Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 154: Fat white guy


Ye Qingyang was a little amused when he saw Hill's actions. It seemed that every woman would wipe the stools and tables when they came to such a small restaurant. In fact, it was not very hygienic. Maybe it was all psychological.

Ye Qingyang shook his head and said

"You may think that the sanitation environment of this store is average, but the barbecue taste is outstanding. I have eaten in so many restaurants, and this one is the most authentic."

Seeing Ye Qingyang's insistence, Hill did not refute, picked up his windbreaker and sat down.

When Hill sat down, Ye Qingyang called out


A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old came over. She had delicate skin, a delicate face, and a well-proportioned figure. The size of her chest was not huge, but it was already the beginning of Xiaohe's sharp horns.

"Sir, Madam, it is a pleasure to serve you."

Ye Qingyang pointed at Hill and said

"Give the lady in front of me the menu. You can see what you want to eat and order more."

Hill took the menu and ordered a few more vegetables such as grilled green peppers and enoki mushrooms.

Ye Qingyang looked at Hill's fair face and said

"What do you want to drink?"

Hill trembled when she heard Ye Qingyang's words. The last time Ye Qingyang asked her this question, she made a big fool of herself. The power of that glass of white wine is still fresh in her memory.

"I don't drink liquor!"

Ye Qingyang smiled and said

"Don't worry, eating barbecue is definitely not drinking white wine. Let's do this, girl, bring us a white beer."

"Yes sir."

The Indian girl wrote it down and went to the kitchen to prepare the dishes.

When the barbecue was served and the beer was served, Ye Qingyang stood up, took a bottle of white beer, filled a cup, and said

"I'm really sorry for what happened last time. I didn't consider that you couldn't drink liquor. This drink is my apology."

After saying that, Ye Qingyang drank the white beer in the cup in one gulp.

Hill used his fingers to tuck the hair on his forehead behind his ears and said

"I should be the one to apologize. I soiled your shirt last time, so I invited you to dinner, and I did it too."

Ye Qingyang looked at the beautiful woman in front of him swallowing beer, her elegant and slender neck rising and falling, and suddenly he felt a little fanciful.

"Hey, since it's a misunderstanding, let's stop being so polite and let's start eating."

Ye Qingyang was indeed a little hungry. A few skewers of kidneys and chicken wings came first. Hill opened his mouth slightly, bit his teeth lightly, tore off a piece of meat from the chicken wings, and then chewed it slowly. It tasted really good.

The flavors of cumin and sesame mixed with the aroma of barbecue explode in your mouth. It is incomparable to any kind of food, especially with a bottle of beer, it is refreshing and happy.

After eating a few skewers to pad his stomach, Hill raised his glass and said

"Mr. Shit Dako, I would like to thank you for that incident in the border area. If you hadn't taken action, I would have suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that I, a level nine agent, would have been punished."

Ye Qingyang quickly put down the big kidney in his hand, raised his wine glass and said with a smile

"Hey, trivial matters don't matter, let alone punishing evil and eradicating evil and saving the common people. It is our duty. We all serve the country and should help each other. Girl, you are serious."

After that, the two drank and started talking about less serious topics.

A super rich second generation, the helmsman of a super company, and the senior director of the most mysterious organization in the world. In S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill can be regarded as one person more than ten thousand people, responsible for handling mysterious events Countless.

Naturally, the topic between the two of them was about paranormal phenomena. Hill asked

"Actually, I have always been curious about how you developed your Iron Man suit. That kind of advanced technology may not be imitated by anyone in another fifty years. But why don't you mass-produce this technology? With more defense personnel, wouldn’t our world be safer?”

Ye Qingyang shook his head when he heard this and said

"Weapons do not make people safer. The most important thing is to look at the people who use weapons. Look, everyone in the United States has a gun, but has the crime rate dropped? It seems to be increasing year by year, and weapons are in the hands of bad people. The harm is staggering. There are 650 million privately owned guns in the world, half of which are in the hands of the American people. I believe you know better than me how many people die in shooting incidents every year. So, it’s not that I don’t want to I want to make my technology public, but I am afraid that if it is made public, extreme dangerous elements will take risks, and it will not be ordinary people who will be threatened. Big bosses in various countries may not be able to sleep well. "

After talking so much, Ye Qingyang poured himself a large glass of beer.

Hill opened his mouth and said

“The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States clearly stipulates this: “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall be inviolable. This is written into the Constitution of the United States and is sacred. "

Ye Qingyang shook his head and said

"The people who drafted these bills at the time did not expect that a few years later people would develop an automatic rifle that can fire hundreds of bullets a minute, nor did they expect that nuclear bombs and atomic splitting bombs would be born, let alone that there would be A super genius like me, Iron Man, was born, so it is good to abide by the rules, but it is absolutely impossible to stick to the rules and remain unchanged. 1776 has been more than two hundred years ago. We are now in the Internet era. Was there the Internet at that time? Now is the era of big data. In that era, was there big data? Now is the era of information. In that era - forget it, we are just complaining here for entertainment. Anyway, it will not be us, nor you, who will make the final decision. ”

"Come on, drink!"

Hill also shook his head. Ye Qingyang's words were not unreasonable, but they were somewhat in conflict with the educational concepts she had received since childhood. The concept of freedom and equality had been deeply rooted in her heart, and the people's right to enjoy weapons had also taken root in her heart. Moreover, she has lived a privileged life since she was a child, and has not had much experience in contacting the people at the bottom. She does not know what the people hate and need most. Everything she has learned has been taught by her parents, teachers, and books, but she has not Received education from the people.

As Emperor Hui of Jin in ancient Han Dynasty said, why not eat minced meat

Yes, good people naturally don’t have to worry about what will happen if good people get weapons, but bad people will. They wish they had nuclear weapons. Then they can go to the White House and ask Obama for money.

Thinking of this, Hill also let go, raised his wine glass and touched it with Ye Qingyang.


A gust of cold wind rushed in with a chill. Ye Qingyang looked back and saw a family of three, a total of four people walking in.

The person who opened the door was a fat white man who looked about eight or nine years old.