Martial World

Chapter 2226: Let's fight together


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Lin Ming's injury was heavier than that of the Soul Emperor.

He has indeed integrated the supreme law, and his will has reached the ultimate peak.

But the problem is, he lacks the strength to bring all this into play!

After all, his cultivation base is too low, the inner world and the physical body can't afford it!

The blow just now was sent out by Lin Ming burning his blood and soul, but how many times can his blood and soul be burned

The Soul Emperor in front of him is not the same as the Holy Emperor Good Fortune. The Holy Emperor Good Fortune has never been able to surpass the true god in his entire life, but the Soul Emperor has already surpassed it. How many.

It was easy for Lin Ming to fight the Good Fortune Sacred Emperor in three small realms, but it was too difficult to fight the Soul Emperor in a few small realms.

The absolute gap in realm, like an irreparable gap, strangled Lin Ming's Achilles heel!

Lin Ming felt that his strength was constantly passing away, and the fire of life began to become weaker. He didn't plan to run away, and he couldn't escape.

He looked at the Emperor Hun, with a sad smile on the corner of his mouth, "Even if you can kill me, I will make this day your eternal nightmare!"

Lin Ming's words were like a curse. The Soul Emperor frowned, and a cold light flashed in his dirty eyes!

"You think you have this ability?" Soul Emperor sneered, but at this moment, his smile froze slightly, he turned his head and looked at the starry sky in the distance.

Someone is here again!

The fight between the Soul Emperor and Lin Ming can be described as earth-shattering, the entire wild universe trembled, to the point that many people rushed here.

The people who came were Emperor Sakyamuni, Dazizai Buddha, Dark Lord, Haoyu Tianzun and many other powerful human races. When they saw the Soul Emperor and Lin Ming, their pupils shrank. At this time, the injuries on the Soul Emperor's body had already healed. Halfway through, but Lin Ming was still dripping with blood, it was shocking!

Even so, Lin Ming's body was still burning with fighting spirit, and his body was surging with qi and blood. His eyes, like hell Shura, burst out with infinite murderous intent!

At this moment, Lin Ming felt like a wounded and furious beast!

So tragic!

Di Shakya and the others gasped. They didn't know that Lin Ming was facing the Soul Emperor before, but at this time, seeing the powerful Lin Ming being injured to such an extent, they had vaguely guessed a little bit.

I am afraid that in the entire universe, there is only that old devil. He was able to force Lin Ming to this point.

"Where is the divine dream?"

They only saw Lin Ming and did not see Shenmeng. People's hearts tightened, especially Haoyu Tianzun found that he could not even see the shadow of Shenmeng. He was extremely anxious, but at this juncture, he did not dare to transmit the sound. To Lin Ming, let Lin Ming be distracted.

However, the Soul Emperor is from beginning to end. But he didn't even look at Di Sakyamuni and the others, his attention was not on these people at all.

His movements froze just now, and it had nothing to do with these people.

He continued to look into the void, with an arc at the corner of his mouth.

"I wanted to go to you first, but I found Lin Ming first, so I had no choice but to attack Lin Ming first. Huh, do you still have help?"

The Soul Emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, and a hundred miles away in front of him, the space distorted. A woman in black stepped out of the space passage.

Behind the woman, there are two old men

This woman in black is exactly Sheng Mei!

Sheng Mei saw Lin Ming's appearance at this time. Gritting his silver teeth tightly, he looked at the Soul Emperor with a gaze as cold as an abyss, containing endless murderous intent and hatred!

holy beauty!

When Lin Ming saw Sheng Mei appearing, his heart sank, although Sheng Mei's strength was strong. But in front of the Soul Emperor, the situation could not be changed at all.

He didn't want Sheng Mei to get involved and be tortured and killed by the Soul Emperor, but when Lin Ming saw the two old men behind Sheng Mei, he was stunned.

These two old men turned out to be the guardians of Shura Road—Che and Mo.

