Martial World

Chapter 2232: See Shura


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"Senior Shura, are you on Shura Road?"

Lin Ming originally had many speculations about the whereabouts of the master of Asura Road. Lin Ming even thought about whether the master of Asura Road might be in the dark abyss, or in the tomb of the demon god.

But now I know that the master of Asura Road has always been in the world he created and never left.

Mo nodded and said: "The master is here. He has been waiting for tens of billions of years. After seeing the master, you will know what happened, and all the doubts in your heart will be explained."

As Mo and Che spoke, they began to fly towards the Shura Sea. Instead of passing through the teleportation array, they directly tore through the void and crossed the wilderness.

The shape of Shura Road is very strange. It is a very long and narrow strip, like a road, hence the name. The two ends of this "road" are the Outer Shura Road and the Inner Shura Road. The Great Wilderness is their boundary , even warriors with the limit of Tianzun don't want to go beyond, they must pass through the teleportation array.

But for Che and Mo, crossing the wilderness was a breeze.

With the two of them continuously opening the space passages, it only took half a day for everyone to arrive at the Asura Sea.

Asura Sea is the entrance to the final trial. Every time the final trial starts, heroes from all sides of the Asura Road will gather in the Asura Sea.

This sea is so unfathomable that it can drown the stars!

Rumor has it that in the depths of the Asura Sea, there are many space mazes. The vortex is turbulent, and there are even true god-level beasts. No warrior on the Asura Road dares to go deep into the Asura Sea.

No one knows how deep the sea is.

But today, Lin Ming realized that he was going to the bottom of the Asura Sea.

In front of him, Mo and Che used energy to create a passage in the Shura Sea. Lin Ming flew down along this passage.

Their speed was extremely fast, Lin Ming didn't know how deep they dived, this sea seemed to be endless.

"Senior Shura, are you at the bottom of the Sea of Shura?"

Lin Ming asked, Che shook his head. Said: "That's not sure, but you'll know right away, we're coming."

Che and Mo's speed slowed down. At this time, through the thick, dark and pressured sea water, Lin Ming finally saw the bottom of the Asura Sea.

There is no trace of life in the dark gray seabed, a tall mountain stretching for thousands of miles. Lying down here.

Seeing this majestic undersea mountain range, Lin Ming's heart moved. He was keenly aware of the abnormality of this undersea mountain range.

It looks silent, but it actually has life fluctuations.

This is not a mountain range, but a big snake covered by dust!

"True god level ferocious beast..." Lin Ming's eyes flickered.

"Yes, it's called 'Darkness', and it's the guardian of this sea area. If there are Shura Road warriors breaking in, it will be responsible for expulsion. Let's go in." As Mo spoke, his fingers lightly touched the depths of the ocean. At one point, in front of them, the originally silent sea set off a rolling undercurrent, and the distorted space slowly unfolded, forming a submarine vortex. He sucked Lin Ming in.

Immediately, the sea water disappeared.

Originally, the pressure in the depths of the Asura Sea was terrifying, but now Lin Ming felt a sudden lightness on his body, and he came to a strange space.

This space is not big, only a few tens of feet in radius. Seeing everything here, Lin Ming's heart was shocked.

"Such a space... this is..."

Everything Lin Ming saw was carved from a kind of purple crystal stone.

Crystal tables and chairs, crystal floors, crystal beds...

This kind of spar is crystal clear, like crystal, but Lin Ming has never seen it before. He just touched it lightly, and he felt the energy as vast as the sea from it, as if the crystals he touched were the purest. energy aggregates.


This term inexplicably flashed in Lin Ming's mind, the purple crystal stone, called Amethyst, is just right.

Amethyst, Origin Amethyst...

"Could it be..."

Just as Lin Ming was thinking, at this moment, an ethereal voice echoed in the amethyst space.

"The place you are in is the cave that I refined from the original amethyst. I named it the Amethyst Heavenly Palace. However, because refining it consumes too much energy and treasures, In the end, I had to reduce its size again and again, and finally it was refined, and it was only a few tens of feet in size."

This sudden voice carried an ancient majesty, giving people an inexplicable feeling. Hearing this voice, Lin Ming felt that his own soul was faintly resonating with it. Lin Ming knew that this resonance came from the law of Asura. .

This sound can cause the vibration of the Shura law in one's body.

Lin Ming took a deep breath and bowed deeply. He knew that the owner of this voice was the person he wanted to meet today.

"Junior Lin Ming, pay respects to Senior Shura!"

Lin Ming was very excited. Today, this legendary figure finally appeared in front of him!

A leader of the human race who has lived for tens of billions of years, and he was already the first person in thirty-three days before tens of billions of years!

Lin Ming paid more than a dozen breaths before raising his head. His eyes were still empty. He was still in the cave made of amethyst. He didn't see the figure of the master of Asura Road, not even a virtual image.

