Martial World

Chapter 2229: final hit


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In the starry sky, the Soul Emperor frowned, Sheng Mei, Mo, Che, and Lin Ming all held their breaths, they didn't know what was going on with the Soul Emperor.

And the Soul Emperor also seemed to be silent. He looked at Lin Ming and the others with a sullen face, and didn't act immediately.

The Soul Emperor did not move, nor did Lin Ming and the others. Whether it was Lin Ming, Che, Mo or Sheng Mei, all four of them had suffered injuries to varying degrees, and a lot of blood had also been consumed.

If the Soul Emperor continued to launch a stormy attack, they would not be able to last long. Now that the Soul Emperor's attack has finally slowed down, they naturally have to seize the time to heal their injuries.

Mo and Che swallowed one pill respectively, and gave two more to Lin Ming and Sheng Mei, but these few pills were obviously not as precious as the one that Lin Ming had eaten before. After eating them, It needs refining and absorption to play a role.

Lin Ming pondered slightly, and said via voice transmission: "Let's... let's gamble once!"

"Huh?" Both Che and Mo were taken aback.

"Jointly attack the Soul Emperor!" Lin Ming's words made the hearts of several people stagnate.

"You mean, the Soul Emperor is actually injured and needs more time to suppress the injury than us?" Sheng Mei also thought of this possibility.

Originally, the initiative to attack was in the hands of the Soul Emperor, and the Soul Emperor knew that they were all injured, and the consumption was high, but in this case, he did not take the initiative to attack them, which meant that the Soul Emperor might need more time to Pranayama.

"Could it be a trap? It's just a blow from the Ice Mirror. Logically speaking, it's unlikely to cause such an effect. Moreover, the Soul Emperor doesn't look unusual on the surface..."

Che and Mo hesitated. In their hearts, the strength of the Soul Emperor was already deeply ingrained, and he was severely injured by Sheng Mei's blow. It does seem unreasonable.

Lin Ming said: "I guess there may be other reasons. Let's take a gamble! Even if it's a trap, we can only admit it. Because he recovers, if he attacks us again, we will definitely die!"

The four of Lin Ming were no match for the Hun Emperor alone. If they dragged on, they would surely die. If that was the case, there was still a way to survive in a desperate fight. The result would not be worse.

While Lin Ming was speaking, the energy in his whole body began to boil, and he burned his blood again. This was really Lin Ming's limit, the effect of the elixir he had just eaten would almost be consumed in this attack.

Even if he wins this battle, Lin Ming will still bear the consequences of excessive burning of blood essence.

Since it was a desperate fight, Sheng Mei, Mo, and Che also fought hard, each of them exploded their potential to the extreme, just for this final blow.

Not far away, the Soul Emperor still had a gloomy expression, making it difficult for people to understand what he was doing.

Lin Ming did not hesitate. "Shoot!"

With a loud shout, in Lin Ming's hands, the two supreme laws merged. The laws of his "Holy Code" are not perfect, only seven-turn red lotus, but Sheng Mei can help Lin Ming make up for it!

At the same time, both Mo and Che also fused the phantom of Shura into their bodies to unleash the strongest blow!

Lin Ming and Sheng Mei's attacks merged into one, Che and Mo's attacks merged into one, the four of them made a move, and the energy merged into two torrents, like two boiling giant dragons. Charged towards the Soul Emperor!

Facing this unstoppable attack, the Soul Emperor gritted his teeth fiercely. A sharp light flashed in the dirty eyes!

between his brows. The world of the Demon God's Tomb exploded again, like a monster that devours everything, devouring all attacks!


The torrent of energy hit the void, the Soul Emperor's body shook, and he took a few steps back. He swayed a bit before he managed to stand still, and an abnormal blush appeared faintly on his originally pale face.

At this time, the eyes of the Soul Emperor looking at Lin Ming and the others contained wanton murderous intent!

However, even though he had murderous intent in his eyes, he still didn't strike back. This cheered Lin Ming and the others. There is no doubt that the Soul Emperor must have been injured, or some kind of hidden injury had occurred, which made him have to stop suppress.

