Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 110: Late but arrived



The mask of the steel armor opened, revealing a cynical face.

"Wow, the four kings of Asgard?"

Ye Qingyang looked at the four Asgardians who were wearing armor but looked disgraced.

To be honest, Ye Qingyang really had no impression of these four people, and they definitely did not appear for more than five minutes in the entire Thor movie.

But seeing Jane Foster holding Sol and crying, Ye Qingyang still had some memories.

"Don't cry, little girl, he's not dead, and we'll see him show off his power later."

"What, you said Thor is not dead?"

Jane Foster cried with joy, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

"Of course, but if you keep hanging around like this, I'm afraid he'll get a concussion."

Ye Qingyang spread his hands and said.

It seems I'm a little late, but it's not too late.

Although justice may be late, it will never be absent.

If Thor, God of Thunder, doesn't suffer this moment, Odin, that old boy, won't be moved. If Odin doesn't move him, he won't be able to get his divine power back.

As the saying goes, when Heaven is about to entrust a person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions, so he can move his heart and forbearance to gain what he cannot do.

Throughout the Marvel Universe, Thor is like this, Iron Man is like this, Captain America is like this, Scarlet Witch is like this, and Captain Marvel is like this.

As long as they can be ranked and called by name, no one can become a superhero without following this rule.

The wisdom of our ancestors is truly a classic for hundreds of generations and a dogma for all ages.

"Hey, you want to leave after beating people on earth? Is there still a king's law? Is there still a law?"

The energy beam in Ye Qingyang's hand was already aimed at the Destroyer.

Loki was far away in Asgard and saw Iron Man's performance through the Destroyer, and he immediately became angry.

There are really no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys dominate!

It seems that I, an Asgardian, have not shown my majesty for a long time, and a small ant-like earthling dares to show off my majesty in front of me!

Okay, since you are looking for death, then I will help you!

The molten flame beam was fired from the Destroyer's head, and Ye Qingyang was already prepared to fly to the outskirts of the town.

"Come on, let's find an open place to fight. We can't use our hands and feet here."

The Destroyer did not stop and chased in the direction where Ye Qingyang flew away.

"Bang Bang Bang—"

The Destroyer is tall and strong, and every time he steps on the ground, he will leave a big hole!

Under full exertion, his speed gradually equaled that of Ye Qingyang!

"MD, what is this Destroyer powered by? Why is it so powerful? It seems to have energy that can never be used up."

Ye Qingyang looked at the Destroyer below who was getting closer and closer, knowing that it was impossible to win by relying on speed. He turned sharply and hit the Destroyer with an energy beam.


The energy beam hit the Destroyer's body, but it couldn't even penetrate its defense, only slightly blocking its footsteps.


Not to be outdone, the Destroyer also spurted out a molten flame beam. Ye Qingyang was determined to test the power of the molten flame beam. He raised his hands, and two energy cannons were ejected from his hands, which happened to collide with the Destroyer's flame impact. .

For a moment, sand and rocks flew outside the circle with the radius of the two people fighting, because a huge energy shock wave was forming.

"Warning, warning, energy dropped to seventy percent!"

Paul's mechanical voice sounded, and the virtual screen in front of Ye Qingyang flashed red.

"Head, is that the big guy over there!"

The bald man with gold-rimmed glasses said to Hill beside him.

Hill was listening to his subordinates reporting on the information in the town at this time, and he quickly raised his head after hearing this.

Sure enough, a huge black shadow appeared in the wilderness a few kilometers away, but what was more eye-catching was the small black dot flying in the sky.

"It's Tony the Big Shit, he's already here!"

Hill's heart dropped with a sledgehammer. In terms of current combat power, apart from nuclear bombs, only Iron Man Tony Shit has such a strong individual combat capability on the entire planet.

They have also seen the power of the black iron robot just now. A casual hit can destroy the car and kill people. It is also invulnerable to water and fire. With these three melons and two dates, they are really helpless.

"Boss, I think Iron Man is no match for that monster."

Through the telescope, I saw the energy conflict between Iron Man and the Black Iron Giant. Iron Man seemed to be losing ground.

"Contact the Ministry of Defense immediately and request their missile support!"

Hill gave the order.


Ye Qingyang felt that the palms of his two palms were starting to feel hot. The continuous output of energy was indeed not the strong point of the steel armor.

Fighting the risk of injury, Ye Qingyang turned around suddenly and landed from the air, but his left arm was still scratched by the flames.

Warning, warning, the outer alloy of the left arm is damaged and needs to be repaired!

Paul's mechanical voice started to sound again.

"No time to worry about this."

The Destroyer's attack followed closely, forcing Ye Qingyang to increase his flight altitude.

"I didn't expect this Destroyer to be so strong?"

Ye Qingyang regretted coming here to pretend to be bad, but he remembered that when watching Thor, the destroyer was defeated by Thor with one hammer. How come his turn turned into a protracted battle.

Otherwise, I might as well just run away. Anyway, when Thor is resurrected, I can grab his Meow Hammer and make the final decision.

"Ding, it is detected that the host is at the scene of the decisive battle between Thor and the Destroyer. The god-level selection system is activated. Please select-"

1. Choose to leave the scene and escape immediately. Reward: Obtain the title of "Talking Runner", speed attribute +1

2. Choose to face the difficulty and continue to fight the Destroyer Hard Steel. Reward: Obtain a Diga Transformation Divine Light Rod (Note: Take this Divine Light Rod and you will be a big bone!)

3. Choose to help the Destroyer kill Thor, the reward: gain the favor and heart of Loki. Loki will be impressed by you and want to rule the nine realms with you.

The god-level selection system, which had been silent for a long time, restarted, startling Ye Qingyang.

In these days of drunkenness and dreams, playing in flowers and water, he almost forgot that he was still a child selected by the system, shouldering the important task of spreading love and hope to the people.

But after reading the choices provided by the system, the corners of Ye Qingyang's mouth twitched.

The first option is acceptable, but what the hell is the third option

Win Loki's heart

Why does the system like watching men fall in love so much

Isn't this a fujoshi system disguised as choice

What else is there to choose? Of course I, Ye Qingyang, choose to boil the big bones into soup!

No, it becomes light!

My choice is second, the hard steel destroyer!

"Congratulations to the host for receiving a divine light stick."

Ye Qingyang's hand sank, and a small stick that looked full of mystery appeared in his hand.