Martial World

Chapter 2235: Prelude to the decisive battle


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"Xiao Yu'er, how did you and your brother Lin Ming know each other?"

Sheng Mei asked Xiao Yu'er, and Xiao Yu'er briefly talked about her experience of meeting Lin Ming in Zhenwu City, and also told Sheng Mei that when Mu Qianxue entered the dark abyss and passed through here, she was A suction sucked in.

Since then, she has stayed here for an unknown number of years. Gradually, she discovered that she could integrate with this space full of amethysts and control this space, just like her instinct.

What Xiao Yuer said surprised Shengmei, she realized that the amethyst space she was in was the inner space of the wall of eternity, in other words, it was the inner space of the original amethyst!

Can the little girl in front of me control the original amethyst? What is the relationship between her and Yuanyuan Amethyst

When Sheng Mei didn't know why, suddenly, the amethyst space trembled suddenly.

The violent tremor made Shengmei's and Xiao Yu'er's bodies shake, and immediately, a ferocious and evil force poured down.

Soul Emperor!

Sheng Mei's face turned pale, Xiao Yu'er manipulated the amethyst space to open and close, and it happened right in front of the soul emperor's eyes. Although the three artifacts are powerful, they are not invincible. At the level of the soul emperor, they are already capable of fighting against the power of the big world .

When the amethyst space was about to be closed, the Soul Emperor forcibly poured power into it, preventing it from closing.

Not only that, but the Soul Emperor is still trying to tear open this space passage bit by bit!


Sheng Mei's heart sank, once the Soul Emperor tore open the space channel and entered the Amethyst space, the consequences would be disastrous!

The power of the Soul Emperor is constantly pouring in, getting stronger and stronger, and his behavior. It also aroused the resistance of the wall of eternity.

Sheng Mei felt that the energy in the Wall of Eternity gathered from all directions, trying to push out the energy of the Soul Emperor!

After the two sides reach a certain stage, they will balance each other and become stalemate.

But seeing such a scene, Sheng Mei became more and more anxious.

To know. The energy of the large formation often forms a self-circulating system. Although it can also absorb energy from the outside world, under normal circumstances, the energy absorbed from the outside is only enough for the operation of the large formation itself.

A large formation that can balance energy in and out is a very good large formation. Such a formation can exist for billions of years without energy exhaustion.

The Wall of Eternity is also such a large formation, with energy balance, and even a very small balance, plus it is based on artifacts. Only this large formation can stand for tens of billions of years without being shattered.

But no matter how perfect the big formation is, once there is a loophole, it will not be perfect. It is like an air bag, which will slowly dry up after being pierced with a small hole.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the energy in the wall of eternity was as vast as the sea, impacting again and again, but in that space channel. The evil energy belonging to the Soul Emperor is extremely tenacious. Never disappeared.

This process continued for many days, and the energy belonging to the Soul Emperor was slowly compressed into an energy imprint in the amethyst space. At this time, the space channel was finally closed again.

Amethyst space. Calm was also restored.

However, Sheng Mei couldn't be happy, she faintly felt that this energy imprint belonging to the Soul Emperor had been integrated into the formation of the Eternal Wall, and integrated with the energy structure of the Eternal Wall.

It's like a cancer. Slowly absorb energy and grow stronger.

The Wall of Eternity was finally found a breakthrough by the Soul Emperor!

Originally, the Wall of Eternity has existed for tens of billions of years, and the Soul Emperor has studied it countless times, and probably knows most of its structure.

The big formation is dead, but people are alive. If it continues, sooner or later, the wall of eternity will be broken by the soul emperor.

It's just that Emperor Hun didn't want to wait any longer, he needed a straw that would break the camel's back.

Originally, his choice was Sheng Mei, but now his calculations are in vain. But even so... the results don't change.

Back then, when the master of Shura Road and himself laid down the wall of eternity in their previous lives, they should have expected that this wall of gods would not be able to stop the demons forever. One day, the wall of gods would be knocked down. Will face another invasion from the dark abyss.

This is a doomed history, it may be delayed due to one or two accidental events, but the final result will still develop in the established direction.

It was accidental that Xiao Yu'er saved herself, but because of this accident, the Soul Emperor planted a seed on the wall of eternity.

With the eternal wall of the breakthrough, it is no longer indestructible.

