Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 61: Section 61


Governor Song nodded: "I just knew you would ask this."

Then you said it yourself at the beginning

"On the third day of the imperial contest, the east gate of the imperial city will be open to the imperial warriors to enter. The emperor was worried that the people who killed the alliance would be secretly plotting evil, so he asked our six gates to be responsible for the defense of the east gate. Listen clearly, it is the entire six gates. .So it's not just you. Even the other samurai who are going to take part in the imperial contest will be on guard."

"Guarding the east gate of the Imperial City?" I said sternly: "Isn't this the responsibility of the Imperial Army?"

Governor Song waved his hand: "The forbidden army is naturally there. However, although the number of the forbidden army is large, the martial arts are far inferior to those of the imperial warriors. Even the martial arts of the field warriors are far superior. The people who killed the alliance come and go without a trace. If If you deliberately sneak into the imperial city, the forbidden army will not be able to find it."

It makes sense, but it sounds like...

Tang Ye said indifferently: "Lord Governor, why are there six doors? Qilinwei and the king's side are several times stronger than us. Are they doing nothing?"

Governor Song's expression suddenly changed.

This is it!

Tang Ye easily asked taboo questions, which made Governor Song's expression even more ugly.

"Of course I do. The king's side should be in charge of the safety of the royal family members, and stay by their side for a moment. How many masters are on the list of the six magic machines? How many people are left after participating in the royal competition? So is the king's side. A lot of effort."

"What about Qilinwei?"

"Kirin Guards... They naturally have duties. You just need to take care of your own affairs."

Governor Song's expression was a little shaken, but Tang Ye continued to attack.

"The Qilin Guards have been investigating the case for the past few days, trying to catch the murderer of the court warrior. They have used almost all their resources for this matter. It should be because of this that they can't protect the imperial city."

Tang Ye glanced at Governor Song lightly, "Is it because the Governor did not win the battle in front of the emperor that he asked Qilin Guard to do meritorious service while we were the drudgery?"

Tangye, you've gone too far. No matter what, the governor is also a member of the Song family. It's easy to win some opportunities as he is. You are too suspicious.

"Tangye! You are so courageous!" Governor Song slapped the table and was furious: "You are questioning the opinion of the Governor!"

It turns out what Tang Ye said is true...

Chapter 11 Tear with the Governor

Kirin Guard went to catch the thief, and we went to defend the city. Whatever you think about this is putting the cart before the horse. Shouldn't...

I said, "Governor, did the emperor scold you today?"

Governor Song has not spoken yet, but the horror in his eyes has already made me understand the truth. Is it because the emperor hates you! Because of this, we have to guard the city gate with all six gates!

My words seemed to embarrass him a little, and he gave me a stern look. Song Ou didn't like me much from the beginning. Because that day, I molested his fiancée in front of the Orange King, and said that I would kidnap Boss Shen and something like that. But it was all an accident, wasn't it clear? This guy is really stingy too.

But I don't care.

"That means we have to give up the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and do the heavy work with a small number of people?"


Hey, no, are you serious

Governor Song is no longer discussing official affairs rationally, but directly ordered us to do that kind of meaningless thing, which is close to vexatious. He reluctantly suppressed his anger, and said with a cold face, "What if this is the case?"

"Of course not!" Su Xiao actually jumped out and said excitedly: "We just caught some clues about this case. Governor, please tell the emperor to let him take it back. Otherwise... I will come, the emperor likes me. already."

"The emperor is only joking to you for a while, how can you really listen to it." Governor Song woke up in a detective tone that reminded a woman who was dazed by a scumbag: "Don't be crazy! The emperor's life is possible. Did you take it back casually? Not to mention your little boy, even if you are a courtier, you can't do it!"

Hey, you won't talk about yourself anymore...

Su Xiao didn't care, and said with a flat mouth: "But today, Big Brother Ming and I went to the Qilin compound to investigate the case. We found clues with great difficulty. If we give up now, will we lose all our achievements?"

Hello! You say you'll be fine, don't take me with you.

But Su Xiao couldn't hold back his mouth: "Brother Ming has a high fever today, but it's terrible. He saw how those people died at once. He also shared the analysis with Qilinwei's sixth son and the king's side's Tie Hanyi Iron Hero, Ye Luo Miss Ye said it again, and they all admire it." Su Xiao's excited face flushed, as if he was happy that he had made a contribution.

But can you stop saying I have a fever! I'm not sick!

Governor Song's expression changed and he said angrily: "You guys went to the Qilin compound? What a fool! Whose idea was it?"

Before anyone could speak, he glared at me with an expression that the old goblin who saw Tang Seng's flesh wished to eat it alive: "Ming Feizhen, it really is you!"

Hello! Did no one speak just now? Are you a ghost

"You are the captain of your squad. Why are you so nonsense. Su Xiao and Tangye are all young people who are not familiar with the world. Why do you harm them like this? Hmm? If there are any questions about their future, I am the only one who asks you!"

Governor Song was possessed by a detective again, staring at me with a lifelike expression that you, a scumbag, can be so disorganized and abandoned. I wish I could spit 10,000 mouthfuls of saliva as an example to warn the majority of women in the world to be careful about scumbags.

"Su Xiao, Tangye, you have to be careful about this kid. He will only bring you down."

Hey, I've only said two words in total and I've been standing till now! Where did I offend you

"Song Ou!!" Su Xiao took two steps forward abruptly, and slapped the table harder than Governor Song, and this time he even had a sense of sight from Boss Shen, "Brother Ming is doing business! He has had a hard time for a month. Why are you scolding him after working so hard? What if he turns into the scum he used to be!"

Great my Akatsuki!

Su Xiao directly challenged Governor Song's authority head-on, making his face unbearable. The detective's expression was finally broken.

But why do I feel like a little white face being taken care of...

Song Ou's face changed again and again, and he took a deep breath: "Okay, let's not talk about this. Do you know how much Qilinwei hates us? You are so foolish, if they come to trouble, wouldn't it be endless trouble?"

I was a little unhappy when I heard this.

Investigating a case requires speed. You listened to us mentioning a murder case, but you didn't ask about the outcome or the facts of the case, yet you were worried about being in trouble

I said lightly: "It was the Deputy Governor who asked us to go."

"Don't use the deputy governor to oppress me!" Boss Shen's prestige in the six doors seemed to be the cover of Song Ou, he pointed at me angrily: "I am the governor, she is only the deputy governor. You can distinguish the level of the middle. Don't you know! I said you were wrong, and you were wrong!"

What? !

Say I'm wrong and I'm wrong? Is this what the governor said

I was too lazy to pay attention to him, just rolled my eyes at him.

Song Ou's anger grew even more, his eyes met my eyes, and there seemed to be a thunderclap in the sky. The two of us just stared at each other for a while without speaking, and the atmosphere in the room became heavier and heavier.

Our ripping war is about to break out!


At this time, someone suddenly came to report: "Lord Governor, it's not good!"

"What's the matter! There's no rules!" Song Ou was in high spirits now, and glanced coldly at the little servant who stumbled into the door, "What can't be reported properly?"