Martial World

Chapter 2234: Peak turns


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The space was slowly imprisoned and closed, and the power of the world surged in like a sea tide, completely covering Shengmei. Facing the power of the Soul Emperor, Sheng Mei had no way to resist. She closed her eyes in pain, and she could hear the sound of dry bones breaking under the Soul Emperor's feet, just like the painful cry of the soul.

The Soul Emperor's hand was getting closer and closer, his palm was dry and sickly, it was horrible, only the ten nails were full and sharp, glowing with a cold light.

Now Sheng Mei can't even activate the body protection essence, just the sharpness of the Soul Emperor's fingernails has cut Sheng Mei's skin with a distance of half a foot.

Blood flowed out, and on Shengmei's snow-white neck, it was like a withered red plum on the snow.

"What a beautiful color."

A frantic color flashed across the swollen eyes of the Soul Emperor.

As long as the wall of eternity is opened, he can combine three bodies into one, and his strength will go a step further.

At that time, the Soul Emperor will be able to regain control of the Emperor's Bone Sea, and then complete the retreat that he had not completed before, and he will be able to slowly and completely integrate with the world where the Demon God's Tomb is located!

The ultimate goal he has been waiting for for hundreds of billions of years is about to come true!

"Clap! Clap!"

Sheng Mei's blood dripped on the black earth and was slowly absorbed. At the same time, the Soul Emperor stretched out his other hand towards his skinny chest.


His claws forcibly dug into his heart, and the black and viscous blood flowed out slowly.

The Hun Emperor seemed unaware of the pain brought by his body, he was still grinning grinningly, unexpectedly breaking a rib from his body abruptly, and pulled out this rib!

The corner of the Soul Emperor's mouth was bleeding, and the death energy in his eyes became more and more intense. If he wanted to reopen the wall of eternity and crack the big formation in the wall of eternity, he would not only need blood to sacrifice Shengmei. The Soul Emperor himself has to pay a certain price.

The Soul Emperor crushed his own ribs, the half-foot-long ribs turned into sections of one-inch-long bone balls, flew into the sky, spread all over, and formed a large formation.

The power of the world is slowly gathering. Getting stronger and stronger.

"The feast is ready, give me your life!"

The Soul Emperor grabbed Sheng Mei, and at this moment, suddenly, behind the Soul Emperor, there was a slight ripple in the space.

Although the Soul Emperor was carrying out the most important ceremony in his life, he still had a keen sense, and the abnormal fluctuations in space were immediately noticed by him.


Soul Emperor's first reaction. It was because someone wanted to attack and destroy his ceremony.

If a sneak attacker appears at this juncture, although the Soul Emperor can handle it, it will bring him a lot of trouble and unknown variables. The Soul Emperor didn't like variables, especially after he failed to attack and kill Lin Ming.

The biggest possibility of space fluctuations is that someone appeared from the space channel and attacked him.

Although the space on the surface of the eternal wall is far less stable than the Tomb of the Demon God. But because of the existence of the energy storm, I want to find the exact space coordinates here. It's not easy to just flash behind him, which proves that the opponent's strength is very strong!

"No matter who you are, if you appear here, go to death!"

The Soul Emperor took a step forward, aimed at the misty space passage and slapped it down!


The space channel exploded. Under the attack of the Soul Emperor, no one could escape, even a true god like Lin Ming would be injured!

However, with this palm, the Soul Emperor was slightly taken aback. The space passage is just a space passage, and no one inside can get out of it.

But if there is no one, how could the space channel suddenly appear

The moment the Soul Emperor had doubts, suddenly, behind him, the power of space became disordered again, and another space channel was created!

The Soul Emperor turned around abruptly, and saw Sheng Mei, who had been imprisoned all over her body, was sucked in by the vortex generated by the space channel!


The Soul Emperor was both shocked and angry!

What makes him angry is that no matter whether he cultivates Sheng Mei or captures Sheng Mei from the 33rd day, he has tried his best and paid a very high price. Now he is about to sacrifice Sheng Mei with blood to complete his last step, but someone is... At this critical moment, Shengmei must be rescued.

