Martial World

Chapter 2252: January period



In the sky, the energy of more than 8,000 abyssal demons gathered together and turned into a huge phantom of the demon god.

This demon god, like the god ancestor who destroyed the world, exudes terrifying coercion, looking down on the common people!

"What it is!"

On the human side, many warriors have just finished adjusting their breath, looking at the huge vision of the demon god in the sky, they feel extremely depressed.

Even separated by the great array of heaven and man, the aura of this demon god made them a little breathless.

Thirty-three days warriors with weaker cultivation could not help but look pale and their palms were sweaty.

"It's a battle formation, which is more powerful than the previous ones. If I'm not mistaken, this battle formation incorporates the Demon God's pattern!"

Mo who spoke, his eyesight is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary Thirty-Three Heavenly Warriors.

"The pattern of the demon god?" Di Shajia's heart trembled. They had heard the name of the demon god many times. This demon god seemed to be the creator of the tomb of the demon god.

"Just like Lin Ming blesses us with the power of his law, the demons of the abyss will naturally find higher-level formations to bless their power. I'm afraid we will be in trouble..."

Che smiled bitterly, and he realized that this battle was more difficult than he had imagined.

No matter what formation patterns are incorporated into the battle formation of the demon army, this is actually not something that the warriors of the Thirty-Three Heavens should care about. The only thing they can do is to try their best to resist it.


With a roar, the demon god shattered the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and it slammed down like a boundless night, covering the formation of thirty-three warriors inside!


There was an overwhelmed crisp sound from the great array of heaven and man, and a crack appeared on the surface.

This is enough power to destroy the miè world, and the hundreds of Celestials are the first to bear the brunt. The body shook violently, and Qiqi flew backwards. Such a terrible impact, they were like small leaves in a violent storm, unable to resist at all, including the true god-level Jun Biyue, who also spat out a mouthful of blood. The snow-white clothes were dyed red.

"Ah! Ah!"

While retreating, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Venerable's screams sounded one after another, and some people couldn't bear the raging energy shock wave, and exploded to death!

People watched helplessly as the life that was still alive in the previous breath was torn into pieces.

Such an energy storm, if the energy of the body shield can be kept intact, can be resisted, otherwise, once the energy shield explodes, it will be smashed to pieces in an instant!

Such a miserable death. Makes the scalp tingle.

The storm raged for a whole stick of incense before it subsided slowly. The Asura Sea was evaporated dry. In the Thirty-three Days Warriors, more than 20 warriors died in battle. Many of them could not even find their bones. , can only collect some vague flesh and blood.

"That's horrible!"

Dead. They are all thirty-three heroes, and many of them have lived for tens of millions of years. They are the masters in their respective secondary worlds, but in this level of war, they are extremely vulnerable.

After collecting the mutilated body of the deceased, the warriors of the thirty-three days were filled with a sense of tragedy.

Yet no one stopped to mourn the dead. They didn't need to be instructed by Shenmeng and others, they began to meditate and adjust their breath, preparing for the next, more tragic battle.

"Jun Biyue, are you alright?"

Shenmeng was a little worried about Jun Biyue's injury. Thirty-three days and now there are only twenty-eight true gods left, and the Heavenly Venerable is broken, so it won't hurt the muscles and bones, but every time one of these twenty-eight true gods dies, a corner of the formation will be missing, and the pressure bigger.

"fine… "

Jun Biyue smiled hard, signaling that she could continue to fight.

Che took out a pill and handed it to Jun Biyue, signaling him to adjust his breath as soon as possible.

"These untouchables!"

In the distance, Dahong Moguo's national teacher with a slightly pale face said bitterly, the blow just now, he and several high-ranking true gods as the medium of the big formation also consumed a lot.

Although the formation of heaven and man was cracked, such cracks were far from enough to shatter the formation. Seeing now, the formation is already repairing itself, which made many demons secretly startled. Even stronger than imagined.

"Hmph, let's see how long they can last."

A protracted battle unfolded in the thirty-three days and the dark abyss. Every day, thirty-three days warriors died, sometimes more than a dozen, sometimes dozens.

People have become accustomed to dying by their comrades in arms. After witnessing too many lives and deaths, these thirty-three heroes are no longer afraid of death.

They actually cherish life very much, but they are even more afraid of the destruction of their race. They are afraid that after their death, their descendants will still be slaves by the abyssal demons, and they will even be raised as livestock. They can be slaughtered whenever they want.

After 12 days of fierce fighting, more than 300 Tianzun-level warriors lost in 33 days.

The three true gods were injured, and Jun Biyue was the most injured, not because Jun Biyue was weak, but in fact Jun Biyue was the best among the next true gods. However, Jun Biyue suffered the frontal impact of the demon formation twice in a row, and the two injuries were superimposed, and it is normal to be severely injured!

Even in this situation, Jun Biyue did not retreat from the front line, because he was not allowed to retreat under the current situation.

On the fifteenth day, more than four hundred people had died in the thirty-three Tianzun.

For the Great Formation of Heaven and Man, the twenty-eight true gods are naturally the most important, and they are the foundation of the formation, but the Celestial Venerables are also indispensable, and the combined strength of the 1,800 Celestial Venerables is also crucial.

The loss of dozens of these Heavenly Venerable combat powers is not a big deal, but after losing hundreds of people, the strength of the Heavenly Human Formation is obviously not as good as before.

Attack after attack, the formation has more and more cracks, and the recovery is getting slower and slower.

Thirty-three days of warriors obviously felt the pressure increase sharply. You must know that on the side of the dark abyss, almost no demons died.

When the overall strength was more than doubled, the opponent adopted the tactics of fighting on wheels, which gradually made the warriors of the thirty-three days unable to hold on!

Now, only half of the time Lin Ming requested has passed!

Can it really last a month? No one can guarantee it.

Perhaps before the arrival of the January period, all warriors in the thirty-three days had already died in battle.

From the sixteenth day onwards, the attacks of the abyssal demons eased a little.

In such a situation, Shenmeng and the other thirty-three high-level executives did not feel relaxed at all, but felt even more heavy. They had already realized that this was probably the calm before the storm, and the abyssal demons were brewing even more terrifying attacks! (… )