Martial World

Chapter 2216: Take the Son of Heaven



The Holy Emperor Creation was stunned for a moment, and for a moment he didn't understand what Lin Ming was referring to.

But at this moment, Lin Ming made a move, and he punched the Holy Emperor Good Fortune's chest.


There was a loud bang, and the Sacred Emperor Good Fortune, who had no power to resist, could not withstand such an attack from Lin Ming. His chest collapsed and he spit out a mouthful of blood suddenly.


The Creation Holy Emperor was extremely angry.

And this punch was just the beginning. Next, Lin Ming's fist fell on the body of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune like a violent storm. Only his flesh and blood were mutilated, his meridians were cut off, and all the golden scales fell off!

His bones and internal organs were all crushed by Lin Ming, it could almost be described as broken bones.

It's just that under the powerful vitality of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune, he did not die.

In the surrounding void, many saint clan celestial beings and realm kings watched this scene happen helplessly, each of them dumbfounded, but they dared not speak out.

In front of many masters of the Saint Race, beating their Saint Emperor horribly, this is the suppression brought by absolute power.

No one dared to resist Lin Ming, any one of them would be instantly killed in front of Lin Ming!

"His Majesty the Holy Emperor..."

The hearts of many saint warriors in the Holy Palace of Good Fortune were trembling. Once upon a time, the Holy Emperor Good Fortune was the god in their hearts, unattainable, and he ruled the life and death of all living beings.

Not to mention the ordinary disciples of the Holy Palace of Creation, even the strongest of the Tianzun level, it is rare to see the Holy Emperor of Fortune.

But it was this kind of Holy Emperor who was severely beaten by Lin Ming.


Lin Ming looked at the dying Holy Emperor Good Fortune, and probed his whole body with his senses to confirm that the Holy Emperor Good Fortune had no power to resist at this time, even a great realm king could easily control him.

Next, Lin Ming moved his hands together, made several seals, and flew into the body of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune.

Each of these seals is a fusion of the holy scriptures and the laws of the heavenly script, and there are some seals. It is a fusion of two laws.

Its function is to completely seal the cultivation of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune.

In any case, the Holy Emperor Good Fortune is also a strong man who is almost at the peak of the true god, in the entire thirty-three races. No matter how difficult it is to find an existence that can rival the Holy Emperor Good Fortune.

Now that the enemy is in front of him, it would be very inappropriate for him to directly kill the Holy Emperor Creation!

This is tantamount to taking away the backbone of the Saint Race. Without the Good Fortune Saint Emperor, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Saint Race will be greatly reduced.

But let the Holy Emperor Good Fortune go back. That's even more impossible. Once the Good Fortune Sacred Emperor turned against him, it would be better to kill him.

So Lin Ming took a compromise method, that is to imprison the Holy Emperor Good Fortune and coerce the Son of Heaven to command the princes.

Of course, it would be the best if he could control the thoughts of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune and plant a slave mark, but with Lin Ming's strength now, it was impossible to forcibly control the Holy Emperor Good Fortune. As for the slave seal, it is even more unrealistic. Even low-level warriors may not be willing to submit to this kind of thing of giving up their wealth and life to others, let alone the ruler of a family like the Holy Emperor Good Fortune.

The Holy Emperor Good Fortune seemed to understand Lin Ming's thoughts, he looked at Lin Ming with resentment, his eyes were like the most vicious poisonous snake, he wished to cut Lin Ming into pieces.


Lin Ming snorted coldly. A punch hit the face of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune.

For such a person who once wanted his life several times, put him in danger of life and death several times, and even killed countless heroes of the human race and the ancient races, including the old man Sansheng, the Hunyuan Tianzun, and the queen of Xuanqing. The old patriarch of the Primordial Protoss Clan and many other people who were kind to Lin Ming, the Good Fortune Holy Emperor, Lin Ming didn't have any compassion at all.

If he still wanted to be brave in his own hands, then Lin Ming would crush him with even stronger means!

"Do you think you are still the mighty Holy Emperor? You are just a prisoner!"

Lin Ming looked at Fortune indifferently, "In your heart, all life is oppressed by you, humiliated by you. Even swallowed by you, it should be, and even should be honored, obediently dedicate everything to you. Instead Those who are willing to be oppressed and devoured by you should be killed and hacked into pieces! This is your logic."