"You don't need to look for it. Most of my body has been integrated into Shura Road. This Amethyst Heavenly Palace where you are located is the cornerstone of Shura Road. That's why I let you come here..."

It was still that ancient and majestic voice, echoing in Lin Ming's ears, his body and Shura Road fused into one

Lin Ming was taken aback. The master of Shura Road actually merged with Shura Road!

"Senior, your body has merged with Asura Road, so wouldn't it be impossible for you to leave Asura Road?"

If this is the reason, it can explain why the Master of Asura Road did not attack the Soul Emperor, but why did the Master of Asura Road do this

"I know you have many questions in your mind, and I also know that you came here today not only for these questions, but also for me to help you save a woman..."

Lin Ming's heart was shaken by the words of the master of Asura Road.

He bowed deeply, and said: "Senior Shura, this junior's beloved wife has been robbed by the Soul Emperor, so I ask you to point out the way for this junior!"

Lin Ming knew that no matter what he did. It was very difficult to rescue Sheng Meilai, the road ahead of him was a dead end, and only the master of Asura Road could give him a little hint.

However, Lin Ming's inquiry silenced that majestic voice.

Lin Ming gritted his teeth. silently waiting.

After a long time, the master of Asura Road sighed and said, "Perhaps, things are different from what you think... The Soul Emperor hijacked your wife not to threaten you and make you throw yourself into a trap, but for other reasons..."

"Other reasons?" Lin Ming was slightly taken aback. Could it be that the Soul Emperor hijacked Sheng Mei just for revenge

The Soul Emperor should understand that if Sheng Mei is killed, it will be another matter. It will not help his great cause except to irritate himself.

With the character of the Soul Emperor, he should not do such meaningless things just to vent his breath.

"Senior, please explain clearly." Lin Ming's voice was a little anxious.

The master of Shura Road said: "I can feel the vibration of the original amethyst now, probably... the soul emperor has already stood on the wall of eternity..."

"The induction of the original amethyst gave me some guesses. Maybe the Soul Emperor had a purpose in cultivating your wife. If my guess is correct. Then you are destined to be unable to save her..."

The words of the master of Asura Road made Lin Ming's heart sink. His hands trembled slightly.

The purpose of the Soul Emperor...

Wall of Eternity…

Origin Amethyst…

When the Soul Emperor kidnapped Sheng Mei, Lin Ming's first reaction was that he wanted to threaten him with this, but today, he realized that he might have been wrong in the first place!

Soul Emperor. There is a purpose in cultivating Sheng Mei, and Sheng Mei herself doesn't know about this purpose!

The soul emperor came out not only to kill himself, but also for Shengmei!

I misunderstood it from the beginning. It's just... Can't save Shengmei...

can't save...

Save... No... anymore

Lin Ming was devastated. He had come to find the master of Asura Road with his last hope, but the answer he got made him even more desperate.

And at this time, separated by layers of space, the dark abyss—

This is a vast land, boundless, without end.

On this piece of land, there are countless broken bones scattered, filled with gray and dead silence.

These broken bones were all left by the powerful demons and the thirty-three heroes hundreds of millions of years ago. Although they have been eroded by the years, they still shine with the light of law.

Darkness, murderousness, death, this is the style of this land, here is the eternal wall of the dark abyss!

The Soul Emperor stood on the wall of eternity, feeling the surging power in this world, and remained silent.

After not seeing him for many days, he was even older, and the mutation of Emperor Bone Sea had caused him a serious injury.

The original Soul Emperor only had dirty eyes and lifeless pupils, but his face was still as delicate as a boy's, only a little pale.

But now, because of the sudden change in Emperor Bone Sea, his face was covered with wrinkles, and the skin on his neck was dry and wrinkled, and he looked like he was dying.

Behind the Soul Emperor stood a woman in black, this woman was Sheng Mei who was kidnapped by the Soul Emperor.

Sheng Mei's face was pale, her Qi, blood, true energy, and laws were all sealed, and she had no power to resist.

The Soul Emperor turned his back on Shengmei, looked at this ancient battlefield tens of billions of years ago, and said with emotion: "This place really hasn't changed for tens of billions of years..."

He turned his head and looked at Shengmei, a smile appeared on the corner of his old mouth.

"Do you know why I trained you back then?"

The Soul Emperor continued: "I know that you have always had a rebellious heart, and that your previous life was the biological daughter of my enemy tens of billions of years ago!"

"But even so, I just planted a spiritual imprint for tracking in your spiritual sea, but did not really plant a slave imprint. I control your freedom, but I don't control your thoughts. I even allow you to hate me. You are disrespectful to me, I condoned everything about you, and made your heart clear, including back then, if you wanted to save Lin Ming's life and let him spend the rest of his life as a mortal, I also obeyed you..."

"Have you ever wondered why all this is?"

… (… )I1292

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