Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 165: The Fall of Obadiah


Tony twisted his neck and made a clicking sound. He looked at his white leather shoes and said

"I see my shoes are a little dirty, what should I do?"

Obadiah's lips trembled twice, he knelt down, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and said

"Let me wipe it for you."


Tony withdrew his foot, leaving Obadiah's shoe-cleaning hand empty.

"My leather shoes are very expensive. You can't wipe them with your hands, you have to lick them with your tongue."

Obadiah raised his head in humiliation and said

"Tony, don't bully others too much."

Tony shrugged at the people around him and said

"He said I went too far in bullying others, right?"

The people from the Zhatian Gang looked at Obadiah with cold eyes and laughed.


Tony bent down and said

"Either you lick me, or you die!"

Looking at the former second-in-command of Stark Industries, an extremely prestigious upper-class elite, Obadiah's old face lowered his head and his hands lay on the ground. Tony felt a sense of revenge and said

"Oh, you just lick me if I ask you to. It's so fucking mean. Look, he looks like a dog."

After Obadiah licked all the dog shit on Tony's soles, Tony left the golf course with his people, leaving only the collapsed Obadiah and one of his Mexican men. The two of them hugged each other to keep warm. It was raining heavily outside, and Obadiah looked up to the sky and roared.


If I don’t avenge this revenge, I, Obadiah, will never be a human being!


The water splashed, and a black shadow hit Obadiah kneeling on the ground like a cannonball.

The water on the golf course made Obadiah look disgusted, and the Mexican guy beside him was also startled. The two of them quickly wiped the rain off their faces and opened their eyes to look.

I saw that there was a triangular halo shining on the chest of the black figure.

The Mexican guy didn't know what was going on. After seeing the halo clearly, Obadiah screamed, a carp jumped up from the ground, and then ran away.

The entire process from Ye Qingyang's arrival to Obadiah's escape would never take more than two seconds.

It can be seen how much Ye Qingyang left a shadow on Obadiah's weak mind.

"Why, my uncle Obadiah, why didn't he say hello to his eldest nephew when he saw him? Isn't it too rude?"

Ye Qingyang rose into the sky and followed Obadiah ten meters away.

Obadiah looked back and saw the souls of the dead emerging, running and shouting

"Don't come over here!"

At this moment, Obadiah only hated himself for not injecting the human enhancement agent again!

Why didn’t you listen to Norman Osborne’s advice and not come to New York

Why didn't you just kill this damn Tony in one go

Of course, what he regretted more was his choice of betrayal. If he hadn't been so ambitious, he and Tony would probably still be brothers and sisters now, and he wouldn't have to be like a lost dog being forced to lick the soles of his shoes by a gangster in New York.

Seeing Obadiah, who had once wanted to put him to death, running away in panic, Ye Qingyang suddenly felt bored. He hit Obadiah in the back with a cannon from his palm. Obadiah screamed, his fat body like An unloaded cannonball flew forward more than ten meters using the inertia of running, and then hit the ground heavily.

Ye Qingyang fell beside him, and the rain was still falling. Obadiah climbed up from the ground with difficulty. Although his body had been strengthened, the shot just hit his vest, and his internal organs were probably damaged. Injured by shock.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Obadiah's mouth. He turned over hard and lay on his back on the lawn of the golf course. Ye Qingyang looked at him condescendingly.

Obadiah only felt sore muscles all over his body and had no strength at all. He could only stick out his tongue and pant like a dead dog, letting the rain slap on his face.

The moment he saw Ye Qingyang, he felt that he was relieved. He finally didn't have to run anymore.

During these days, Sam, the old immortal, was polite on the surface, but secretly he and his men looked down on him as a lost dog. All they wanted was the technology they brought from Stark Industries.

Ye Qingyang stood beside him with neither sadness nor joy, looking at this arrogant tycoon in the movie, the mastermind behind the Iron Man movie.

It can be said that without Obadiah, there would be no Iron Man.

Without Obadiah hiring the Ten Commandments to attack Tony, Tony wouldn't have developed the Iron Man prototype mecha.

The growth of the protagonist is inseparable from the efforts of these villains, so Ye Qingyang is still grateful to Obadiah.

But if you say that Ye Qingyang sympathizes with him


Every adult must be responsible for his or her own choices. Since you have your own position, and since you have chosen to be my enemy, it is natural for me to use any means to attack and eliminate you.

If you fail, it means your skills are inferior to others.

Ye Qingyang looked at Obadiah lying flat and said

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Give me a good time."

Obadiah's voice was hoarse, without any nostalgia for this world.

Everything he encountered tonight was a huge blow to him. He came to New York with full confidence to find trouble. He thought that an underground gang in New York would not be too troublesome. Who knew that he had come through the wind and waves, but he capsized in this small ditch.

He was trampled under the feet of a dog-like Tony who he had never even looked at before, and was even forced to lick the soles of his shoes. He wanted to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and learn from Gou Jian, the king of Yue, who suffered hardships and endured hardships, but who knew that he would encounter a tiger again just after he came out of the wolf's den.

Obadiah could only lament that destiny was not in my hands.

However, if the soldiers are trapped here today, I will be destroyed in this world. It is not a crime of war.

Ye Qingyang nodded, the concentrated cannon in his hand shining with dazzling light.

"Obadiah, go on your way, don't forget to go to the underworld to bring a message to my dead father, and ask him to protect me and defeat Thanos."

Ye Qingyang said in a voice that only he could hear.


The shaped cannon penetrated Obadiah's head, passed through his body, and made a huge hole in the lawn beneath him. Obadiah, a generation of hero, fell.

In the original book, Obadiah also died at the hands of Iron Man, but because of Ye Qingyang's time travel, he has lived for several months longer.

Originally, Ye Qingyang planned to give him a chance.

But there are no what-ifs in the world, and there is no regret medicine to take. He is like a thorn bird.

There is a legend about a bird that sings only once in its life, and its song is more beautiful than the songs of all living things in the world...

It plunged its body into the longest and sharpest thorn, and let loose its voice among the wild branches.

In its dying moments, it transcended its own pain, and its song eclipsed both the skylark and the nightingale...