Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 121: Coral Sea


Mary Jane was trembling slightly. It was because the costume was too tight, which caused the friction between the clothes and the flesh on her body to increase. The next scene made the little spider's mouthparts freeze instantly until the costume came down completely.

He actually saw a complete and well-dressed Mary Jane. Mary Jane had a very good figure, with muscular thighs and explosive strength unique to European and American big girls.

Little Spider didn't expect that he could actually see such a beautiful scenery, and tonight was indeed not in vain. He turned his head, wishing that he had a special function that could extend his eyes.

Mary Jane slowly bent down, took off her costume down to her ankles, and then used her toes to pick up the costume on the chair nearby.

Little Spider wished he was that chair.

Mary Jane took out a piece of black fabric from the satchel on the side, then she bent down and stood on tiptoes to put the stockings in from the toes. However, it was more troublesome to slowly put on the stockings, because the little spider could hear even with his super hearing. Until she panted slightly and exerted herself.

"Why are these socks so tight? I can't even put them on."

Mary Jane complained softly, which made Little Spider want to laugh. He didn't expect that Mary Jane behind her back was so childish and a little childish.

Because he was standing and bending over to put on stockings, Little Spider's eyes widened, as if he wanted to take a look at the scenery he had never seen before.

Suddenly, probably because she was standing on one foot, Mary Jane tilted her body and sat on a chair nearby.

He just sat on the chair without any clothes on.

The little spider silently said, "I would like to turn into a chair and be blown by the wind for five hundred years, the sun for five years, and the rain for five hundred years." But I hope this girl has never sat on the chair.

After putting on the stockings, Mary Jane stuffed her two chubby feet into a pair of black stiletto high heels and put them on with just a lift.

The little spider quickly closed the door quietly and ran out faster than when he came.

"Oh, you look so beautiful today."

The little spider said when he saw Mary Jane smiling coquettishly, and by the way, he gave his own bouquet of Saylilies.


Mary Jane took the lily and brought it to her nose, sniffing it gently.

She deliberately chose clothes to dress up today, knowing that the little spider was coming, and she had to dress up beautifully in front of her admirer.

She wears a brown short skirt on her lower body, a pair of flesh-colored stockings on her legs, and a light green floral shirt on her upper body with a small waistcoat. Paired with that white face that is both angry and happy, the little spider is really dazzled by the look. fan.

In fact, in terms of beauty, Mary Jane can really only be said to be above average. After all, there are so many beauties in Stark Industries, and they are all highly educated and elegant human elite beauties. Many of them are good-looking and good at studying. A top-notch beauty.

But men always have a special fantasy about their first practice, which is a kind of halo that is unobtainable but impressive. Deep in the middle of the night, what appears in men's dreams is often the hazy girl.

"I'm really glad you came to the show."

Mary Jane's eyes slightly curved, hiding her smile as she said.

The little spider scratched his head in embarrassment and said

"But I'm still late."

Mary Jane tilted her head and looked at him and said

"That doesn't hurt. At least you, a busy man, are finally here, right?"

Little Spider lowered his head and tried to organize his words. He wanted to invite Mary Jane to have dinner with him, but he was short of money. He was thinking about which restaurant he could go to where he could spend the least money but not look so shabby.

"By the way, do you want-"

Before he finished speaking, a handsome and tall white man came over.

"Hey honey, how was the show today?"

The white man has a strong step and an impressive figure. He is Mary Jane's new boyfriend, John James.

Mary Jane hugged him unnaturally, and John James nibbled hard on Mary Jane's face a few times, leaving a lot of saliva.

Mary Jane took out her handkerchief and wiped it with disgust.

The little spider looked on with embarrassment, and deliberately kicked this annoying guy to death, but he still kept a smile on his face and said

"Wow, you guys are so in love."

John James seemed to have just seen the little spider. He held Mary Jane's smooth little hand with one hand, and then asked in surprise

"Who is this?"

"Let me introduce, this is my childhood friend and high school classmate-"

Before Mary Jane could finish her introduction, Little Spider had already spoken.

"I'm Mary Jane's best friend. My name is Peter Parker."

John James stretched out a hand and smiled.

"Peter, Mary Jane talks about you often and it's so nice to see you."

Little Spider also stretched out his hand to shake his hand, but John James ignored Little Spider. Instead, he turned to look at Mary Jane and said affectionately.

"I made a reservation for a roasted whole lamb restaurant. It tastes very good. Let's go quickly."

After saying that, he seemed to remember something, turned to look at Little Spider and said

"Mr. Peter, do you want to come with us?"

"Uh, no, I've already had dinner."

"That's a shame, let's go."

After saying that, without waiting for Mary Jane to answer, he pulled her away and walked away.

The little spider stood there blankly, looking at the two people leaving, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He watched the two of them get into a limousine, feeling depressed. Mary Jane looked back at him, and Little Spider regained his energy and waved to her. When he couldn't see anymore, Little Spider turned around and left.

The soul singer at the theater door played the violin and sang

"Turn around and leave and break up, unable to say anything"

It was just an accident that seabirds and fish fell in love

Our love (the love given)

The difference always exists (cannot come back)”

The little spider became more and more depressed. He walked faster and faster, and finally turned into a run. Feeling the wind whistling by his ears, he jumped with all his strength, and the spider silk in his hand stuck to the wall, and then he used the force to fly up and rowed continuously. After passing two blocks and flying towards the third block, his spider silk suddenly did not arrive as expected.

"Ah, ah, ah—"

The little spider screamed and fell from the fifty-story building.


With a muffled sound, the little spider directly hit the water tank on the roof of a building, making a big hole in the iron water tank.

The little spider got up depressed and tried his arms, but still couldn't spin out the spider silk.

When a person is really unlucky, he can't even drink cold water until his teeth are filled.

The little spider walked helplessly to the elevator, but unexpectedly a man and a dog were also in the elevator.

It was difficult for him to retreat or advance at this time, so he could only bravely walk in under the man's surprised gaze.

"Which floor?"

The man pressed the door button.

"First floor, thank you."

The little spider said dullly.

When two people take the elevator, especially two men, the awkward atmosphere slowly simmers.