Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 159: Apologize


To be honest, not many people at the bottom of New York City know him as a star entrepreneur.

"Come on, come on, come and see, this man is asking us to pay 20,000 US dollars because my nephew sprinkled a little pepper on his pants. It is simply robbery and being unkind for the sake of wealth!"

Wilson quickly uploaded the video to YouTube, but he only has a dozen or so followers, all of them friends and a few colleagues, so it didn't create any waves for the time being.

Tom's family seemed to have won. Wilson spat hard in the direction Ye Qingyang left, but his eyes were fixed on Hill's perky butt for a long time, and he cursed inwardly that all the good cabbage was lost.

The little fat man also proudly took a bite of the meat skewer in his hand, and then handed it to his mother. The white woman opened her mouth happily and praised her son for being sensible.

Only the white man had a worried look on his face. Although the man didn't look angry just now, he felt that there was a volcano hidden under the man's calm face, and it didn't seem like it would end there.

But now that the matter has come to this, I can only hope that people will not care about such a small thing about their children. After all, big people are so busy that they don't have time to care about people like me.

Ignoring the barking of the mad dog, Ye Qingyang looked at his watch. It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening. He had no time to waste on these few people at the bottom of society. He said

"Are you sure you don't want to apologize? Don't you want to pay compensation?"

The white man looked at his hard-headed wife, then at his indifferent son, and sighed.

"Sir, I can ask my child to apologize, but can I just let the $20,000 issue go?"

Only then did Ye Qingyang see the white man. Just now, he was mute, which made Ye Qingyang ignore him. Now that he saw the vicissitudes of life on his face, with the hardships of life written all over his face, his heart softened and he said

"Then I will give you a chance. You can ask this little fat guy to come over and apologize to me and my female companion. He must be sincere and satisfy my female companion."

"Tom, come here and apologize to Auntie!"

The man's tone was serious, and he wanted to reach out and pull the little fat man over. The little fat man didn't want to do such a shameful thing, so he immediately hid behind the white woman and made faces at the white father.

The little fat man saw his father's eyes widening and quickly asked the white woman for help.

"Mom, I won't apologize. I won't apologize. Stop Dad."

The little fat man was half a head shorter than the white woman. He buried his head in the white woman's chest and kept rubbing against her. He even started to act coquettishly. The white woman obviously doted on the little fat man and pampered her very much. Patted his head and said

"Oh, the child is still young and not sensible. If he doesn't want to apologize, just leave it. How about you go ahead."

The white man looked embarrassed, walked up to Ye Qingyang and said

"Sir, I'm really sorry, I-"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingyang nodded and said

"That means you won't let this little fat guy apologize to me, nor will you pay any compensation?"

Hill didn't say a word during the whole process. In her eyes, Ye Qingyang was definitely very restrained. He didn't hit or curse anyone, and he didn't take action in the face of Wilson's provocation.

You must know that he is a billionaire, a physically strong person who can challenge the destroyer alone.

Although she felt a little strange why Ye Qingyang never had an attack, she still didn't say this.

When the white woman saw Ye Qingyang being unreasonable, the tendons in her head instantly twisted together, she jumped up suddenly and cursed.

"MD, our man has apologized. You don't want to pay you 20 US dollars. The child is still so young. Let me tell you, if you yell at me again, I will make you walk around without food." !”

A white man tried to hold his crazy wife, but she slapped her in the face instead

"Trash, are you so afraid of him? Are you allowing your wife and children to be bullied? Isn't he just a rich man? I still don't believe it today, what can he do to me?"

Seeing his mother showing off her power, the fat white man also began to make faces at Ye Qingyang.

Ye Qingyang was deceived by the shamelessness of the white woman in front of him. In his previous life, he had never encountered such unreasonable women. At most, he had only seen them on TV or mobile phones. He didn't expect that he would become Iron Man instead. When he met him, he smiled angrily, took a step forward and said

"I hate people calling me mom the most. I now order you to slap yourself 200 times!"

When the white woman saw Ye Qingyang approaching, she was heartbroken, lowered her head and bumped into Ye Qingyang's chest, shouting

"Hit people, beat them to death!"

Ye Qingyang felt disgusted when he saw the white woman's hair that looked like it hadn't been washed for a month. It was shiny and had a lot of dandruff. He dodged and then kicked the woman's flat butt hard with his foot. The white man The woman felt a sharp pain in her buttocks, and her whole body flew off the ground like a discharged cannonball, hitting her head on the charcoal fire of the kitchen barbecue.


With a muffled sound, the white woman's head knocked over the charcoal grill. The white woman rolled her eyes and fainted.

The red charcoal fell down, and the white woman's hair ignited when it encountered the fire. The high temperature of several hundred degrees instantly woke the white woman up, and she let out a miserable howl.

She kept slapping the flames on her head with her hands. Her whole body was like a wild boar that fell into a mud puddle, rolling and screaming miserably.

"Charlie! Charlie! Wilson! Come help me!"

The red-hot charcoal fell on her body, making a sizzling sound, bursts of green smoke, and the smell of barbecue, making everyone in the store gag.

Everyone had basically eaten barbecue just now. Now when they saw a living person grilled over charcoal, they all felt a little nauseous.


The white man Charlie and the woman's brother Wilson hurried over and stamped on the white woman's hair with their feet. Wilson got even more anxious and took a bottle of wine from a nearby table and poured it all over her.


The fire took advantage of the wine, and the flame instantly rose to a height of more than one meter. With the flow of wine, the white woman became a living person.

"Take off your clothes quickly! Take off your clothes quickly!"

The Indian couple didn't want a murder to happen in their shop, so he shouted anxiously at the white woman.

When the white woman heard this, she didn't care that her hands had been burnt and had several blisters, and she started tearing off her clothes in a hurry. However, because of the cold winter, the white women wore three layers inside and three outside, so it wasn't that easy to dress them all at once. Take it off.