Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 69: Section 69


She walked to a particularly gorgeous bedroom and wrote a letter - Yehuang Palace. This place is especially different from the residence of other concubines. It is magnificent here, for fear that others will not know that the owner of this place has money and no place to spend.

Not to mention, just say that this is a potted plant that is placed casually. In the palace of other concubines, some flowers and plants, or some pine and bamboo are always planted, which is always elegant. The potted plants here are eye-opening.

The leaves beaten by gold, the pear blossoms cut by pearls; the fruits inlaid with agate, the cucumbers chiseled by emeralds; the branches of coral ridges, and the fences made of ivory. Even the azure-colored porcelain in full bloom is the blue-and-white Ru kiln fired in the official kiln of the previous dynasty. What a great taste of wealth and glory.

Just taking out such a potted plant is enough to turn a beggar into the richest man in the land.

Yehuang Palace is such a special palace.

In this special place, there lived a special character, the youngest concubine of the emperor, called Concubine Huang.

The other concubines all had extraordinary backgrounds, but this Concubine Huang was different. Her family is not an official family, nor a tyrant, but a business family.

The martial arts of this dynasty were flamboyant, and many literati concepts did not work, so businessmen were not discriminated against in this dynasty. Just wanting to enter the harem is not something that ordinary merchants can do. And this Concubine Huang's family happened to be no ordinary merchant.

Her family is the richest man in the country, owns thousands of shops, over 10,000 ships, and the number of people who work for her is incalculable. It can be said that one-fifth of the national treasury income depends on her family.

If it weren't for this, the emperor would not have dared to face the contempt of the harem fifteen years ago to marry this little wife who was seventeen years younger than him—especially when Concubine Huang was only thirteen years old.

For a time, long live the emperor, wearing a big hat of the number one lolicon in the world, made the whole country popular and fashionable to marry young wives. All the men in the country could not help but sigh: My emperor's actions are wise and miraculous. Its influence is so deep that even in the following ten years, the ministers in the court who want to marry the emperor always hinted, intentionally or unintentionally: the minister has a daughter who is under thirteen this year and can be available to your majesty... or the minister's granddaughter is ten years old, Your Majesty, why don't you consider...

The emperor was unbearable, so Concubine Huang did not have any concubines for fifteen years after that. But what most people believe is that the emperor has the most affection for Concubine Huang, so he has been reluctant to accept new concubines. This speculation is actually very close to the truth.

Fifteen years later, the thirteen-year-old Loli young wife is now a woman in her late thirties. She is no longer the innocent little girl who only acted like a spoiled brat with her husband, and she has reached the age where she will make plans for herself.

Even though Concubine Huang was recognized by the palace as a good-hearted, stupid person with a lot of money, and the stupid daughter of the landlord's family, she also had her own plans.

That peculiar girl in white was her plan.

The girl in white stepped into Yehuang Palace, and there was a row of palace maids standing in front of the door. When she saw the girl in white, she couldn't help but fight a cold war.

The girl in white was cold and noncommittal, and just asked, "Is the maiden in there?"

"Here I am."

"Let's all step back, and you are not allowed to approach without my orders."

The 'girl in white' suddenly had a sharp look in her eyes, and her tone was cold: "If you dare to come in without my order, you cut off your legs."

"Yes Yes!"

The girl in white waved her hand, as if to disperse the flies, she backed away the maidservant of the palace maid, and stepped into this magnificent and extraordinary bedroom without any hesitation.

The girl in white - Bai Lian kowtowed: "The slave servant Bai Lian has seen the Empress. It's late, please blame the Empress."

"Lian'er, come here. Let Ben Gong take a good look at you."

Bai Lian stood up, but still didn't dare to raise her head. She bent down and walked slowly to the side of a large bed in the bedroom. On the bed sat a beautiful woman with almond eyes and peach cheeks. Concubine Huang smiled and pulled Bai Lian to sit down beside her.

Bai Lian hurriedly took a step back and said in a panic, "Niangniang, this slave is an eunuch, so I'm afraid it will break the rules of the palace."

Concubine Huang glanced at him angrily: "You child, what are you afraid of? Others don't know you. Do you still need to pretend like this in front of the empress?"

Bai Lian refused, but had to sit diagonally beside Concubine Huangfei, not daring to put her butt on the mattress, as if she was afraid of soiling Concubine Huang's bed.

Concubine Huang sighed secretly in her heart as she watched: It has been twelve years since Lian'er has been a eunuch, and this child has suffered too much.

"Lian'er, how have you been lately?"

Bai Lian found the opportunity to report and quickly got up from the bed: "The slaves live up to the expectations of the empress. They are already the head of the four yamen in the harem. At present, when it comes to eyelines and power in the palace, slaves must not be under anyone." Bai Lian said His expression was high, and there was a sense of confidence in his tone. It can be seen that she is indeed very confident in her own strength.