Although they don't understand what's wrong with the Soul Emperor, but they can't miss the opportunity. Lin Ming and the others are fighting hard. They have burned the blood essence several times before, and there is no more blood essence to burn. At the end of the battle, the attack power is also limited, so Sheng Mei sacrificed the ice mirror again, in the ice mirror, there is still the remaining power of immortality that can be used, it is enough to attack the soul emperor with it!

The moment he saw the ice mirror, the Soul Emperor's expression suddenly became ferocious!

Sheng Mei, Lin Ming and the others didn't know that there was a problem with the Soul Emperor at this time. There was no serious problem with the Soul Emperor's physical body, but the problem was in the world of the Demon God's Tomb.

To be precise, it is the Emperor's Bone Sea in the world of Tomb of the Demon God that has undergone a mutation!

The Soul Emperor didn't have time to investigate the specific change, but he could guess that this change must be related to those ancient demons that have been sealed off for tens of billions of years! And the most likely one is related to the Immortal King and Demon Lord!

These two existences are the strongest among the primordial demons. They were suppressed in the Emperor's Bone Sea, and they couldn't make waves at first, but today, the Soul Emperor first left the customs before completing his training, and then followed Lin Ming and others. He even used the power of the not yet fully refined Tomb of the Demon God world.

The instability of the Demon God's Tomb world, as well as the overdraft of energy, including the invasion of the immortal energy in the ice mirror, all provided an opportunity for the mutation of Emperor's Bone Sea!

The Emperor Hun could even imagine that the immortal king in the sea of bones, he had been lurking all this time, and he had just recognized the opportunity when he had the least control over the Demon God's Tomb, and at this crucial juncture, he gave himself a fatal blow !

"You... you all deserve to die!"

The Soul Emperor's expression became more and more ferocious, and the force field of the Demon God's Tomb around him became more and more unstable, and black flames seemed to ignite in his dirty eyes.


Suddenly, a giant roar like a tyrannosaurus erupted in the soul emperor's body.

The body of the Soul Emperor began to tear apart, cracks appeared on his pale skin, and black flames emerged from the cracks, scorching and burning!

Before Lin Ming and the others attacked, the Soul Emperor made the first move!

The moment he shot, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Be careful!"

Lin Ming's pupils constricted, and he realized that the Soul Emperor's attack seemed to be a desperate blow against them regardless of his serious injury!

The Soul Emperor's body was burning with black flames, and his goal was very clear, that was - Lin Ming! !

He wanted to kill Lin Ming, this might even be his last chance, once he let Lin Ming escape, the consequences would be disastrous!

In the void, all the power of the world from the Demon God's Tomb gathered towards the Soul Emperor. He was like a burning meteor with a black flame tail, rushing towards Lin Ming without hesitation.

That kind of aura made Lin Ming even suspect that the Soul Emperor would use this avatar to die with him!

"Block it!"


Che and Mo's eyes were red, they both realized that this might be the last blow that the Soul Emperor could deliver, if they blocked it, they would win.


The icy mirror trembled and blocked Lin Ming's body. Sheng Mei's body was burning with ice-blue flames. All the foundations she had accumulated after becoming a true god burst out at this moment.

And Che and Mo, one on the left and one on the right beside Shengmei, put their hands together, burning out the last of their blood, and their physical bodies began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye. Such a scene made Lin Ming feel a pain in his heart. .

Fighting to this point, there is no way out, no one has it, and they can only do everything they can!

Lin Ming suppressed the hatred and grief in his heart, poured out the last strength in his body, and shot together with Sheng Mei, Mo, and Che.

No fancy crashes!

The clearly audible crackling sound rushed in all directions along with the energy wave!

The surface of the ice mirror is shattered!

Sheng Mei was the first to bear the brunt. As a user of the Ice Mirror, she poured all her strength, including her soul, into the Ice Mirror. She endured the most desperate blows from the Soul Emperor!


A bloody arrow shot out, and Sheng Mei's vision began to blur. The impact from her soul split her soul sea, and she almost lost consciousness!

She desperately resisted the severe pain from her soul, but the continuous energy overdraft and this final blow made her really unable to bear it.

Lin Ming, Mo, and Che were all shaken away by the energy, and the Soul Emperor's hair was disheveled, and his whole body was covered in blood!

He paid a heavy price for this final blow, because the energy to control the Demon God's Tomb was overdrawn, Emperor Bone Sea almost collapsed!

But Lin Ming, still not dead!

... ()I752

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