Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 134: Three years


"Isn't it right? I have decided to wash my hands of myself, but these two black uncles are still going to hit the gun?"

Little Spider rolled his eyes for a while and made up his mind that as long as these two black uncles didn't go too far, he wouldn't reveal his true identity.

Thoroughly Tiger Michael said, walking up to the little spider, without hiding it, he stretched out his hand and said

"Boy, take out the valuable things you have on you quickly, so as not to suffer any physical pain."

Little Spider shook his head. His pockets were cleaner than ever. Except for the computer bag he carried, there was a company-issued computer and a mobile phone. All the money he had just given was given to the New York City bus system.

The little spider shook his head and said that he had no money.

"How shameless? What is that on your back? Bring it to you!"

Michael tugged hard, but he didn't move. The other end of the backpack was firmly grasped by the little spider.

"Hey, you kid, you're looking for death, right?"

Michael lifted up his clothes, revealing the shining dagger and said

"You let me go, or I'll give you a white knife that goes in and a red knife that goes out."

Little Spider didn't speak, but still shook his head.

There were two robbers in total, one with a knife and the other with a gun. They looked like desperadoes. Little Spider didn't take them seriously at all, but there were too many people in the car and the space was narrow, making it difficult for him to display his skills.

Brother Dao heard the noise here and asked

"What's wrong brother? What happened?"

Michael turned around and said

"There's a stupid young man here who won't give me life or death."

Just as he turned his head, a young man who didn't want to sit outside the aisle on the right suddenly stood up, grabbed Michael's right wrist with one hand, and then blocked his neck with one arm and strangled him hard. Michael was suffocated. He fainted and was thrown to the ground by the young man.

Little Spider secretly praised, this young man's fighting skills are good, his strikes are quick and accurate, without any sloppiness.

Suddenly, Little Spider's expression tightened. The hand of another robber one meter away had already touched the handle of the gun at his waist. However, there were still two people between the young man who had just taken action and the robber, and there was no way he could get through.

The little spider jumped suddenly, grabbed the roof of the car, and then jumped over with lightning speed, turned over and grabbed the arm of the last black uncle, and with a little force,


There was a crisp sound.

Brother Dao's arm holding the pistol was already broken.

What followed was Brother Dao's screams like a killing pig. Little Spider disliked him for being noisy, so he punched him in the head. Brother Dao's screams suddenly stopped and he fainted.


The people in the carriage burst into applause and applauded these two brave New York citizens.

The driver also stopped the car on the side of the road. He had just seen two black robbers being knocked down and took out his mobile phone to call 911.

Spidey doesn't have time to talk nonsense with the New York police, he still has class to attend.

"Driver, open the door for me."

Perhaps seeing his heroic appearance just now, the driver didn't dare to say anything and opened the door obediently.

The little spider walked down from the crowd and let out a long breath.

He turned his head and saw that the yellow-haired young man who had just taken action also got out of the car, walked up and smiled.

"Hello, my name is Peter, Peter Parker. You were really awesome just now."

As an ordinary person, even if he has two brushes, he will definitely get scared when he sees a robber armed with a knife. However, this young man still chose to take action, which shows that he has a strong sense of justice.

"Hello, my name is Watson—"

The two briefly said a few words, and Watson left in a hurry, as if he didn't want to talk more. Little Spider shook his head strangely. He didn't want to be famous because he was Spider-Man, but why didn't the young man in front of him want to either? Woolen cloth

Capturing two robbers and saving a bus of people was a very generous reward, but he just left like that

Is he also some kind of masked hero

Forget it, everyone has their own secrets, and I don’t delve too deeply into them.

I looked at my phone, Oops!

It's already 8:40, and I'll be late in 20 minutes!

The little spider tightened his backpack and ran to school.

On the other side, Watson, wearing sunglasses, walked into an office building and entered the elevator. He chose the eighteenth floor.

The elevator goes up slowly,

Watson's eyes flashed back to the scene when he was in the police training school.

"27149, this is a long-term undercover plan. Your records in the police academy will be deleted. Only George Stacey and I from the Major Crime Unit know your identity. You are accepting an extremely dangerous mission. Please don't clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Sir Qiao, I really can't hold on anymore. Every day when I go out on the street, I'm either questioned by the police or beaten up by the young and Dangerous guys in New York. You want me to stand up? How can I stand up? How about you give it a try?"


The elevator stopped at the eighteenth floor, the top floor.

Watson watched the elevators open, shook his head, took a deep breath, and walked out.

The sky in New York is a bit gloomy today, but you can still see the sun shining through the dark clouds.

Watson sat on the edge of the rooftop, feeling the cold winter wind, and lit a cigarette. The spicy smoke was inhaled into his lungs, stimulating the cells in his body to jump continuously.

"You said, how many times have you been arrested this month just for hurting people? I tried every possible means to tell the prosecutor that you have a mental problem and asked you to see a psychiatrist. You also go around beating people. Are you really a psychopath? ah?"

George Stacy, wearing a black suit and sunglasses, came over and stood next to Watson.

"Have you forgotten whether you are a policeman or a thief?"

The tall and thin figure blocked the sun. Watson slammed the half-smoked cigarette to the ground and stood up from the ground suddenly.

"It was clearly promised for three years, and three years later, another three years, and three years later, another three years. It's almost ten years—boss!"

George Stacey frowned and said

"Can you be nice to me? Now I am the only one in New York who knows your identity. I will delete all your files when I go back. You will be a young and Dangerous kid for the rest of your life, so I won't bother you anymore."

Watson suddenly became angry, he pointed at his yellow hair and said

"What else do you want from me? Remind me every day that I am a policeman. When I dream, I say, put down the gun and don't move. I am a policeman! Is that so?"

Watson yelled in anger.

George moved his lips and said

"When will Tony get the goods?"

Watson turned his head and lay on the railing of the rooftop and said

"have no idea."

George shook his head helplessly. This proud subordinate of his often lost his temper, and he understood it.

A policeman with a bright future is working as an undercover agent. It is really difficult to live in such a dark life, and those with poor psychological quality may even go crazy.