Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 143: Antarctica


Little Pepper's beautiful red lips opened and closed, and Ye Qingyang's fiery Yang opera was once again soaring into the sky.

In a dark environment, coupled with the faint blue light of the Cosmic Cube, is there a more romantic tryst environment in the world

Ye Qingyang walked behind Xiaojiao and hugged her into his arms, while Yang Ju also leaned in.

He whispered in Little Pepper's ear

"I want you to go to Antarctica for me and help me build a secret base. I don't trust anyone else. You are the only one I can trust, Peppa."

Little Pepper felt the heat in her buttocks and wanted to turn around, but Ye Qingyang was holding her tightly against her back. There was no other way. Since she couldn't resist, Little Pepper relaxed her body and let it lean on Ye Qingyang's arms. middle.

A man and a woman were alone in the same room, there was a blazing fire, the sky was dry and everything was dry, and they couldn't even see their fingers.

As the saying goes, the time, place, and people are favorable.

When she heard Ye Qingyang say that only she was trusted by him, she felt that the pain and grievances she had suffered for so long were all worth it.

She felt one of Ye Qingyang's hands gently touching her tuen. The movements became larger and larger, and her whole palm was pressed tightly against it, sliding slowly. This feeling made her couldn't help but tighten her legs. .

"Tony, if you have something to say, don't keep moving around. It's going to be so uncomfortable."

Pepper's tone was fierce, but her voice was really light and not lethal at all.

Ye Qingyang was willing to let go even though he had gained an advantage. The magic hand increased its strength and the radius of the attack gradually increased. Now it controlled the entire lower battlefield through a layer of skirt.

Moreover, according to the principles of physics, friction generates heat. Little Pepper only felt that the temperature of Ye Qingyang's palm was getting higher and higher. Through the transfer of skirt and stockings, her plump and round leather drum seemed to be burned by fire.

"Bad guy! You haven't finished your story yet, you-you just let me go alone?"

Little Pepper's face seemed to be drunk, and it was filled with a bright red. This hand was so annoying that it made her pantyhose soaked. Fortunately, she brought a few spare pairs, otherwise she would be uncomfortable with the wetness. died.

Ye Qingyang also stopped. The manpower mentioned by Little Pepper is indeed a problem. It must be capable and loyal. This important task can only be screened internally at present, but his group is full of corporate executives, or He is a graduate of a prestigious university.

Who to choose

While Ye Qingyang was dazed, Little Pepper moved forward a small step. Ye Qingyang felt a sliding movement under his body, interrupting his thoughts.

"I already have general opinions on this issue. I'll list a few candidates later and you can see if they suit you."

Seeing that Little Pepper wanted to escape, Ye Qingyang didn't force it. After all, it was in the office, which was not a good place for Little Pepper's first time.

As the main palace, no matter how you say it, you have to have three matchmakers and six hires, and eight sedans, and you have to invite them in from the "Daqing Gate". Only in this way can the long-cherished wish of the two people be fulfilled, and it can be regarded as an explanation for Xiaojiao.

Little Pepper tidied up her messed up clothes and was annoyed.

"Then when will I leave?"

Ye Qingyang pondered for a moment. The first Women's Federation war is about to start in New York. People like Xiaojiajiao and Xiao Rongyu will inevitably be in danger here. Although the movie does not show how many people in New York died, but as far as the movie is concerned, At that scale, Ye Qingyang estimated that at least thousands of people would die.

Those Chita Rising people don't care whether you are tall, short, fat, thin, rich or not. They will give you a slap in the face when they catch you. In front of them, that is where everyone is truly equal.

So these girlfriends of mine have to stay away from New York, and it’s time for me to make a fool of myself.

Suddenly, he thought of a very serious problem. Loki's idiot seemed to be here for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. If Pepper was allowed to take the Rubik's Cube to the Antarctic, wouldn't it be dangerous

Moreover, Loki came with a scepter containing the Mind Stone. He was not Iron Man with his heart replaced, and he would definitely not be able to resist the control of the Mind Stone.

Only by keeping a distance or controlling the spiritual scepter can we be safe.

MD, this Mind Stone is also a scourge. It is like Yuri in Red Alert and Professor X in X-Men. It can control people's thoughts.

It's so disgusting.

Ye Qingyang thought about it comprehensively and said

"Well, let's prepare first. We will set off in three days. I will ask Natasha to cooperate with you, and Ethan. He is the person in charge of the construction of the laboratory. You just need to do your best to provide logistical support."

Little Pepper was a little surprised and said

"Natasha? Isn't she an agent of SHIELD? Can you command them?"

Ye Qingyang pointed at himself and said in a bit of a way.

"Of course, it doesn't matter who your man is. Apart from that old virgin from Gu Yi, there is no one on this earth that I can't touch. I thought about it for a moment. Natasha has worked with you before to kill Han. Si is solved, you must have a tacit understanding. This time I asked Natasha to go, on the one hand, to protect your safety, and on the other hand, to reassure the one-eyed dragon, because you are the most important person to me, can you understand? ?”

Little Pepper nodded. Of course she could understand Ye Qingyang's words. If she handed over her most important person to SHIELD for protection, wouldn't that be equivalent to opening her heart to SHIELD

One-eyed dragon is suspicious by nature, and even the original Captain Marvel, Danver, cannot be completely trusted. You must know that it is also the first love of one-eyed dragon. At that time, one-eyed dragon still had two eyes.

However, thanks to Cyclops, SHIELD was not completely occupied by Hydra. It was after realizing the conspiracy within SHIELD that Cyclops was forced to form the Avengers Alliance. Although Thor and his gang have weird personalities, they have personal All of them have innocent family backgrounds and cannot be members of Hydra.

"Is there anything else? If not, I'll go down and get ready."

Seeing that Ye Qingyang was lost in thought again, Little Pepper knocked twice on his desk.

Ye Qingyang came back to his senses, nodded and let her leave without any sweet words.

This makes Pepper very uncomfortable. She feels that Tony has become a different person since he came back from the middle of the world. He is more calm and less free and easy. Even the female stars who love to seduce are very popular. not enough.

Although this change made Little Pepper very happy, she found that during this period Tony Shitada was always worried. Although he still wanted to smile as playfully as before in front of her, but after spending so many years with him day and night, Tony Shitada's recent changes As a person around her, she can still clearly feel it.

Maybe it was Obadiah's backlash that seriously hurt him. After all, Tony regarded him as his own uncle, and being betrayed by the person he trusted the most was the most painful thing in the world.