Lin Ming saw Che and Mo on the seventh floor of the final trial of Asura Road. The strength they showed was always a bit vague. Lin Ming didn't know their exact realm at all. He only knew that they had lived for a long, long time, because they were The spirit clan has a much longer lifespan than the thirty-three-three-day creatures.

You must know that there are two true gods on Shura Road itself, and in the deepest part of the Shura Sea on Shura Road, there are ancient giant beasts at the level of true gods. These two old men can become the guardians of Shura Road. Their strength must definitely surpass most God!

Che and Mo are the servants of the master of Asura Road. When the saint race invaded the God Realm, Lin Ming once asked Che and Mo for help, but Che and Mo did not help. Only when he was in this chess game of heaven and earth was he qualified to know about Shura Road and the owner of Shura Road.

That is to say, in the eyes of Che and Mo, the invasion of the God Realm by the saint race is nothing at all, and the fight between the two races for thirty-three days can only be regarded as a prologue compared to the overall situation of the world.

As the guardians of Shura Road, they have their own mission, and this mission is undoubtedly related to the tomb owner of the tomb of gods and demons!

As for the battle between the Holy Emperor Good Fortune and Lin Ming, they will not intervene, and even regard the invasion of the Holy Emperor Good Fortune and the saint race as a whetstone for Lin Ming. If Lin Ming cannot face this situation, he cannot defeat the Tomb Master of the Demon God's Tomb If it is not a level of Good Fortune Holy Emperor, then Lin Ming must not have the ability to grow enough to fight against the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb before the catastrophe comes!

"You two!"

The Soul Emperor narrowed his eyes, he didn't recognize Che and Mo. Although Che and Mo had a long lifespan, compared to the years of the Soul Emperor's existence, they were nothing.

When Che and Mo started to guard Shura Road, the Soul Emperor was still recovering his vitality—he was seriously injured tens of billions of years ago, and it was not until hundreds of millions of years later that the Soul Emperor took away his current body and continued to merge Refining, recovering one's own strength, and recharging energy.

They have not met.

"The woman and the old man are..."

The strong men of the human race looked at each other, not to mention they didn't recognize Che and Mo, even if it was Sheng Mei, most of them couldn't guess her origin at all.

However, what is certain is that these three people are all very strong!

Three strong men with unknown origins, plus Lin Ming, who possessed terrifying fighting power like a wounded beast despite being severely injured.

The four face the Soul Emperor together!

"Old man, your end is here!" Che said, his voice full of energy echoed in the void.

The Soul Emperor looked at the two old men, felt the energy and laws fluctuating on them, and suddenly laughed.

"I don't know who it is. It turns out that it's that person's servant. Ten billions of years ago, your master joined forces with Immortality and couldn't do anything to me, but was defeated by me. You two slaves dare to speak out here!"

"If you were a complete body, we would naturally be killed by you in an instant, but now you are just a clone. Your complete body is divided by the original amethyst, and most of your power stays in the dark abyss. Although we are no match for you, But it is not impossible to injure you and smash your plan!"

Che and Mo looked at each other and took out their respective weapons. Che's weapon was a formation plate, while Mo's weapon was a big cauldron.

Lin Ming had seen this cauldron before, and it manifested a phantom, which was the embryonic form of the Xinghe Void Cauldron.

In the face of these two old men, the Soul Emperor didn't care at all. After this retreat, his strength has further improved. As an existence beyond the true god, how could his clone be able to compete with Che and Mo? No true god can threaten him .

He raised the bone staff horizontally, and lightly brushed the body of the staff with his palm, and then, a piece of flesh was torn apart between his forehead and brow, and an eye appeared here.

There are no eyeballs or pupils in this eye, but only endless nothingness, as if there is a universe contained in the eye.

In front of the Soul Emperor, when Lin Ming saw this eye, his heart sank slightly. He was very familiar with the cosmic aura contained in this eye. It was... the aura of the Demon God's Tomb!

... (.)
