Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 175: The Department of Energy is coming


Wei Zhenzhen nodded, knowing that this man's determination could not be changed, and that he was doing it for her own good. Wei Zhenzhen did not say a word, slightly raising her pretty face, biting her lower lip lightly with her eyes filled with tenderness.

Ye Qingyang couldn't bear this kind of teasing. The blood all over his body started to boil, just like the 100-degree tea, which kept rolling. Ye Qingyang immediately put the beauty in his arms down and held Wei Zhenzhen's beautiful little one. Kissed her on the face.

Ye Qingyang forcefully squeezed his tongue into Wei Zhenzhen's mouth, which was not too wide. He quickly caught the softness of the peek-a-boo, and with a little trick, he tricked it into his mouth and slowly tasted it.

20,000 words are omitted here. Please log in to UC Browser to check the specific plot.

Early the next morning, Ye Qingyang received a call from Xiao Rongyu. Now that Little Lajiao has gone to the Antarctic, Xiao Rongyu is temporarily in charge of everything in Stark Industries. Of course, Stark Industries' technology is so advanced, if there are any major decisions, it will still be made. Negotiate with Pepper remotely through hologram.

Ye Qingyang did not expect that the U.S. Department of Energy was so determined to get the latest technology researched by Dr. Octavius. Ye Qingyang thought about it and felt that it was understandable for the Department of Energy to have such an idea. Controlled nuclear fusion technology is not like his own Ark. The reactor is expensive to build, the energy supply is unstable, and the materials used are scarce. More importantly, it is impossible for him to make the Ark Reactor technology public.

Otherwise, there would be no secrets in the steel armor. As for other mecha technologies, which are very mature, like Hans Industries, what they lack is the most critical energy source.

If the U.S. Department of Energy obtains controllable nuclear fusion technology, there will be absolutely no problem in becoming the boss on earth, not to mention dominating the universe.

It is not nonsense to say that science and technology are the primary productive forces.

The truth that people are more powerful has been eliminated by the times with the rapid development of science and technology. It can be said that in today's world, whoever masters the most cutting-edge science and technology controls the future.

Otherwise, how could Fuso, a small island country, be ranked among the top ten or even the top five in the world

That's all thanks to technology.

Ye Qingyang then called the company's legal department and asked whether the legal team was fully prepared. The size of the company and the country were too different, and any slight discrepancy in the terms of the contract would be the end of the world.

He currently does not have the ability to compete with the largest superpower on earth. If the U.S. government really wants to crush itself to death, it will probably not be more difficult than crushing an ant to death.

If that day really comes, I may have no other choice but to escape from the universe.

The Ministry of Energy sent a team led by a middle-aged woman, with a total of more than a dozen people. As the top executive president of Stark Industries, Ye Qingyang, Xiao Rongyu and the company's legal department met in the conference room of Stark Industries.

The two sides are at war with each other, tit for tat, sometimes fighting for a long time over the number of zeros after a decimal point. This is a big deal involving tens of billions, hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars, and both sides cannot help but care.

In fact, Ye Qingyang has not thought about giving up some benefits in exchange for some preferential policies from the American government, but shopping malls are like battlefields, and there is no room for retreat.

The battlefield is a matter of life and death. If you add politics into it, it will be equivalent to a melee between the Three Kingdoms. The legal personnel on both sides are like veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, and the professional team of lawyers is like a super strategist strategizing and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

Ye Qingyang is like Cao Cao who is in charge of the Chinese army. He must give his subordinates the most resolute and uncompromising will, otherwise he will be incompetent and tire the three armies. Not only will he not be respected by the American government, but he will make them push for an even greater advantage. Stark Industries bit off a piece of flesh severely.

Faced with the aggressiveness of the middle-aged woman, Ye Qingyang remained unmoved. He focused all his attention on Xiao Rongyu. Don't look at this little girl who was asking for everything when she was tactfully expressing love under him. She acted like an extremely docile little girl. Cat.

But when she got to the negotiation table, she transformed into a calm and steady Siberian tiger who was ready to go. There was no lofty rhetoric or strong words, but only calm analysis, like a continuous drizzle, moistening things silently.

If Xiao Rongyu looks like someone now, he feels a little like Bingbing, a reporter who used to watch TV. It's the one whose heart is Bingbing.

With a round face and a height that is not short, at 1.7 meters, and with long, straight black hair, she looks both cute and full of the charm and concentration of a working woman.

Alas, compared to these human elites, Ye Qingyang found that he was like a waste, and he was useless except for occupying Stark's skin.

After hearing this, Ye Qingyang got up and walked out. He took out a Hongtashan stick from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. He stood on the fifty-story building and looked outside. He had a panoramic view of the entire Manhattan, including the Victoria Harbor in the distance. The Statue of Liberty was waving at me.

Damn it, I'm going to blow it up if I get the chance, it's disgusting to look at.

In his previous life, Ye Qingyang's favorite country was the United States. He had to build an archway in front of others and flaunt his freedom every day. But when he really needed freedom, he started to interfere in other people's affairs.

Oh, you are the only one who is free to co-author, and others have to pay for your freedom

The Empire State Building stood tall in the distance and had become a landmark building in New York. Ye Qingyang took a deep drag on his cigarette and looked up at the gray sky.

Loki - where are you

When will it come

If you have the ability, do it with real swords and guns, and don't do anything that is not worthy of the stage.

"Good luck today. I have an old wolf to treat me to. I won't answer your call. What's the point of hitting him? What's the point of hitting him-"

Ye Qingyang took out his mobile phone and found that it was Nick Fury. When he answered the call, the voice of the one-eyed dragon came from

"Shit, I'm very interested in the alien thing you talked about yesterday. Do you want to come and have a chat?"

Ye Qingyang secretly cursed SB, you told me such an important thing on the phone

Ye Qingyang quickly encrypted his phone and said

"See you in Central Park in two hours."

Xiao Rongyu walked out, and there was a glimmer of sweat on her forehead. Ye Qingyang wiped it off with a handkerchief distressedly, and said

"Are you tired? Let's go for a drive with me to get some fresh air."

Seeing the love in Ye Qingyang's eyes, Xiao Rongyu felt warm in her heart and smiled.

"I'm not tired, but I've been in there for a long time and the air conditioner is too hot."

Ye Qingyang looked at the girl in front of him with a sweet smile, and kissed her gently on her red lips. The red clouds visible to the naked eye instantly covered her fair face.