Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 136: Flesch


Fleshi saw the little spider coming over, waved excitedly and said

"Parker, come and take a picture of me."

The little spider shook his head and said

"No, I'm not taking this picture, put him down. Don't eat it, Gordon."

"Come take a photo, Parker!"

"Put him down, Flesh."

Flush only thought that Spider-Man's words were nonsense. After all, he was a child without parents and from a poor family. He had no power and power, and was usually the target of Flush's bullying.

Seeing that Flesh still went his own way, the little spider's anger also came to his head. He originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what he got in exchange was alienation. Okay, I am Spider-Man and I show my cards!

Peter Parker yelled

"Put him down, Eugene!"

Eugene is what the classmates call Flush privately. Flush usually hates being called that, but he didn't expect Peter Parker, the SB, to call out this name in public.

The surrounding classmates all looked at Little Spider with "you're finished" eyes, and Fleisch angrily threw Gordon aside in his arms.


With a sound, Gordon was thrown to the ground like a piece of garbage.

Flesh walked up to Spider-Man and punched him in the face.

Everyone couldn't help but tilt their heads, as if the fist hit them in the face, and they all felt that the little spider's face was going to be bruised.

Gwen even covered her eyes with the book. She didn't want to see the tragic situation of this kind and confused big boy.

However, the expected scream did not happen. Gwen looked out of the book curiously, and the next scene left her stunned.

In the meantime, the little spider grabbed Flush's fist with one hand, and couldn't move no matter how hard Flush struggled.

Judging from the body shape, Fleisch is half a head taller than Spider-Man, and Flesch likes to play basketball and exercise, and his whole body looks muscular.

The impression given by Spider-Man is that of a thin and weak otaku, but now it is Peter Parker who appears to be naked and has the upper hand.

This is really difficult for everyone to understand.

Flush's first blow had no effect, and then he followed up with another knee strike that hit the little spider's crotch. If this strike was real, it would definitely be a chicken-and-egg attack.

Who knew that the little spider was faster than him and had already raised his left leg to wait for him


There was a crisp sound, and Fleisch fell to the ground holding his right leg, screaming in pain.

When the little spider saw that Flesh couldn't even break through his own defense, he suddenly felt bored and had no intention of continuing to bully him. After all, he was just an ordinary person with bare hands. He had super powers. If he moved a little, he would be able to do it. Either dead or injured.

Shaking his head, the little spider turned around, picked up his backpack and walked towards the door outside.

Upon seeing this, Gwen hurriedly chased after him. Little Spider lowered his head. He felt that he had had enough bad luck today, and he felt a little depressed.

"Peter-Peter Parker!"

Hearing a female voice calling him, the little spider quickly turned around, it was Gwen!

"Hi - sorry, I was just thinking about something and didn't hear you call me. Is there something wrong with you?"

Little Spider pulled off his earphones and said apologetically.

"It's okay, you did a good job just now, very cool." Gwen's mouth was filled with a smile, and her big eyes narrowed.

"Uh, I guess-"

"do you want?-"

The two people spoke at the same time, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

The little spider put his hands into the pockets of his pants and clenched his fists hard. His mind went blank. Apart from Mary Jane, the childhood goddess, he had never chatted with a beautiful school beauty like Gwen.

Gwen didn't know what was wrong with her today. She was the fourth debater on the school's debate team. She had never had trouble speaking, but looking at the boy in front of her, she was a little confused about what she had written.

She didn't speak, she just shook her two long legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings and kicked the pebbles on the roadside with the heels of her riding boots.

The little spider touched the back of his head and said

"Maybe we can, we can do something else, or, if you don't want to, we can—"


Gwen said suddenly, her eyes reflecting the little spider's face.


Little Spider was suddenly stunned. He didn't expect Gwen to answer like this.

"Anything is fine."

"Really?" Little Spider was a little unsure and asked again.


"Okay, okay, that sounds good. I'm not free right now. I'm not ready yet."


"I'm very busy right now."

"I know, me too."

As if realizing that as a girl, her answer was not reserved enough, Gwen's cheeks seemed to be on fire, and her knuckles holding the book turned slightly white.

"But maybe, at another time, we can-" The little spider scratched his hair, his eyes scanning Gwen's white legs from time to time.

"Okay, bye!"

Gwen really couldn't stand this awkward atmosphere. She looked down at her pony boots, responded casually, twisted her buttocks and ran away.

The little spider stared at her swaying figure from behind, and his heart was full of love. When Gwen walked away, the little spider reluctantly turned around and walked to the bus stop, looking back from time to time to look at the direction where Gwen disappeared.

Not to mention that Little Spider lost his old love and found a new love, Ye Qingyang's eyes were opened.

The Space Stone, as the earliest, longest and most powerful stone in Marvel movies, has its unique status and charm.

Before the creation of the world, there were six singular points in the universe representing power, space, soul, reality, time, and heart.

After the Big Bang, the gods in the Marvel Universe forged these six singularities into six Infinity Stones. There is no distinction between these six Infinity Stones and they cannot resist each other.

Therefore, the scepter containing the Mind Stone can break through the barrier of the Space Stone, and the Time Stone can also restore the destroyed Mind Stone.

But the Space Stone is definitely a C-position in the Marvel Universe.

In Captain America 1, he is a mysterious force that is contested by many parties. The Red Skull led the Hydra organization to invade Norway and discovered the Cosmic Cube hidden here by Odin. At that time, no one knew that this was the Space Stone, one of the Infinity Stones. .

Then the Red Skull ordered Zola, the chief scientist in the Hydra organization, to develop an instrument that could use the space gem, which could instantly teleport the hit enemy to the unknown space of the universe.

The Red Skull suffered his own consequences and was transported to the planet Vormir by the Infinity Stones to work as a security guard for the Soul Stone.