Martial King’s Retired Life

Chapter 73: Section 73


Of course, people from the evil sect would not call themselves evil sects. Some of them call themselves heroes in the green forest, while others say that I am a middle-aged person. It represents the same meaning, that is, one way to mix.

"I don't know why Brother Ming came to find me, Lao Meng?"

"My little brother has something to ask Boss Meng."

"The words are heavy, the words are heavy." Meng Jiangnan waved his hand and laughed: "Yeluobao is majestic and powerful, the Lord Mingbao is a senior that I admire. In the Jiangnan area, all the middlemen I sent live like gray grandchildren. Yes. Those bastards who were crushed by the White King and the Seventh Crown couldn't lift their heads, but, look. Yeluobao is different from others. After so many years, what happened? No. Which time is not the White King's Seventh Crown The tickling teeth of his popularity. Admiration, admiration!"

Ye Luobao was indeed not troubled by Jiangnan.

Because the seven sects of the Seven Crowns of the White King know the origin of Yeluobao at all. So I didn't look for faults because of my master's face. This is really inexperienced...

"Boss Meng is very kind, I'm here to ask..."

"Wait." Meng Jiangnan stretched out a short hand like a pig's trotter, "I won't answer whatever you ask. Because I suspect you are not from Yeluo Fort."

I froze in my heart: "How can I see it?"

Meng Jiangnan laughed and said: "Everyone knows that the I Kill League is the number one killer organization in the world. In fact, it is not, the I Kill League is just an organization that brings the world's killers together. We are not selling killers, but intelligence. Do you think that I don't know who you are?"

I looked at him and said lightly, "Then who am I?"

"Your surname is Ming, but unfortunately it's not from the Lord Mingbao, but from Six Doors."

Meng Jiangnan's eyes flashed with murderous light, and he said sharply.

"Ming Feizhen! You came out of the six yamen, and my subordinates saw it. How dare you claim to be from Yeluobao? Come and kill!"

Chapter 22 The Lord of Yeluo Castle

I turned my head sideways, glanced at Meng Jiangnan, and said with a smile, "Boss Meng, I'm timid, don't scare me, okay?" Meng Jiangnan's men surrounded me in a few breaths. The space on the top floor is not too big. It's a shame he can arrange so many people to stay here.

Meng Jiangnan suddenly raised his hand, preventing his men from continuing to dash forward. He thoughtfully said: "Ming Feizhen, do you think I dare not kill you?"

"It's just killing people. Of course Boss Meng dares to do it. It's just that the person who killed the six doors was so easy to kill that I don't really believe it." Only then did he continue, "Especially, this person from the Six Doors actually understands the secret words of the underworld, isn't it wonderful?"

"Who the hell are you? Why do you know the incision of my killing alliance?"

"I am indeed from Yeluobao. It's just that I have something to delay in the six doors."

Retirement is a business too, so I'm not lying at all.

"Do you have any evidence?"

"I said I am. You want evidence from Yeluobao's people? Are you crazy?"

Ye Luobao has always been regarded as a heresy in martial arts. Most of it is caused by this free and accustomed behavior. So my answer gave Meng Jiangnan even more doubts.

Meng Jiangnan was a little unsure of his attention, rolled his eyes, and suddenly grinned. He pushed the maid away and stood up: "Since Your Excellency said that he is from Yeluobao, you probably don't mind to prove it."

"Prove it with what?"

"I am a person in the rivers and lakes, of course I use martial arts."

"Well..." I hesitated, wanting to say no.

Meng Jiangnan suddenly shouted, "Caidie, try his martial arts."

A maid next to Meng Jiangnan suddenly floated to me like a butterfly through flowers, took off a silver hairpin from the beautiful cloud temples, and stabbed the tip against my cervical vertebra. This series of actions is like flowing clouds and flowing water, which is dizzying. The speed with which she pulled out the hairpin was unbelievable. When the hairpin was pierced, her hair even maintained its original hairstyle and was not scattered.