This is like it is difficult for an adult man to break a complete egg, but if there is a crack in the egg, even if it is a very small crack that is difficult to find without looking carefully, then the strength of the egg will be greatly weakened. A child can crush it.

"Little fish..."

Shengmei looked at Xiao Yuer, her eyes were full of guilt, Xiao Yuer saved herself, but she brought bad luck to Xiao Yuer.

Asura Road, Amethyst Heavenly Palace—

Lin Ming sat quietly in this space for a few days. His injuries had already recovered a lot. Ordinary warriors like Lin Ming had overdrawn their lives and would have already fallen to the realm. However, Lin Ming didn't suffer much loss. Such a terrifying Resilience is bestowed by the Nine Stars of the Taoist Palace.

In the battle with the Soul Emperor, it was inevitable that Lin Ming's cultivation had dropped a little bit, but at the juncture of life and death, he merged the inner universe with the outer universe, uniting heaven and man, taking a big step forward in the law. This gain far exceeds the loss caused by his blood and cultivation.

These days, Lin Ming has been worried about Sheng Mei. He has a vague spiritual connection with Sheng Mei. He can feel that Sheng Mei is not dead...

Lin Ming didn't know what happened. He was extremely anxious, but he also knew that with his current state, it was impossible to save Shengmei.

"Lin Ming, I can feel that the energy of the original amethyst is weakening. The tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb should be trying to break through the wall of eternity... Your wife doesn't seem to have died. I can't predict what exactly happened..."

At this time, Shura's voice sounded in the void.

"Senior, what should this junior do?"

Lin Ming knew that once the Wall of Eternity was opened, the Soul Emperor, Ming, and Hong would fuse together, and it might even completely refine the Tomb of the Demon God. At that time, the strength of the tomb owner of the Tomb of the Demon God would be unimaginable.

At that moment, it was the end of the thirty-three days for all living beings.

The master of Shura Road was silent for a long time, before he said slowly: "It's time to activate the arrangement of these years, this day has come much earlier than I expected..."

"The arrangements for these years?" Lin Ming was startled.

"Ten billion years, when I and my previous life, Sheng Mei, joined hands to build the Wall of Eternity, I was thinking about this day."

"My Asura Road, including the immortal Yuanmeng Universe, is all prepared for this day... I separated my body, soul, and inner world, and merged them with Asura Road and Yuanmeng Universe for the purpose of, Guard these two places."

"For so many years, under my protection, the owner of the Tomb of the Demon God has not been able to destroy Shura Road and Yuanmeng Universe, but I am also powerless to prevent the owner of the Tomb of the Demon God from slowly recovering his strength. Just waiting..."

Lin Ming was stunned after hearing what the master of Shura Road said.

Shura Road, Yuanmeng Universe...

Lin Ming had speculated on the purpose of the master of Asura Road when he first stepped on the Asura Road. If we say that this grand world was only arranged by the master of Asura Road for the selection of successors , seems to be overkill.

This world is self-contained, with many unique laws, guardians and mysterious final trials. The existence of all these is the layout of the master of Asura Road to fight against the tomb of the demon god

As for the original dream universe, Lin Ming had naturally entered it before. Lin Ming knew that after the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb seized the soul emperor, he slowly obtained the complete "Holy Code" from the original dream universe.

This is also unavoidable. After all, for tens of billions of years, all parts of the "Holy Code" have been collected by Soul Race warriors in various ways. With the energy of the Soul Emperor, the "Holy Code" has been pieced together into a complete This is not difficult.

However, Lin Ming also knew that there were many trials in the original dream universe, and the corresponding rewards were the golden pages of the "Holy Code". When Lin Ming went to the original dream universe, most of the golden pages were still in the original dream universe, and had not been accepted. People take it out.

Originally, it was a little strange for Lin Ming to know the true identity of the Soul Emperor. With the absolute strength of the Soul Emperor, it might not be difficult to take away these golden pages, but now he understands that all of this is also because of the protection of the master of Asura Road.

Ten billions of years ago, two peerless heroes created two great worlds in order to fight against the tomb of the demon god!

Among them, one fell, leaving only a remnant soul, but still dealt a heavy blow to the soul emperor in the sea of bones, while the other was alive, and he silently guarded these two worlds for tens of billions of years, for, It is also the last battle!

Lin Ming's heart was filled with shock. He didn't know what words to use to describe what Immortal and Shura had done. All he could do was to inherit all of these and face this final catastrophe.

… (… )I1292

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