Martial World

Chapter 2247: Abyss Invasion


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readx;The Amethyst Heavenly Palace is gone, and the original place is completely destroyed. In the terrifying world, people can vaguely see a figure. This figure is scorched black, like a piece of dead wood that has been scorched by lightning!

"Lin Ming!"


Xiao Moxian, Lin Huang and other people who had a close relationship with Lin Ming recognized in an instant that this black shadow that seemed to be a charred corpse was Lin Ming. Seeing Lin Ming's miserable state, Xiao Moxian's heart shrank , Ten Heavenly Warriors also held their breath.

"It's over! His Majesty's retreat has been interrupted!"

"Did God destroy my human race?"

"Will today be the end of my saint clan?"

At that moment, many heroes of the great race felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

Did you fail before you hit this one? They have put in all their efforts for ten thousand years, but they don't even have the qualifications to fight

"Father is not dead..." Jiu'er said. She could feel the energy fluctuations in Lin Ming's body. Jiu'er had personally experienced the baptism of Lin Ming's true god's law. If it is said that he was connected with Lin Ming's energy, Jiu'er was stronger than Lin Huang. close.

"It's good if you don't die..."

Di Wuhen of the protoss reluctantly opened his mouth. Although he said it was good that he didn't die, it sounded like a sigh of relief, but at this time, no one can relax.

Looking at Lin Ming's miserable state, he must have been seriously injured. You must know that Lin Ming is currently in retreat, and it is very important, to surpass the true god's final cultivation!

This kind of retreat, how can there be a lot of trouble, now seeing Lin Ming being beaten black and seriously injured, the situation is definitely not good, that is the attack of the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb!

Under such circumstances, Lin Ming's cultivation was interrupted, could his retreat continue? Will it be destroyed by the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb

If this is the result, it will be over in ten days, and they will all be over.

Even if Lin Ming's retreat could continue, it was because of his serious injuries. I am afraid that the original plan within ten thousand years will probably be ruined.

Now for ten days, time is life, if Lin Ming leaves the customs later than Soul Emperor. That was the same result as Lin Ming's cultivation was interrupted.

It is still ten days of destruction, and all races will perish!

Their hopes were all on Lin Ming. Seeing Lin Ming like this now, one could imagine how everyone felt!

At this moment, around Lin Ming. The space began to distort, and a large amount of world power gathered, forming a force field around Lin Ming. Surrounded by this force field, Lin Ming sank into the Shura Sea that was constantly collapsing and swallowed by the void vortex, and disappeared. no trace...

"Your Majesty is coming down..." a young Tianzun who had just been promoted to the human race said worriedly.

"Of course you need to heal your wounds if you practice again... But His Majesty the Emperor needs time to heal your wounds... It will also take time to resume the previously interrupted practice. If this continues we..."

A true god from the soul clan sighed, he didn't finish his words, but everyone understood what he meant.

"Don't be discouraged! The emperor is not dead. We have hope, everyone, take a break and continue to practice!" The God King Piaoyu who spoke, as the leader and the first person of the holy clan, Piaoyu has high prestige, Ten days was second only to Shenmeng, but even Piaoyu, now called Lin Ming, was also a human emperor. Because Lin Ming was the Supreme Leader of the Ten Heavens, it was reasonable for Piao Yu to use the title of Human Sovereign in public.

Stopping everyone's discussion, Piao Yu said again: "The Human Sovereign has resisted attacks for two, four, six, eight, and ten thousand years. Even if the next time is 12,000, 14,000 Thousand years of attacks, do you know that the Emperor is unable to resist? The miracles that happened to him may be more than all of us combined!"

What Piao Yu said was the truth, without exaggeration, the miracle on Lin Ming's body. That's a lot.

As long as Lin Ming bears this blow and survives until he surpasses the true god, everything may be reversed!

And judging from the previous two attacks by the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb, the opponent's second attack was much weaker than the first one, obviously overdrawn, maybe the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb will stop in the past few thousand years...

In this case, there is still a little hope of continuation in ten days...

Just as people were thinking, at this moment, a black lightning flashed thousands of miles above everyone's heads!

This black lightning, like a knife mark made by a god wielding a knife, forcibly divided the sky into two!

"What! That is!!"

"It's not over yet!?"

All the heroes raised their hearts again. They looked up at the sky, and saw a huge black hole appearing in the sky thousands of miles high, along the place where the black lightning struck just now. There was an extremely evil breath, and black flames spewed out of it, dancing wildly like a huge boa constrictor!

"That is… "

"Space channel!!"

The ten-day heroes present were naturally well-informed, and they quickly realized that the black hole that suddenly appeared in the sky was not an attack technique by some master, but a space channel!

"This... this space channel is also big!"

The Celestial Venerable and the True God of the big race were stunned for a while, and the space channel began to spread wantonly, covering most of the sky. It felt like a black alien universe appeared out of thin air, and it was forcibly spliced together with Shura's world. .

And what happened next shocked all the Ten Heavenly Warriors present, speechless!

Because in the large black world, black shadows began to appear one by one, densely packed, endless, and looked like locusts from a distance.

"That is… "

"Abyss Demon!!"

Over the years, the warriors of Ten Heavens have naturally known about the abyssal demons and seen their appearance. Seeing the dense black shadows, what are they if they are not abyssal demons!

They immediately understood that the space channel in the sky was extending from the dark abyss!

The wall of eternity has already been destroyed, and the demons of the abyss naturally lost their restraint. They can invade at any time for ten days!

Before they held back, it was not to give the ten-day race a chance to breathe, but because Shura was guarded by the master of Shura, so even if they attacked the ten-day race, it would have no effect.

But now, the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb seems to have calculated that Master Shura's strength will drop to the lowest point in the final stage of Lin Ming's retreat, and the attack just now by the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb also destroyed the Amethyst Heavenly Palace, and at the same time penetrated The defensive formation arranged by Master Shura was broken.

At this time, even if the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb can no longer make a move, the demons from the abyss can still attack together and destroy Lin Ming!

This is all the elite power of the abyssal demons that gathered many true gods and gods!

The curtain of the catastrophe war is opened!

... (.)


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