This girl is not very old, but she is a master protector in the killing alliance, and she cannot be taken lightly.

I had no choice but to fight back. Following the force of her thrusts, I stretched out two fingers to clamp the hairpin and gently lifted it up, and took the hairpin out of her small hand. Then I pushed her hand to the right with a slight push of my thumb. The little girl turned around in a circle. I inserted the hairpin back into her hair. Everything happened too fast, and her hairstyle was still the same as before. , without any damage.

But because of this turn, the little girl lost all her strength and fell back limply. I happened to hug her, she fell into my arms and couldn't help but look up, just meeting my eyes.

This girl is only thirteen or fourteen years old. Yuxue is so cute. I squeezed her chin and teased her.

"You look so cute, but you are so ruthless. Be careful that you won't be able to find your husband's family in the future."

The little girl immediately blushed, but she didn't know what to do when she fell into my hands, so she covered her blushing face with her sleeves and didn't dare to look at me.

"Shame! Not coming back."

Meng Jiangnan roared the little girl back to her soul, and quickly fled from my arms. Before leaving, he quietly looked at me at a glance.

Hey, little girl, do you miss Uncle's embrace

"Ning Shan, take action!"

Meng Jiangnan shouted again, and killed a man from the side. Before the others arrived, the sword light arrived first, and a round of sword flowers was scattered, making people dazzled. This man's martial arts is actually comparable to that of the little girl, and his tactics are quite inferior, but his kung fu is much better.

But he is male...

So I reached into the center of his sword light and held down his sword-carrying hand. Then he took his hand and smashed him down like a hammer. The wood on the top floor is very good, thick and tough, and it is not afraid of impact. The man with the sword was knocked out by me three times and passed out.

Meng Jiangnan's expression became solemn, obviously my martial arts were beyond his expectations.

"Brother Ming thinks he is amazing, come to me to kill Lianxian to show his ability." Meng Jiangnan said fiercely: "Although this old man eats and waits to die, he will never do business with people in the public door. This is the rule of killing the alliance. Brother Ming The martial arts are so powerful that I am beyond my reach. But if you want to kill all the people in my place, I am afraid you are almost there!"

I looked at the dead fat man quite interestingly: "Boss Meng, you have also tried martial arts. Don't you believe it?"

"Your martial arts are so high that you have surpassed the first-class masters in the arena. I'm afraid there is no such person in Yeluo Fortress?"

"Are there six doors?"

"..." Meng Jiangnan was still not sure, but he finally thought of something, and sneered: "This old man has recently practiced a new qigong, he can go through walls with his bare hands and kill tigers and leopards with one palm without damaging his vitality. Palm…”

"Don't bother." I took a big step, suddenly rushed to Meng Jiangnan's side, and picked him up. With the palm of his right hand, he slapped against the wall, and silently opened a big hole with Yin force. He took Meng Jiangnan and jumped out of the cave.

This turned into an armpit, and it happened between lightning and flint. When Meng Jiangnan's men noticed, we both disappeared.

I came out of this tea house and didn't go anywhere else. He took a breath and lifted his body, then turned upside down and flew upwards, walking up the wall. After a few steps, we came to the real top of the tea house. Because the speed was too fast, no one passing by downstairs noticed that there were two more people above the teahouse.

Meng Jiangnan looked at me in shock, with an expression he couldn't believe what just happened.

"That, that Qinggong that climbed the wall on foot just now... is the night walk of Yeluobao? Is there really such a miraculous Qinggong in the world?"

Yeah, there is. As long as you practice Yi Jin Jing at the age of eight, Tai Chi at the age of eleven, and Spring Breeze and Night Rain at the age of fifteen... You can also practice night walking at the age of twenty, I said!

"So, you, are you..."

Meng Jiangnan suddenly realized something and looked at me with wide eyes in horror.

I smiled and said, "Did Boss Meng admire me one by one just now? Why didn't you know me?"

"You are the Lord of Ye Luobao Mingbao!"

That's right... I'm really that crap Yeluo Castle Lord.