Martial World

Chapter 2253: evil


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Shenmeng's prediction was not wrong, the demon clan was indeed accumulating strength, but their next attack was completely beyond the expectations of the Thirty Three Heavenly Warriors.

After three full days of silence, it was the eighteenth day of the abyss invasion.

Suddenly, a storm surged, and at a height of thousands of miles, the sky was torn apart, and a space channel was created out of thin air.

"Space channel!"

Seeing the space channel, the Thirty-Three Days warriors all felt tight. The previous attacks of the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb, including the invasion of the abyss, were all done through the space channel.

[Suddenly a space channel appears, ten times it comes from the dark abyss, that is definitely not good news.

"A reinforcement from the Dark Abyss!?"

"The army of the abyss that has appeared now has almost driven us to a dead end. If there are more reinforcements, we will surely die!"

The Thirty-Three-Three-Day Warriors who spoke were stained with blood. No one doubted that if reinforcements from the Abyssal Demons were really killed in the space channel, then they might not even last for the 20th day.


An earth-shattering roar came from the space channel.

Contrary to what the Thirty Three Heavenly Warriors thought, what passed through the space channel was not an army of demons, but a huge devil's head.

This devil's head looks like a blood-soaked skeleton, its whole body is burning with deep purple flames, its height and width are over a thousand miles, like a purple-red star suspended in the sky.

As soon as the devil's head appeared, many warriors of the thirty-three days suddenly felt a terrifying pressure, and the whole world was moved down, and the Heavenly Human Formation was suddenly aroused by this pressure.

"What is this!?"

"have no idea!"

Seeing this devil's head, the Thirty Three Heavenly Warriors were inexplicably horrified. Is a monster with only a head also an abyssal devil

No matter what the other party's background is. There is no doubt that this devil's head is definitely their enemy.

"It..." Mo and Che looked at the devil's head high in the sky, and their expressions became a little ugly.

"The two seniors know it?" Seeing Mo and Che's expressions, Shenmeng's heart skipped a beat. Obviously, this huge head that suddenly appeared was very powerful, which made Mo and Che like this.

Now she could only hope to learn more about the devil's head from Mo and Che.

"If we're not mistaken. This huge head is... one of the six great totem demons!" Mo and Che are Shura's servants, and they know exactly what the ancient war was like tens of billions of years ago.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, "Evil!? How is it possible?"

Thirty-three days of warriors now know that Ming, Hong, and Hundi are all avatars of the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb, and now the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb has already fused the three avatars in order to retreat.

As for the other totem level demons, Xie, Zhou, You and so on. They are all dead. Ten billion years ago, they were killed by the master of Shura Road and the Immortal King.

"Xie is indeed dead, but totem-level demons can be regenerated. Accepting the dark ritual in the tomb of the demon god can create another totem-level demon..."

Mo and Che's words caused a sense of despair in everyone's hearts. A totem-level demon suddenly appeared, which was second only to the existence of the powerhouse beyond the true god!

Abyss Demon Army. It has already made them powerless to resist, and adding an evil who is stronger than everyone else, then their ending can be imagined.

I'm afraid the Heavenly Human Formation will explode in an instant!

"Lin Ming..."

Shenmeng clenched her lips, took a deep look at Lin Ming's retreat, and said to herself with a sigh, "You have protected us so many times, but we haven't been able to protect you even once?"

"Don't panic! This is 'evil'. But his strength may not be as strong as you imagined. The six totem-level demons are said to have been born through the test of the dark festival. In fact, they all belong to the tomb of the demon god. The master's power is the tomb master of the Demon God's Tomb who separated his own power and sealed it in the body of a totem-level demon."

"But now, the tomb owner of the Demon God's Tomb is retreating. He needs to gather as much power as possible. He may not be able to create a complete 'evil'... and the 'evil' in front of him has been developed over the past tens of thousands of years. Its strength should be far inferior to a real totem level demon."

While Mo and Che were talking, Xie had already launched an attack!

He roared, opened his mouth wide, and shot out a blood-colored divine light. This divine light combined all the power of the dark abyss demon army, and shot down directly at the formation of heaven and man.


The Heavenly Human Formation trembled violently, and the thick outer shell of the Formation was actually pierced by this blow!

The energy was raging, dozens of Thirty-Three Heavenly Warriors were involved, and they were wiped out in an instant. Seeing that this divine light was about to completely tear the formation of Thirty-Three-Three-Day Warriors, this was a very close shot. The Thirty-Three Heavenly Warriors are the strongest Several people—Shen Meng, Mu Qianxue, Mo, Che, Lin Huang, and Xiao Moxian—took away Shen Miao, the Holy Emperor of Creation, and the seven of them made a move together.

Shenmeng was the first to bear the brunt, overdrawing the power of his own soul, and slashed out with a single sword!

However, the blow that the abyssal demon had planned for a long time was so powerful. Shenmeng was severely injured in the chest by this huge force, his arm was broken, his body flew backwards, and he vomited blood.

Mu Qianxue, Lin Huang, Xiaomoxian, Shenmiao and the others also instantly felt an extremely evil power pouring into their bodies. A sense of death rushed from them into their inner world, this cold feeling made them feel that they were on the verge of death.

"Senior Divine Dream!"

"Fairy Ji!"

Someone exclaimed, but at this moment, how could he care so much, Shenmeng clutched his chest, and said hastily: "Repair the formation! No matter what the cost!"

A gap was torn in the Heavenly Human Formation. At this time, an abyssal demon had rushed into the Heavenly Human Formation through this gap!


Thirty-three warriors were already red-eyed, desperately fighting towards the abyssal demons, and the seven or eight abyssal demons who rushed to the front were directly strangled by the lights of various laws, leaving no bones left!

Regardless of the injury, Shenmeng forced a mouthful of divine essence, opened the Shenmeng space, and covered the gap in the Heavenly Human Formation with her force field.

For a moment, a large number of abyssal demons were blocked by the divine dream force field, and those abyssal demons that had already flown into the heavenly human formation were like headless flies, trapped in the phantom of the divine dream force field. Clear fantasy and reality.

With many versus few, the abyssal demons were quickly beheaded, and the formation of heaven and man was slowly recovering. However, at this time, no one was happy.

Shenmeng's face was pale without a trace of blood, and if she was injured again and again, she might not be able to recover from the next attack of the abyss demon no matter what.

Including Xiao Moxian, Lin Huang and others, their situation is not optimistic. Next time, what will they use to block the attack of the abyss demon

Is this last moment finally coming? (… )

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