Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 160: drive


Fortunately, her husband Charlie and brother Wilson were strong and they worked together to strip the white woman down to her underwear, and the fire was finally extinguished.

At this time, the white woman looked miserable. Her original blond hair had been mutilated and turned into a killer look. Her snow-white skin was exposed in front of everyone. Some of the burnt curly hair could be vaguely seen, and her body was even more... It is green, red, and there are many places burned by fire.

Ye Qingyang didn't feel guilty at all, he just felt happy in his heart. He turned to look at the little fat man sitting on the stool shivering and said

"Kid, you still have a chance, do you want to take advantage of it?"

The little fat white guy was quite tough, he said with trembling lips


Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingyang directly pushed his head into a bowl of hot soup ordered by the next table. Perhaps because it had just been served, the hot soup was still simmering.

The fat white man only had time to let out a scream, and then he started to happily drink the soup. His hands were scratching wildly, and his fingernails were peeled off.


Hill quickly came over and grabbed Ye Qingyang. Ye Qingyang turned his head suddenly. Hill was startled by the flash of green in his eyes. Yes, Ye Qingyang's heartbeat just reached over 200, so the Hulk bloodline was automatically activated.

It's just that Ye Qingyang's Hulk blood transformation cannot be seen from his appearance.

Hill's neck was pinched by Ye Qingyang, and he was also lifted up. He could only squeeze it out from his throat with difficulty.

"Tony - it's me"

The green light in Ye Qingyang's eyes gradually disappeared, and the strength in his hand weakened. Hill took the opportunity to break away from his hand, covering his throat and coughing continuously.

"Let go of my nephew! Bastard!"

Wilson turned around and saw his little nephew being pinned down by Ye Qingyang and struggling in the hot soup. He quickly took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Ye Qingyang and shouted.

Only then did Ye Qingyang come back to his senses. He looked down and saw that the fat white man had stopped struggling. He quickly took the little fat man out of the hot soup. Fortunately, the little fat man was still breathing, but looking at his unrecognizable appearance, he probably would have You can no longer deceive little girls with sweet words.

"Ah—you are the devil! The devil!"

The white man hugged his poorly dressed wife and shouted wildly. The white woman had long been paralyzed with fear, hiding in his arms and shivering, and couldn't even care about her son.

Ye Qingyang casually threw the unrecognizable fat white man on the ground and said coldly

"If I were you, I would put the gun down."

"Asshole, just wait and go to jail!"

Wilson took out his cell phone and said

"I have already called my colleagues and they will be here right away. You wantonly harm the health of others and beat children. Just wait until you are jailed!"

Ye Qingyang also knew that what he did was indeed a bit excessive, but he did not regret it. Such naughty children and parents had to be cured. This time it happened to him. If it happens again next time, then he will do it again!

He saw Hill sitting on the ground and said apologetically

"I'm sorry, Hill, I just lost my mind. Are you hurt?"

Hill shook her head, but there was still fear in her eyes. Ye Qingyang's crazy look just now reminded her of a person - Bruce Banner.

Ye Qingyang called One-Eyed Dragon and briefly told him about the situation here. One-Eyed Dragon was also dumbfounded. He scolded Ye Qingyang severely.

"Tony, let me tell you one last time, our SHIELD is not your butt-wiping paper! Use it when you want to use it, throw it in the trash can if you don't want to use it!"

Ye Qingyang just listened to his complaints calmly, and then said

"I have a secret here that can be used as a reward for this impulse."

When the one-eyed dragon heard this, his only remaining eye lit up. The last time Ye Qingyang talked about Captain America, they found Captain America. This time Ye Qingyang said there was a secret, which must be very important. The one-eyed dragon worked hard to calm down his emotions. mood, asked pretending to be calm

"What secret?"

Ye Qingyang glanced at Hill and said

"It's about aliens invading Earth."

"Okay, stop talking. Let's talk in detail tomorrow. I'll clean up the situation. Just take Hill away. Be careful not to get caught."

After finishing speaking, the one-eyed dragon hung up the phone, and then arranged for the six agents to go and deal with it.

Ye Qingyang glanced at the miserable family of three, shook his head, walked up to the white man, took out a wad of US dollars from his trouser pocket, estimated to be three or four thousand, and threw it directly to him

"Take it to your wife and child to see a doctor. Let's forget about it for today. Be careful that trouble comes from your mouth in the future!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. Wilson's gun was still raised, and Ye Qingyang didn't even look at it.

Perhaps because of Ye Qingyang's strong aura, Wilson didn't dare to speak when they left. What did that warning look mean just now

And what he said about SHIELD on the phone seems to have been heard somewhere. It seems that his family has been kicked out of the iron today.

After walking out of the barbecue restaurant, a gust of cold wind hit her face. Ye Qingyang glanced at Hill who tightened his clothes and said

"Where is your home? I will take you back."

Hill glanced at Ye Qingyang and said

"Don't bother, I'll just take a taxi back. Besides, you've been drinking too, so why don't you stop driving."

Ye Qingyang laughed and said

"Don't worry, I don't feel the difference no matter how much alcohol I drink, it won't affect my driving."

Just like Captain America, his physical fitness is four times that of ordinary people, and his metabolic rate is also four times that of ordinary people, so alcohol cannot anesthetize his nerves at all.

"It's so late, it's not convenient to take a taxi, and I don't trust you, a beautiful woman, to take a taxi at night. What if you encounter a lewd driver?"

Ye Qingyang winked at her and said.

Hill was just being polite, but when she saw Ye Qingyang's insistence, she agreed. She walked to the passenger seat and said

"It won't be a problem if I sit here, right?"

Ye Qingyang laughed dumbly and said

"What's the problem? Each of my girlfriends has an exclusive car. From now on, this car will be yours."

Hill rolled her eyes at him, opened the car door and got in. This Tony was indeed a playboy. He liked to take advantage of women, both verbally and physically.

When Ye Qingyang got in the car, Hill couldn't help but ask

"Is it true what you just said about letting that family go?"

Ye Qingyang pretended to be stupid and said

"What family? Why can't I remember it? Do you mean Peppa Pig?"

Hill continued without being interrupted.

"We at SHIELD have studied you and know that you are a person who will take revenge. Just now you said that your family will pay more than 20,000 US dollars. That is definitely not groundless. Tony, they are ordinary people after all, don't be too harsh. ”