What is surprising is that his perception has been locked on the surroundings, and there is obviously no one around. Who on earth has such a great ability to accurately open two space channels, one behind him, without anyone noticing, Used to divert his attention, another opened at Sheng Mei's feet, and took Sheng Mei away!

"court death!"

The space channel took away Sheng Mei extremely fast, but the Soul Emperor's reaction was even faster, he slapped out with a palm, and the power of the world surged out!

At this moment, the Soul Emperor could kill Shengmei ten times. However, his blood sacrifice ceremony involved many complicated steps. Before it was completed, killing Shengmei directly would be a failure.

So the Soul Emperor didn't attack Sheng Mei, his target was the space channel.

"call out!"

Sheng Mei was sucked in by the space channel, but when the space channel was about to close, the majestic world power of the Soul Emperor blocked here, making it impossible to close the space channel!

"I want to see who is so capable!"

The Soul Emperor was about to chase after him, and Sheng Mei's body was imprinted with his true god mark, so he could catch up to Sheng Mei in an instant.

However, just as he was about to enter the space channel, he suddenly felt a huge pressure coming from the space channel!

This pressure was actually squeezing the power of his world, trying to crush it and forcibly close it!


The Soul Emperor was shocked that someone could resist his world power!

"No! This power... comes from the Great Formation of the Wall of Eternity itself! Could it be that you want to save Shengmei's Wall of Eternity!? How is this possible?"

The Soul Emperor was stunned. In this world, almost no one has the ability to confront his own power head-on. However, the Wall of Eternity is different. It is because the master of Asura Road poured his original energy into a large formation tens of billions of years ago. In addition to the blood sacrifice of Shengmei in the previous life, all her life essence, together with the power of inheritance left by the immortal king to Shengmei in the previous life, was poured into it without reservation, not to mention the body of the eternal wall is still the best among the three artifacts—the original source amethyst.

Combining the three, the Wall of Eternity is indeed a force that the Soul Emperor fears.

Feeling that the power of his world was being continuously squeezed, the Soul Emperor was extremely angry. He grabbed the outer wall of the space passage with his hands abruptly, trying to tear it apart!

He knew in his heart that no matter what, the space channel could not be closed.

He has already confirmed that this space channel comes from the inner space of the eternal wall, and the eternal wall is a whole, the Soul Emperor doesn't know why it suddenly opened a channel to save Shengmei.

However, he knew that once the passage was opened, it would be equivalent to a hole in a wall that was originally intact.

With a hole, this eternal wall is not perfect.

As long as I continue to tear along this opening, I will be able to completely open the opening!

Thinking in this way, the Soul Emperor poured more power into the space channel, resisting the squeeze of the eternal wall array!

And at this time, inside the space channel, Sheng Mei had already arrived in a purple space.

"here it is… "

Sheng Mei was stunned, she thought she was bound to die, but at the moment when the Soul Emperor wanted to sacrifice her blood, she was sucked into this space, and standing in front of her was a little boy who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old. girl.

"You... saved me?"

Shengmei felt unbelievable, this little girl has the ability to save her

She couldn't see through the little girl's cultivation, which was very strange, but she was sure that the little girl's strength might not be that strong, how could she save herself from the Soul Emperor

"Who are you?"

Sheng Mei was full of doubts. When she was about to die, a little girl whom she had never seen before teleported herself into this space with her low strength. It was like a dream.

" name is Yan Xiaoyu, you can call me Xiaoyuer, you know Brother Lin Ming?" Xiaoyuer said timidly. During the conversation between Hundi and Shengmei just now, she heard Hundi mention it. Lin Ming's name was mentioned, it seemed that the mysterious sister in front of him had some relationship with brother Lin Ming.

"Lin call him brother?"

Sheng Mei was in a mess. A strange little girl saved herself by means that she couldn't understand. Moreover, she actually knew Lin Ming? This really made Shengmei feel inexplicable, what is the origin of this little girl? (… )I1292

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