Marvel: I Took Over Iron Man!

Chapter 180: Explain to Fury


After hearing the one-eyed dragon's question, Ye Qingyang said

"If you didn't tell me, I would have thought you had forgotten. It's a long story. I wonder if you still remember the story of Thor, the Nordic God of Thunder."

Fury nodded.

"Of course I remember that these Nordic gods treat New York as a public toilet. They come and go when they want. Originally, Thor said that he would go back as soon as he agreed. Who knew he was also a liar? He hasn't done anything since he went there. Come back, the Destroyer killed several of my subordinates last time, and I still have to settle the matter with him."

No wonder the one-eyed dragon was angry. The last time he went to deal with the matter was his confidant Hill. At first they didn't believe what Ye Qingyang said that the golden lion king was Thor, the god of thunder. They just thought he was a skilled mercenary. Soldier, it was the hammer that aroused their interest, so they focused their attention on the research of the hammer. However, within two days, the hammer flew away on its own, and then the Destroyer attacked and killed S.H.I.E.L.D. several secret service agents.

I thought that Thor, the God of Thunder, would keep his promise and come back to explain the matter to them. Who knew that Thor could not return to the earth because of the broken rainbow bridge? So the one-eyed dragon who did not know the matter became furious and severely criticized Hill. Last time, Ye Qingyang I heard Hill talk about this when we invited him to a barbecue. I didn't expect that this one-eyed dragon still holds a grudge and hasn't let it go after so long.

Ye Qingyang said

"The alien invasion I'm talking about this time is related to Thor's brother Loki."

"Thor's brother Loki?"

The one-eyed dragon thought for a while. He had never been too interested in these myths. He knew a few gods in ancient Greek mythology, but the Nordic mythology was too unpopular and few people studied it, so it was not very popular in the United States. The one-eyed dragon was nothing. impression.

Seeing the confused look on the one-eyed dragon's face, Ye Qingyang had no choice but to explain to him the origin of Loki.

Loki Odinson is actually not Thor's biological brother. He has another name, Loki Laufeison. Ye Qingyang was the first to break the news, but judging from the reaction of the one-eyed dragon, this news is not as good as It was refreshing to tell him who the traitor was.

He is the god of fire and mischief in Norse mythology, as well as the God of Evil and the God of Lies.

He is the son of Laufey, the king of the frost giants. After Laufey was defeated, he was discovered and adopted by Odin, the father of the gods, and grew up with Thor, the god of thunder.

Hearing this, One-Eyed Dragon interjected:

"Wait, what is a frost giant?"

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to explain to him Asgard's world view again. The world is divided into nine transitions, all connected by the branches of the World Tree. The Frost Giants belong to the capital of Jotunheim.

The earth belongs to the atrium.

The one-eyed dragon said happily when he heard that the earth was in the center.

"That's not bad."

Ye Qingyang rolled his eyes and continued. Odin originally planned to use Loki to form an alliance between Asgard and Jotunheim to achieve permanent peace. This was the true meaning of Loki's "born king". Odin originally planned to Let Loki become King Jotun and Thor become the God-King. The two were born to be kings and will always be together.

Hearing this, the one-eyed dragon said

"Odin is an old fool. You have told two children since they were young that they can be kings, but in your heart you prefer your own son. If I were Loki, I would definitely do something crazy after knowing the truth."

Ye Qingyang nodded and said

"That's right, so Loki sent the Destroyer to Earth to hunt down Thor, but he accidentally killed several of your agents."

The one-eyed dragon who was still a little proud suddenly turned dark and almost choked to death. If he had known that he would be mute, it would be really unlucky.

Seeing that the one-eyed dragon was silent, Ye Qingyang continued to explain:

"Actually, there are reasons why Thor didn't come back as promised. You also know that Asgard and the earth are in different areas. If calculated based on the physical distance, it is estimated to be tens of millions of light-years. Therefore, it is necessary for Thor to come to the earth. You have to go through the Rainbow Bridge—stop, stop, stop interrupting. Just think of the Rainbow Bridge as any door in Doraemon. You can go to any place in the universe through the Rainbow Bridge, such as If you want to go to the Sagittarius constellation now, you can get there in just a few seconds.”

Cyclops originally wanted to ask what the Rainbow Bridge was, but was stopped by Ye Qingyang. But when he heard the function of the Rainbow Bridge, his eyes suddenly lit up. If he had such a big killer in hand, he could send his subordinates to the earth. Anywhere, this kind of combat function is not inferior to nuclear weapons.

Ye Qingyang knew what the one-eyed dragon was thinking as soon as he looked in his eyes, and he said

"This thing is possible. The secret lies in the space gem in my hand. It can achieve this effect. It's just that I haven't mastered the method of using the space gem yet. Don't think that you can control this thing with human power. Mortals are The physical body cannot withstand the power of this gem, because its energy is infinite and comes from the universe. It cannot be destroyed unless the universe is destroyed or all six infinity gems are collected."

Suddenly, Ye Qingyang patted his head and said

"You have led me astray again. Where did I just talk?"

The one-eyed dragon looked innocent. You obviously wanted to introduce me to the Rainbow Bridge and the Space Gems, but why did I interrupt? He said with some grievance.

"Thor must come to Earth via the Bifrost."

Ye Qingyang nodded and said

"Thor returned to Asgard to organize Loki to destroy Jotunheim - don't ask me why he wanted to destroy Jotunheim, because he always regarded himself as an Asgardian, and Jotunheim treated him It can be said that he has no emotions. To understand it from the feelings of earthlings, it means that the kindness of upbringing is greater than life. He also did this to prove that he has the strength to become the king of Asgard. Although I also think he is whimsical. But maybe we mortals can’t understand the world of gods.”

Having said this, Ye Qingyang took out cigarettes from his pocket, handed one to Cyclops, took one out and lit it, looking at the sun gradually sinking on the edge of New York and said

"After Thor came to Earth, he understood a truth, that is to stop fighting with force. War does not bring glory. A king who only knows how to be militaristic will only bring disaster to his people, because when manpower is limited, Feng Shui takes turns. Turn around, if you are strong today you can bully others, but tomorrow when others are strong they can bully you, or if they have strong allies or backgrounds and come to help, can you still beat them? "