Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 157: bad boy


Ye Qingyang was sitting with his back to them, so he only saw a bottle falling from the sky, but he didn't know where it came from. Hearing the movement behind him, he looked back and saw that the little fat man was looking for something, and their dining table But there is a condiment bottle missing.

I was originally unhappy with the people at this table. The adults were pretending to be competitive, the children were naughty, and the whole family was mentally retarded. Now they even threw the condiment bottle on their own table to disturb me from picking up girls!

However, Ye Qingyang did not get angry immediately. In order to maintain a good image in front of the beautiful woman, he decided to convince others with virtue.

"Hey! Why are you looking after the child? Can you take care of it?"

The little fat man's father was reading online novels on his mobile phone, while his mother and uncle were discussing how to chase the Indian girl. No one was paying attention to the little fat man. At this time, he heard someone talking behind him. He quickly looked up and saw Ye Qingyang holding a condiment in his hand. Bottle, look at the beauty on the table and her clothes are wet on her chest, and you know that your child is in trouble.

The little fat man's mother said quickly

"Hey, my baby is still young and ignorant, so don't argue with him!"

Seeing Ye Qingyang's angry face, she quickly pushed her husband next to her and said

"Look at your Tom, please take care of him quickly."

The little fat man’s father said

"Tom, apologize to your uncle and aunt quickly!"

The man obviously still has some status in the family, the little fat man said perfunctorily.

"Sorry mother -"

Ye Qingyang wanted to curse when he saw this damn kid's attitude, but Hill stopped him and said

"It's okay, my clothes are just a little wet, don't be angry."

As a lady from the upper class, Hill is quite caring towards these ordinary people. At first glance, their family is white people from the bottom of society. They don’t have much money, so they can only have toothpaste in this kind of fly restaurant. He and Ye Qingyang What kind of status are they? There is no need to care about this kind of person.

After being persuaded by the beauty, Ye Qingyang calmed down his anger and said

"Watch your children!"

Ye Qingyang turned around and sat down, looked at Hill's charming face and said

"I'm so sorry that I chose such a place. Next time, next time I come to treat you, I will definitely satisfy you."

Hill smiled when he heard this and said

"It doesn't matter. I usually go to a lot of high-end places. It's actually good to come here occasionally for a change. But I didn't expect that a billionaire like you would actually eat at this kind of roadside stall. If ordinary people find out about it, they will definitely talk about it. you."

Ye Qingyang said

"What's wrong with billionaires? Billionaires are human beings too. They also need to eat. What's more, they all live for themselves. Why care about other people's opinions? What they say has nothing to do with me. Anyway, they can't talk to me. die."

Hill's beautiful eyes lit up. Ye Qingyang's words really spoke to her heart. Although she lived a wealthy life and received the best education since childhood, it also restricted her freedom and her interactions. Once upon a time, When she was 16 years old, she met an idle second-rate man in the society. At that time, she felt that she had come into contact with a world she had never seen before, a world full of freedom and unrestraint. Unfortunately, the bodyguard arranged by her father discovered that the second-rate man was just touching He touched his little hand and was exiled three thousand miles without even kissing her on the mouth.

Later, I felt sad and tried to find him, but without success.

She felt that her life was planned. She would go to a good university, find a good job, meet an upper-class person, get married and have children. She could see the end of her life at a glance.

In order to break this shackles, she worked hard to learn some extracurricular knowledge, learn fighting, and learn computers. Finally, she stood out in a school selection and was spotted by Fury, who was not the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time, and was recruited to become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. An excellent agent.

It can be said that Hill has sacrificed a lot and paid a lot to be able to reach where she is today. It is not only her family of origin, but also because she is not satisfied with the status quo and does not obey fate. She has to fight for herself. Live, rather than be the successful person others see you as.

Hill felt more and more that the man in front of him was not only a good man, but also full of charm inside, attracting him to peel back layer by layer, explore, and find.

Sure enough, not all rumors from the outside world are true, and when you get to know a person, you should never make an unreasonable definition just by superficial words.

Ye Qingyang smiled and said

"Do you want to drink? Or let's continue discussing life in another place?"

Hill shook her head. She still couldn't change her playboy nature. She lowered her head and glanced at the beer box beside the table, which still had half of the beer. As the saying goes, a thousand glasses of wine are too short for a bosom friend. She suddenly wanted to indulge herself, and what she saw in front of her was This man is just right.

She leaned over and took out two bottles of beer from the box, popped the beer caps open with her fingers, placed them on the table gracefully, and said

"Of course you have to drink, and you have to stay drunk until you get back!"

Seeing the beauty's bold look, Ye Qingyang also rolled up his sleeves and said

"Then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you, come on, come on, let's not use the cup, let's blow on the bottle!"

After saying that, without waiting for Hill to answer, he picked up a bottle of beer and drank half of it.


Ye Qingyang placed the remaining half bottle of beer on the table and burped with satisfaction.

Hill saw the wonderful things again and again, and he also raised the wine bottle and was about to put it into his mouth.


Another condiment bottle was smashed on his table. This time there was no splash, because the condiment bottle was filled with cumin powder and the cap was not closed properly. A bottle of cumin was spread all over the table, and there was also a bottle of cumin. A lot of it spilled onto Ye Qingyang's legs.

If you sprinkle cumin powder on your clothes, you won't need to wear them today. You can't wear them like a roasted whole lamb.

Ye Qingyang felt furious. He was so angry that he was filled with anger and hatred. He immediately got up from his seat, and the bench and table were knocked open by him with a clang.

He turned around angrily and saw the little fat man grinning at him. When his elder reacted, he quickly put on an innocent expression, but he could not conceal the gloating in his eyes.

Ye Qingyang didn't expect this child to be so naughty, so he pointed at the child's face and cursed

"Do you still want this child?"

When the white woman saw him pointing his finger at her little baby, she stood up immediately and ignored the pull of her useless husband.

"Ouch, why are you pointing at my baby's paw out of nowhere?"

Judging from her posture, it looked like she was going to eat Ye Qingyang alive.