fangbian, you look honest, but you have a problem with Zhao Qi, lustful. He committed crimes in a row, you only committed one crime, but it made people extremely disgusting. Cha Yuan's wife was also found in the lake shortly after Cha Yuan's death, showing signs of being abused. The cause of her death was...a martial arts such as the King Kong Finger in the neck."

Tian Wen felt cold in his heart. He did not expect that his subordinates would do such a thing during the period of his seclusion with peace of mind: "Beast! Beast!"

The peasant begged in panic: "Master, forgive me, master! I lost my head for a while... I'm already a cripple. Please spare our lives."

Zhao Qi shouted: "He is from the Six Gates, not the Qilin Guard. If you can't kill without reporting it, what are you worried about?"

The peasant said in a low voice, "Yes, is there such a thing?"

Zhao Qi sneered: "The six gates are extremely strict, and it is expressly stipulated that prisoners who surrender should not be dealt with without authorization. Violators must be severely punished."

Ming Fei really looked at him and smiled. There was a bit of bitterness in the smile: "So I hate justice. It has been overdrawn so much that it has become an empty shell."

Zhao Qi slowly listened to the meaning of his words, and couldn't help but panic: "You, you dare to kill us?"

"I hate killing people. I used to say I would never kill unless I was crazy."

Zhao Qi was relieved after hearing this, but he felt that the blood all over his body was suddenly out of control, and all of them left the body with a bang. His body became empty, and there was no place in his body that he could control. The last scene he saw in his life was a young man with an expressionless face, and withdrew his palm lightly.

Ming Feizhen withdrew his hand, his palm, in the eyes of others, seemed to have smashed a person with one palm, and the situation was extremely terrifying.

Ming Feizhen said lightly: "There are too many lunatics in this world, I can't help but be one of them. When you sit in a position, you can't help but be swayed by it. That's why I want to quit. Because I really hate it. kill."

Ming Feizhen, shot to kill.

Chapter 51

Ming Feizhen didn't get any blood on his body, but the sight of the blood of the person he hit with one stroke flying away from his body was still vivid in his mind. His words only added a bit of confusion to people, but they didn't quite believe it.

The peasant man was terrified beyond measure: "Since you have retired, Da, hero, why do you still care about our martial arts?"

"You are wrong. I don't care about things in the martial arts. But I have to care about the Shenyue Sect."

The peasant shouted, reached out and took the knife left by Zhao Qi, wiped his neck with the knife, and the corpse lay on the ground. It was a happy death.

Ming Feizhen looked at Tian Wen again.

"Lanjun Zhukong, you are the most honest one. That's why you can live until now and be the hall master. The two of them don't know me, but you met me back then, don't you know me now?"

Tian Wenru set up the ice cellar, unable to stop the trembling of his body.

The palm that took Zhao Qi's life was not sorcery, but martial arts. A terrifying martial art that makes the whole world feel terrified.

He had seen this martial arts before. There are no more than three people in the world who can master this martial arts. But what he can use is so superb, he only knows one. The young man in front of him gradually overlapped with the image of that person.

"Spring Breeze Night Rain Magical Art... You, you are the Zongtan Sanshen Venerable... Ming... Master Ming?"

"Oh? I'm not wearing a mask, you recognize me? It seems that some people still remember me."

Ming Fei smiled softly. The tone is like a spring breeze. This tone, this attitude, is exactly the same as that person back then.

Tian Wen suddenly felt the warmth in his eyes: "Remember! But you haven't already..."

"Dead? Four years ago, there was no such thing as a war. The Protector Sanshen Zun and Ximen Cult Master, the two Dharma Kings, died together. Is that what you think?"

"God bless me to teach!" Tian Wen dragged his weak body after the exercise and knelt in front of Ming Feizhen, "God bless me to teach! God bless me to teach!"

He just kept repeating 'God bless me to teach', burst into tears, and the more he spoke, the more choked up his voice became, and finally he became silent.

"A man who doesn't cry easily, Hall Master Tian, what are you doing?" Ming Feizhen came here to clear up the chaotic believers, and he was a little dumbfounded when he made him cry.

"Subordinate... subordinate is happy. Thinking of my teaching and your presence, I will be able to recover one day." Tian Wen said this, even more sad, "But Lord Shenzun... Since you are all right, why, why don't you Show up earlier? The suzerain, his old man died wrongly. Orthodox scumbags poisoned the well water, killing the suzerain's wife and the young suzerain. When the suzerain was heartbroken, they sent people to challenge and insult me. , make the suzerain angry to death."

The Shenyue Sect is divided into two sects, the Mingshen and the Dark Moon, and each leads one side. The Sect Master mentioned by Tian Wen is the Sect Master of the Dark Moon Sect. After Ximen Blowing Lantern disappeared, the Ming Shenzong went underground, and the Dark Moon Sect was scattered due to the death of the suzerain, and it was difficult to recover.

The death of the Sect Master of the Dark Moon Sect was also a big regret in Ming Feizhen's life, and he couldn't help feeling sad. Immediately changed the subject and said: "I have checked the six-door treasury archives in the past few days. You have done a good job. After the disappearance of Ximen Cult Master, you have been saving money. But as I said, the Dark Moon Sect will never touch your hands. In the business of killing people, we must never commit adultery and looting, let alone harm our fellow compatriots. Hall Master Tian, what about the offenders?”


"I can condone the Ming Shenzong, because the master of the Ming Shenzong is still there, so I don't need to worry about it. But the Dark Moon Sect master is dead, but I have to pay more attention. Zhao Qi and Fang Bian are your subordinates, they are a traitor* *Female, a family member who raped and murdered a disciple in the sect. The death of Cha Yuan was the result of your joint efforts. I want to question you about your ineffective discipline and the crime of killing your compatriots."

Ming Feizhen took Tian Wen's right arm in one hand, and just waiting for him to exhale, Tian Wen turned into a pool of pus and blood just like Zhao Qiyi.

"What are your last words?"

Tian Wen didn't think about resisting at all, but just begged: "Holy God! Please be merciful. My subordinates are willing to accept punishment. It's just that my subordinates married and had children in this small village on the outskirts of the city, and they have a son and a daughter. Things also have the love of husband and wife, and the love of flesh and blood. Please, please let your subordinates go back and spend one night with them. The subordinates will come to lead the death.

Ming Feizhen was slightly startled after hearing this, but his inner strength was still sent out without any delay.

"Please be merciful!" Tian Wen screamed, closing his eyes and waiting to die. An inexhaustible internal force rushed in from the exhausted meridians, but it was not the magic of spring breeze and night rain. This internal force seems to have the effect of repairing the occluded meridians, and all the meridians that are blocked and dying due to the scattered energy are swept away in one go.

Tian Wen only felt that a seed had been planted in his body and was rapidly sprouting. And that internal force is the warm sunshine of spring, which stimulates vitality.

"Holy God! My subordinate, He Lao, are you healing me?"