"Although your logic is domineering, it is actually correct, because you have the strength to dominate the life and death of all beings! Now, my strength is stronger than yours, and you should feel honored to have trampled on you."

As Lin Ming said, he punched the Holy Emperor Good Fortune in the face again. This punch caused the eye sockets of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune to burst, and his eyes were bleeding!

The eyes of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune can hardly be opened. Now that the power of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune is greatly consumed, the wound will heal too slowly.

Lin Ming's ten fingers moved together, only hearing the sound of "Pa Pa Pa Pa".

Lin Ming planted twelve main seals of Asura in the body of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune, sealing the twelve meridians of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune, and sealed the internal organs of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune with eleven main seals of holy scriptures.

Next, the thirty-six death points, three hundred and sixty orifice points, and thirty-six thousand pores were all sealed by Lin Ming one by one!

Such a seal contained the supreme law that Lin Ming had learned all his life, and unless Lin Ming did it himself, no one else would be able to untie it.

Of course, if someone stronger than Lin Ming was able to erase these seals with absolute power, it would still cause damage to the body of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune.

Lin Ming inspected the Holy Emperor Good Fortune and felt that it was almost done, so he directly summoned the Hunyuan Heavenly Palace and threw the half-dead Holy Emperor Good Fortune into it like a sack.

In fact, there is space in the Grandmist Lingzhu, but Lin Ming hasn't completely refined the Hongmeng Lingzhu yet, so he doesn't want to use it rashly.

Next, Lin Ming looked at the many saint warriors present.

A hundred thousand miles away, Lin Ming just casually took a step, then used Space Teleportation, and instantly arrived in front of all the saint warriors.

Many Saint Clan warriors felt chills in their hearts at this moment.

Lin Ming put too much pressure on them!

They could still vividly remember the tragic scene of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune being crushed by Lin Ming!

As long as Lin Ming is willing, killing them is like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

Moreover, in Lin Ming's hands, they didn't even have the courage to run away. I'm afraid Lin Ming could block this space with a single force field.

"You..." Lin Ming opened his mouth, and all the warriors of the Saint Race felt tense. At this moment, they all regretted following the Holy Emperor Good Fortune to watch this "interview".

What kind of "interview" is this? It's a terrible massacre meeting!

"Most of you have the blood of my people on your hands!"

Lin Ming's first words sent chills down the spines of many Saint Race warriors present. It's over, it's time to settle the score!

Lin Ming didn't pay attention to the ugly expressions of these holy warriors. He continued: "Because of you, the human race lost countless lives and wounded. They left their hometown and wandered in the wilderness!"

"How many wives were separated, how many children died of starvation, how many people lost their bones because of the war, there are many people of the human race who were born in the chaos of war, born in the wilderness, and died without even seeing their hometown!"

"It is reasonable for me to kill any of you!"

When Lin Ming said this, all the saint warriors present held their breaths, many of them were dripping with cold sweat, and their hearts were trembling.

"However... I will not kill you. First, I have sworn to withdraw from the dispute between the human race and the holy race, and only attack the Holy Emperor! Second, and more importantly, I will not kill you for the sake of the human race, and even The Thirty-Three-Three-Day Race will no longer experience wars, and will no longer be devastated... "

"Life is innocent. Even the saints have innocent children and kind people. War is not their original intention."

When Lin Ming said this, he suddenly looked at God King Piaoyu.

"Floating Feather!"

God King Piaoyu's heart moved. Today, Lin Ming is already the ruler of the thirty-three days. His status is enough to give orders to anyone!

Seeing her master being called by Lin Ming's name beside Piao Yu, Fairy Qinglian's heart tightened. She looked at Lin Ming with a complex expression.

After two thousand years, Lin Ming had completely stood at a height she could not understand.

Now, she and Lin Ming could be said to be people from two different worlds. She was only worried about Master, and didn't know what Lin Ming was calling Piao Yu to do at this time.

"You come with me!"

Lin Ming's tone was unquestionable, as he spoke, he waved his hand casually, and a force field isolated everything.

Piao Yu pondered slightly, but still stepped into the force field under Lin Ming's cloth.

She had vaguely guessed what Lin Ming was going to tell her. (.)