"This, this... Okay." Concubine Huang was at a loss for words. In fact, she wanted to ask Bai Lian how he was doing recently. But the child didn't seem to care about his own affairs at all, and all his thoughts were placed on Concubine Huang. Concubine Huang was both moved and a little guilty.

There is a secret between Bai Lian and Concubine Huang, a huge secret.

The chief white general who made the maid in the palace, the eunuch and the big eunuch, was actually a daughter.

Twelve years ago, Concubine Huang was on her way back to the palace from her mother's house. Met a seven or eight-year-old girl. At that time, she was covered in mud, skinny, and the only thing on her body was the clothes that had been torn apart by someone in the cold sky, as if she was about to die.

Concubine Huang had a good heart, and seeing that she was pitiful, she brought her back to the palace to raise her.

At that time, Concubine Huang was deeply favored by the emperor, but there was never peace in the harem. Concubine Huang's family was wealthy enough to rival the country. She had to set up six tables of dishes for three meals a day, and she would give her servants dozens of taels of silver. How can you not be jealous.

After that, the princes gradually grew up, and the harem fought more fiercely for the position of the heir. Concubine Huang had no heart, and suffered a lot of hidden losses at that time.

So she made up her mind that she must cultivate her own power in the harem! From here, Concubine Huang thought of Bai Lian, the little girl she just picked up.

No one knew Bai Lian's identity. She was originally a girl. As long as she pretended to be more like a little eunuch, it would be fine. Bai Lian lives in Yehuang Palace, and his daily life does not reveal flaws. In addition, Concubine Huang gave a lot of money as a reward, and no one would say a word of gossip. Over time, everyone accepted the fact that Bai Lian was a eunuch.

Concubine Huang cultivated Bai Lian to read and hyphenate, practice martial arts, and then find errands for her in the palace. Make her an important figure in the palace.

Bai Lian made it his duty to help Concubine Huang, and he kept working hard to climb up, and today he actually rose to the position of the head of the twelve yamen. For the eunuch, this is a very personable minister.

Concubine Huang watched Bai Lian carefully.

This young eunuch who was described as making 'Liu Gong Fen Dai colorless'. She was born with a delicate and charming slap face, her eyes are blurred, she is pitiful, she belongs to a man who can make a man crazy with a frown or a smile, and a fox-like appearance that is hated by women.

Twelve years ago, a scrawny little girl, did not expect to grow up to be such a peerless enchanting girl.

It was a pity that she had to pretend to be a eunuch.

But if Bai Lian was going to dress up as a woman, Concubine Huang had to worry. In the harem, within the line of sight of the emperor, with such a stunning beauty, which concubine would not be worried

If she is a talented person, a beautiful girl or even Gong E, she will never escape being oppressed by the harem, and in the end, she will either be damaged or die in the palace. But Bai Lian was a eunuch. This is unbelievable.

Everyone in the world knows that our emperor is a lolicon and has no Longyang addiction. I don't even like that set of bans. Therefore, although the harem was not happy with this unusually beautiful eunuch, it did not oppress him much. For Bai Lian, whether the decision to make her a eunuch was right or wrong, it seems unclear now.

Concubine Huang stroked her silky smooth hair and said with a smile, "Well, she's getting more and more beautiful. If I were a man, I would be reluctant to let you go."

Bai Lianjun's face sank: "Niangniang, how could a man like this filthy body that is neither male nor female?"

Bai Lian couldn't help but feel nauseated when he mentioned the man. Having lived as a eunuch for many years, she didn't think she was a man, but she didn't think she was a woman either. Growing up in the circle of eunuchs, she has a different concept than most girls in the world. She couldn't imagine that a man could touch her body, even calling himself her husband. This made her feel shock and unacceptable.

Concubine Huang knew about her old problems, and she didn't say anything about it. She just smiled and said, "Before I was married, I always liked to say these words. Look at how is this palace and the emperor now? Even my son is so old. You Children, sometimes you have to think more about yourself."

"man… "

Bai Lian suddenly turned red. The intense numbness and burning sensation that Ming Feizhen had kissed just now suddenly came to his heart. His lips suddenly emitted a vague heat, as if they were hot and comfortable. Even she couldn't figure out what was going on.

Usually if someone is rude to her, she will kill her on the spot without saying a word.

But that man not only hugged her, but even kissed her deeply. Bai Lian wanted to say disgusting. But she was a little confused, because she really didn't feel uncomfortable, and even had some strange addictions. She had never encountered this situation before, and she didn't know what was going on.

Bai Lian shook his head, as if to shake off the confusion: No, no, that guy is not a good person at first glance, he must have used some tricks on me, he, he is so ugly! When I see him again, I must not let him go.

"Please don't worry, the maid. The son and the maid are the reasons for the slaves to live. The slaves will never."

"Ben Gong is not testing your loyalty, you child..."